Quote Originally Posted by Fritz View Post
As a matter of fact, I do know a guy - my cousin in New Jersey - who has a friend whose daughter attends Arizona State. Her roommate's best friend (who by the way is related to the Ben-Gals' Sarah Jones) dated Burfict a few times. It turns out he has a slight, pea-sized brain tumor, which presses on his medial-frontal cortex when he doesn't take his tumor-shrinking medication. This alone, however, does not account for his erratic behavior - or so his neurologist has apparently told him, at least according to the roommate's best friend. She also said even when on his meds, he would sometimes strip naked during a full moon and run the concrete steps at Sun Devil Stadium. She also said his penis flopped crazily around, glinting in the moonlight, and Burfict would curse like a sailor, swearing he was going to punch the student-assistant in the kidneys for not bringing him his water quickly enough during breaks and for not participating in the team sing-along after the first practice.

My cousin's friend's daughter's roommate's best friend also says that Burfict is as erratic in the back seat of a car as he is on a football field. Shooting off his mouth is not the only thing he does too quickly, she says.

So there ya go. The inside scoop.
You had me at "penis flopped crazily around, glinting in the moonlight"