Quote Originally Posted by Patler View Post
It's not a matter of being in fear of an employer, its a matter of understanding that in many respects what is good for one is good for both. If the employee/employer relationship is viewed as being only adversarial, many opportunities will be lost.
The human "RACE' is adversarial, that is how many progress through life (Sadly) . The rarity is when you encounter those very few that qualify as human. Most people imitate the wolf as they prowl stealth-fully awaiting their chance to grab a share of the latest kill. Even in the most friendly of companies, advancement opportunities are reserved for family or a small circle of good ole boys or as a reward for reporting on your fellow workers. The current workplace today has become an environment of distrust and stress as more is continually expected from the same amount of resources and fear of being terminated is held over the heads of workers like a horse whip.

Goodell is no different, his power increases with each of his rulings . This elevates his position (and the owners) going forward. These accumulated bargaining chips of precedents set give him and the owners a stronger place to negotiate from in the future. If he can increase the fear level in the league, he can easier direct the league where the owners have told him to proceed.

If I had to sign a contract that contained a morals clause , I'd most likely reject it after reading it. Football players and other athletes don't have the option that other professions afford. The NFL, NBA, MLB , and other sports are monopolies that operate in their own best interest. The Billions of Dollars they make put them in the powerful position of dictating not just sports league rules , but also the power to manipulate people in their private lives. I still can't see where it's the leagues business if a player gets in trouble with the law as long as said player does not miss any of his job related activities. PED's do need to be tested for, but busting a player for smoking a little "legal" Marijuana in a state where it is legal is just plain intruding into another's personal life. Yet that's just where Goodell's morality squad are invading . After all, they'ere not operating heavy equipment or flying airplanes.