Quote Originally Posted by SMBASS View Post
Personally I don't ever see Spriggs playing guard and I'm on the fence about Murphy playing inside. I wouldn't move Bulaga simply because you don't screw around with moving a competent, upper tier right tackle to play guard. Just find a decent guard whether it's, Patrick, a FA, or a draft pick and plug them into the line. Leave the other 4 components, (Linsley, Taylor, Bulaga, and Bak) alone and find 1 decent/good inside guy. Plus we already have 2 new TE's that have to get into the O-Line mix this year. I hate playing musical chairs with the O-line because it's the damn franchise you're trying to protect. Pressure from the inside is just as likely to get AR killed as pressure from the outside.
I agree Spriggs isn't a Guard. I'd be reluctant to move Bulaga inside simply because he's coming off maybe his best year. The only reason you would do it is is you feel that Spriggs is definitely one of your top 5 O-Linemen, and you want tp get your top 5 on the field. I think they'll leave Bulaga at RT, and RG will be the big battle of training camp. I know the coaching staff likes Patrick. I think Murphy has the skill set to play Guard if he gets a little stronger. And I expect TT to draft at least 1 O-Lineman.