If you make the point that the Packers are ultimately responsible for the evaluation that got him drafted in the first place and that they were wrong about his ability to play the 5-Tech, I'd agree with that. We've seen that in other picks, too. I get that on some level these guys are football players and should be adaptable, like a college tackle being better suited to play guard in the NFL. Sometimes, I think a team can get too clever for it's own good and then the player really doesn't have a position at which they can excel, unless they are just so freakin' talented that you can plug them in multiple places and they will thrive. Datone needed to have more moments where he won his 1 on 1 battle and showed more dominance. Why he could not consistently show that, I don't know. For someone who is evaluated and picked that high in the draft, I typically think the production will be greater than what we saw from him.