Hundley isn't instinctive at avoiding the rush like Rodgers. That's urgent, given the way our O Line can't keep the pass rush out.

I wonder whether the Rams D was just weak against the run game or if those Packer backup O Linemen playing for jobs stepped up. It was nice to see our young RBs get some room to run - FINALLY.

I certainly hope they keep Price in the D Line and Ringo too. Both have looked better than Francois to me. I think all of them stay, though.

Gilbert looks borderline decent - probably better than Fackerell, but probably he's the one to lose his spot with the Brooks signing.

I'd like to see us keep 3 QBs on the 53 and the fourth on the PS, but I'm pretty sure now that both Hill and Callahan will get cut, and whichever doesn't get snapped up by somebody else will be kept on the PS.

I think Dupre and McCaffrey both get cut and PSed if somebody else doesn't get them. That leaves 7 plus Allison. The fact we didn't see much of Clark tonight may mean they will try to sneak him on to the PS.

Of the backup O Linemen, Spriggs, of course, was mostly bad again tonight but I can't see them cutting him. I wish they would let Barclay go, but probably they keep him. Of the rest, it looked to me like Amichia and McCray were the best. I hope they don't keep more than 8 altogether, as none of them are all that great, top to bottom. The offense is great in spite of the O Line, not because of it.

We still have no star quality Corner, but we have a helluva lot of good ones. I liked Donatello Brown even before tonight, but I doubt he is kept other than maybe the PS. It looks like 6 stay, Hawkins showing enough to be the 6th.

Obviously Josh Jones makes the team, but I really don't think he has looked quite as good as either Brice or Evans.

They damn well better not do like last year - cut Vogel and bring in some lemon from another team to punt.