Quote Originally Posted by GBRulz
In fact, one time I went in and bought a DVD player. It was on sale for like $100. I had a question about it and they seemed more interested in telling me about the warranty plan for $29.95 instead of the player itself. I cut in and said "I will buy the player, but if you keep trying to sell me an extended warranty, I will walk out". So, up to the cashier I go and SHE tries to sell me the extended warranty. There was a manager within 10 feet of us, so I said "ya know, I am so sick of you guys trying to shove these warranties down people's throats, you can keep your damn DVD player". and I walked out.

Perhaps I was PMSing that day, but my God, it gets sickening after a while. So, I'm convinced that either they get a bonus for selling an extended warranty or management makes their employees push it on the customer.
Way to go after them, Rulz. Perhaps it was because you went there immediately following the first Bears game?