Quote Originally Posted by pbmax View Post
Because it still carries a stigma whether people want to hear about it or not. The fact that some posters on this board say its fine and we don't need to hear anymore is not proof positive that acceptance has been achieved.
That's the issue: can and will acceptance be achieved. I don't think so - not any time soon. That's the rub, so to speak. The gay activists don't want tolerance, they want acceptance and celebration. People who think gay behavior is a sin, I think, mostly are OK with tolerance, but don't want to be forced into acceptance. It used to be far worse for gays, in that they'd get beat up and shunned if discovered. The acceptance crowd is fighting today's battle through that lens, and is using that history, and the great push through the social institutions to gain total accommodation. Given the success they've had, I see no reason for them not to keep pushing. The goal is to turn those who think gay behavior is sinful into the pariahs that gays used to be. And the NFL would be a grand victory considering how anti-gay it's been, or at least is perceived to be.