Quote Originally Posted by pbmax View Post
Because it still carries a stigma whether people want to hear about it or not. The fact that some posters on this board say its fine and we don't need to hear anymore is not proof positive that acceptance has been achieved.
So we should use sports to experiment with social engineering? Correction: we should pressure gay athletes to divulge their sexual behavior to the world to force a conversation about the place said sexual behavior has in sports - which just about everyone can agree on is "none?" Like gay "marriage" activists, you believe a public spectacle would invoke sympathy for people who want to be treated unspectacularly. Forced acknowledgement of what makes them different while demanding that same difference not be reason for attention.

Why don't we pressure gay teachers, policemen, soldiers, or to come out? Or straight interior designers? Why not pressure conservative actors to come out? After all, if these conversations involving intolerance "need" to happen, why focus solely on gay athletes? Are they, or the apathetic intolerance involved, more important than any other? Or is it simply "important" because it's another goal of an sociopolitical agenda that enjoys the support of a majority of the American media?

If the goal is for a man's sexuality to have no place in sports, then why focus on a man's sexuality in sports? What possible benefit is there from this conversation specifically that hasn't already been discussed and beaten to death and back in a broader setting? Who's mind is going to change, honestly, that hasn't already in a society that has been quite literally drenched past saturation with pro-homosexual messaging?