Quote Originally Posted by texaspackerbacker View Post
Zool, I'd tell you what a scumbag and an imbecile you are if this was FYI, but since it ain't, I'll just let people read your intelligent words hahahahahaha.

I did say IF Janis was mentally or attitudinally deficient - I don't particularly believe that, but some people say it like it's gospel. Whatever the case, it's ON THE COACHING STAFF if he falls short of his potential with the Packers. I'd hate to see us lose him and then have him resurface with somebody else and play like a star.

For the guy who questioned the Dez Bryant example of a person who has a bunch of mental and attitude problems but still plays like a star, maybe you should research some of his history.

I don't know why Janis hasn't been brought along faster. I doubt anybody else in here does either. It's annoying and disappointing to me, though, and it is not the only example of that past and present - Packer player(s) seemingly having the most ability getting held back in favor of ........ whoever for whatever reason. I've seen various stuff on various teams in several sports - what it seems to me is coaches and GMs getting a lot of credit when the teams win, but not (IMO) maximizing how good the team could do.
Alright. Let's be clear here.
1) Name me all these players that have had the most ability and the Packers chose to hold them back? I'd love to know who these players are.

2) Nobody ever said Jeff Janis has a bad attitude, nobody. You're either making that up or hearing things wrong.

3) Nobody is saying Janis has mentally issues as gospel like you said. All you have to do is follow the team, it's that easy. Every single beat writer since Janis was drafted that are in camp and on the sideline ALL say the exact same thing. That he just does not get the system. Read an article, listen to the reporters. It's all out there.

4) To say the Packers are not giving him his fair chance is just flat wrong. Janis is playing with the 1's every day in practice. Not sure what else you want. The guy is playing with the starters. He's just having a very hard keeping up.
And this isn't Janis hating. I'm sure every single Packer fan wants him to be awesome, that only helps the team. But so far he's been far from it. And there is nobody to blame by himself.

Here's a quote from Janis from Wednesday,
“I feel like I’ve gotten better at route-running. That’s something I’ve been trying to focus on. Now it’s just reading the defense and being where I’m supposed when Aaron wants me to be there.”

So even Janis knows he's having problems running routes and being where he's supposed to be, and reading defenses and so on.
I think everyone knows it except you, even Janis knows it.