Quote Originally Posted by Deputy Nutz View Post
I respect Ratail for being honest about all of this, but Retail should have known from everyone else that has ever worked with Madtown on this forum what a complete cocksucker he is, and his sickening levels of power rage. Retail, we weren't all fucking liars, and you now got the biggest end of the dildo. Your fault as much as anyone. Madtown is a dirtball that has created this forum because he got off on the power and ran it into the ground several times because he is a control freak, but unfortunately he is a lazy ass control freak.

It would have been a great idea if he just sold the fucking thing to somebody that actually wanted to run it and run it effeciently(Ziggy).

This whole "Joe" idea was stupid, and Retaill you have had issues in the past as a moderator, your conservatism never fit this purpose of this forum. It was supposed to be about free expression, but instead someone wanted to mainstream this forum. If that was the point then I would have thought JSONLINE was just fine.

This was supposed to be an outlaw forum. not a place where a grown man sits and reads with his 8 year old daughter. If you wanted that then the we just could have stayed at that crazy ass religous forum.

Partial was a tard, Bigguns was a tard, but neither needed to be thrown out and Madtown wanted them gone because he was paranoid, as usual.

The bottom line, this is a fucking online forum about the Packers, it shouldn't be this difficult. Some people need to grow the fuck up and get over themselves.

Another move in the long line of Madtown's power trip.
If we have that much a problem we can deal with it at the next PackerRats poster game. Dont be a bitch and not show up like the second one.

Other then that I agree. This place use to be an outlaw forum. I didn't ban Partial or Bigguns. The only true member I ever zapped for good was Tank and even then I didnt want to.