Quote Originally Posted by pbmax View Post
Unfortunately, all the evidence is on the other side. Clearly the NFL member teams care, because no current player is out and no team signed either player in the article. If NFL teams can convince themselves they don't want Tebow because of distractions, this would easily fit in the same rationale, regardless of actual motive.
You got so much right there it's hard to follow up.

I'll just comment on the Bleacher Report title - 'inside story'? lol I guess this is what passes for journalism at that sight (for sore eyes). They didn't talk to the player or even know who he is, didn't talk to the team(s) that walked away and don't know who they are, and have a list of 5 possible reasons but they have no actual idea which, if any, of those is the right one. Officials from other teams told BR why the signing didn't happen - then they talked about Jackie Robinson and Jason Collins - now that's hard hitting journalism!

I know Woody, you read BR and this article did touch on a good subject, one I was wondering about after the reports this spring. But damn they drive me nuts!