Quote Originally Posted by SkinBasket View Post
So we should use sports to experiment with social engineering? Correction: we should pressure gay athletes to divulge their sexual behavior to the world to force a conversation about the place said sexual behavior has in sports - which just about everyone can agree on is "none?" Like gay "marriage" activists, you believe a public spectacle would invoke sympathy for people who want to be treated unspectacularly. Forced acknowledgement of what makes them different while demanding that same difference not be reason for attention.
Divulge sexual behavior? That is a strange way to look at it. Do you think of Jordy Nelson having sexual relations with his wife every time one of those ads for Wisconsin Tourism runs on TV?

If peoples opinions on sexual orientation were simply subjected to entropy, then naturally the system would return to a well dispersed state of people caring about what they want to care about. But as long as there are clinics taking money to pray away the gay, then I think there is energy in the system looking to organize the parts.

And if that is the case, then waiting for entropy to return is going to be a long time coming. There needs to be energy spent in resistance to return to balance.