Quote Originally Posted by bobblehead View Post
Yea, cuz us evil righties started a political thread damn us.

You can't open this can of worms and then be pissed when worms come out. MOVE THE FUCKING THREAD, DELETE THE FUCKING THREAD OR SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!'

This is exactly what Wist is talking about. Its ok to open the topic, but heaven forbid a certain veiwpoint is expressed. We must silence the dissenter. You people are so fucking panty waste pussified that I can't actually handle it here anymore. I'm out of here. I'll join Rand and the other silenced masses.

I can't believe everyone is so fucking stupid to not realize that nearly every post in this thread is just like Wist's, but he is the only one you wish to silence....and for the record I disagree with wist quite a bit, and even in this instance, but I'm not so small minded and petty as to want to silence him. You dumb fuckers are proving his point for him.
No, not every post is just like wists because there is a line that wist Carl Lewis long jumps over every time. When a post has more to do with politics than it does with football, that's the line. The existence of even having FYI was threatened recently with Red's little tantrum about this exact shit. You dumb fuckers are proving him right.