Quote Originally Posted by mraynrand View Post
Maybe a good rule change would be for the defender to shout a strong warning before the hit.
Nah, way too complicated. Did he shout the correct warning? Did he shout it loud enough? Was the shout timely? If there are two defenders in the area, do they have to shout directional information as part of the warning? ("I'm going to crush you from your left side!") What if two defenders from different locations both shout warnings? Wouldn't that be confusing to the poor, poor wide receiver?

Much simpler to just eliminate tackling of receivers all together. DBs can play the ball, but not touch the receiver. In fairness, you could eliminate y.a.c. and give the offense the ball at the point of the reception; although the NFL might like every completed pass leading to a TD, with defenders limited to only trying to punch out the ball.