Alright you bunch of nimrods... been too busy to rain on your parade, but here's the skinny.

How can anyone say we have the 2nd best roster when we finished 2nd in the division, were a hail mary away from being 9-7, 23rd in total offense, 26th in passing offense, 15th in total defense, and 21st in rushing defense?? And it's not like our 26th ranked passing attack was bolstered by the #1 rushing offense, we finished 12th in rushing. Amazingly, we finished 6th in passing defense.

We lost 1 of our studs - Jordy Nelson, and that is grounds for the entire team to falter?? Carolina lost their best WR (Benjamin) and went to SB, not to mention the fact that they whooped us pretty good (27-7 at the half) until they took their foot off the throttle and made the game closer than it really was.

Everyone says we have the #1 player, at the most important position, QB - if we had the 2nd best roster overall, that should add up to at least a SB appearance, no?? We didn't even win the division!!! Minnesota comes to Lambeau and stomps on our throats?? What's wrong with that picture??

You guys are drinking the green and gold kool-aid again.

We have an easy schedule - actually the easiest schedule in the league - so that will help our record some, but when we come up against the big boys, they know how to exploit our flaws. They're not going to be scared off by some pundits preseason take on best roster.