When I was in Junior HS, my brother Boyd and I would play one-on-one basketball in the driveway. We'd call "foul" on each other. Some times it would get out of hand, each of us calling foul on every possession. The game would deteriorate. Then we'd decide to play "Tackle Basketball." Virtually anything goes; nothing stops the game. After an initial period of chaos, Tackle Basketball eventually turned into our best games. In short, we stopped bitching and gave as good as we got.

I remember when blockers used to have to keep their hands on their chests and block with their forearms and shoulders. Now virtually anything goes and the refs try to interpret and control the chaos. And we're paying the price by being knee deep in flags on every play. And then we have to suffer through those game-stopping reviews in super slow motion.

I can still watch the Packer games, but it's painful to keep interested in watching other teams play. For some reason, college football is way more interesting nowadays.