Quote Originally Posted by MadtownPacker View Post
First off, you are more then welcome run your mouth here and to attend the PackerRats Poster game (if there is a game to go to) this year and let me know how much of a bitch I am. Until then you aint banned unless you do what you where told wasnt cool. Thank you for the invite to piss on your carpet but that is not how I do it. I am not a fan of banning or else everyfuckingbody would be gone (I hate White people). Run your shit your way I will run mine my way. I think PackerRats is doing fine and will get better. Your site is more busy huh? I doubt it and besides, you have stupid Whiteys, mine are smart.

Dont try to convince me to not care about this bitch because it aint happening. You can keep not loving your forum(s) if you like. I should actually be paying these crackas that post here for providing me with a great group to be racist against. I could never get away with this shit offline.

But other than that why dont you let us discuss OUR site so we can fix the piece shit. So maybe you should be right and back off.
Yes, my site IS busier than yours. By a lot. It was mentioned as being busier than yours in the second sentence of the original post in this thread. Oh no! Mraynrand typed the name of my site! You better run and go censor that, before someone sees it. He also mentioned Football's Future and Sports Bubbler. Holy shit, your sheep are gonna get out of their pen! Run, Madtown, run! Close the gate! Hurry!

You act like your posters didn't come from another forum and like you somehow own them. What a sad little joke of an admin you are. I have over 1000 posts over about two years on this site, and I haven't been promoting shit. Read what I wrote that got up your ass, and explain to me how that comes off as promoting my sites. Please. Is it an English as a Second Language thing? I can respect that, as long as you're smarter in your first language. Maybe in Spanish you sound like less of a stupid douche. If I was going to try to lure some good posters over, I could just as easily do it by PMing them (assuming your power trip doesn't include reading people's PMs, of course). Anybody here ever get any PMs from me? Anybody? (crickets) I like Packerrats, Madtown. I'm not trying to fuck with it. This group is good together. Funny and dysfunctional. Quit being so fucking paranoid and controlling.

You don't like banning people? Where did everybody go then? Why did your personal bitch retailguy say he figured you would ban him for outing your dumb little shared secrets earlier in this thread? Where's Tyrone Bigguns? You didn't ban him? Why did you threaten to ban me within the last 24 hours for a totally bullshit reason? Your words don't seem to match your actions.

You talk about how much you love this site in a topic about how shitty of a job you are doing and how you got burned out running it and gave it to pretend moderators piloted by retailguy. Good one. That's like saying you only beat your girlfriend because you love her so much. Great posters here like Patler, pbmax, Fritz, Tarlam, swede, etc. and you can't find a decent moderator? Fuck, Skinbasket would make a better mod than retail.