Pod racing alone made Ep 1 suck. It was about 30 minutes of screen time for what? To show the kid was a good pilot and mechanic? Could have been done in 5 minutes.

I’m curious why you rank Rogue One so low? It’s pretty universally well liked by even non-Star Wars fans.

Seriously Pod racing. Opening day in the theater I was annoyed through that whole scene. Theres not a single thing in EP 1 that drives the saga forward. They introduce a super fighting with who ends up dying to an apprentice because he wasn’t paying attention? We have tons of political drama, and a trade federation who blocks trade. That whole movie is a jumble of partial plots that are all terrible.

Gungans van breath under water, yet they live in bubbles. Evolution really ducked that one up.
A ridiculously forced relationship with the Naboo that made no sense. They never described why they were adversaries.
Qui Gon Jin is a Jedi master bound to a code that he rarely follows. He cheated at dice, used mind powers to alter decisions. Then he died.
Padme was a bad character too. And the 6 year old falls in love with her? What 6 year old has that sort of thought process?
Midichlorians? Really? Blood parasites give you force? Can they be injected? Can I eat a daily vitamin to boost my force?

EP 1 is a bad movie by any measure of a movie. Acting, plot, pacing, direction, cohesion. It felt like a movie to sell toys to kids.