Quote Originally Posted by Bossman641 View Post
Capers would have run a 1-5-5 and vacated the middle of the field

I'm tired of Belichick getting credit for screwing up the last minute of the game. He played it horribly and would be getting a ton of blowback if Seattle had just run the ball like they should have. Go back to my stat that NE had allowed rushing TD on 5 of 6 attempts from the 1.
Quote Originally Posted by mraynrand View Post
LOL. Unsound!
Don't know what you guys are laughing at, or mocking... we've actually seen that idiot do that on the goal line, lol...

Capers is a disaster waiting to happen... the Seattle game is but another example of how he simply cannot be trusted - EVER!!!

56 minutes of winning football, followed by 4 minutes of franchise killing disaster; and this is after being embarrassed how many times in the playoffs?? Yet the guy keeps his job?? It's truly amazing.