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07-18-2010, 06:06 AM
It would be almost impossible not to be a diva when for 20 years people tell you that you can do no wrong.

07-18-2010, 08:55 AM
I thought at the time Favre said it wasn't about revenge, not at all.

Then why would he want to stay in the division?

I thought, at the time, he'd like to play somewhere closer to home. But I guess not.

I find it hard to believe anybody thinks revenge isn't part of the reasoning
I find it equally hard to believe anybody thinks Ted and MM wanted him back

Ted and MM wanted to move on and there was nothing wrong with that
Brett was offended and wanted to stick it to them and still does

Now if everybody can just acknowledge those ideas then people can stop acting like divas (just as Favre often did) who are so and obsessed enough about the guy who hasn't played for us in two ye ars they can't even refer to him by his real name

P.S.- end commentary is not specifically for you or any particular poster

I think people should feel however they want to feel about it. And I'd like you to stop your obsession with telling us how we should feel about it.

Pretty clear from the last 300 pages of this horrible thread that you don't care what I think and I don't care what you think. So keep on feeling

07-18-2010, 09:00 AM
Congrats to Fritz on having reply # 6000 of this thread! :glug: :wave: :wow:

Scott Campbell
07-18-2010, 09:42 AM
Congrats to Fritz on having reply # 6000 of this thread! :glug: :wave: :wow:

Doesn't that mean it's his job to go through it and compile a "Best Of Bert The Living Legend Thread" post.

07-18-2010, 10:08 AM
I thought at the time Favre said it wasn't about revenge, not at all.

Then why would he want to stay in the division?

I thought, at the time, he'd like to play somewhere closer to home. But I guess not.

I find it hard to believe anybody thinks revenge isn't part of the reasoning
I find it equally hard to believe anybody thinks Ted and MM wanted him back

Ted and MM wanted to move on and there was nothing wrong with that
Brett was offended and wanted to stick it to them and still does

Now if everybody can just acknowledge those ideas then people can stop acting like divas (just as Favre often did) who are so and obsessed enough about the guy who hasn't played for us in two ye ars they can't even refer to him by his real name

P.S.- end commentary is not specifically for you or any particular poster

Sorry B, but until Favre retires (for good), the hate will continue. Just like the love will continue.

07-18-2010, 10:34 AM
Maybe it's not that people are obsessed and CAN'T refer to him by name, but think he's been acting like enough of an idiot that they choose not to associate this behavior with the quarterback who was once a respectable face for our organization.

07-19-2010, 05:05 AM
I thought at the time Favre said it wasn't about revenge, not at all.

Then why would he want to stay in the division?

I thought, at the time, he'd like to play somewhere closer to home. But I guess not.

I find it hard to believe anybody thinks revenge isn't part of the reasoning
I find it equally hard to believe anybody thinks Ted and MM wanted him back

Ted and MM wanted to move on and there was nothing wrong with that
Brett was offended and wanted to stick it to them and still does

Now if everybody can just acknowledge those ideas then people can stop acting like divas (just as Favre often did) who are so and obsessed enough about the guy who hasn't played for us in two ye ars they can't even refer to him by his real name

P.S.- end commentary is not specifically for you or any particular poster

I think people should feel however they want to feel about it. And I'd like you to stop your obsession with telling us how we should feel about it.

Pretty clear from the last 300 pages of this horrible thread that you don't care what I think and I don't care what you think. So keep on feeling

There's a whole lotta feelin' going onnnnnnn. :lol:

Go... Well just get to GO!!!

07-19-2010, 07:43 AM
Best of the living legend thread....

Bert's a diva and a schemer and manipulates people to gain sympathy for his selfish actions.

No, Brett Favre is one of the greatest QB's and nicest guys ever whose hand was forced by a Packer GM who no longer wanted him and dumped him like garbage at the side of the road.

The End.

Scott Campbell
07-19-2010, 07:59 AM
Best of the living legend thread....

Bert's a diva and a schemer and manipulates people to gain sympathy for his selfish actions.

No, Brett Favre is one of the greatest QB's and nicest guys ever whose hand was forced by a Packer GM who no longer wanted him and dumped him like garbage at the side of the road.

The End.

Well, that was concise.

07-19-2010, 08:08 AM
Best of the living legend thread....

Bert's a diva and a schemer and manipulates people to gain sympathy for his selfish actions.

No, Brett Favre is one of the greatest QB's and nicest guys ever whose hand was forced by a Packer GM who no longer wanted him and dumped him like garbage at the side of the road.

The End.

Well, now we can lock this thread and move on.

07-19-2010, 08:09 AM
Best of the living legend thread....

Bert's a diva and a schemer and manipulates people to gain sympathy for his selfish actions.

No, Brett Favre is one of the greatest QB's and nicest guys ever whose hand was forced by a Packer GM who no longer wanted him and dumped him like garbage at the side of the road.

The End.

Six thousand posts and just this one would have covered it all. Oh what a tangled web we weave...Oh, the HUMANITY!

Scott Campbell
07-19-2010, 09:12 AM

07-19-2010, 12:38 PM

We see who can't let it go.

Fritz, whoever said he was the nicest ever? I currently support his playing status but would never confuse him with nice.

07-19-2010, 01:00 PM
This place isn't about the Packers anymore, it's about a bunch of people who do nothing but feed off each other and spew hatred whenever they can. Just look at yourselves, it's pathetic. Look at how one moronic statement turns into another, then another, and another, it's never ending.

Thank you for reminding me why myself and many other good posters don't come here anymore - the hypocrisy. Thompson and McCarthy are not blameless in the fiasco and they certainly either individually or collectively have done a lot of stupid things that have prevented this team from reaching the next level, least of which has to do with Favre.

Seek help, get therapy, it's over and done with and time for you to move the hell on.

It's like an adult day care in here.

07-19-2010, 01:24 PM
Mommy...what does hypocritical mean?

07-19-2010, 01:37 PM
Merlin, what I want to know is, why is the duck bill of that Jets hat in your avatar so damn long? Was that thing custom made?

07-19-2010, 02:57 PM
Submitted without comment:


Scott Campbell
07-19-2010, 03:07 PM
Submitted without comment:


Bus Cook: "Brett talked to goddamned Ed Werder at ESPN, says he needs ankle surgery. Now why did he do that?" Cook asked. "I've got [Brad] Childress calling. I've got reporters calling all damn morning. Goddammit, why does he have to be such a goddamned drama queen? Play, don't play, goddamn, people are getting sick of it. I'm getting sick of it!

"Why does he have to talk to these people? What good does it do? Ed Werder at ESPN! What's he ever done for anybody other than say, 'Look, look, Mommy, I got this first, ain't I special?' You got problems with surgery, talk to your wife. Why talk to goddamned Ed Werder?"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

07-19-2010, 03:26 PM
Submitted without comment:


Bus Cook: "Brett talked to goddamned Ed Werder at ESPN, says he needs ankle surgery. Now why did he do that?" Cook asked. "I've got [Brad] Childress calling. I've got reporters calling all damn morning. Goddammit, why does he have to be such a goddamned drama queen? Play, don't play, goddamn, people are getting sick of it. I'm getting sick of it!

"Why does he have to talk to these people? What good does it do? Ed Werder at ESPN! What's he ever done for anybody other than say, 'Look, look, Mommy, I got this first, ain't I special?' You got problems with surgery, talk to your wife. Why talk to goddamned Ed Werder?"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Cook's in big trouble. Agents are only allowed to put a glowing spin on the character of the players they represent. This is just far too much honesty for the system to handle. :D

07-19-2010, 03:32 PM
Submitted without comment:


Bus Cook: "Brett talked to goddamned Ed Werder at ESPN, says he needs ankle surgery. Now why did he do that?" Cook asked. "I've got [Brad] Childress calling. I've got reporters calling all damn morning. Goddammit, why does he have to be such a goddamned drama queen? Play, don't play, goddamn, people are getting sick of it. I'm getting sick of it!

"Why does he have to talk to these people? What good does it do? Ed Werder at ESPN! What's he ever done for anybody other than say, 'Look, look, Mommy, I got this first, ain't I special?' You got problems with surgery, talk to your wife. Why talk to goddamned Ed Werder?"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I never thought Bus would come out looking like a good guy. I guess we can cross off the idea that Bus was always the one manipulating Favre's actions.

07-19-2010, 03:40 PM
Zool - love the avatar! Randy, there's a shit storm a brewin' in the Favre thread!!!

I don't expect him to last the year (if he does - God bless him, I'm taking the law of averages on a 40 YO dude), as NO gave out the blue print - knock the crap out of him and get in his head. Like - flipping passes into the end zone while he's over the LOS because he's scared to dive into the end zone or the first down.

I've bought the mag, and read the article with the drama queen portion pasted below from what you can get for free at mensjournal.com. I wouldn't be surprised if the drama queen comments were planned, and fabricated. It's their usual, good cop, bad cop, schtick. Brett opens his mouth, and Bus has to be the a-hole. Bus Cook comes off as a the country (real estate originally) lawyer who's ship came in, when he met Brett over vodka and grapefruits while he was at Southern Miss, and let him get away with anything.

As Denny Green said, "He's not who we thought he was", and the Packers are as much to blame for that and allowing it, as he is. By the time the Pack had the youngest team in the league that wouldn't fly anymore if you want to go places. No different than LBJ and the Cav's owner, only difference is we got a TON of miles out of BF, while Cleveland lost him in his prime.

Without giving a bunch away for those who'd like to read the article, Bus and Brett were talking how old school and a hard ass that Irv Favre was, which confirmed to me what many on here thought, that when Irv died Brett became a prima donna without someone to keep him grounded.


From Stephen Rodrick’s Brett Favre in Overtime:

It’s not quite 10AM, and the hamlet of Hattiesburg is already blowing things up. He has walked the grounds of his Monticello-on-the-Mayberry spread in Mississippi and dispatched two possums with his shotgun. “They were acting weird,” he reasoned. “Maybe they had ray-bees.” That was productive. He then returned an e-mail to an ESPN reporter. That didn’t work out so hot.

Three miles down U.S. Route 98, a visitor sits in the empty waiting room of a two-story office building. It belongs to Brett Favre’s agent. There are no magazines. There are no pictures of the prince. The visitor waits. And he waits. He watches a paint crew arrive. He watches a paint crew depart. He watches paint dry.

But he hears things. Phones ringing. Phones slamming. Cussing. Lots of cussing. An hour passes. A secretary apologizes for the delay. Finally, a Southern almost-gentleman appears. He’s the man behind the salty phone voice, and his face and ears are beet red. There’s no suit. Rather, he’s dressed in the uniform of the affluent adult child — shorts, sneakers, and golf shirt. He sticks out his hand.

“Bus Cook. I know you’re media, but do you know who I hate? The goddamn media! You watch ESPN this morning?”


“Brett talked to goddamned Ed Werder at ESPN, says he needs ankle surgery. Now why did he do that? I’ve got Childress calling. I’ve got reporterscalling all damn morning. Goddammit, why does he have to be such a goddamned drama queen? Play, don’t play, goddamn, people are getting sick of it. I’m getting sick of it! Why does he have to talk to these people? What good does it do? Ed Werder at ESPN! What’s he ever done for anybody other than say, ‘Look, look, Mommy, I got this first, ain’t I special?’ You got problems with surgery, talk to your wife. Why talk to goddamned Ed Werder?”

A giant white pickup truck rumbles into the parking lot. The driver gingerly steps down from his perch. Cook looks out the window. He mulishly paws the rug with his sneakers.

“Goddamn, there’s Brett. This is going to be interesting.”

The silver-haired Favre is dressed in shorts and a sleeveless T-shirt, looking simultaneously like a kid and the grandpa he has just become. As he comes in the front door, his ruddy face breaks into a sheepish grin, one he’s flashed a thousand times, chinstrap undone, at head coaches after throwing across his body into double coverage. He didn’t flash it the lasttime he tried that maneuver on New Orleans turf. He was too tired, too broken. Actually, we may never see that smile again. That’s why we are here.

“Hey, Bus,” says Favre.

He speaks slowly, a boy trying to delay a spanking.

“I guess I screwed up. I didn’t think it was a big deal. I just told him that I might need surgery. He made it into a big thing.”

Bus stares him down, but his face crumples into an exasperated grin.

“Jesus, Brett. You never learn. You guys go talk. I’ve got goddamn phone calls to make.” He pokes a finger at Brett. “Thanks to you.”

Favre eases himself into a chair with the slight, obligatory groan of the middle-aged. (He turns 41 in October.) He knows what you’re thinking. On the field, you want him drawing plays up in the dirt, making things happen without a plan. You don’t want to know that’s how Favre lives the rest of his life. The ankle surgery kerfuffle — getting the procedure done, the speculation goes, may indicate he’s coming back — is just the latest production number in year three of “Will He or Won’t He Play,” Favre’s one-man show. At this point everyone is counting ceiling tiles and looking at their watches.

“You’d think I’d know better by now,” he says. He offers a different kind of smile: sad and weary. “I’ve learned a lot through the years. What I haven’t learned is what I’ll do and when I’ll do it.”

07-19-2010, 03:57 PM
Well a few things about that saints game that can counter the "blueprint to beat brett favre"

The vikings, despite five, count it, 5 turnovers, still put up 28 points. If thats how you beat that offense, that is news to me. They turn it over 5 times and still drop 28 on you.

favre still throws for 300, and if it wasn't for the one ILLEGAL hit, favre's ankle wouldn't of gotten messed up - so who knows what happens then. On top of that, you would never guess that 3 of your main offensive weapons would have fumbles in key situations. Okay, maybe you can say if you hit brett a lot he throws 2 picks, but he still threw for 300 and put 28 on the board. So, it was hardly a "horrible" game.

Now, can he last the season taking that punishment? No. Do most teams have the weapons to cause that sort of punishment? No.

The latter is why he will last the season. He has a pretty solid front 5 in front of him, and they can run the ball really well. That blueprint works, sure (just keep coming after him), but it wasn;'t like it wasn't tried by other teams earlier. They just didn't have the right players to get by that line.

And even with that, it still took 3 other vikings fumbling the ball in, if those fumbles didn't happen, what would of been a laughable blow out.

I want the vikings to lose, but if I am putting money on it - #4 makes it the whole season. he hasn't missed a game in like, two decades. He knows how to take hits, and play through pain. He'll be just fine. Everyone acts like "the saints figured out how to beat brett, beat teh piss out of him" - isn't that how you beat ANY great qb? You pressure him and constantly hit him? You what what usually accompanies great QB's (outside of with AR)? Great offensive lines.

Scott Campbell
07-19-2010, 04:05 PM
“I’ve learned a lot through the years. What I haven’t learned is what I’ll do and when I’ll do it.”

Tracy Porter seemed to figure out what he'd do and when he'd do it.

07-19-2010, 04:06 PM
“I’ve learned a lot through the years. What I haven’t learned is what I’ll do and when I’ll do it.”

Tracy Porter seemed to figure out what he'd do and when he'd do it.

Pretty easy when the ball is pretty much handed to you. Favre might as well ahve reached out and handed it to an on coming defender on a handoff with that throw.

07-19-2010, 04:35 PM
This place isn't about the Packers anymore, it's about a bunch of people who do nothing but feed off each other and spew hatred whenever they can. Just look at yourselves, it's pathetic. Look at how one moronic statement turns into another, then another, and another, it's never ending.

Thank you for reminding me why myself and many other good posters don't come here anymore - the hypocrisy.

Says the guy who switched to a Jets hat for his avatar.

07-19-2010, 05:30 PM
Well a few things about that saints game that can counter the "blueprint to beat brett favre"

The vikings, despite five, count it, 5 turnovers, still put up 28 points. If thats how you beat that offense, that is news to me. They turn it over 5 times and still drop 28 on you.

favre still throws for 300, and if it wasn't for the one ILLEGAL hit, favre's ankle wouldn't of gotten messed up - so who knows what happens then. On top of that, you would never guess that 3 of your main offensive weapons would have fumbles in key situations. Okay, maybe you can say if you hit brett a lot he throws 2 picks, but he still threw for 300 and put 28 on the board. So, it was hardly a "horrible" game.

Now, can he last the season taking that punishment? No. Do most teams have the weapons to cause that sort of punishment? No.

The latter is why he will last the season. He has a pretty solid front 5 in front of him, and they can run the ball really well. That blueprint works, sure (just keep coming after him), but it wasn;'t like it wasn't tried by other teams earlier. They just didn't have the right players to get by that line.

And even with that, it still took 3 other vikings fumbling the ball in, if those fumbles didn't happen, what would of been a laughable blow out.

I want the vikings to lose, but if I am putting money on it - #4 makes it the whole season. he hasn't missed a game in like, two decades. He knows how to take hits, and play through pain. He'll be just fine. Everyone acts like "the saints figured out how to beat brett, beat teh piss out of him" - isn't that how you beat ANY great qb? You pressure him and constantly hit him? You what what usually accompanies great QB's (outside of with AR)? Great offensive lines.

That's all true. A man can dream though can't he? Call it wishful thinking then on my part.

Never said it was a horrible game, said they got in his head. AP running for 122 yds and 4.9 a carry will tend to open things up for you, despite the fumbles. Of the 5 turn overs he had 2 picks and a botched hand off to AP on NO's 5 YDL with 30 seconds left in the 2nd qtr and on that last play needed maybe 5 yards for a game winning FG (after not noticing 12 in the huddle), hence the comments about flicking the ball while over the LOS, instead of running for it (or throwing it away, but come on who are we talking about here) though he hasn't had that in his game for a long, long, time.

He also had the bruised thigh which he posted pictures of after the game as an excuse. I don't want him hurt, crippled, or maimed, we know he can take punishment, but I'm sick of him and I hate the Vikings.

Vikings vs. Saints opening weekend!!! Straight off the tractor into the fire.

07-19-2010, 06:23 PM
This place isn't about the Packers anymore, it's about a bunch of people who do nothing but feed off each other and spew hatred whenever they can.

You know you've made a bad argument when you can refute it in about 3 seconds. For example:

Don't buy it. I've seen a lot of bad OLs. This isn't one of the 10 worst OLs in the league. Maybe if we had to start Barbre and a rookie every week, but not with Clifton and Taushcer. What did we give up, 8 sacks after Tauscher came back and Clifton got healthy and Rodgers learned to get rid of the ball quicker? Hopefully, with Bulaga we have depth now.

I agree, "hopefully". But until they play like we hope, I don't disagree with the article. You know I've been down on the OL for a long, long time. Just because "it looks solved", doesn't mean that it is solved. We've been here before.

I don't think Clifton makes it through the season. I believe we will need Bulaga, sooner, rather than later.

I'll be pulling for Lang to take a step this year too. Good insurance to have both Clifton and Tauscher around, but I don't think they are what makes this line good.

Sitton is clearly the most reliable OL at this point, and we need much better production from the LG, whomever that happens to be. We're looking at another year from Wells, which is fine by me, but the interior must play more consistently for this to work.

If those things happen, I agree, we aren't 23rd best, but if we see what we have seen at the start of each of the past 3 seasons, we'll be the WORST OL pretty damn fast.

Merlin, here's my advice: never go into the "Brett Favre living legend thread" If you enjoy talking Packers, stick to the other threads. It seems to me as though you come to Packerrats looking to be offended then leave, then repeat. Repeat. Repeat...

Scott Campbell
07-19-2010, 06:37 PM
People sure seem to hate Bert Favre. Is that really so bad?

07-19-2010, 06:37 PM
This is your typical Bert/Bus media manipulation, except this time they overestimated the general public's ability to see the underlying message that they intended to send.

07-19-2010, 07:32 PM
People sure seem to hate Bert Favre. Is that really so bad?

Let's ask the people


Iron Mike
07-19-2010, 07:34 PM
Zool - love the avatar! Randy, there's a shit storm a brewin' in the Favre thread!!!

Hey, who gave Zool that avatar, green_bowl_packer? The guy in the chair!!!


07-19-2010, 09:07 PM
Submitted without comment:


Bus Cook: "Brett talked to goddamned Ed Werder at ESPN, says he needs ankle surgery. Now why did he do that?" Cook asked. "I've got [Brad] Childress calling. I've got reporters calling all damn morning. Goddammit, why does he have to be such a goddamned drama queen? Play, don't play, goddamn, people are getting sick of it. I'm getting sick of it!

"Why does he have to talk to these people? What good does it do? Ed Werder at ESPN! What's he ever done for anybody other than say, 'Look, look, Mommy, I got this first, ain't I special?' You got problems with surgery, talk to your wife. Why talk to goddamned Ed Werder?"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I never thought Bus would come out looking like a good guy. I guess we can cross off the idea that Bus was always the one manipulating Favre's actions.

I'd agree except for the whole Jay Cutler thing. I think Gus was protecting Steve McNair's best interests when he got locked out of the facilities.

So Gus has been the agent of the last 2 big QB vs management pissing matches. I can't give him a pass even if he sounds reasonable on this one.

07-19-2010, 09:56 PM
Well a few things about that saints game that can counter the "blueprint to beat brett favre"

The vikings, despite five, count it, 5 turnovers, still put up 28 points. If thats how you beat that offense, that is news to me. They turn it over 5 times and still drop 28 on you.

favre still throws for 300, and if it wasn't for the one ILLEGAL hit, favre's ankle wouldn't of gotten messed up - so who knows what happens then. On top of that, you would never guess that 3 of your main offensive weapons would have fumbles in key situations. Okay, maybe you can say if you hit brett a lot he throws 2 picks, but he still threw for 300 and put 28 on the board. So, it was hardly a "horrible" game.

Now, can he last the season taking that punishment? No. Do most teams have the weapons to cause that sort of punishment? No.

The latter is why he will last the season. He has a pretty solid front 5 in front of him, and they can run the ball really well. That blueprint works, sure (just keep coming after him), but it wasn;'t like it wasn't tried by other teams earlier. They just didn't have the right players to get by that line.

And even with that, it still took 3 other vikings fumbling the ball in, if those fumbles didn't happen, what would of been a laughable blow out.

I want the vikings to lose, but if I am putting money on it - #4 makes it the whole season. he hasn't missed a game in like, two decades. He knows how to take hits, and play through pain. He'll be just fine. Everyone acts like "the saints figured out how to beat brett, beat teh piss out of him" - isn't that how you beat ANY great qb? You pressure him and constantly hit him? You what what usually accompanies great QB's (outside of with AR)? Great offensive lines.

That's all true. A man can dream though can't he? Call it wishful thinking then on my part.

Never said it was a horrible game, said they got in his head. AP running for 122 yds and 4.9 a carry will tend to open things up for you, despite the fumbles. Of the 5 turn overs he had 2 picks and a botched hand off to AP on NO's 5 YDL with 30 seconds left in the 2nd qtr and on that last play needed maybe 5 yards for a game winning FG (after not noticing 12 in the huddle), hence the comments about flicking the ball while over the LOS, instead of running for it (or throwing it away, but come on who are we talking about here) though he hasn't had that in his game for a long, long, time.

He also had the bruised thigh which he posted pictures of after the game as an excuse. I don't want him hurt, crippled, or maimed, we know he can take punishment, but I'm sick of him and I hate the Vikings.

Vikings vs. Saints opening weekend!!! Straight off the tractor into the fire.

Well yeah he had the bruised thigh, and who knows what play caused that. Favre was getting crushed all day - it almost looked like our offensive line through the first 8 games. Still, I never wish for any player to get hurt unless he is the most elite of assholes, and fro all favre has done he isn't really an asshole, he's just a diva (which with how much he has had his cock sucked in 20 years, who can blame him?) who looks out for himself before everyone else, not unlike what most people do. And, in general, he is a good teammate. He always seems to support the team he is one and he never really throws players or whatever else under the bus for a loss. He may talka bout how x could of did y, but that doesn't change anything and it's not really anyone's fault. He could do better at taking blame all on his shoulders, but it is what it is.

Still waiting on Peyton Manning to give back his SB MVP. He played worse than favre did in the NFC CHampionship game and still won it. Stupid media.

Anyways, everyone here knows that yes, I do still enjoy brett favre the player and I am sure if you met him or know him well in real life, he is a pretty stand up guy. Nothing has really happened to suggest he is a bad person, he just got indicisive late his career and frustrated at being such an "old man" on "a young team" that naturally he blames TT for. We all knew in 2 to 4 seasons, the packers youth would pay off, but it wasn't indicitive of "winning a SB" when #4 was here. I get it could of and should of happened in 2007, but we did win a piss load of games we had no business winning that year because some how, some way, favre kept putting it together in all the right ways with the game on the line.

Tony Oday
07-19-2010, 10:20 PM

I agree

07-20-2010, 12:34 AM
Merlin, what I want to know is, why is the duck bill of that Jets hat in your avatar so damn long? Was that thing custom made?

The pic is at a bad angle, it's normal length. And yes, it was a gift my son had custom made for my birthday when Favre went to the Jets. I think he had Lids do it if I remember right.

07-20-2010, 12:39 AM
This place isn't about the Packers anymore, it's about a bunch of people who do nothing but feed off each other and spew hatred whenever they can. Just look at yourselves, it's pathetic. Look at how one moronic statement turns into another, then another, and another, it's never ending.

Thank you for reminding me why myself and many other good posters don't come here anymore - the hypocrisy.

Says the guy who switched to a Jets hat for his avatar.

Perhaps you should look at it again...There are 2 teams on it....

07-20-2010, 01:28 AM
This place isn't about the Packers anymore, it's about a bunch of people who do nothing but feed off each other and spew hatred whenever they can. Just look at yourselves, it's pathetic. Look at how one moronic statement turns into another, then another, and another, it's never ending.

Thank you for reminding me why myself and many other good posters don't come here anymore - the hypocrisy.

What hypocrisy? This is packerrats.com. Favre ain't a Packer no more. I don't understand the hypocrisy.

What I find hypocritical is that you would complain about this place not being about the Packers anymore, yet display an avatar that isn't specifically about the Packers, all while pledging undying support for non-Packers. I am quite interested in hearing what the rest of us are doing that is more hypocritical than that.

07-20-2010, 07:44 AM
This place isn't about the Packers anymore, it's about a bunch of people who do nothing but feed off each other and spew hatred whenever they can. Just look at yourselves, it's pathetic. Look at how one moronic statement turns into another, then another, and another, it's never ending.

Thank you for reminding me why myself and many other good posters don't come here anymore - the hypocrisy.

What hypocrisy? This is packerrats.com. Favre ain't a Packer no more. I don't understand the hypocrisy.

What I find hypocritical is that you would complain about this place not being about the Packers anymore, yet display an avatar that isn't specifically about the Packers, all while pledging undying support for non-Packers. I am quite interested in hearing what the rest of us are doing that is more hypocritical than that.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

07-20-2010, 08:58 AM
What year is it in this alternative universe?

07-20-2010, 01:05 PM
“I’ve learned a lot through the years. What I haven’t learned is what I’ll do and when I’ll do it.”

Tracy Porter seemed to figure out what he'd do and when he'd do it.

Pretty easy when the ball is pretty much handed to you. Favre might as well ahve reached out and handed it to an on coming defender on a handoff with that throw.

And this is what Favre does when you hammer him like NO did. Favre starts to force it in there and tries to "make something happen" and he goes back to his gunslinging ways.

Freak Out
07-20-2010, 01:25 PM
“Brett talked to goddamned Ed Werder at ESPN, says he needs ankle surgery. Now why did he do that? I’ve got Childress calling. I’ve got reporters calling all damn morning. Goddammit, why does he have to be such a goddamned drama queen? Play, don’t play, goddamn, people are getting sick of it. I’m getting sick of it! Why does he have to talk to these people? What good does it do? Ed Werder at ESPN! What’s he ever done for anybody other than say, ‘Look, look, Mommy, I got this first, ain’t I special?’ You got problems with surgery, talk to your wife. Why talk to goddamned Ed Werder?”


07-20-2010, 07:43 PM
Bert and Bus have always had an amazing way of manipulating the general public. In this case, they overestimated the publics ability to put all of the pieces together.

Bus tells this journalist this line, ripping Ed Werder like he's some sort of A-hole for being, "first", when really it's the ultimate compliment. Bus gives Ed everything. Anyone skilled in communication knows people are more likely to buy into something they come up with. Instead of telling people what he wants them to believe, he tells them something else with an easily encoded message inside, and then people think they put it all together themselves and are much more willing to accept it. In this case they came up, on their own, with the idea that Werder is a great reporter. This guy is a lawyer, right? How very lawyer of him. And we're not even into Bert yet. Bus gets done saying this, then Bert comes in and also talks to the Journalist. Oh, and didn't bus just get done saying, "why talk" and now he has this whole talk-fest set up? ? But anyway. . . Bert comes in and talks to this journalist. Bus already plants the seed about Brett's wishywashness. . . . Brett comes in and says he just shoots it straight, gives an analogy to playing football, how he just shoots from the hip. . .

Now, Bus set the stage and Bert hits it out of the park, like usual. Only problem, all people are seeing is the word Diva associated with Favre, coming from his agents mouth. He was trying to set the table for Bert, but he used a bad set of words.

At the end of this whole thing, Bus and Bert wanted to spin Bert off as a straight shooter who shoots from the hip, but doesn't know what he wants to do. Instead, Bert just looks like a bigger diva.

You can fool people for a long time, but eventually, no matter how clever you are, it's going to get tougher and tougher to keep fooling people. I'm sure a few more people are off the Bert band wagon in this. All that's remaining is the few die hards and the Viking fans who's hope lie in his intercpetion throwing hands.

07-20-2010, 07:46 PM
Bert and Bus have always had an amazing way of manipulating the general public. In this case, they overestimated the publics ability to put all of the pieces together.

Bus tells this journalist this line, ripping Ed Werder like he's some sort of A-hole for being, "first", when really it's the ultimate compliment. Bus gives Ed everything. Anyone skilled in communication knows people are more likely to buy into something they come up with. Instead of telling people what he wants them to believe, he tells them something else with an easily encoded message inside, and then people think they put it all together themselves and are much more willing to accept it. This guy is a lawyer, right? How very lawyer of him. And we're not even into Bert yet. Bus gets done saying this, then Bert comes in and also talks to the Journalist. Oh, and didn't bus just get done saying, "why talk" and now he has this whole talk-fest set up? ? But anyway. . . Bert comes in and talks to this journalist. Bus already plants the seed about Brett's wishywashness. . . . Brett comes in and says he just shoots it straight, gives an analogy to playing football, how he just shoots from the hip. . .

Now, Bus set the stage and Bert hits it out of the park, like usual. Only problem, all people are seeing is the word Diva associated with Favre, coming from his agents mouth. He was trying to set the table for Bert, but he used a bad set of words.

At the end of this whole thing, Bus and Bert wanted to spin Bert off as a straight shooter who shoots from the hip, but doesn't know what he wants to do. Instead, Bert just looks like a bigger diva.

You can fool people for a long time, but eventually, no matter how clever you are, it's going to get tougher and tougher to keep fooling people. I'm sure a few more people are off the Bert band wagon in this. All that's remaining is the few die hards and the Viking fans who's hope lie in his intercpetion throwing hands.

you need a new tinfoil hat. :twisted:

07-20-2010, 08:45 PM
Bus gets done saying this [why talk to reporters], then Bert comes in and also talks to the Journalist. Oh, and didn't bus just get done saying, "why talk" and now he has this whole talk-fest set up?

07-20-2010, 09:02 PM
Bus gets done saying this [why talk to reporters], then Bert comes in and also talks to the Journalist. Oh, and didn't bus just get done saying, "why talk" and now he has this whole talk-fest set up?

You could either be agreeing with me, or laughing at me because I said the same thing twice (once implied and the 2nd time directly).

07-20-2010, 09:09 PM
I stand by my point. Bus and Bert were trying to get a message out, one that buys empathy with the fan base. They set this whole thing up, this meeting with Men's Journal. It was to get some good pub, not to tear him down.

I still think they were trying to send the message that Bert can't help himself, he just has to shoot from the hip, be a real guy, even when it hurts him, even when it makes him look like a Diva.

Bus, "God damn, Brett, you look like a Diva, why do you do this shit?"

Bert, "You know, it's like playing football, you just go with it, I guess I just don't know when I'm going to retire, I'm just a good, honest guy, can't help myself, even when it hurts me, I'm just so darn honest, shucks. . . "

It's all set up perfectly. Bus annoyed that Bert is making himself look bad. . . Bert comes in, says he's just an honest, straight shooter. . .

They failed this time. People are so sick of hearing their BS, instead of seeing the obvious message they wanted to send, everyone just saw the Diva and they've already agree with it so their thinking just stopped at, "Bert's a Diva" and that's your story.

07-20-2010, 10:24 PM
Bert and Bus have always had an amazing way of manipulating the general public. In this case, they overestimated the publics ability to put all of the pieces together.

Bus tells this journalist this line, ripping Ed Werder like he's some sort of A-hole for being, "first", when really it's the ultimate compliment. Bus gives Ed everything. Anyone skilled in communication knows people are more likely to buy into something they come up with. Instead of telling people what he wants them to believe, he tells them something else with an easily encoded message inside, and then people think they put it all together themselves and are much more willing to accept it. This guy is a lawyer, right? How very lawyer of him. And we're not even into Bert yet. Bus gets done saying this, then Bert comes in and also talks to the Journalist. Oh, and didn't bus just get done saying, "why talk" and now he has this whole talk-fest set up? ? But anyway. . . Bert comes in and talks to this journalist. Bus already plants the seed about Brett's wishywashness. . . . Brett comes in and says he just shoots it straight, gives an analogy to playing football, how he just shoots from the hip. . .

Now, Bus set the stage and Bert hits it out of the park, like usual. Only problem, all people are seeing is the word Diva associated with Favre, coming from his agents mouth. He was trying to set the table for Bert, but he used a bad set of words.

At the end of this whole thing, Bus and Bert wanted to spin Bert off as a straight shooter who shoots from the hip, but doesn't know what he wants to do. Instead, Bert just looks like a bigger diva.

You can fool people for a long time, but eventually, no matter how clever you are, it's going to get tougher and tougher to keep fooling people. I'm sure a few more people are off the Bert band wagon in this. All that's remaining is the few die hards and the Viking fans who's hope lie in his intercpetion throwing hands.

you need a new tinfoil hat. :twisted:


07-20-2010, 10:35 PM
I kind of agree with Justin. That whole thing had an air of inauthenticity to it. Bus calling Favre a diva with a reporter in the room? Sounds like an act to me.

07-21-2010, 07:27 AM
I kind of agree with Justin. That whole thing had an air of inauthenticity to it. Bus calling Favre a diva with a reporter in the room? Sounds like an act to me.

And then Brett showing up, like he just happened to walk in the door, the straight shooter he is. . .

The whole thing had a point to it. Bus has Brett trained to public perception. He knows that honesty is going to sell and non commitment to the team isn't going to go over very well. Through all of this, all of the criticism, Brett has never waivered, never considered, "maybe I should just be with the team like everyone else". Maybe this is great inner peace, knowing that he is doing what is right, but by the look of the grudges Favre carries with the Packers and the rifts he had with the Jets, I don't think Favre is a walking guru of inner peace and outward harmony. I'd say it's more likely that he's been in the media a long time, has an agent who knows how to work public opinion and knows what not to say and what to say. Bus knew when Brett showed up, he was going to just tell his side matter of factly, the way public opinion is most apt to accept it, they way they're trained to handle adversity in the public eye. He's not going to address the negative but rather just say matter of factly, "hey, I'm a straight shooter, I just don't know if I'm going to retire or not" and after Bus talks about how dumb Brett is for opening his mouth, it's all supposed to tie together as Brett just not knowing what to do and being too honest for his own good.

Bus Cook is no 21 year old good guy at this forum getting baited into saying something he wishes he didn't say. He's a old fox, skilled in the art of public warfare. He had a reason for saying what he said that had nothing to do with putting his client down.

Scott Campbell
07-21-2010, 07:42 AM
He had a reason for saying what he said that had nothing to do with putting his client down.

I guess Bus calling him a drama queen was better than the alternative - calling him a narcissistic media whore with no regard for his teammates.

07-21-2010, 08:25 AM
Bert and Bus have always had an amazing way of manipulating the general public. In this case, they overestimated the publics ability to put all of the pieces together.

Bus tells this journalist this line, ripping Ed Werder like he's some sort of A-hole for being, "first", when really it's the ultimate compliment. Bus gives Ed everything. Anyone skilled in communication knows people are more likely to buy into something they come up with. Instead of telling people what he wants them to believe, he tells them something else with an easily encoded message inside, and then people think they put it all together themselves and are much more willing to accept it. This guy is a lawyer, right? How very lawyer of him. And we're not even into Bert yet. Bus gets done saying this, then Bert comes in and also talks to the Journalist. Oh, and didn't bus just get done saying, "why talk" and now he has this whole talk-fest set up? ? But anyway. . . Bert comes in and talks to this journalist. Bus already plants the seed about Brett's wishywashness. . . . Brett comes in and says he just shoots it straight, gives an analogy to playing football, how he just shoots from the hip. . .

Now, Bus set the stage and Bert hits it out of the park, like usual. Only problem, all people are seeing is the word Diva associated with Favre, coming from his agents mouth. He was trying to set the table for Bert, but he used a bad set of words.

At the end of this whole thing, Bus and Bert wanted to spin Bert off as a straight shooter who shoots from the hip, but doesn't know what he wants to do. Instead, Bert just looks like a bigger diva.

You can fool people for a long time, but eventually, no matter how clever you are, it's going to get tougher and tougher to keep fooling people. I'm sure a few more people are off the Bert band wagon in this. All that's remaining is the few die hards and the Viking fans who's hope lie in his intercpetion throwing hands.

you need a new tinfoil hat. :twisted:


I disagree.

Bus does nothing without BF's approval. He is paid to be BF's agent. If Bus said this it was with BF's full grace.

07-21-2010, 08:35 AM
The choices seem to be these:

1. You think the whole thing was a set-up, or at least something both the player and agent are used to doing - it's part of their pattern and it works for them. That is to say, they are smart and attem,pting to manipulate the situation.

2. You think Bus really is tired of Favre's act and was calling him out - in front of a reporter, telling the reporter how stupid it was for Favre to talk to a reporter. You think that both guys are straight shooters and that's just how they operate. Cook is not the usual manipulative agent, and Favre is not the usual overly-trained-to-be-bland football player.

Take your pick. Or maybe there's a third view.

07-21-2010, 09:23 AM
The choices seem to be these:

1. You think the whole thing was a set-up, or at least something both the player and agent are used to doing - it's part of their pattern and it works for them. That is to say, they are smart and attem,pting to manipulate the situation.

2. You think Bus really is tired of Favre's act and was calling him out - in front of a reporter, telling the reporter how stupid it was for Favre to talk to a reporter. You think that both guys are straight shooters and that's just how they operate. Cook is not the usual manipulative agent, and Favre is not the usual overly-trained-to-be-bland football player.

Take your pick. Or maybe there's a third view.

I know you are giving choice 1 or 2 but you might want to talk to Denver about Bus Cook. Of course at the end of 2009 Denver was happy to have traded Cutler to Chicago and gotten 2 first round picks out of the deal.

07-21-2010, 10:05 AM
I kind of agree with Justin. That whole thing had an air of inauthenticity to it. Bus calling Favre a diva with a reporter in the room? Sounds like an act to me.

I don't know if it was orchestrated for the reporter but I suspect #4 and Cook know exactly what they are doing and why. I'd wager this is all an act to enable Favre to skip mundane practices and TC and keep his face on ESPN.

Scott Campbell
07-21-2010, 10:55 AM
The choices seem to be these:

1. You think the whole thing was a set-up, or at least something both the player and agent are used to doing - it's part of their pattern and it works for them. That is to say, they are smart and attem,pting to manipulate the situation.

2. You think Bus really is tired of Favre's act and was calling him out - in front of a reporter, telling the reporter how stupid it was for Favre to talk to a reporter. You think that both guys are straight shooters and that's just how they operate. Cook is not the usual manipulative agent, and Favre is not the usual overly-trained-to-be-bland football player.

Take your pick. Or maybe there's a third view.

I know you are giving choice 1 or 2 but you might want to talk to Denver about Bus Cook. Of course at the end of 2009 Denver was happy to have traded Cutler to Chicago and gotten 2 first round picks out of the deal.

It was two first-round picks, Orton, and last year's third-round pick for Cutler. They also swapped 5th rounders.

Orton was thought by many to be a throw away, but Peter King writes that he was essential to the deal:

1. The key to the trade was Kyle Orton. Laugh if you want, but it's the absolute truth. McDaniels looked hard at tape of the available quarterbacks from teams that made serious offers, players like Orton, Washington's Jason Campbell and Tampa Bay's Luke McCown. Every one of those teams was in the ballpark with an offer of at least two first-round draft picks and a quarterback.

But as the deal went down, McDaniels, who watched every offensive snap of more than 10 Bears games with Orton playing, got more and more impressed with Orton's arm, his decision-making and his ability to extend plays when the pocket broke down. You can think and I can think it's crazy he didn't like Campbell -- who got Washington off to a 6-2 start last year -- more than he liked Orton, but it's the unvarnished truth. McDaniels thinks he can win with Orton.

Read more: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2009/writers/peter_king/04/05/trade/index.html#ixzz0uKgVFgL4

I thought it was hilarious that Orton had a better season.

07-21-2010, 03:33 PM
Orton is the sort of QB you can win games with if you have a team with a setup like the jets, ravens, and vikings. Great defense, great run game, all you have to do is make sound decisions for 25 passes.

Yes, the vikings did sort of slowly forgo that and made favre the focus, but it's already shown you don't need to be great to win with teh vikings, being great just makes them that much better.

The point is, Orton is "solid". Not great, and don't make him have to wint hat game for you in the 4th, but he is a servicable starter. Cutler has all the tools to be a super star, but his head is never in the right place. He is too much of a hot head, blaming the world for his fuck ups.

07-21-2010, 08:03 PM
Bus gets done saying this [why talk to reporters], then Bert comes in and also talks to the Journalist. Oh, and didn't bus just get done saying, "why talk" and now he has this whole talk-fest set up?

You could either be agreeing with me, or laughing at me because I said the same thing twice (once implied and the 2nd time directly).
The compliment was entirely honest. Brett and Bus have been playing this dog and pony show for the entire decade. It may have gone on before, but it was either far less effective or far more subtle.

They say one thing and continue to do another.

07-21-2010, 10:32 PM
Well it finally turned up.


[Peter King Q:]15. You want to finish your career here?

Favre: "Definitely. If in two years, say, they want to trade me, I'd probably walk away. Retire."

Retirement talk for nine straight years.

07-21-2010, 10:34 PM
Same article. Painful reminder of what once was:

SPECIAL TEAMS PLAYER OF THE WEEK: Green Bay CB/KR/PR Allen Rossum. The Packers must play field-position football to win because offensive weapons and defensive impact players are lacking. Rossum, an August steal from Philadelphia by Pack GM Ron Wolf, handed Green Bay great field position by returning the opening kickoff 60 yards against the Lions; a field goal ensued. He returned the first punt of the game 16 yards; a field goal ensued. He returned his first kickoff of the second half 28 yards to the Pack 39, and though it didn't lead to a score, it led to a major field-position shift.

07-21-2010, 11:57 PM
Well said Mr. Tucker: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2010/writers/ross_tucker/07/21/favre/index.html

07-22-2010, 11:30 AM
BLF & Cook are throwing the writer under the "bus".

They say he betrayed a confidence?!?!?


07-22-2010, 11:40 AM
BLF & Cook are throwing the writer under the "bus".

They say he betrayed a confidence?!?!?


Brett and Bus, just 2 good old boys that shoot from the hip and trust everyone. :roll:

Give me a break.

Scott Campbell
07-22-2010, 12:37 PM
I can't believe that these city slicker media types take advantage of just a couple of humble Bubba's just to sell some magazines. Poor Bert.

07-22-2010, 12:55 PM
Yup. Anyone who thought Bus was just fed up with Bert and there was no other reason for those words, they're just blissfully retarded. Bus gave this writer a story with Bert. In return, they were supposed to write the story a certain way.

Bert's whining about how he trusted them, but what he really means is that Bert gave him a story and the writer repays him by doing this? How dare they tell the truth.

Tiger has had that with the sports media for years. It's all part of getting access and having connections. Problem is, Mens Journal doesn't care if they never get another story. They'll just write the truth. There ya go, Bert.

When you're a lying scum bag with power, you can get away with it for a long time, but the truth has a funny way of catching up with just about all of us. The truth has caught up to Bert.

I look forward to this season. I have a feeling it's going to be a nice mixture of justice and tragedy for him.

07-22-2010, 04:55 PM
Yup. Anyone who thought Bus was just fed up with Bert and there was no other reason for those words, they're just blissfully retarded. Bus gave this writer a story with Bert. In return, they were supposed to write the story a certain way.

Bert's whining about how he trusted them, but what he really means is that Bert gave him a story and the writer repays him by doing this? How dare they tell the truth.

Tiger has had that with the sports media for years. It's all part of getting access and having connections. Problem is, Mens Journal doesn't care if they never get another story. They'll just write the truth. There ya go, Bert.

When you're a lying scum bag with power, you can get away with it for a long time, but the truth has a funny way of catching up with just about all of us. The truth has caught up to Bert.

I look forward to this season. I have a feeling it's going to be a nice mixture of justice and tragedy for him.

You know I fully understand any and all reasons to dislike Brett Favre, but reducing him to a lying scum bag because the packers allowed him to get a diva attitude after his father passed, and then now all he does is what he wants to do and when he wants to do it, I don't think makes him a scum bag. The guy is human, and does what he wants because the people around him allow him too.

Truth has a funny way of catching up to him? Truth of what, that he is selfish like the rest of us? It's the end of the world!

07-22-2010, 04:55 PM
Wow. Playing the victim card yet again. I like how it's only the people who don't know him are the ones saying negative things. If only you know Brett, you would only say positive things. Blechhh. To know him is to love him.

07-22-2010, 05:03 PM
Wow. Playing the victim card yet again. I like how it's only the people who don't know him are the ones saying negative things. If only you know Brett, you would only say positive things. Blechhh. To know him is to love him.

So I just watched it - I don't really know if he is blasting anyone per say, just that what was said was taken out of context. I mean, if Favre and Bus were both there with the reporter, wouldn't that make since? I doubt bus would ever, in a serious tone, say that stuff both inf ront of a reporter and Favre. So, I am almost inclinded to believe it was in a joking manner, and it showed that yeah they do indeed hear everything people are saying about Favre.

I guess it was a victim card, but really only in slight. It's pretty doubtful Bus was doing anything but Joking around about it with Favre there. Just sounds like it was taken out of context, which is absolutely nothing new for media to do. Favre was really just defending his agent. Wouldn't you?

07-22-2010, 05:36 PM
I guess it was a victim card, but really only in slight......Favre was really just defending his agent. Wouldn't you?

Sorry, I can't agree. You heard the same thing I did - Favre basically said that only the people who 'don't know him' say bad things about him. I think we've gotten to know Favre pretty well. I like a lot about the guy, but I cringe at his victimization 'woe-is-me' stance - but I actually feel sorry for him to an extent because I think he really believes that he's 'above it all' and is blameless for any negative thing said about him. My guess is that has to result mostly from his protected in-a-bubble Diva status. Too bad.

07-22-2010, 05:37 PM
Wow. Playing the victim card yet again. I like how it's only the people who don't know him are the ones saying negative things. If only you know Brett, you would only say positive things. Blechhh. To know him is to love him.

So I just watched it - I don't really know if he is blasting anyone per say, just that what was said was taken out of context. I mean, if Favre and Bus were both there with the reporter, wouldn't that make since? I doubt bus would ever, in a serious tone, say that stuff both inf ront of a reporter and Favre. So, I am almost inclinded to believe it was in a joking manner, and it showed that yeah they do indeed hear everything people are saying about Favre.

I guess it was a victim card, but really only in slight. It's pretty doubtful Bus was doing anything but Joking around about it with Favre there. Just sounds like it was taken out of context, which is absolutely nothing new for media to do. Favre was really just defending his agent. Wouldn't you?

I read the longer version. Bus said most of what he said before Favre walked in the door. Maybe he was joking, but if you don't want it printed, it's a damn stupid thing to say in front of a reporter. Even in jest.

Scott Campbell
07-22-2010, 06:59 PM
Childress on Favre: "I don't know if he knows"


I guess you can add Bradley to the list of people that don't know Bert.

07-22-2010, 07:23 PM
Does Favre know that Childress doesn't know if Favre knows?

Scott Campbell
07-22-2010, 08:20 PM
If Chilly really wanted to know if Bert was playing he would have kept driving to Houston and asked Donald Driver.

07-22-2010, 08:32 PM
Wow. Playing the victim card yet again. I like how it's only the people who don't know him are the ones saying negative things. If only you know Brett, you would only say positive things. Blechhh. To know him is to love him.

So I just watched it - I don't really know if he is blasting anyone per say, just that what was said was taken out of context. I mean, if Favre and Bus were both there with the reporter, wouldn't that make since? I doubt bus would ever, in a serious tone, say that stuff both inf ront of a reporter and Favre. So, I am almost inclinded to believe it was in a joking manner, and it showed that yeah they do indeed hear everything people are saying about Favre.

I guess it was a victim card, but really only in slight. It's pretty doubtful Bus was doing anything but Joking around about it with Favre there. Just sounds like it was taken out of context, which is absolutely nothing new for media to do. Favre was really just defending his agent. Wouldn't you?

Brett Favre is a fucking asshole.

But don't take that out of context or I'll be pissed!

07-22-2010, 09:29 PM
Does Favre have any concept of how much his reputation is damaged even (or perhaps especially) among those who once held him in high esteem?

07-23-2010, 03:49 AM
Does Favre have any concept of how much his reputation is damaged even (or perhaps especially) among those who once held him in high esteem?

Not as long as the sports media (most of them, anyway) keep buying into his "aw, shucks" demeanor and can't help themselves but to dick-ride him because of it.

Sheeeeeit. I'd feel pretty kingly too, if I got a front-page ESPN.com story and my own on-screen ticker every time I thought my lawn needed trimming, ah tell you whhhat.

07-23-2010, 06:42 AM
I am so glad he is Minnesota's problem and not ours. Just think if we where going through this instead of the Vikings. We would be think well we have a good/maybe great defense, but it would have to carry our offense if he doesn't show. :taunt: Its not our problem. Thank God!!!

07-23-2010, 11:37 AM
Good point. Hooray for Aaron Rodgers!

07-23-2010, 05:55 PM
I am so glad he is Minnesota's problem and not ours. Just think if we where going through this instead of the Vikings. We would be think well we have a good/maybe great defense, but it would have to carry our offense if he doesn't show. :taunt: Its not our problem. Thank God!!!

Honestly, I don't think Minnesota even considers it a problem. Just look at their history, look at their roster, and you tell me you wouldn't worship the ground Favre walks on, especially after last season. He put together one of the single best seasons for any QB in vikings history. At age 40.

Honestly, I think that organization views this whole thing as a blessing, not a problem. packers situation was different - we drafted a guy who is suppose to be the future, so it is frustrating when we want to figure that one out. The vikings, meanwhile, have already played both tavaris and sage for decent amounts of time and they know long haul, they aren't the answer, adn they don't appear to care about long haul.

Not that I blame them, their team is built to win now, not in 3 years.

So, while it is a relief we don't have to deal with it because we have Aaron Rodgers, that still doesn't mean it's actually an issue for the vikings. They knew going into this offseason what was going to happen - Favre is going to walk in halfway through training camp, just like last year, except this time he already has the familularity with the WR's and such. So, he wont need 3 or 4 games to get adjusted.

Seriously if I was a vikings fan, I would be sucking favre's cock right now. He is the best QB they have had in what seems like forever, and he's not a pretender (in terms of how good he is) like a cullpepper was with Moss. Just saying, the situations are so staunchly different between the two teams that I am not sure we can classify favre as actually being a problem for them anymore.

The packers are young with a lot of key players entering their prime. We solve the OL problem and we have contendors for the next decade. The vikings are not thinking that far ahead, nor should they. Their window is right now.

07-23-2010, 07:58 PM
I am so glad he is Minnesota's problem and not ours. Just think if we where going through this instead of the Vikings. We would be think well we have a good/maybe great defense, but it would have to carry our offense if he doesn't show. :taunt: Its not our problem. Thank God!!!

Honestly, I don't think Minnesota even considers it a problem. Just look at their history, look at their roster, and you tell me you wouldn't worship the ground Favre walks on, especially after last season. He put together one of the single best seasons for any QB in vikings history. At age 40.

Honestly, I think that organization views this whole thing as a blessing, not a problem. packers situation was different - we drafted a guy who is suppose to be the future, so it is frustrating when we want to figure that one out. The vikings, meanwhile, have already played both tavaris and sage for decent amounts of time and they know long haul, they aren't the answer, adn they don't appear to care about long haul.

Not that I blame them, their team is built to win now, not in 3 years.

So, while it is a relief we don't have to deal with it because we have Aaron Rodgers, that still doesn't mean it's actually an issue for the vikings. They knew going into this offseason what was going to happen - Favre is going to walk in halfway through training camp, just like last year, except this time he already has the familularity with the WR's and such. So, he wont need 3 or 4 games to get adjusted.

Seriously if I was a vikings fan, I would be sucking favre's cock right now. He is the best QB they have had in what seems like forever, and he's not a pretender (in terms of how good he is) like a cullpepper was with Moss. Just saying, the situations are so staunchly different between the two teams that I am not sure we can classify favre as actually being a problem for them anymore.

The packers are young with a lot of key players entering their prime. We solve the OL problem and we have contendors for the next decade. The vikings are not thinking that far ahead, nor should they. Their window is right now.

I agree with this post. For Packer fans it had all the emotion of a long term relationship, for Viking fans it is a weekend in Vegas......no emotion. They just want to win and Favre gives them the best chance. There is no emotional connection to the guy at all up here.

07-23-2010, 11:34 PM
Pretty much what he said.

I couldn't give a good god damn when he shows up. The dude is as old as the hills so running him through camp would a morons exercise anyway.

If he decides to quit, thanks for a fantastic year and best of luck.

07-24-2010, 11:23 AM
Pretty much what he said.

I couldn't give a good god damn when he shows up. The dude is as old as the hills so running him through camp would a morons exercise anyway.

If he decides to quit, thanks for a fantastic year and best of luck.

I can't believe that 6 weeks before opening day you are so flippant that your potential starting QB, who took the Vikings to the NFC Championship game, is not sure if he is playing or not.

You have Sage, T Jack and a 5th round WR/QB who has passed them on the depth chart. I would be scared as hell.

07-24-2010, 02:32 PM
Pretty much what he said.

I couldn't give a good god damn when he shows up. The dude is as old as the hills so running him through camp would a morons exercise anyway.

If he decides to quit, thanks for a fantastic year and best of luck.

I can't believe that 6 weeks before opening day you are so flippant that your potential starting QB, who took the Vikings to the NFC Championship game, is not sure if he is playing or not.

You have Sage, T Jack and a 5th round WR/QB who has passed them on the depth chart. I would be scared as hell.

MN fans and the team are not scared. Everyong knows he's coming back. He would just rather not bother with mundane offseason activities and TC. Elderly football players have to save their strength.

07-24-2010, 02:50 PM
Pretty much what he said.

I couldn't give a good god damn when he shows up. The dude is as old as the hills so running him through camp would a morons exercise anyway.

If he decides to quit, thanks for a fantastic year and best of luck.

I can't believe that 6 weeks before opening day you are so flippant that your potential starting QB, who took the Vikings to the NFC Championship game, is not sure if he is playing or not.

You have Sage, T Jack and a 5th round WR/QB who has passed them on the depth chart. I would be scared as hell.

MN fans and the team are not scared. Everyong knows he's coming back. He would just rather not bother with mundane offseason activities and TC. Elderly football players have to save their strength.

But he's not saving his strength. He's working out with high school kids in Mississippi. I'm so curious as to why he'd rather be with them than his teammates...

07-24-2010, 03:44 PM
Pretty much what he said.

I couldn't give a good god damn when he shows up. The dude is as old as the hills so running him through camp would a morons exercise anyway.

If he decides to quit, thanks for a fantastic year and best of luck.

I can't believe that 6 weeks before opening day you are so flippant that your potential starting QB, who took the Vikings to the NFC Championship game, is not sure if he is playing or not.

You have Sage, T Jack and a 5th round WR/QB who has passed them on the depth chart. I would be scared as hell.

MN fans and the team are not scared. Everyong knows he's coming back. He would just rather not bother with mundane offseason activities and TC. Elderly football players have to save their strength.

Oh, I think BF will be back also.

Its just the last sentence in his post that seemed completely ridiculous. If BF does not return, the whole front office and coaching staff in MN is going to hear it loud and long from Viking fans.

07-25-2010, 10:40 PM
Pretty much what he said.

I couldn't give a good god damn when he shows up. The dude is as old as the hills so running him through camp would a morons exercise anyway.

If he decides to quit, thanks for a fantastic year and best of luck.

I can't believe that 6 weeks before opening day you are so flippant that your potential starting QB, who took the Vikings to the NFC Championship game, is not sure if he is playing or not.

You have Sage, T Jack and a 5th round WR/QB who has passed them on the depth chart. I would be scared as hell.

MN fans and the team are not scared. Everyong knows he's coming back. He would just rather not bother with mundane offseason activities and TC. Elderly football players have to save their strength.

But he's not saving his strength. He's working out with high school kids in Mississippi. I'm so curious as to why he'd rather be with them than his teammates...

Throwing a pigskin around to HS students is vastly different to throwing pads on and running an offense at practice. Throwing to HS kids just works his arm a bit, and allows him to workout on his schedule. Going to camp means he has to follow the teams routine for his workouts, as well as for activities such as running the offense, etc. It's not really about who he is throwing too, it's that if he was in camp he would have to do a hell of a lot more then just toss the ball around.

Have you been to a TC practice before? It's a lot more than just playing catch.

07-25-2010, 11:08 PM
You seriously believe Favre is not there in the offseason to save his strength? He's not there because he doesn't want to be, and knows he can get away with it. I'm pretty sure Chilly would let Favre work out whenever he wants to. Hell, he'd probably schedule the practices around Favre's workouts.

Scott Campbell
07-25-2010, 11:14 PM
Going to camp means he has to follow the teams routine for his workouts, as well as for activities such as running the offense, etc. It's not really about who he is throwing too, it's that if he was in camp he would have to do a hell of a lot more then just toss the ball around.

Have you been to a TC practice before? It's a lot more than just playing catch.

Yeah, I've been to training camp practice before. And I've seen how the old guys routinely get held out over phantom injuries.

This has nothing to do with workload. Bert just doesn't want to be there.

07-26-2010, 12:38 PM
Pretty much what he said.

I couldn't give a good god damn when he shows up. The dude is as old as the hills so running him through camp would a morons exercise anyway.

If he decides to quit, thanks for a fantastic year and best of luck.

I can't believe that 6 weeks before opening day you are so flippant that your potential starting QB, who took the Vikings to the NFC Championship game, is not sure if he is playing or not.

You have Sage, T Jack and a 5th round WR/QB who has passed them on the depth chart. I would be scared as hell.

MN fans and the team are not scared. Everyong knows he's coming back. He would just rather not bother with mundane offseason activities and TC. Elderly football players have to save their strength.

Oh, I think BF will be back also.

Its just the last sentence in his post that seemed completely ridiculous. If BF does not return, the whole front office and coaching staff in MN is going to hear it loud and long from Viking fans.

I'm not sure about that. It's the emotional aspect that clouds people's judgement. I'd love to have Favre back, but I also think the team can win the division without him. I think Favre is what makes going farther possible. Sure there will be some that complain but they know there are few other options for the Vikes. And those that don't know that, we'll their opinions are worth the paper their written on.

07-26-2010, 05:02 PM
Oh, I think BF will be back also.

Its just the last sentence in his post that seemed completely ridiculous. If BF does not return, the whole front office and coaching staff in MN is going to hear it loud and long from Viking fans.

I'm not sure about that. It's the emotional aspect that clouds people's judgement. I'd love to have Favre back, but I also think the team can win the division without him. I think Favre is what makes going farther possible. Sure there will be some that complain but they know there are few other options for the Vikes. And those that don't know that, we'll their opinions are worth the paper their written on.

The Vikings have won the North only two times in the 2000s and those were the last two. Minnesota backed into the North in 2008 and played extremely well in 2009 with a competent QB.

For a team that went 61-67 in the 2000s before BF arrived, I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss the huge drop off between BF and anyone else on the Vikings roster at QB.

07-26-2010, 07:24 PM
That's interesting Thunder Dan, but they did just get Jared Allen and Adrian Peterson the last couple years, so they are kind of peaking with our without Favre.

I agree Favre helps them. He's still a damn good QB, but they're good without him right now. Maybe they weren't very good in 2000-2006 without him, but this is a different Viking team, a better one.

07-26-2010, 07:49 PM
That's interesting Thunder Dan, but they did just get Jared Allen and Adrian Peterson the last couple years, so they are kind of peaking with our without Favre.

I agree Favre helps them. He's still a damn good QB, but they're good without him right now. Maybe they weren't very good in 2000-2006 without him, but this is a different Viking team, a better one.

That's true. Let's look at their offensive numbers.

2007: 2,634 rushing, 2,745 passing, 336 yards per game 13th overall
2008: 2,338 rushing, 2,956 passing, 331 ypg 17th overall
2009: 1,918 rushing, 4,156 passing, 380 ypg 5th overall

So, BF is under center and they average 45 yards more per game or about a 13% improvement.

AP was explosive in 2007 and 2008 so you got to see a lot of Viking highlights showing his runs. Other than that, their offense was very average at best.

07-26-2010, 08:11 PM
I don't doubt that Favre believes he is saving himself wear and tear by staying away. He likely is doing less work by staying home. I don't think that part of it is a sham. I also believe that he would rather be anywhere than another mini-camp.

But the jury is still out on whether a 40 year old player can do this and maintain a sustained level of performance. I was quite surprised when played well later into the season. But he is also noticeably less mobile and easier to hit. That trade off may not be worth it. If you truly need to be an athlete to be a QB, he is headed the wrong way.

07-26-2010, 08:28 PM
Vikings PPG

2007: 22.8
2008: 23.7
2009: 29.4

Thats almost a TD more a game with favre at the helm - that's a significant difference. I am not saying the vikings are not good without favre, but they aren't 12-4 guarenteed playoff bound without him. They are mos tlikely looking up at the packers without him, and fight to stay above .500. That defense has Jared Allen, but it's getting picked apart in the secondary now. Your best CB is getting ancient, and you don't have stud safties. The defense is starting to wear down, and you need a high scoring offense to really balance it out.

While you had more games in 2008 with 40+ then in 2009, you had significantly more games with less than 21 points than in 2009. The offense was way more consistent and explosive with Favre at the helm.

I think viking fans are really underestimating how good that offense is without favre, and what favre did last year was far more than a "compitent QB" - and there are several analysts that feel Favre was the real league wide MVP last season, not Peyton Manning. Favre performed like he was up there with the best QB's in the league last year. An impressive feat at 40.

The point is that without Favre, the vikings are going to take a signficant step backwards. Last year with favre playing at MVP levels, they went 12-4. Without a QB capable of putting up those sort of numbers, how well do you think the vikings really do? AP had 18 TD's. Favre had 30. You think without favre AP goes from 18 td's to 30? Because that is what he'll need to do to even attempt to compensate.

Tavaris Jackson and Sage are not the answer. They are solid career backups, good enough to play spot duty. Favre is leagues ahead of anyone on that roster in the last decade at QB. Don't feel bad, what favre did last year puts him leagues ahead of most teams have save the select top 10.

Point is, teh vikings are fucked without favre this season. Especially since the packers really are that good, and a lot of NFC teams are primed to be good this year.

07-26-2010, 09:28 PM
Point is, teh vikings are fucked without favre this season. Especially since the packers really are that good, and a lot of NFC teams are primed to be good this year.

The Vikings aren't fucked without Favre. They are just an average team that will need to have good breaks to make the playoffs. Which is the same for most of the elite teams if their starting QB goes down for the season.

07-26-2010, 10:15 PM
I don't doubt that Favre believes he is saving himself wear and tear by staying away. He likely is doing less work by staying home. I don't think that part of it is a sham. I also believe that he would rather be anywhere than another mini-camp.

But the jury is still out on whether a 40 year old player can do this and maintain a sustained level of performance. I was quite surprised when played well later into the season. But he is also noticeably less mobile and easier to hit. That trade off may not be worth it. If you truly need to be an athlete to be a QB, he is headed the wrong way.

The last 2 years, Favre has ended his season with a pretty serious injury. In both cases he has waited until May to have the necessary surgery. In my opinion, he has done this to have a perfect excuse to stay away until August, since he can't practice anyway due to the surgery. I wonder though is that could backfire on him this time. Last year he only needed to throw some footballs to tell if his shoulder was okay. That ankle could be more troublesome though, and he may wish he had started his rehab, including surgery, sooner.

07-26-2010, 10:39 PM
Point is, teh vikings are fucked without favre this season. Especially since the packers really are that good, and a lot of NFC teams are primed to be good this year.

The Vikings aren't fucked without Favre. They are just an average team that will need to have good breaks to make the playoffs. Which is the same for most of the elite teams if their starting QB goes down for the season.

Actually, most teams that lose their "stud" starting QB are fucked. Bottom line. Falcons lose Matt Ryan last year? Team struggles mightly against teams they would normally beat. If AR goes down? So does our offense. Without that offense, we don't hav ethe right pieces to still be contendors. The only teams that can really still be great without a good starting QB are the jets and ravens, and to apoint MAYBE the vikings. Though, the vikings are surrounded with some super tough games, that without favre, they need all the luck in the world to win. And unlike in 2008 when the packers sucked it up, were actually a very good team, so without favre they almost guarentee to be looking up at us and trying hard to fight for WC.

There are many games last year the vikings would of lost without the stellar play of favre, and this year is even tougher for them. I'm just stating the obvious I feel: Without favre the vikings go from contendor to "hope and prayer" for a WC spot. Even the bears could knock them down a notch if Cutler has a decent season.

But I disagree: if a team loses a stud qb, generally they are screwed. If Manning goes down? So do the colts. Brees? So do the saints. What happened with Matt Cassel was an anonmaly, not a "to be expected" ideal.

07-27-2010, 05:49 AM
Favre certainly helps them. Tavaris and Ferotte were nothing short of horrible a couple years ago.

This isn't the 2005 Vikings though. This defense is very strong, their RB is elite and they have very good special teams too. They were good enough to win with the worst QB situation in football, so yeah, they're better with Favre (who is still very good). And having AP and Favre makes the offense damn near impossible to stop. Pick your poison, both can beat you if you try to stop the other and Favre is savvy enough to adjust at the line and take what's given.

The Jets were a great running team and now so are the Vikes. Most teams would rather get beat in the air than have the ball run down their throat, so I'd say Favre benefits much more from AP than AP does Favre. The numbers would agree. Favre didn't change so much as the team around him did.

Right now, I call the division a dead even race to the finish. Take Favre off and we have a real edge, but they are good regardless of how that plays out.

07-27-2010, 06:52 AM
Favre certainly helps them. Tavaris and Ferotte were nothing short of horrible a couple years ago.

This isn't the 2005 Vikings though. This defense is very strong, their RB is elite and they have very good special teams too. They were good enough to win with the worst QB situation in football, so yeah, they're better with Favre (who is still very good). And having AP and Favre makes the offense damn near impossible to stop. Pick your poison, both can beat you if you try to stop the other and Favre is savvy enough to adjust at the line and take what's given.

The Jets were a great running team and now so are the Vikes. Most teams would rather get beat in the air than have the ball run down their throat, so I'd say Favre benefits much more from AP than AP does Favre. The numbers would agree. Favre didn't change so much as the team around him did.

Right now, I call the division a dead even race to the finish. Take Favre off and we have a real edge, but they are good regardless of how that plays out.

like I said, check the schedules. I also don't consider that defense "to be all world". They are great run stuffers, just like us, but they ahve a very, VERY, weak secondary.

They ahve a tud pass rusher, but if you subtract the two games against the apckers, Allen was subpar last season.

Just saying, I call like I see it. They were 10-6 without favre witha way weaker schedule. The schedule this year is BRUTAL for them. They need to be getting 30 a game to really have a chance.

Scott Campbell
07-27-2010, 08:22 AM
Favre thought, "I'm done"; now thinks he could play to age 50



07-27-2010, 10:40 AM
I do think there's a larger issue here - the uselessness of extended training camp for veteran players. Back in the day, players took the offseason off - that's why they called it "off"! - and needed training camp to, well, train.

But these guys work year round now, so training camp for Favre is more of a waste except maybe as a team building exercise. And the Vikes didn't seem to need that last year with Favre.

I don't agree with how Favre has gone about skipping half of camp, but the larger issue of vets not needing so much time is worthy of discussion.

07-27-2010, 11:03 AM
Point is, teh vikings are fucked without favre this season. Especially since the packers really are that good, and a lot of NFC teams are primed to be good this year.

The Vikings aren't fucked without Favre. They are just an average team that will need to have good breaks to make the playoffs. Which is the same for most of the elite teams if their starting QB goes down for the season.

When #4 took that one year detour to NY before going to his chosen team, MN had a 10-6 record with Jackson under center and won the division so MN may not be f*cked if #4 stays in MS or is injured. Of course in 2008 the Packers were not as explosive as they probably will be in 2010 so if MN doesn't have the services of their elderly QB they'll have a good season but not as good as they did in 2010 with Favre.

07-27-2010, 01:10 PM
Favre certainly helps them. Tavaris and Ferotte were nothing short of horrible a couple years ago.

This isn't the 2005 Vikings though. This defense is very strong, their RB is elite and they have very good special teams too. They were good enough to win with the worst QB situation in football, so yeah, they're better with Favre (who is still very good). And having AP and Favre makes the offense damn near impossible to stop. Pick your poison, both can beat you if you try to stop the other and Favre is savvy enough to adjust at the line and take what's given.

The Jets were a great running team and now so are the Vikes. Most teams would rather get beat in the air than have the ball run down their throat, so I'd say Favre benefits much more from AP than AP does Favre. The numbers would agree. Favre didn't change so much as the team around him did.

Right now, I call the division a dead even race to the finish. Take Favre off and we have a real edge, but they are good regardless of how that plays out.

like I said, check the schedules. I also don't consider that defense "to be all world". They are great run stuffers, just like us, but they ahve a very, VERY, weak secondary.

They ahve a tud pass rusher, but if you subtract the two games against the apckers, Allen was subpar last season.

Just saying, I call like I see it. They were 10-6 without favre witha way weaker schedule. The schedule this year is BRUTAL for them. They need to be getting 30 a game to really have a chance.

JH is correct about AP and Favre and the Vikes changed their offense to match their QB. They were a dominant running team before Favre and would go back to that style if without Favre. So who knows how games go in that situation.

As far as the Def being weak againts the pass, that is kinda how the Tampa 2 works. Pressure on the QB and stop the run and big plays. Force teams to make long, sustained drives to win. It means you may put up lots of yards on them but they will cause you to settle for fgs or make a mistake along the way if you have a bad QB.

Scott Campbell
07-27-2010, 01:19 PM
Point is, teh vikings are fucked without favre this season. Especially since the packers really are that good, and a lot of NFC teams are primed to be good this year.

The Vikings aren't fucked without Favre. They are just an average team that will need to have good breaks to make the playoffs. Which is the same for most of the elite teams if their starting QB goes down for the season.

They are no more fucked than any other team without an elite franchise QB. Were really spoiled here in Green Bay.

Iron Mike
07-27-2010, 05:56 PM

07-27-2010, 09:31 PM
"I can remember walking off that podium with (wife) Deanna and my family thinking, 'I'm done,' " the Vikings quarterback tells USA TODAY. "I mean, my heart ... it was broken."

Replace "Viking quarterback" with "Packer" or "Jet" and you could have any year from about 2005 on.

07-27-2010, 09:47 PM
Favre certainly helps them. Tavaris and Ferotte were nothing short of horrible a couple years ago.

This isn't the 2005 Vikings though. This defense is very strong, their RB is elite and they have very good special teams too. They were good enough to win with the worst QB situation in football, so yeah, they're better with Favre (who is still very good). And having AP and Favre makes the offense damn near impossible to stop. Pick your poison, both can beat you if you try to stop the other and Favre is savvy enough to adjust at the line and take what's given.

But the offensive stats and scoring stats from above were for 2007, 2008 and 2009.

Scott Campbell
07-27-2010, 11:29 PM
....... the Vikings quarterback tells USA TODAY. "I mean, my heart ... it was broken."

One of the all time greatest moments in sports.


07-27-2010, 11:56 PM
I watched the Bengals game from '92 that I recorded last night off of the NFL network. It was Brett's debut comeback game.


McJulien was the Brett Favre of punters. He kicked the hell out of the ball, but he was wild.

It was a bit sad watching Majik hauled off to the locker room never to play for us again.

Tony Bennet and Chuck Cecil and Brian Noble and Johnny Holland and LeRoy Butler were fine defensive players. It wasn't the most assignment-sure defense but they flew around and hit people HARD.

If life were fair Sterling Sharpe would have played for a dozen years instead of Terrell Buckley, who, by the way, had a very nice punt return for a TD.

Brett was a blast to watch. He made mistakes over and over again but he had a short memory and kept coming at the Bengals.

Late hits were tolerated and balls dropped near the end of a play were twice ruled to be turnovers instead of down. No replay challenges and no whining. The game has evolved a bit, what with instant replay. I knew it had changed since the 50's, but watching this made clear to me that the game has changed in some subtle ways over the span of Favre's career.

07-28-2010, 07:12 AM
Favre certainly helps them. Tavaris and Ferotte were nothing short of horrible a couple years ago.

This isn't the 2005 Vikings though. This defense is very strong, their RB is elite and they have very good special teams too. They were good enough to win with the worst QB situation in football, so yeah, they're better with Favre (who is still very good). And having AP and Favre makes the offense damn near impossible to stop. Pick your poison, both can beat you if you try to stop the other and Favre is savvy enough to adjust at the line and take what's given.

But the offensive stats and scoring stats from above were for 2007, 2008 and 2009.

There is a trickle down effect. Without Favre, as Viking fans will tell you, they ran the ball a lot more. The result was less yards and less points, but teams also didn't feel the need to try to score quick, so offenses played more to the Vikings defensive strength. The result was winning the division by winning a lot of close, grind'em out games lead by AP and a defense that ranked near the top in every category. Insert Favre and offenses play the Vikings different. The Vikings score more, so teams press harder to score fast and both scores go up.

And don't forget, Percy really helped their ST's. That changes scores in many ways. Sidney Rice got healthy and broke out as one of the NFL's top receivers. Having not great receivers and adding a great receiver helps the passing game. That's good for a change in score. If people think Favre made Rice, wait until Favre is gone. I'll take any bet that thinks Rice isn't going to be a top tier receiver without Favre.

So yeah, they had more yards and more points. Favre played a big part in that, but opposing teams also felt the need to play a different game against the Vikings and that leads to more points scored against them too.

Say what you will, Just like I thought the Jets got better with a lot of their additions (and they are one of the NFL's top teams with Favre gone), I think the Vikings are similar. Tavaris is better than 2 years ago. Sage is better than Ferotte. Favre is a year older. I'm not saying Favre doesn't make them better. I'm saying they'd be a nasty team without Favre. They were before him and have made moves to get better with him. They're good. The yard/point jump from 2008 to 2009 doesn't prove anything, same way you guys didn't prove Favre made the Jets what they were 2 years ago.

07-28-2010, 09:38 AM
It was before I watched the Packers seriously, but Chuck Cecil seemed more interested in the hit and bleeding than he did in the assignment and tackling.

07-28-2010, 11:00 AM
Johnny Holland was a good player. Brian Noble was, I think, the most assignment-sure of that bunch.

07-28-2010, 02:17 PM
There is a trickle down effect. Without Favre, as Viking fans will tell you, they ran the ball a lot more. The result was less yards and less points, but teams also didn't feel the need to try to score quick, so offenses played more to the Vikings defensive strength. The result was winning the division by winning a lot of close, grind'em out games lead by AP and a defense that ranked near the top in every category. Insert Favre and offenses play the Vikings different. The Vikings score more, so teams press harder to score fast and both scores go up.

And don't forget, Percy really helped their ST's. That changes scores in many ways. Sidney Rice got healthy and broke out as one of the NFL's top receivers. Having not great receivers and adding a great receiver helps the passing game. That's good for a change in score. If people think Favre made Rice, wait until Favre is gone. I'll take any bet that thinks Rice isn't going to be a top tier receiver without Favre.

So yeah, they had more yards and more points. Favre played a big part in that, but opposing teams also felt the need to play a different game against the Vikings and that leads to more points scored against them too.

Say what you will, Just like I thought the Jets got better with a lot of their additions (and they are one of the NFL's top teams with Favre gone), I think the Vikings are similar. Tavaris is better than 2 years ago. Sage is better than Ferotte. Favre is a year older. I'm not saying Favre doesn't make them better. I'm saying they'd be a nasty team without Favre. They were before him and have made moves to get better with him. They're good. The yard/point jump from 2008 to 2009 doesn't prove anything, same way you guys didn't prove Favre made the Jets what they were 2 years ago.

But why with a team that could have run the ball just as effectively with basically the same people in 2009 changed their whole offensive strategy from the previous years? Was BF such a horrible hander-offer that the Vikings moved to the pass? Did Childress all of a sudden say, "this year I think I will pass more?"

The Vikings shifted from a 53% run team in 07/08 to a 46% run team in 2009. The most obvious change in the team was BF coming over. Childress trusted BF to run a more aggressive offense. If Childress had the same trust in TJack he would have opened up the offense in 2007 and 2008.

07-28-2010, 02:32 PM
Yes, Favre is that much better than Tavaris Jackson and Gus Ferrotte of 2008. Other than Sidney Rice coming back off injury and breaking out as a superstar, Favre is the big difference between the two teams. Well, Percy's special teams too.

Just the improved ST's and Sidney Rice being back is worth something. Let's say 4 points per game.

And then there is Favre. For as much as he helped with yardage and points, teams then started to play the Vikings differently (needing to score more points to win).

It was agreed upon by a Viking fan earlier in this thread that without Favre, the Vikings would be more of a smashmouth run team. They might not be as good, but they're still good at that style of football. They would still be a force.

We just have to agree to disagree. I think the Vikings team is good without Favre and better with him. You think they're cruddy without him and great with him. The only way we find out is if he retires or goes down for a period of time during the season. How they play without him will be the proof. Until that happens, I just think you're wrong and you think I'm wrong. That's where it has to end I think.

07-28-2010, 05:58 PM
Is the power still out in the Fort? I took a shot at Chuck Cecil in the Favre thread and Bretsky is nowhere to be seen. I wonder if he bought a new Router recently? :lol:

Speaking of which, did Bretsky and Fritz endorse the drafting of Sergio Kindle?


Scott Campbell
07-28-2010, 06:52 PM
Speaking of which, did Bretsky and Fritz endorse the drafting of Sergio Kindle?

If they did, I'm going to be pissed that I didn't bet the under on the head injury.

07-29-2010, 03:33 PM
Favre certainly helps them. Tavaris and Ferotte were nothing short of horrible a couple years ago.

This isn't the 2005 Vikings though. This defense is very strong, their RB is elite and they have very good special teams too. They were good enough to win with the worst QB situation in football, so yeah, they're better with Favre (who is still very good). And having AP and Favre makes the offense damn near impossible to stop. Pick your poison, both can beat you if you try to stop the other and Favre is savvy enough to adjust at the line and take what's given.

But the offensive stats and scoring stats from above were for 2007, 2008 and 2009.

There is a trickle down effect. Without Favre, as Viking fans will tell you, they ran the ball a lot more. The result was less yards and less points, but teams also didn't feel the need to try to score quick, so offenses played more to the Vikings defensive strength. The result was winning the division by winning a lot of close, grind'em out games lead by AP and a defense that ranked near the top in every category. Insert Favre and offenses play the Vikings different. The Vikings score more, so teams press harder to score fast and both scores go up.

And don't forget, Percy really helped their ST's. That changes scores in many ways. Sidney Rice got healthy and broke out as one of the NFL's top receivers. Having not great receivers and adding a great receiver helps the passing game. That's good for a change in score. If people think Favre made Rice, wait until Favre is gone. I'll take any bet that thinks Rice isn't going to be a top tier receiver without Favre.

So yeah, they had more yards and more points. Favre played a big part in that, but opposing teams also felt the need to play a different game against the Vikings and that leads to more points scored against them too.

Say what you will, Just like I thought the Jets got better with a lot of their additions (and they are one of the NFL's top teams with Favre gone), I think the Vikings are similar. Tavaris is better than 2 years ago. Sage is better than Ferotte. Favre is a year older. I'm not saying Favre doesn't make them better. I'm saying they'd be a nasty team without Favre. They were before him and have made moves to get better with him. They're good. The yard/point jump from 2008 to 2009 doesn't prove anything, same way you guys didn't prove Favre made the Jets what they were 2 years ago.

I don't think so.

Few reasons.

1. Teams found out they can pass on the vikings last year. The packers proved it, as did almost every other team with a good QB. So, teams should score a bit more points on them, since they really didn't improve much in that are this offseason.

2. Rb's have a short shelf life. What is this, year 4 for AP? He only has a couple left in him. If he had to carry the load this year, chances are he is worn down for the playoffs, suffers an injury, or will pretty much be done for his career. RB's last longer when they have a passing offense. AP should be thanking favre, because he may have added a season to AP's career.

3. Sidney Rice wont have a great year without Favre, for the simple fact they don't actually have a competent QB. I am not saying Rice isn't good, I am saying they need someone who can get him the ball. Just look at Moss in oakland. He didn't initially give up on that franchise, but they never gave him a good QB either. No matter how good you are as a WR, you still need someone to get the ball to you.

4. The packers were "right there" last year, and that was with at eam that was vastly better than the year prior. What i mean to say is, the vikings did go 10-6, adn got bounced early in the playoffs. It's clear they are not going to win a SB that way.

5. The vikings won a lot of close games, and with the quality of their opponents this year, more money would be on the other really good teams pulling out the close ones, not the vikes.

I am not saying without favre the vikings suck, I am saying without them they aren't serious contendors. They are an average team with a great pass rusher and a great RB. They wont be going much of anywhere. 9-7, 10-6, is the ceiling, with most likely a first round exit.

07-29-2010, 03:56 PM
....... the Vikings quarterback tells USA TODAY. "I mean, my heart ... it was broken."

One of the all time greatest moments in sports.



Bert, somewhere deep down, I STILL LOVE YOU!

07-29-2010, 09:33 PM
....... the Vikings quarterback tells USA TODAY. "I mean, my heart ... it was broken."

One of the all time greatest moments in sports.



07-29-2010, 09:35 PM
Favre certainly helps them. Tavaris and Ferotte were nothing short of horrible a couple years ago.

This isn't the 2005 Vikings though. This defense is very strong, their RB is elite and they have very good special teams too. They were good enough to win with the worst QB situation in football, so yeah, they're better with Favre (who is still very good). And having AP and Favre makes the offense damn near impossible to stop. Pick your poison, both can beat you if you try to stop the other and Favre is savvy enough to adjust at the line and take what's given.

But the offensive stats and scoring stats from above were for 2007, 2008 and 2009.

There is a trickle down effect. Without Favre, as Viking fans will tell you, they ran the ball a lot more. The result was less yards and less points, but teams also didn't feel the need to try to score quick, so offenses played more to the Vikings defensive strength. The result was winning the division by winning a lot of close, grind'em out games lead by AP and a defense that ranked near the top in every category. Insert Favre and offenses play the Vikings different. The Vikings score more, so teams press harder to score fast and both scores go up.

And don't forget, Percy really helped their ST's. That changes scores in many ways. Sidney Rice got healthy and broke out as one of the NFL's top receivers. Having not great receivers and adding a great receiver helps the passing game. That's good for a change in score. If people think Favre made Rice, wait until Favre is gone. I'll take any bet that thinks Rice isn't going to be a top tier receiver without Favre.

So yeah, they had more yards and more points. Favre played a big part in that, but opposing teams also felt the need to play a different game against the Vikings and that leads to more points scored against them too.

Say what you will, Just like I thought the Jets got better with a lot of their additions (and they are one of the NFL's top teams with Favre gone), I think the Vikings are similar. Tavaris is better than 2 years ago. Sage is better than Ferotte. Favre is a year older. I'm not saying Favre doesn't make them better. I'm saying they'd be a nasty team without Favre. They were before him and have made moves to get better with him. They're good. The yard/point jump from 2008 to 2009 doesn't prove anything, same way you guys didn't prove Favre made the Jets what they were 2 years ago.

I don't think so.

Few reasons.

1. Teams found out they can pass on the vikings last year. The packers proved it, as did almost every other team with a good QB. So, teams should score a bit more points on them, since they really didn't improve much in that are this offseason.

2. Rb's have a short shelf life. What is this, year 4 for AP? He only has a couple left in him. If he had to carry the load this year, chances are he is worn down for the playoffs, suffers an injury, or will pretty much be done for his career. RB's last longer when they have a passing offense. AP should be thanking favre, because he may have added a season to AP's career.

3. Sidney Rice wont have a great year without Favre, for the simple fact they don't actually have a competent QB. I am not saying Rice isn't good, I am saying they need someone who can get him the ball. Just look at Moss in oakland. He didn't initially give up on that franchise, but they never gave him a good QB either. No matter how good you are as a WR, you still need someone to get the ball to you.

4. The packers were "right there" last year, and that was with at eam that was vastly better than the year prior. What i mean to say is, the vikings did go 10-6, adn got bounced early in the playoffs. It's clear they are not going to win a SB that way.

5. The vikings won a lot of close games, and with the quality of their opponents this year, more money would be on the other really good teams pulling out the close ones, not the vikes.

I am not saying without favre the vikings suck, I am saying without them they aren't serious contendors. They are an average team with a great pass rusher and a great RB. They wont be going much of anywhere. 9-7, 10-6, is the ceiling, with most likely a first round exit.

good post

07-29-2010, 10:25 PM
Speaking of which, did Bretsky and Fritz endorse the drafting of Sergio Kindle?

If they did, I'm going to be pissed that I didn't bet the under on the head injury.

No, we were not both on that bandwagon. You can rest easy.

07-30-2010, 12:44 PM
Saw this posted on another site. Thought it was funny.

Thou shall relax until Preseason Week 4
Thou shall impress the teammates with Cannon throws
Thou shall get a winning record during the regular season
Thou shall throw a game changing interception in the postseason

08-01-2010, 01:02 AM
....... the Vikings quarterback tells USA TODAY. "I mean, my heart ... it was broken."

One of the all time greatest moments in sports.



Welcome back Mobb,
Enjoy your summer?
Football is once again upon us!! :D

08-04-2010, 08:19 PM
....... the Vikings quarterback tells USA TODAY. "I mean, my heart ... it was broken."

One of the all time greatest moments in sports.



Welcome back Mobb,
Enjoy your summer?
Football is once again upon us!! :D

Watsup Gex!

Yep, been doing a lil traveling and FAR too much drinking since my Celts got rocked game 7

JUS started watching ESPN since turning the channel right before that frickn confetti fell in staples center; and low and behold we got some #4 drama!

You been keeping it 100? Is the bastard coming back?


08-04-2010, 08:26 PM
Saw this posted on another site. Thought it was funny.

Thou shall relax until Preseason Week 4
Thou shall impress the teammates with Cannon throws
Thou shall get a winning record during the regular season
Thou shall throw a game changing interception in the postseason


They left out THOU SHALL STILL BE COVETED and a MEGA media draw..we all know the NFL will be worse off when your boy calls it quits ala mike jordan

Scott Campbell
08-04-2010, 08:29 PM
Speaking of coveted..........


08-04-2010, 08:41 PM
In case Deadspin story is not posted.



08-04-2010, 09:16 PM
Glad you are back, Mobb.

08-04-2010, 09:18 PM
I think the NFL will go on like he never existed when he's gone, Mobb. Nobody cares about Joe Montana now, other than a few memories, the NFL just moves on like they were never there.

08-04-2010, 10:03 PM
Joe Montana? I heard of that guy. Wasn't he a quarterback in like the old days? I heard he was pretty good. I think he played for San Francisco.

08-04-2010, 10:04 PM
Joe Montana? I heard of that guy. Wasn't he a quarterback in like the old days? I heard he was pretty good. I think he played for San Francisco.

Close - He played for Kansas City.

08-05-2010, 02:42 PM
I think the NFL will go on like he never existed when he's gone, Mobb. Nobody cares about Joe Montana now, other than a few memories, the NFL just moves on like they were never there.

Yup the new wave takes over for sure but the game loses it's most exciting player in NFL history when Favre really does hang em. NOT THIS SEASON THOUGH. NO WAY!

Too much amusement and fire in his eyes on Sports center today. Aaron Rodgers just simoly must be up for the challeng and not go down three to one to Brett Favre in the opening match-up this season. The NFL is far better with Favre playing .

So it should be that for ohhhh another 3-4 years. The Packers must simply overrun him or it's 0-4 in two seasons Vs Vikings. The heat fr. the 'D' has to be all in and we have to keep a handle on the pouty kid at RB. Good as he is that young fella is a distraction....I mean AP. He has to get with the team approach and stop his rivalry with Favre.

Aaron Rodgers has to outshine them both with a strong assist fr. our offensive backfield or Ryan Grant. We need our TE to step up because Shiancoe will be only too good.Our WR's have to match-up and outshine the viking WR's. We need Crosby to get on track or dialed in.

We need a damn punter. :lol:



Scott Campbell
08-05-2010, 02:46 PM
I think the NFL will go on like he never existed when he's gone, Mobb. Nobody cares about Joe Montana now, other than a few memories, the NFL just moves on like they were never there.

Yup the new wave takes over for sure but the game loses it's most exciting player in NFL history when Favre really does hang em. NOT THIS SEASON THOUGH. NO WAY!

Too much amusement and fire in his eyes on Sports center today. Aaron Rodgers just simoly must be up for the challeng and not go down three to one to Brett Favre in the opening match-up this season. The NFL is far better with Favre playing .

So it should be that for ohhhh another 3-4 years. The Packers must simply overrun him or it's 0-4 in two seasons Vs Vikings. The heat fr. the 'D' has to be all in and we have to keep a handle on the pouty kid at RB. Good as he is that young fella is a distraction....I mean AP. He has to get with the team approach and stop his rivalry with Favre.

Aaron Rodgers has to outshine them both with a strong assist fr. our offensive backfield or Ryan Grant. We need our TE to step up because Shiancoe will be only too good.Our WR's have to match-up and outshine the viking WR's. We need Crosby to get on track or dialed in.

We need a damn punter. :lol:



I wonder if he'd retire just to avoid answering questions about the allegations.

08-05-2010, 03:40 PM
Joe Montana? I heard of that guy. Wasn't he a quarterback in like the old days? I heard he was pretty good. I think he played for San Francisco.

Don't you mean Joe Montanya? The linebacker?

08-05-2010, 04:05 PM
Yup the new wave takes over for sure but the game loses it's most exciting player in NFL history when Favre really does hang em. NOT THIS SEASON THOUGH. NO WAY!

Too much amusement and fire in his eyes on Sports center today. Aaron Rodgers just simoly must be up for the challeng and not go down three to one to Brett Favre in the opening match-up this season. The NFL is far better with Favre playing .

So it should be that for ohhhh another 3-4 years. The Packers must simply overrun him or it's 0-4 in two seasons Vs Vikings. The heat fr. the 'D' has to be all in and we have to keep a handle on the pouty kid at RB. Good as he is that young fella is a distraction....I mean AP. He has to get with the team approach and stop his rivalry with Favre.
Aaron Rodgers has to outshine them both with a strong assist fr. our offensive backfield or Ryan Grant. We need our TE to step up because Shiancoe will be only too good.Our WR's have to match-up and outshine the viking WR's. We need Crosby to get on track or dialed in.

We need a damn punter. :lol:



Huh! AP sure wasn't a distraction before Favre wouldn't go to camp. Maybe BF should be a better teammate and rehab/relax in the facility while the boys are working during TC. I am sure they can find better than HS quality WR on the Queens team.

As to BF leaving and no one picking up the slack. The same thing has been said after every legend leaves. And then all of a sudden there is someone new who picks up the torch and runs with it.

08-05-2010, 05:10 PM
Joe Montegna - wasn't he an actor?

08-08-2010, 10:40 PM
....... the Vikings quarterback tells USA TODAY. "I mean, my heart ... it was broken."

One of the all time greatest moments in sports.


Are you being sarcastic Scott?

08-08-2010, 11:06 PM
....... the Vikings quarterback tells USA TODAY. "I mean, my heart ... it was broken."

One of the all time greatest moments in sports.


Are you being sarcastic Scott?


08-09-2010, 07:51 AM
A trend I notice in this thread. . .

It will go several days without a post, then Gex, Mobb or Woody will make a post (mostly about nothing, basically just a bump) and we get a few more Favre posts. . . .

I think we're getting to the point where this guy has just died to the majority of Packer fans. It's approaching apathy.

I'd be curious how few posts we'd see if the Favre faithful stopped bumping it. I would guess this thread would just disappear.

08-09-2010, 08:31 AM
Well until he is back in camp and playing football, or fully retired for good, there isn't a whole lot to talk about, outside of a COMPLETE overreaction by the media over a text message.

Of course, they overreact about everything with Favre. Is the summer really that bad for sports media?

Scott Campbell
08-09-2010, 08:49 AM
If the Deadspin story can be proved, I predict it'll be abandon ship time for the remaining handful of Favre supporters. It's way too creepy to defend.

Scott Campbell
08-09-2010, 08:59 AM
....... the Vikings quarterback tells USA TODAY. "I mean, my heart ... it was broken."

One of the all time greatest moments in sports.


Are you being sarcastic Scott?

I think most Packer fans feel the same way about the carnage. Look at all the broken hearts. None of these distraught tortured souls are Packer fans.


So yes, I think it was one of the all time greatest moments in sports. And much like Bill Buckner costing the Red Sox a World Series, Favre's choke will be remembered forever. Especially Paul Allen crying out "THIS IS NOT DETROIT MAN, THIS IS THE SUPERBOWL!"

08-09-2010, 09:06 AM
If the Deadspin story can be proved, I predict it'll be abandon ship time for the remaining handful of Favre supporters. It's way too creepy to defend.

I'll take you up on that bet. I think you underestimate the Favre fans.

Scott Campbell
08-09-2010, 09:14 AM
If the Deadspin story can be proved, I predict it'll be abandon ship time for the remaining handful of Favre supporters. It's way too creepy to defend.

I'll take you up on that bet. I think you underestimate the Favre fans.

It's so incredibly creepy, that defending him translates to a referendum on creepy behavior. I think most people will draw the line, and won't condone that kind of creepiness in the workplace - or anywhere for that matter. But I think it'll be hard for the story to be proven. And that's their out.

On a related note, I think Harlan moves back into the Favre camp specifically because of this.

08-09-2010, 09:44 AM
If the Deadspin story can be proved, I predict it'll be abandon ship time for the remaining handful of Favre supporters. It's way too creepy to defend.

I'll take you up on that bet. I think you underestimate the Favre fans.

It's so incredibly creepy, that defending him translates to a referendum on creepy behavior. I think most people will draw the line, and won't condone that kind of creepiness in the workplace - or anywhere for that matter. But I think it'll be hard for the story to be proven. And that's their out.

On a related note, I think Harlan moves back into the Favre camp specifically because of this.

While I agree that it would be nearly impossible to defend, I also know plenty of Tiger fanatics who defended him even as more strippers and pornstars came out with their stories.

"The sun was in his eyes. He thought he was sending the pic to Deanna but couldn't see and sent it to Sterger on accident"


Scott Campbell
08-09-2010, 10:02 AM
I'm not entirely sure that Deanna would appreciate getting texted a picture of lil Lorenzo.

08-09-2010, 11:58 AM
I'm not entirely sure that Deanna would appreciate getting texted a picture of lil Lorenzo.

Come on, Favre is just a kid out there. He's trying to keep the sparks alive with Deanna. You'd think somebody with 7 wives could relate. :)

Scott Campbell
08-09-2010, 12:22 PM
At least Bert can take comfort that the scandal hasn't seemed to affect Tiger's game.

08-09-2010, 04:54 PM
I'm not entirely sure that Deanna would appreciate getting texted a picture of lil Lorenzo.

The subtle artistry of sexting is all in the positioning.


08-09-2010, 05:13 PM
....... the Vikings quarterback tells USA TODAY. "I mean, my heart ... it was broken."

One of the all time greatest moments in sports.


Are you being sarcastic Scott?

I think most Packer fans feel the same way about the carnage. Look at all the broken hearts. None of these distraught tortured souls are Packer fans.


So yes, I think it was one of the all time greatest moments in sports. And much like Bill Buckner costing the Red Sox a World Series, Favre's choke will be remembered forever. Especially Paul Allen crying out "THIS IS NOT DETROIT MAN, THIS IS THE SUPERBOWL!"

Eh, that all depends. I mean, certainly PACKER fans will remember it forever, but the general NFL audience and the rest of hte world? I mean, are people outside of packer land even mentioning his int in 2007 NFC Championship game? Give it a few seasons and no one is going to talk aobut that pick, especially if he comes back.

And if he somehow gets a ring, THAT will go down as one of the best moments in sports history, at least for the sports media, since Favre desparately wants a John Elway type leave from the NFL, and if he plays well at 41 and gets a second ring, it would shut a lot of pundents up, and may be a reminder just how hard getting a ring really is.

That being said, sure some fans are still bickering over that pick, but once #4 steps on the field week one, it's all gravy and no one but sour packer fans are going to be talking about it.

08-09-2010, 05:35 PM
Joe Montegna - wasn't he an actor?

I think so, and somebody killed his father!

Scott Campbell
08-09-2010, 07:31 PM

08-10-2010, 10:44 AM
Speaking of coveted..........


Now there is proof that there is ...' a God '. Moses, Jenkins and Aaron...Deanna is an extraordinarily beautiful woman and human being. Whhheeeuu. :D

08-10-2010, 10:48 AM
Speaking of coveted..........


Now there is proof that there is ...' a God '. Moses, Jenkins and Aaron...Deanna is an extraordinarily beautiful woman and human being. Whhheeeuu. :D

Bathsheba didn't have saline breast implants.

08-10-2010, 10:56 AM
....... the Vikings quarterback tells USA TODAY. "I mean, my heart ... it was broken."

One of the all time greatest moments in sports.


Are you being sarcastic Scott?

I think most Packer fans feel the same way about the carnage. Look at all the broken hearts. None of these distraught tortured souls are Packer fans.


So yes, I think it was one of the all time greatest moments in sports. And much like Bill Buckner costing the Red Sox a World Series, Favre's choke will be remembered forever. Especially Paul Allen crying out "THIS IS NOT DETROIT MAN, THIS IS THE SUPERBOWL!"

Long and short of it Scott. As that game continued Favre wasn't the reason 'the Vikings' lost that game. He played a tough gritty game and it will be registered in my grey matter as one of the most courageous efforts ever in a Pro sports Championship match-up. He persevered under intense defensive pressure to the tune of over 300 yards passing. He suffered brutal punishment. Sickening the way his OL let him down. What? Eighteen times he hit the turf. The horrific hit by two Saints that shoved him to the sideline and that still an issue Re: his return today.

He just didn't make that play Scott that might have sealed it. He didn't see his option on that play. A short pass to his right that would have moved the sticks. It just wsn't meant to be. Life is like that often Scott. You just pick yourself up and dust yourself off. Get back into it.

He will play again. I've prayed for his 20th season to be a reality. How he does this season will be determined by two many things to speculate on it's success.

Eddie. :D


08-10-2010, 11:02 AM
....... the Vikings quarterback tells USA TODAY. "I mean, my heart ... it was broken."

One of the all time greatest moments in sports.


Are you being sarcastic Scott?


I don't know how you Swede and other fellas find these appropriate pic's. That's certainly approprite, I think. :D


Scott Campbell
08-10-2010, 11:09 AM
He just didn't make that play Scott that might have sealed it. He didn't see his option on that play. A short pass to his right that would have moved the sticks. It just wsn't meant to be.

I agree with that last line for sure. It wasn't meant to be, because it was karma.

08-10-2010, 11:37 AM

08-10-2010, 11:38 AM
He just didn't make that play Scott that might have sealed it. He didn't see his option on that play. A short pass to his right that would have moved the sticks. It just wsn't meant to be.

I agree with that last line for sure. It wasn't meant to be, because it was karma.

There is alot to be said for a man and consistency. You Scott. :D


Scott Campbell
08-10-2010, 11:49 AM


A small-resolution and often blurry photo taken by oneself of their penis. Generally made with webcams or camera phones, but older digital cameras work as well if they are pixellated enough. Never include the face or any easily distinguishable physical characteristics, and often sport filenames such as 'mycock001.jpg' , 'LADIESONLY.jpg' or 'lil_lorenzo.jpg'.
Morticia (Jenn): I swear, if one more smarmy old pervert (Bert) sends me a cockshot, I'm being ordained as a nun.

08-10-2010, 12:29 PM
Speaking of coveted..........


Now there is proof that there is ...' a God '. Moses, Jenkins and Aaron...Deanna is an extraordinarily beautiful woman and human being. Whhheeeuu. :D

Bathsheba didn't have saline breast implants.

Ohhh. Your into Biblical History. Very cool man. If that is what we're seeing I'd say...Fine piece of surgery anyway. Damn she's gorgeous in that photo. Shockingly so, mraynrand in my humble view. No offense Brett.

It begs the question...Is their a place in heaven for breast implants? I hope so!!

08-10-2010, 12:52 PM

Scott Campbell
08-10-2010, 12:54 PM
Uhhh, Woody - you do know that's not Deanna in that picture - right?

Scott Campbell
08-10-2010, 12:55 PM
Woody...are you under the impression that the woman in the photo IS Deanna?


Scott Campbell
08-10-2010, 01:07 PM
..........and the object of Brett's peeny-pix attentions.

Not that that would make him a bad person.

08-10-2010, 01:26 PM
..........and the object of Brett's peeny-pix attentions.

Not that that would make him a bad person.

Is this a special kind of sexting called "Brexting." I used to send pictures of my brats via cellphone, just to brag, but not anymore...


08-10-2010, 01:49 PM
Woody...are you under the impression that the woman in the photo IS Deanna?


:lol: I guess I cleared THAT up.

Scott Campbell
08-10-2010, 02:17 PM
..........and the object of Brett's peeny-pix attentions.

Not that that would make him a bad person.

Is this a special kind of sexting called "Brexting." I used to send pictures of my brats via cellphone, just to brag, but not anymore...


Nice sausage Ayn!

Scott Campbell
08-10-2010, 03:38 PM
Here's another pic of Jenn, or as we like to call her - Deanna Jr.


Could she be the little minx that ends his career?

08-10-2010, 10:11 PM


A small-resolution and often blurry photo taken by oneself of their penis. Generally made with webcams or camera phones, but older digital cameras work as well if they are pixellated enough. Never include the face or any easily distinguishable physical characteristics, and often sport filenames such as 'mycock001.jpg' , 'LADIESONLY.jpg' or 'lil_lorenzo.jpg'.
Morticia (Jenn): I swear, if one more smarmy old pervert (Bert) sends me a cockshot, I'm being ordained as a nun.

I think considering the subject of the photo, using the grammatically correct "his" rather than the politically correct "their" in the first sentence is warranted...he he he. It needs to assert more fully the creepiness factor. Ick.

08-10-2010, 11:12 PM
I think considering the subject of the photo, using the grammatically correct "his" rather than the politically correct "their" in the first sentence is warranted.

You really don't want to tempt Skin to post the pics that would contradict your assumptions. There are some "shes" out there with all the plumbing you know. 300+ pages right to the garbage can.

08-11-2010, 12:34 PM
I think considering the subject of the photo, using the grammatically correct "his" rather than the politically correct "their" in the first sentence is warranted.

You really don't want to tempt Skin to post the pics that would contradict your assumptions. There are some "shes" out there with all the plumbing you know. 300+ pages right to the garbage can.

or maybe, I'd edit the post and ban you instead. :wink:

08-11-2010, 12:43 PM
I think considering the subject of the photo, using the grammatically correct "his" rather than the politically correct "their" in the first sentence is warranted.

You really don't want to tempt Skin to post the pics that would contradict your assumptions. There are some "shes" out there with all the plumbing you know. 300+ pages right to the garbage can.

or maybe, I'd edit the post and ban you instead. :wink:

you don't want to cut the traffic to the website in half, do you?

08-11-2010, 12:51 PM
I think considering the subject of the photo, using the grammatically correct "his" rather than the politically correct "their" in the first sentence is warranted.

You really don't want to tempt Skin to post the pics that would contradict your assumptions. There are some "shes" out there with all the plumbing you know. 300+ pages right to the garbage can.

or maybe, I'd edit the post and ban you instead. :wink:

you don't want to cut the traffic to the website in half, do you? yes, God forbid you tell a joke around here. maybe I should have just bashed Brett. Or something similar that wouldn't have affected traffic....

Scott Campbell
08-11-2010, 01:39 PM
yes, God forbid you tell a joke around here. maybe I should have just bashed Brett.

I'll make it easy. Just caption this:



08-13-2010, 01:44 PM

"I don't know," said Childress about Favre's status for the season and the game. The coach also added that he didn't want to set any artificial deadlines for Favre's return, whether it's imminent, two weeks or even two months away.

On the latter speculated scenario, a return by Favre after the season begins isn't embraced by some key players.

"I don't want to drag it out and wait until Week 1," All-Pro defensive end Jared Allen said. "Brett's a great guy, he's a great teammate, he's a great quarterback, but I think [we need an answer] by the third preseason game. That's kind of the earmark. We're ready to rock and roll, and the closer we get to the season, we need stability at quarterback."

Tarvaris Jackson is the presumed starter if Favre isn't ready, either now or ever.

"I do hope Brett comes back, but in fairness to the team and in fairness to Tarvaris -- hey, we're done with camp now -- let's move things forward," Allen said. "Tarvaris has an opportunity to take this team over ... I think you have to have confidence in the quarterback. I think the quarterback has to be the leader of the team, especially the offense and, again, I think stability at the position is key as hell."

Allen, a free spirit, knows that he isn't the boss of the Vikings and that he won't be making a determination about Favre's "deadline."

"All I'm saying -- and I have a pretty good relationship with Brett -- I think this is the last year we want do the flip-flop thing."

Scott Campbell
08-13-2010, 02:12 PM
If there's any truth to the Deadspin story, I wonder if it would just be easier for Favre to fade away with an ankle related retirement than to come back to all the hecklers and questions about Little Deanna.

Would he put himself through that?
Would he put Deanna through that?
Would he put his kids through that?
Would he put his team through that?

08-13-2010, 02:31 PM
Yes, yes, yes and...yes.

08-13-2010, 02:32 PM

I think this is the last year we want do the flip-flop thing."

Million dollar idea: Brett Favre flip-flops. Green and Gold on top with #4's face under your feet. A polarized image that flashes "I'm retired!" and "I'm Not retired!" as you tilt the flip-flops. A big #4 in Vikings/Jets colors on the underneath walking side. Sell them near the parking lot before the home game against the Vikes. Use them as clapping noisemakers during the game.

08-13-2010, 02:51 PM

I think this is the last year we want do the flip-flop thing."

Million dollar idea: Brett Favre flip-flops. Green and Gold on top with #4's face under your feet. A polarized image that flashes "I'm retired!" and "I'm Not retired!" as you tilt the flip-flops. A big #4 in Vikings/Jets colors on the underneath walking side. Sell them near the parking lot before the home game against the Vikes. Use them as clapping noisemakers during the game.

That's a good idea. Or they could just freshen up this stalactite from Trek days. (I guess to be technically correct RE:Favre it would be a stalagmite).


08-13-2010, 02:53 PM
Ah, so they DO care. See, I was told by every Viking fan that no one on the team cares, so why should we?

Because he's a fucking nimrod.

08-13-2010, 03:07 PM
The coach also added that he didn't want to set any artificial deadlines for Favre's return


How about a real deadline - like Week 1.

08-13-2010, 03:59 PM
yes, God forbid you tell a joke around here. maybe I should have just bashed Brett.

I'll make it easy. Just caption this:



What is that? Choking the chicken?? And what does it mean? Just another way of saying "Shaking hands with the bishop" or "Weeding the garden weasel"?

08-13-2010, 06:54 PM

I think this is the last year we want do the flip-flop thing."

Million dollar idea: Brett Favre flip-flops. Green and Gold on top with #4's face under your feet. A polarized image that flashes "I'm retired!" and "I'm Not retired!" as you tilt the flip-flops. A big #4 in Vikings/Jets colors on the underneath walking side. Sell them near the parking lot before the home game against the Vikes. Use them as clapping noisemakers during the game.

That's marketing genius right there. I know I wouldn't buy them, but they'd probably be the most popular footwear in a good chunk of the midwest...

08-14-2010, 11:02 AM
today he talks to coles about how he's not trying to replace his freinship with chad, he's just here to help them win

bubba says #4 "still has it, ask any of the WRs" and that he's been "making incredible plays"

bubba's locker is rght next to lord's and he comes to him with any questions

brett says his arm is a little fatigued ("no pain") and that he felt 38 today - mangini states that this is normal for camp b/c u take more reps than most weeks during season.

brett also favorably compared coles and his other wrs to the ones he had in GB with respect to their play-making abilities (YACS) - this along with the fact that thomas jones is AT LEAST as good as grant gives team hope....


I noticed yesterday was the TWO YEAR anniversary of the creation of this lovely thread..glad to see no one has trashed it or resented it

SO much has happend since then, yet some things remain the same

I really thought #4 would have retired a Jet and it was actually cool that he was in the AFC; imagine if he were leading them now instead of sanchez! WHEW...they would DEF be dallas bound this winter as long as Revis gets his arse in camp

Then we could have pack v favre for the ultimate prize and he could go away and become anonymous once and for all

or maybe he will join buck and aikman???

08-14-2010, 12:04 PM
I noticed yesterday was the TWO YEAR anniversary of the creation of this lovely thread..glad to see no one has trashed it or resented it

SO much has happend since then, yet some things remain the same

Congrats Mobb. It's your baby.

Props on standing by your man through the commotion :). Here's to hoping the ancient one comes back and we get another year of banter (in this thread).

08-17-2010, 12:42 PM

EDEN PRAIRIE, Minn. -- Three prominent Minnesota Vikings players were missing from practice Tuesday, reportedly because they traveled to quarterback Brett Favre's home in Mississippi in an effort to convince the quarterback to return for a 20th season.

Guard Steve Hutchinson, defensive end Jared Allen and place-kicker Ryan Longwell -- three of Favre's closest confidants on the team last season -- were not at a practice scheduled to begin at 12:45 p.m. ET.

The Star Tribune reported the three players were not present for team meetings Tuesday morning and were in fact in Hattiesburg, Miss.

FavreWatch: Vikings in full-scale panic

EDEN PRAIRIE, Minn. -- Remember how we referred to the Minnesota Vikings as some "nervous Nellies" on Monday? I think we can safely say they were in a full-scale panic Tuesday morning.

The Star Tribune is reporting that the team sent three prominent players -- guard Steve Hutchinson, defensive end Jared Allen and place-kicker Ryan Longwell -- to quarterback Brett Favre's home in Mississippi in an effort to convince him to return for a 20th season. I can't tell you how unusual it is to fly three players away from a mid-week practice to essentially beg a quarterback to play for them this season. Among many other issues, all three players are scheduled to fly to the West Coast for Sunday night's preseason game at San Francisco.

08-17-2010, 12:47 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm so glad that is not our problem right now... Begging for our QB to come back... The packers are truly blessed / lucky to have another top QB in the league for at-least another decade...

08-17-2010, 01:21 PM

EDEN PRAIRIE, Minn. -- Three prominent Minnesota Vikings players were missing from practice Tuesday, reportedly because they traveled to quarterback Brett Favre's home in Mississippi in an effort to convince the quarterback to return for a 20th season.

Guard Steve Hutchinson, defensive end Jared Allen and place-kicker Ryan Longwell -- three of Favre's closest confidants on the team last season -- were not at a practice scheduled to begin at 12:45 p.m. ET.

The Star Tribune reported the three players were not present for team meetings Tuesday morning and were in fact in Hattiesburg, Miss.

FavreWatch: Vikings in full-scale panic

EDEN PRAIRIE, Minn. -- Remember how we referred to the Minnesota Vikings as some "nervous Nellies" on Monday? I think we can safely say they were in a full-scale panic Tuesday morning.

The Star Tribune is reporting that the team sent three prominent players -- guard Steve Hutchinson, defensive end Jared Allen and place-kicker Ryan Longwell -- to quarterback Brett Favre's home in Mississippi in an effort to convince him to return for a 20th season. I can't tell you how unusual it is to fly three players away from a mid-week practice to essentially beg a quarterback to play for them this season. Among many other issues, all three players are scheduled to fly to the West Coast for Sunday night's preseason game at San Francisco.

Seriously!?! You take 3 vets out of practice to beg BF. MN really must be in all out panic mode if they do this.

08-17-2010, 01:24 PM
today he talks to coles about how he's not trying to replace his freinship with chad, he's just here to help them win

bubba says #4 "still has it, ask any of the WRs" and that he's been "making incredible plays"

bubba's locker is rght next to lord's and he comes to him with any questions

brett says his arm is a little fatigued ("no pain") and that he felt 38 today - mangini states that this is normal for camp b/c u take more reps than most weeks during season.

brett also favorably compared coles and his other wrs to the ones he had in GB with respect to their play-making abilities (YACS) - this along with the fact that thomas jones is AT LEAST as good as grant gives team hope....


I noticed yesterday was the TWO YEAR anniversary of the creation of this lovely thread..glad to see no one has trashed it or resented it

SO much has happend since then, yet some things remain the same

I really thought #4 would have retired a Jet and it was actually cool that he was in the AFC; imagine if he were leading them now instead of sanchez! WHEW...they would DEF be dallas bound this winter as long as Revis gets his arse in camp

Then we could have pack v favre for the ultimate prize and he could go away and become anonymous once and for all

or maybe he will join buck and aikman???

If this thread was a poster it would rank 26th in total posts.

08-17-2010, 01:44 PM
InsideNFLmedia #NFL Network report on #Vikings Brett #Favre: He has boarded a plane and is heading north... more news to follow on #NFL Network & NFL.com.

08-17-2010, 01:44 PM
From Seifert's blog on ESPN.

FavreWatch: Ask players to clean up mess?
By Kevin Seifert

EDEN PRAIRIE, Minn. -- There was a time, not too long ago, when we assumed the Minnesota Vikings had some sort of handshake agreement with quarterback Brett Favre to return for a 20th season. There just seemed no way they would stand pat at the game's most important position if they didn't have some kind of assurance that Favre ultimately would play.

We started wondering about that premise when Vikings coach Brad Childress made a pre-training camp stop in Hattiesburg, Miss. Childress spent the night at Favre's mansion to gauge his state of mind and emerged saying he "wouldn't be surprised" if Favre retired. At that point, I still wondered if Childress was covering for Favre's desire to skip training camp.

Now, after Tuesday's news that three prominent players were sent to Hattiesburg to recruit Favre in person, I think we can say the Vikings have pulled the emergency brake. They are panicked and clearly have serious concerns about Favre's once-presumed intent to play this season.

Make no mistake: This is an unprecedented move in modern-day team building. Of course, missing one training camp practice isn't a big deal. But to involve three of Favre's closest confidants in what amounts to first-person begging blurs the lines between players, coaches and front offices. It's one thing for players to recruit each other via phone during free agency, but it's quite another to ask them to clean up a mess their organizational leaders have created.

Because that's what this has become. Childress has spearheaded the Favre movement for three years in Minnesota, but it's clear he has run into a personal dead end. Favre hasn't said yes, and Childress must be concerned the answer will eventually be no. To avoid that disaster, Childress has asked three players to rescue the franchise's hope for building a Super Bowl contender this season.

If they come back empty-handed, the Vikings are a wild-card contender at best with Tarvaris Jackson and Sage Rosenfels. You can argue that if you want, but if the Vikings disagreed, I doubt they would have reached for this measure of last resort.

In gambling terms, the Vikings went all in on Favre. As of Tuesday morning, they were hoping to avoid going broke.

I'm headed out to practice now and will update the blog throughout the day. Never a dull moment, huh?

08-17-2010, 01:51 PM
InsideNFLmedia #NFL Network report on #Vikings Brett #Favre: He has boarded a plane and is heading north... more news to follow on #NFL Network & NFL.com.

Here's hoping it was the 2005 Favre that got on that plane.

08-17-2010, 01:53 PM
greggrosenthal email from Favre's website: "Stay tuned for breaking news from the Minnesota Vikings today on Brett Favre's possible return"

Scott Campbell
08-17-2010, 01:55 PM
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Bert Favre reverses course and decides to play in 2010.

08-17-2010, 02:03 PM
@Jay_Glazer: #Favre has told trio of vikings who came to persuade him to return that he is "back in" and is on plane back to minny now
What a shocker.

08-17-2010, 02:12 PM
Well, after what happened last year, I'm happy to get a chance to even the score.

I would love to win a championship with Favre in our same division. It would be the ultimate, "end that old debate" moment for the Packers.

08-17-2010, 02:15 PM
Well, after what happened last year, I'm happy to get a chance to even the score.

I would love to win a championship with Favre in our same division. It would be the ultimate, "end that old debate" moment for the Packers.

I agree. Also Favre's streak has to end somewhere sometime. If it has to happen during the season, I hope it's in Green Bay.

Scott Campbell
08-17-2010, 02:20 PM
I wonder what Little Deanna has to say?


08-17-2010, 02:53 PM
From Seifert's blog on ESPN.

FavreWatch: Ask players to clean up mess?
By Kevin Seifert

EDEN PRAIRIE, Minn. -- There was a time, not too long ago, when we assumed the Minnesota Vikings had some sort of handshake agreement with quarterback Brett Favre to return for a 20th season. There just seemed no way they would stand pat at the game's most important position if they didn't have some kind of assurance that Favre ultimately would play.

We started wondering about that premise when Vikings coach Brad Childress made a pre-training camp stop in Hattiesburg, Miss. Childress spent the night at Favre's mansion to gauge his state of mind and emerged saying he "wouldn't be surprised" if Favre retired. At that point, I still wondered if Childress was covering for Favre's desire to skip training camp.

Now, after Tuesday's news that three prominent players were sent to Hattiesburg to recruit Favre in person, I think we can say the Vikings have pulled the emergency brake. They are panicked and clearly have serious concerns about Favre's once-presumed intent to play this season.

Make no mistake: This is an unprecedented move in modern-day team building. Of course, missing one training camp practice isn't a big deal. But to involve three of Favre's closest confidants in what amounts to first-person begging blurs the lines between players, coaches and front offices. It's one thing for players to recruit each other via phone during free agency, but it's quite another to ask them to clean up a mess their organizational leaders have created.

Because that's what this has become. Childress has spearheaded the Favre movement for three years in Minnesota, but it's clear he has run into a personal dead end. Favre hasn't said yes, and Childress must be concerned the answer will eventually be no. To avoid that disaster, Childress has asked three players to rescue the franchise's hope for building a Super Bowl contender this season.

If they come back empty-handed, the Vikings are a wild-card contender at best with Tarvaris Jackson and Sage Rosenfels. You can argue that if you want, but if the Vikings disagreed, I doubt they would have reached for this measure of last resort.

In gambling terms, the Vikings went all in on Favre. As of Tuesday morning, they were hoping to avoid going broke.

I'm headed out to practice now and will update the blog throughout the day. Never a dull moment, huh?

As much as I despise the Vikings, this is sad. Really, really sad. And the State of Minnesota is actually considering building this outfit a new stadium?

Tony Oday
08-17-2010, 02:56 PM

After Mississippi Circle Jerk between Jared Allen, Ryan Longwell, Brett "diva" Favre and Steve Hutchinson Favre has decided to return to football to lead the purple punks to an 8-8 record.

Cheesehead Craig
08-17-2010, 02:57 PM
Wonder if I have time to make it to the airport to welcome Brent back...

08-17-2010, 03:46 PM
I seriously fucking hate Favre. I have a really hard time trying to figure out how Mobb, Gex, Packerbacker, etc can still defend this guy.

Scott Campbell
08-17-2010, 04:28 PM
I'm getting a little tired of constantly defending Favre myself.

Freak Out
08-17-2010, 04:34 PM
I'm getting a little tired of constantly defending Favre myself.

Have you finally decided to step down as the head of the Utah chapter of "Favre Lovers International"? :lol:


08-17-2010, 04:40 PM

I think this is the last year we want do the flip-flop thing."

Million dollar idea: Brett Favre flip-flops. Green and Gold on top with #4's face under your feet. A polarized image that flashes "I'm retired!" and "I'm Not retired!" as you tilt the flip-flops. A big #4 in Vikings/Jets colors on the underneath walking side. Sell them near the parking lot before the home game against the Vikes. Use them as clapping noisemakers during the game.

That's marketing genius right there. I know I wouldn't buy them, but they'd probably be the most popular footwear in a good chunk of the midwest...

I will take a pair. If you do this except they are croc flip-flops (doubtful there is a such thing) I would take 3.

08-17-2010, 04:42 PM
So it looks like Favre will report to the Vikings tomorrow on the 1 year anniversary of his joining the Vikings last year. He always was a sentimental guy.

Wish he'd make it official so I can set up my Fantasy football board.

08-17-2010, 04:54 PM
We have live video!!!!!


08-17-2010, 05:42 PM
Here's to hoping this is one year too many :twisted:

08-17-2010, 05:48 PM
Well, I appreciate exciting players - that is why I like favre, and he is exciting to watch on the field. You never know what is going to happen, good or bad, and you always see plays you just rarely if ever see happen, and usually in the biggest moments (at least, in the regular season). He is possibly the best regular season QB of all time, right there with Peyton Manning (who has just as many struggles in the post season as #4 has) - but both have remarkable regular season records.

He is a "great" QB - one of the greatest to ever play. I enjoy watching him.

So he is a diva? He is merely what us in GB turned him into. Can't blame the guy when we worshiped him for parts of two decades.

08-17-2010, 05:49 PM
Who gets the privilege of driving him to camp?

08-17-2010, 05:50 PM
You never know what is going to happen, good or bad.

Well, for over a decade, you pretty much know it's going to end badly.

08-17-2010, 05:50 PM
Who gets the privilege of driving him to camp?


No word on whether they stopped by Applebee's on the way in.

08-17-2010, 05:52 PM
he's looking a lil chubby

08-17-2010, 05:56 PM
Who gets the privilege of driving him to camp?

Apparently Chilly is taking a hardline approach this year. None of that driving Favre around.

Excusing three of his best players to fly to Bumblefuck, MS in the middle of a training camp week should really show everyone who's wearing the pants this time around.

And of course the answer is nobody. Favre's are around his ankles and each and every Viking is taking his turn bending over.

Tony Oday
08-17-2010, 06:04 PM
No JA, Hutch and Dipshit kicker who is too good for GB all wanted a day off.

Scott Campbell
08-17-2010, 06:31 PM
Who gets the privilege of driving him to camp?

Apparently Chilly is taking a hardline approach this year. None of that driving Favre around.

Excusing three of his best players to fly to Bumblefuck, MS in the middle of a training camp week should really show everyone who's wearing the pants this time around.

And of course the answer is nobody. Favre's are around his ankles and each and every Viking is taking his turn bending over.

Without (cellphone) pics, it didn't happen.

08-17-2010, 06:34 PM
Who gets the privilege of driving him to camp?


08-17-2010, 06:43 PM
Well, I appreciate exciting players - that is why I like favre, and he is exciting to watch on the field. You never know what is going to happen, good or bad, and you always see plays you just rarely if ever see happen, and usually in the biggest moments (at least, in the regular season). He is possibly the best regular season QB of all time, right there with Peyton Manning (who has just as many struggles in the post season as #4 has) - but both have remarkable regular season records.

He is a "great" QB - one of the greatest to ever play. I enjoy watching him.

So he is a diva? He is merely what us in GB turned him into. Can't blame the guy when we worshiped him for parts of two decades.There is the problem. We were all fans and he was fun and exciting to watch. Only some crossed the line and worshiped him - not the average fan.

08-17-2010, 06:51 PM
At this point, the Vikings handling of this situation is even more embarrassing than Favre's.
And that takes some doin'.
I'm starting to think Favre's a plant to destroy the Viking organization. Have they NO pride?
Come to think of it, they have NO Super Bowls so I guess pride is a moot point with the organization.

08-17-2010, 06:53 PM
InsideNFLmedia #NFL Network report on #Vikings Brett #Favre: He has boarded a plane and is heading north... more news to follow on #NFL Network & NFL.com.

Here's hoping it was the 2005 Favre that got on that plane.

:lol: :lol:

08-17-2010, 07:23 PM
Well, I appreciate exciting players - that is why I like favre, and he is exciting to watch on the field. You never know what is going to happen, good or bad, and you always see plays you just rarely if ever see happen, and usually in the biggest moments (at least, in the regular season). He is possibly the best regular season QB of all time, right there with Peyton Manning (who has just as many struggles in the post season as #4 has) - but both have remarkable regular season records.

He is a "great" QB - one of the greatest to ever play. I enjoy watching him.

So he is a diva? He is merely what us in GB turned him into. Can't blame the guy when we worshiped him for parts of two decades.There is the problem. We were all fans and he was fun and exciting to watch. Only some crossed the line and worshiped him - not the average fan.

Agreed. Please don't lump me in with you PB.

08-17-2010, 07:25 PM
Well, I appreciate exciting players - that is why I like favre, and he is exciting to watch on the field. You never know what is going to happen, good or bad, and you always see plays you just rarely if ever see happen, and usually in the biggest moments (at least, in the regular season). He is possibly the best regular season QB of all time, right there with Peyton Manning (who has just as many struggles in the post season as #4 has) - but both have remarkable regular season records.

He is a "great" QB - one of the greatest to ever play. I enjoy watching him.

So he is a diva? He is merely what us in GB turned him into. Can't blame the guy when we worshiped him for parts of two decades.There is the problem. We were all fans and he was fun and exciting to watch. Only some crossed the line and worshiped him - not the average fan.

Agreed. Please don't lump me in with you PB.

+2. I for one also saw Favre as a flawed QB.

08-17-2010, 07:57 PM
Well, I appreciate exciting players - that is why I like favre, and he is exciting to watch on the field. You never know what is going to happen, good or bad, and you always see plays you just rarely if ever see happen, and usually in the biggest moments (at least, in the regular season). He is possibly the best regular season QB of all time, right there with Peyton Manning (who has just as many struggles in the post season as #4 has) - but both have remarkable regular season records.

He is a "great" QB - one of the greatest to ever play. I enjoy watching him.

So he is a diva? He is merely what us in GB turned him into. Can't blame the guy when we worshiped him for parts of two decades.There is the problem. We were all fans and he was fun and exciting to watch. Only some crossed the line and worshiped him - not the average fan.

Agreed. Please don't lump me in with you PB.

+2. I for one also saw Favre as a flawed QB.

He is a flawed QB - he is a risk taker, and risk takers make mistakes, and the problem is that favre never learned, in playoff games, when taking that risk was the stupidest decision ever.

However, most QB's have flaws - there really is no "perfect" QB, and there are way to be ways to judge what makes you a good QB. THat is why I said he is exciting, and it's really hard to deny that. I was crushed inside when he made that play to greg lewis against the 49ers, but it brought up memories of times similar things happened to us, like first play of OT against denver in 2007. He is exciting - things seem to happen when he is around.

I also don't blame the vikings for doing what they have done with #4. He is possibly the best QB in the history of their organization. It is true they need his stellar play to WIN a SB, the question is - after doing it twice in 3 years, can favre finally play it safe late in a tied game?

History says no, but fo rhte vikings, they have to try it.

08-17-2010, 09:25 PM
@media twitters and tweets about Favre on a plane: Oh Jesus fucking Christ people. Tiger Woods just fucked up a whole golf tournament and possibly a good chunk of his career. Can't you report on that for a while? Maybe find another player to report on, you know, WHO'S ACTUALLY IN CAMP?

Thanks for your attention to this matter cause I don't give a flying fuck anymore except for the comedic value. Multi-millionaires begging another multi-millionaire who can no longer move in the pocket to come back and get sacked for 4 months...

08-17-2010, 09:33 PM
There has been no official word yet on Favre returning to the Vikings. There are a couple of big reasons why they want him back and neither have to do with his play on the field.

1) His presence alone causes players to perform better.

2) The Vikings want a new stadium and Favre is a cash cow.

I have not read one report from the Vikings, Longwell, Hutchinson, or Allen that says they went there to "beg him" to play. Every single source that cites this, it is their opinion, not fact. This reminds of the whole Favre debacle when he left Green Bay. Some reporter goes and states their opinion, then it gets blown out of proportion and becomes "fact". Reality isn't very exciting sometimes but jumping the gun and buying into opinion without facts is over-reacting just a tad.

08-17-2010, 09:34 PM
There has been no official word yet on Favre returning to the Vikings. There are a couple of big reasons why they want him back and neither have to do with his play on the field.

1) His presence alone causes players to perform better.

2) The Vikings want a new stadium and Favre is a cash cow.

I have not read one report from the Vikings, Longwell, Hutchinson, or Allen that says they went there to "beg him" to play. Every single source that cites this, it is their opinion, not fact. This reminds of the whole Favre debacle when he left Green Bay. Some reporter goes and states their opinion, then it gets blown out of proportion and becomes "fact". Reality isn't very exciting sometimes but jumping the gun and buying into opinion without facts is over-reacting just a tad.

Sorry, you don't send 3 Probowlers to MS in the middle of training camp.

08-17-2010, 09:35 PM
There has been no official word yet on Favre returning to the Vikings. There are a couple of big reasons why they want him back and neither have to do with his play on the field.

1) His presence alone causes players to perform better.

2) The Vikings want a new stadium and Favre is a cash cow.

I have not read one report from the Vikings, Longwell, Hutchinson, or Allen that says they went there to "beg him" to play. Every single source that cites this, it is their opinion, not fact. This reminds of the whole Favre debacle when he left Green Bay. Some reporter goes and states their opinion, then it gets blown out of proportion and becomes "fact". Reality isn't very exciting sometimes but jumping the gun and buying into opinion without facts is over-reacting just a tad.

But this is a message board and that's what we're good at. And in this instance, it's kinda fun...

Scott Campbell
08-17-2010, 09:37 PM
1) His presence alone causes players to perform better.

Especially opposing secondaries.

08-17-2010, 09:42 PM
1) His presence alone causes players to perform better.

Especially opposing secondaries.

ksssssssssss! :twisted:

Scott Campbell
08-17-2010, 09:45 PM
1) His presence alone causes players to perform better.

Especially opposing secondaries.

ksssssssssss! :twisted:

It's true. Bert made Tracy Porter a household name.

08-17-2010, 09:45 PM
1) His presence alone causes players to perform better.

Especially opposing secondaries.

So, did Rodgers cost us our lone playoff game last year? I don't think he did but I want to know what you think.

Look at your comment above and think real hard before you answer...

08-17-2010, 09:48 PM
Excusing three of his best players to fly to Bumblefuck, MS in the middle of a training camp week should really show everyone who's wearing the pants this time around.
No, Brett is not wearing the pants. He had them down around his ankles so Longwell and Allen could stroke little Lorenzo while Hutchenson took pictures to send to sideline reporter babes.

08-17-2010, 09:51 PM
1) His presence alone causes players to perform better.

Especially opposing secondaries.

So, did Rodgers cost us our lone playoff game last year? I don't think he did but I want to know what you think.

Look at your comment above and think real hard before you answer...

If there is a typhoon in Indonesia, does it change the fact that Brett Favre lost 3 NFC Championship games and One Divisional game with unforced interceptions? Think real hard before you answer.

Scott Campbell
08-17-2010, 09:52 PM
1) His presence alone causes players to perform better.

Especially opposing secondaries.

So, did Rodgers cost us our lone playoff game last year? I don't think he did but I want to know what you think.

Look at your comment above and think real hard before you answer...

In the realm of massive playoff chokes, Rodgers rates a 2. Favre is an 11.



08-17-2010, 09:53 PM
Who gets the privilege of driving him to camp?


No word on whether they stopped by Applebee's on the way in.


Scott Campbell
08-17-2010, 09:56 PM
But don't take my word for it. Lets ask MN Viking announcer Paul Allen for his thoughts on the choke:


08-17-2010, 10:07 PM
Another year, another unforced INT. Oh, the memories! Oh, the Humanity!


08-17-2010, 10:15 PM
1) His presence alone causes players to perform better.

Especially opposing secondaries.

So, did Rodgers cost us our lone playoff game last year? I don't think he did but I want to know what you think.

Look at your comment above and think real hard before you answer...

Was there a jail break blitz on the BF INT? ARod was part of the problem and a huge part of the reason we even made it to 45-45 at the end of regulation.

08-17-2010, 10:18 PM
1) His presence alone causes players to perform better.

Sounds like Bert should be doing Extenze commercials. :lol:

08-17-2010, 10:38 PM
1) His presence alone causes players to perform better.

Especially opposing secondaries.

So, did Rodgers cost us our lone playoff game last year? I don't think he did but I want to know what you think.

Look at your comment above and think real hard before you answer...

If there is a typhoon in Indonesia, does it change the fact that Brett Favre lost 3 NFC Championship games and One Divisional game with unforced interceptions? Think real hard before you answer.

Depends who is answering the question. Is it a rational person or a Favre fanatic?

08-17-2010, 11:51 PM
This is the way it will be remembered.


Here’s a brief look back at the QB’s past three years, starting with a record-setting performance against the Vikings.

Favre receives a congratulatory hug from his wife Deanna following the Packers’ 23-16 victory over the Minnesota Vikings on Sept. 30, 2007. Favre threw his NFL record 421st touchdown in the first quarter.
(Jeff Gross/Getty Images)
Sept. 30: Favre passes Dan Marino’s all-time touchdown pass record of 420 vs. the Vikings.

Packers’ season: The team won the NFC North with a 13-3 record and made the NFC championship game, but was defeated by the New York Giants 23-20. Favre finishes the regular season with 28 touchdown passes for 4,155 yards and 15 interceptions.

January/February: Favre withdraws from Pro Bowl after an ankle injury

March 4: Favre announces he will retire.

March 6: Favre retires, gives tearful retirement press conference.

March 27: Favre tells coach Mike McCarthy and general manager Ted Thompson he made mistake by retiring.

June 20: Favre calls McCarthy with plans to unretire. McCarthy says team has moved on with new starter Aaron Rodgers(notes).

July 11: Asks for unconditional release to play for another team. Packers deny.

July 16: Packers file tampering charges against the Vikings.

July 29: Favre faxes paperwork to the NFL to be reinstated.

July 30: Packers president and CEO Mark Murphy meets with Favre in Mississippi to persuade Favre to remain retired. Source close to Favre says the team floated $20 million offer over 10 years for Favre to stay retired.

Aug. 3: NFL reinstates Favre.

Aug. 4: Favre reports to Packers training camp. Meets with head coach Mike McCarthy and general manager Ted Thompson and they agree to part ways.

Aug. 7: The Vikings are interested in Favre, but since he’s not a free agent the Packers refuse to trade him within the division, instead opting for a trade to the Jets for conditional fourth-round pick in the 2009 draft ($12 million salary).

Favre and the Jets lose to Seattle in Week 16.
Jets’ season: The team lost four of their last five games and missed the playoffs with an overall record of 9-7. Favre finished with 22 touchdown passes for 3,472 yards and 22 interceptions, including eight interceptions in the final four games.

Dec. 29: MRI reveals torn biceps tendon in Favre’s right shoulder, requiring arthroscopic surgery.

Feb. 11: Favre tells Jets he will retire.

April 28: Jets waive Favre off their reserved/retired list for unknown reasons. Favre is free to sign with any team should he unretire. Jets selected former USC QB Mark Sanchez(notes) in the NFL draft three days earlier.

May: Favre undergoes arthroscopic surgery to repair his injured right passing shoulder. Shoulder is reportedly not 100 percent.

May 7: Favre tells Vikings coach Matt Childress he wants to remain retired.

May 29-31: Vikings’ mandatory minicamp goes on without Favre. Tarvaris Jackson(notes), Sage Rosenfels(notes) and John David Booty(notes) are the quarterbacks.

June 15: Favre acknowledges on HBO’s “Joe Buck Live” that he’s “considering it” when asked about playing in 2009.

Vikings coach Brad Childress drives Favre from airport to training camp on Aug. 18.
(AP photo)
July 9: Vikings trainer Eric Sugarman visits Hattiesburg, Miss., for the second time since June to check Favre’s physical condition, according to the Star Tribune.

July 15: Tells the Associated Press that the Vikings will know by the July 30 start to their training camp whether he will be attending.

July 20: Vikings single-game tickets go on sale.

July 28: Brad Childress tells the Star Tribune that Favre will stay retired.

Aug. 18: Favre arrives at Vikings training camp to meet with coach Brad Childress and others and is in helmet and pads less than 90 minutes after arriving wearing practice jersey No. 4. AP reports a deal is done.

Sept. 13: Favre throws 1 TD pass and no INTs in a win over Cleveland in his regular-season debut for the Vikes.

Sept. 27: Favre’s TD pass to Greg Lewis with two seconds remaining beats the 49ers.

Oct. 5: In his first game against the Packers, Favre throws 3 TD passes as Minnesota improves to 4-0.

Nov. 1: In his first game back at Lambeau Field, Favre throws 4 TD passes as Minnesota improves to 7-1.

Dec. 20: Favre refuses Childress’ request to come out of the game during a loss to the Panthers.


The Saints pounded Favre.
(Matt Stamey/US Presswire)
Jan. 17: Favre throws four 4 TD passes in an NFC divisional playoff win vs. the Cowboys.

Jan. 24: Favre throws a critical fourth-quarter pick in the NFC title game loss vs. the Saints.

May 21: Favre confirms on his website that he had arthroscopic surgery on his left ankle.

Aug. 3: Star Tribune reports that Favre informed the Vikings he would not return for a 20th season.

08-18-2010, 12:12 AM
There has been no official word yet on Favre returning to the Vikings. There are a couple of big reasons why they want him back and neither have to do with his play on the field.

1) His presence alone causes players to perform better.

2) The Vikings want a new stadium and Favre is a cash cow.

I have not read one report from the Vikings, Longwell, Hutchinson, or Allen that says they went there to "beg him" to play. Every single source that cites this, it is their opinion, not fact. This reminds of the whole Favre debacle when he left Green Bay. Some reporter goes and states their opinion, then it gets blown out of proportion and becomes "fact". Reality isn't very exciting sometimes but jumping the gun and buying into opinion without facts is over-reacting just a tad.

Why else would they skip out of TC to go down to MS? If all they wanted was a yes or no answer wouldn't a text do? I'd wager those 3 team captains had their coaches blessing to go down to Hattiesburg and cajole Grandpa to come back and save the day. :roll:

08-18-2010, 07:57 AM
This is the way it will be remembered. ....
Aug. 3: Star Tribune reports that Favre informed the Vikings he would not return for a 20th season.

I didn't see the interview with Greta in there!


08-18-2010, 08:08 AM
There has been no official word yet on Favre returning to the Vikings. There are a couple of big reasons why they want him back and neither have to do with his play on the field.

1) His presence alone causes players to perform better.

2) The Vikings want a new stadium and Favre is a cash cow.

I have not read one report from the Vikings, Longwell, Hutchinson, or Allen that says they went there to "beg him" to play. Every single source that cites this, it is their opinion, not fact. This reminds of the whole Favre debacle when he left Green Bay. Some reporter goes and states their opinion, then it gets blown out of proportion and becomes "fact". Reality isn't very exciting sometimes but jumping the gun and buying into opinion without facts is over-reacting just a tad.

Why else would they skip out of TC to go down to MS? If all they wanted was a yes or no answer wouldn't a text do? I'd wager those 3 team captains had their coaches blessing to go down to Hattiesburg and cajole Grandpa to come back and save the day. :roll:

They either went down there to beg, or they went down there to tell him that one way or another, it was time to make a decision. Either way, a face to face meeting suggests a sense of urgency that sending a text doesn't.

08-18-2010, 08:14 AM
They either went down there to beg, or they went down there to tell him that one way or another, it was time to make a decision. Either way, a face to face meeting suggests a sense of urgency that sending a text doesn't.

They obviously went down there to get the skinny directly from Favre


He's like a kid out there!

08-18-2010, 08:16 AM
Favre runs the show!


08-18-2010, 08:37 AM
This is the way it will be remembered. ....
Aug. 3: Star Tribune reports that Favre informed the Vikings he would not return for a 20th season.

I didn't see the interview with Greta in there!


Some how he missed that TT and MM schedule flight to MS to talk to Favre about unretiring but before the plane leaves BF calls TT back and says don't come I really am done.

There are so many things missing from that timeline that it is a joke. Like the Jets releasing Favre for some unknown reason. Hmmm... Bus Cook wasn't calling to ask for BF to be released? For a retired player? And the Jets said No! Pretty much anything that makes BF look bad has been removed from that timeline.

08-18-2010, 08:47 AM
This is the way it will be remembered. ....
Aug. 3: Star Tribune reports that Favre informed the Vikings he would not return for a 20th season.

I didn't see the interview with Greta in there!


Some how he missed that TT and MM schedule flight to MS to talk to Favre about unretiring but before the plane leaves BF calls TT back and says don't come I really am done.

There are so many things missing from that timeline that it is a joke. Like the Jets releasing Favre for some unknown reason. Hmmm... Bus Cook wasn't calling to ask for BF to be released? For a retired player? And the Jets said No! Pretty much anything that makes BF look bad has been removed from that timeline.

It also leaves out how the Favre family booked hotel rooms the weekend of the GB-Minn game while Favre was still a Jet. Or retired, whichever it was.

08-18-2010, 09:18 AM
This is the way it will be remembered. ....
Aug. 3: Star Tribune reports that Favre informed the Vikings he would not return for a 20th season.

I didn't see the interview with Greta in there!


Some how he missed that TT and MM schedule flight to MS to talk to Favre about unretiring but before the plane leaves BF calls TT back and says don't come I really am done.

There are so many things missing from that timeline that it is a joke. Like the Jets releasing Favre for some unknown reason. Hmmm... Bus Cook wasn't calling to ask for BF to be released? For a retired player? And the Jets said No! Pretty much anything that makes BF look bad has been removed from that timeline.

It also leaves out how the Favre family booked hotel rooms the weekend of the GB-Minn game while Favre was still a Jet. Or retired, whichever it was.

Ignorance is Bliss!!!

Freak Out
08-18-2010, 11:02 AM
What this thread needs a one of Skinbaskets strange little videos of the He-man looking guy shooting his load on a Unicorn or Dolphin or whatever the hell it was.

What an epic circle jerk.