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10-08-2008, 10:13 PM
did you see any malicous behavior from Favre and his supporters?

an attempt at vengeance? why, Favre himself owned-up to such motives.

I won't argue this anymore. It's in the past and now just part of Packer history.

.....but just so you know, I'm right, and you are wrong!!! :!: :P

10-08-2008, 10:16 PM
did you see any malicous behavior from Favre and his supporters?

an attempt at vengeance? why, Favre himself owned-up to such motives.

I won't argue this anymore. It's in the past and now just part of Packer history.

.....but just so you know, I'm right, and you are wrong!!! :!: :P

Remember that wise advise I gave you a while back about these silly tassles ? :lol:

10-08-2008, 10:23 PM
Remember that wise advise I gave you a while back about these silly tassles ? :lol:

lol this is not a tassel. :P

...but no, I don't remember. <-- (I get that from you :P )

10-08-2008, 10:59 PM
See, I try to be polite in my posts and I get shit like this. Go fuck yourself dude.

I just need to ask... were u really offended by the picture she posted? I just wanna serious answer

Not personally. I just don't think it is at all supportive of the Packers, I think it's extremely juvenile, and I think it's kinda taking an unfair shot at Aaron Rodgers whether it was intended to be or not. I don't have a problem with cheering when Brett does well. I do have a problem with people rubbing his success in the face of the Green Bay Packers.

10-08-2008, 11:22 PM
See, I try to be polite in my posts and I get shit like this. Go fuck yourself dude.

I just need to ask... were u really offended by the picture she posted? I just wanna serious answer

Not personally. I just don't think it is at all supportive of the Packers, I think it's extremely juvenile, and I think it's kinda taking an unfair shot at Aaron Rodgers whether it was intended to be or not. I don't have a problem with cheering when Brett does well. I do have a problem with people rubbing his success in the face of the Green Bay Packers.

I don't want to get into any kind of debate...because it's all old and not worth rehashing. What happened divided the Packer nation....so to speak. There are Packer fans that turned their backs on Favre and some Packer fans that continue to support him.

Only thing I want to point out is something you wrote above..."I think it's kinda taking an unfair shot at Aaron Rodgers". I can understand you saying it's taking a shot at him, but I don't understand how you say it's unfair. What's unfair about it? It's a stat. Does this go back to the argument from TT and MM saying they already told AR he was the starter and it would be unfair to tell him differently after BF decided to play again? IMO, the people making a case to "tread lightly" concerning AR are not doing him any favors. AR is making a name for himself and he showed that last weekend. If you have faith in him, stop getting all pissed anytime someone speaks about Favre.

10-09-2008, 12:23 AM
If you have faith in him, stop getting all pissed anytime someone speaks about Favre.

This statement is right on, but needs to be said to everyone involved.

10-09-2008, 08:05 AM
If you have faith in him, stop getting all pissed anytime someone speaks about Favre.

This statement is right on, but needs to be said to everyone involved.

You are right. I shouldn't have written "you" as I didn't mean to single anyone out...meant it as a general statement.

Harlan Huckleby
10-09-2008, 10:19 AM
There are Packer fans that turned their backs on Favre and some Packer fans that continue to support him.

I'd word this slightly differently: There are Packer fans who turned their eyes away from Favre's outrageous behavior out of blind devotion, and those who saw things for what they were.

If you have faith in him, stop getting all pissed anytime someone speaks about Favre.

What complete bullshit. GBrulz posted a taunting picture needling Rodgers and Thompson, "nah nah nah, I'm Brett Favre and I threw more touchdowns in 3 hours than Rodgers will throw in a season."
Its a joke, ok, fine, no big deal, but its also no big deal if somebody finds the taunt annoying.

Your accusation that somebody gets pissed "anytime someone speaks about Favre" is baloney.

Harlan Huckleby
10-09-2008, 10:24 AM
If you have faith in him, stop getting all pissed anytime someone speaks about Favre.

This statement is right on, but needs to be said to everyone involved.

I don't know. So people get a little pissed off. I think the main thing is not to take things too seriously in the long run. I don't actually dislike PacoPete or 007 or GBRulz simply because they are Favre-licking morons. I'm sure I annoy people a lot more than they annoy me.

10-09-2008, 10:33 AM
Your accusation that somebody gets pissed "anytime someone speaks about Favre" is baloney.

Given what I've seen on this forum, I'm guessing that it's pretty likely that anytime Favre is mentioned, somebody gets pissed.

Harlan Huckleby
10-09-2008, 10:36 AM
except you can read this thread and see that is not true.

In a lot of the other threads, people mention Favre specifically to be annoying. "If we only had Brett, we would have gotten that first down." I don't want to mention any names. :lol:

10-09-2008, 10:39 AM
If you have faith in him, stop getting all pissed anytime someone speaks about Favre.

This statement is right on, but needs to be said to everyone involved.

I don't know. So people get a little pissed off. I think the main thing is not to take things too seriously in the long run. I don't actually dislike PacoPete or 007 or GBRulz simply because they are Favre-licking morons. I'm sure I annoy people a lot more than they annoy me.

I last sentence was the most profound thing you have ever written in your 89 years of life.

10-09-2008, 11:24 AM
Only thing I want to point out is something you wrote above..."I think it's kinda taking an unfair shot at Aaron Rodgers". I can understand you saying it's taking a shot at him, but I don't understand how you say it's unfair. What's unfair about it?

It's unfair because Aaron Rodgers has done everything that could possibly be expected of him, yet is still getting mocked because he's not quite as good as one of the best to ever take the field. It's unfair because AR isn't being allowed to be AR - because people still expect him to be BF and mock him (or TT, or MM) when he isn't BF. Of course Brett is a better QB and he should be doing better than Rodgers. That's not what I have a problem with. I'd hope that much could just be assumed, and not need to be brought up every time Brett has a better game than Aaron does. The problem I have is when Brett's success as a Jet is used as a tool to mock TT or MM or AR or anyone else within the organization, specifically considering the fact that the transition from BF to AR is not what is ailing the Packers this season, and especially because most Packer fans and probably all Packers employees - including TT and MM and AR I'm sure - are all cheering for Brett to do well in New York.

10-09-2008, 10:58 PM
Good article.


The Brett Favre Backup Club

They arrived in Green Bay a cast of characters, 18 men who played quarterback for the Packers during a 17-season stretch when few of them played at all.

Jim McMahon arrived as a Super Bowl champion, Ty Detmer as a Heisman Trophy winner. Rick Mirer was a first-round disappointment, Matt Hasselbeck a sixth-round find.

Now, they belong to a small football fraternity that started with Don Majkowski and continued to Aaron Rodgers: the Brett Favre Backup Club.

Majkowski watches games now in retirement, and he sees pieces of Favre all over the league. The same ball fakes. The same hop after firing a pass. The way so many of them undo their chinstraps after each play.

“His idiosyncrasies are everywhere,” Majkowski said. “If you closed your eyes and just listened to a Packers game, you can hear the cadence. Aaron Rodgers sounds exactly like Brett. He’s not alone. Those dudes are doing everything that Brett did.”

Eleven of the 18 members later started for other teams. But first, each apprenticed under Favre, a job that was part stagehand and part understudy. Looking back, it was part of history, too.

Beyond the tics they carried with them, enduring images of Favre remain. They are snapshots frozen in time that, when taken together, present the picture of a quarterback from the vantage point of those who spent the most time around him.

They remember Favre as a young man, “a knucklehead,” Majkowski said. Favre would show up at meetings wearing shorts but no shoes. He would lean back in a chair and place his bare feet on the table. Coach Mike Holmgren, ever the perfectionist, would point at Favre and look at Majkowski.

“Like, can you believe this hick?” Majkowski said.

Those were the wild times. The parties after games at Majkowski’s house. The college atmosphere. The plays that broke down, only to end with touchdown passes. “No-no-no-no-no-yes!” plays is what Holmgren called them.

“But you could see all the signs when I was with him of how great he could be,” said Kurt Warner, a nonmember of the Backup Club who spent training camp with the Packers in 1994.

They remember Favre the practical joker, the veteran who asked them to fetch orange juice and then dumped hot sauce in their cereal, who put fake rats in their lockers or who blew air horns in their ears. One time, Favre even soaked the jersey of his successor, Aaron Rodgers, with doe urine. The smell lasted for months.

Detmer and Favre once had a running contest with the kickers, who put Favre’s helmet in the ice tub for revenge. It was the first year with coach-to-quarterback communication devices in players’ helmets, and Favre’s short-circuited, leading Holmgren to blow his own fuse.

The only backup who confessed to returning fire was Hasselbeck, who once put live worms in Favre’s chewing tobacco.

Favre laughed at that incident, typical of the everyman the backups all remember. When Hasselbeck arrived in 1998, he passed a billboard with Favre’s face every day on the way to practice. At their first meeting, Favre turned to Hasselbeck and said, “Hi, I’m Brett.”

“He introduced himself as if I didn’t know who he was,” Hasselbeck said. “I had this image, from the quarterbacks I had been around, of this QB attitude. Brett was normal. His best friend was the strength coach.”

Favre’s current backup, Jets quarterback Kellen Clemens, said, “He does a good job of not being Brett Favre, if that makes any sense.”

To the backups, it makes perfect sense. Hasselbeck often found Favre alone in the weight room, squatting 315 pounds. Another backup, Saints quarterback Mark Brunell (member, 1993-4), witnessed Favre’s well-documented wildness translating onto the golf course.

Then there was the time when Favre, Brunell and Detmer went hunting in Wisconsin. Favre showed up in blue sweat pants and an orange hunting jacket. When Brunell noticed the shotgun in Favre’s hands, it made him nervous. While walking through the woods, they spotted a deer, and Detmer remembers Favre asking, “Is that a dog?”

Asked if they killed anything, Brunell said, “Just time.”

Over the years, as the backups changed and Favre matured, their stories reveal how he improved in golf and in hunting and, of course, in football. Everything changed, they said, except Favre, who has made 279 consecutive starts, including the postseason.

“He’s the same guy behind the facemask,” said Ingle Martin, a backup in 2006. “The same mannerisms, the same everything.”

None of the backups recommend following Favre’s fundamentals — not the hop backward after throws, not the underhand passes. But when they look at competitiveness and pain tolerance and old-fashioned luck, they find all those attributes in the quarterback who kept them off the field.

Majkowski saw the X-rays after Favre broke the thumb on his throwing hand in 2003. Normally, Majkowski said, that injury would require surgery with screws inserted. Favre never missed a practice.

“It’s the greatest single consecutive starting streak in the history of sports,” Majkowski said. “Unless you played quarterback in the N.F.L., you can’t fully appreciate how difficult it is to go through one season without missing a game, let alone 17.”

Mostly, though, they remember Favre the human being. They remember the stories he told, the John Elway impression he perfected.

He is very much grateful to those people who stuck with him,” Hasselbeck said, noting that coaches in Atlanta gave up on Favre and that coaches in Green Bay almost did. “He has this larger-than-life persona, or image, but at the end of the day, he’s still a human being. Mike Holmgren believed in Brett when a lot of people didn’t. Maybe something similar is happening right now.”

The backups watched Favre’s tearful retirement news conference last spring — “Which press conference?” Brunell joked. “I remember five or six of those” — and all the memories came flooding back. Only Majkowski, who has covered the Packers as an analyst in recent years, believed that Favre would stay retired. He had approached Favre on the field before games. Sometimes, when he asked if Favre was hanging in there, the answer came back, “barely.”

“I knew he wouldn’t,” Hasselbeck said. “I’m not saying he knew, but if you know him, he loves football. There are guys in the N.F.L. who love being in the N.F.L., and there are guys who just love to play football. It’s totally different.”

They listened as analysts criticized Favre for his indecision. They, too, heard stories about the way Favre distanced himself from teammates as he grew older. What struck Steve Bono, a backup in 1997, was when Favre said it was “hard to be Brett.”

“That was the weight that he felt and carried,” Bono said.

Majkowski said: “There is no comparison to the guy at that press conference compared to when I first met him. It’s hard for me to comprehend now that maturity, that he’s old enough to be called Mr. Favre now.”

Favre turns 39 on Friday. Now settled with the Jets, he leads the league in passer rating through five weeks. The backups watch him wearing green and white, and it feels strange — like seeing their collective history, the same old Brett, but all mixed up.

“Honestly, I don’t like it,” Brunell said. “To me, Brett Favre is a Packer. I would have loved if he had finished a Packer. To me, and shoot, to millions of others, he’s going to be considered a Packer.”

The Backup Club will induct three new members at the end of this season, but so far, only Rodgers holds the distinction of replacing the man who always seemed as if he would play forever.

“It’s an honor,” Rodgers said, “to play behind one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time, take the reins of a good football team, and try and pick up where he left off.”

10-10-2008, 02:28 AM
Good article.


The Brett Favre Backup Club

They arrived in Green Bay a cast of characters, 18 men who played quarterback for the Packers during a 17-season stretch when few of them played at all.

Jim McMahon arrived as a Super Bowl champion, Ty Detmer as a Heisman Trophy winner. Rick Mirer was a first-round disappointment, Matt Hasselbeck a sixth-round find.

Now, they belong to a small football fraternity that started with Don Majkowski and continued to Aaron Rodgers: the Brett Favre Backup Club.

Majkowski watches games now in retirement, and he sees pieces of Favre all over the league. The same ball fakes. The same hop after firing a pass. The way so many of them undo their chinstraps after each play.

“His idiosyncrasies are everywhere,” Majkowski said. “If you closed your eyes and just listened to a Packers game, you can hear the cadence. Aaron Rodgers sounds exactly like Brett. He’s not alone. Those dudes are doing everything that Brett did.”

Eleven of the 18 members later started for other teams. But first, each apprenticed under Favre, a job that was part stagehand and part understudy. Looking back, it was part of history, too.

Beyond the tics they carried with them, enduring images of Favre remain. They are snapshots frozen in time that, when taken together, present the picture of a quarterback from the vantage point of those who spent the most time around him.

They remember Favre as a young man, “a knucklehead,” Majkowski said. Favre would show up at meetings wearing shorts but no shoes. He would lean back in a chair and place his bare feet on the table. Coach Mike Holmgren, ever the perfectionist, would point at Favre and look at Majkowski.

“Like, can you believe this hick?” Majkowski said.

Those were the wild times. The parties after games at Majkowski’s house. The college atmosphere. The plays that broke down, only to end with touchdown passes. “No-no-no-no-no-yes!” plays is what Holmgren called them.

“But you could see all the signs when I was with him of how great he could be,” said Kurt Warner, a nonmember of the Backup Club who spent training camp with the Packers in 1994.

They remember Favre the practical joker, the veteran who asked them to fetch orange juice and then dumped hot sauce in their cereal, who put fake rats in their lockers or who blew air horns in their ears. One time, Favre even soaked the jersey of his successor, Aaron Rodgers, with doe urine. The smell lasted for months.

Detmer and Favre once had a running contest with the kickers, who put Favre’s helmet in the ice tub for revenge. It was the first year with coach-to-quarterback communication devices in players’ helmets, and Favre’s short-circuited, leading Holmgren to blow his own fuse.

The only backup who confessed to returning fire was Hasselbeck, who once put live worms in Favre’s chewing tobacco.

Favre laughed at that incident, typical of the everyman the backups all remember. When Hasselbeck arrived in 1998, he passed a billboard with Favre’s face every day on the way to practice. At their first meeting, Favre turned to Hasselbeck and said, “Hi, I’m Brett.”

“He introduced himself as if I didn’t know who he was,” Hasselbeck said. “I had this image, from the quarterbacks I had been around, of this QB attitude. Brett was normal. His best friend was the strength coach.”

Favre’s current backup, Jets quarterback Kellen Clemens, said, “He does a good job of not being Brett Favre, if that makes any sense.”

To the backups, it makes perfect sense. Hasselbeck often found Favre alone in the weight room, squatting 315 pounds. Another backup, Saints quarterback Mark Brunell (member, 1993-4), witnessed Favre’s well-documented wildness translating onto the golf course.

Then there was the time when Favre, Brunell and Detmer went hunting in Wisconsin. Favre showed up in blue sweat pants and an orange hunting jacket. When Brunell noticed the shotgun in Favre’s hands, it made him nervous. While walking through the woods, they spotted a deer, and Detmer remembers Favre asking, “Is that a dog?”

Asked if they killed anything, Brunell said, “Just time.”

Over the years, as the backups changed and Favre matured, their stories reveal how he improved in golf and in hunting and, of course, in football. Everything changed, they said, except Favre, who has made 279 consecutive starts, including the postseason.

“He’s the same guy behind the facemask,” said Ingle Martin, a backup in 2006. “The same mannerisms, the same everything.”

None of the backups recommend following Favre’s fundamentals — not the hop backward after throws, not the underhand passes. But when they look at competitiveness and pain tolerance and old-fashioned luck, they find all those attributes in the quarterback who kept them off the field.

Majkowski saw the X-rays after Favre broke the thumb on his throwing hand in 2003. Normally, Majkowski said, that injury would require surgery with screws inserted. Favre never missed a practice.

“It’s the greatest single consecutive starting streak in the history of sports,” Majkowski said. “Unless you played quarterback in the N.F.L., you can’t fully appreciate how difficult it is to go through one season without missing a game, let alone 17.”

Mostly, though, they remember Favre the human being. They remember the stories he told, the John Elway impression he perfected.

He is very much grateful to those people who stuck with him,” Hasselbeck said, noting that coaches in Atlanta gave up on Favre and that coaches in Green Bay almost did. “He has this larger-than-life persona, or image, but at the end of the day, he’s still a human being. Mike Holmgren believed in Brett when a lot of people didn’t. Maybe something similar is happening right now.”

The backups watched Favre’s tearful retirement news conference last spring — “Which press conference?” Brunell joked. “I remember five or six of those” — and all the memories came flooding back. Only Majkowski, who has covered the Packers as an analyst in recent years, believed that Favre would stay retired. He had approached Favre on the field before games. Sometimes, when he asked if Favre was hanging in there, the answer came back, “barely.”

“I knew he wouldn’t,” Hasselbeck said. “I’m not saying he knew, but if you know him, he loves football. There are guys in the N.F.L. who love being in the N.F.L., and there are guys who just love to play football. It’s totally different.”

They listened as analysts criticized Favre for his indecision. They, too, heard stories about the way Favre distanced himself from teammates as he grew older. What struck Steve Bono, a backup in 1997, was when Favre said it was “hard to be Brett.”

“That was the weight that he felt and carried,” Bono said.

Majkowski said: “There is no comparison to the guy at that press conference compared to when I first met him. It’s hard for me to comprehend now that maturity, that he’s old enough to be called Mr. Favre now.”

Favre turns 39 on Friday. Now settled with the Jets, he leads the league in passer rating through five weeks. The backups watch him wearing green and white, and it feels strange — like seeing their collective history, the same old Brett, but all mixed up.

“Honestly, I don’t like it,” Brunell said. “To me, Brett Favre is a Packer. I would have loved if he had finished a Packer. To me, and shoot, to millions of others, he’s going to be considered a Packer.”

The Backup Club will induct three new members at the end of this season, but so far, only Rodgers holds the distinction of replacing the man who always seemed as if he would play forever.

“It’s an honor,” Rodgers said, “to play behind one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time, take the reins of a good football team, and try and pick up where he left off.”

Great post 007! I still love Favre. Kinda weird watching him as a Jet, but I try to watch those games the same as Packer games, just hoping he doesn't break a leg and wins games (plus gets boytoucher TT a better draft pick if he does well). :lol: :lol:

10-12-2008, 09:38 AM
Good article.


The Brett Favre Backup Club

They arrived in Green Bay a cast of characters, 18 men who played quarterback for the Packers during a 17-season stretch when few of them played at all.

Jim McMahon arrived as a Super Bowl champion, Ty Detmer as a Heisman Trophy winner. Rick Mirer was a first-round disappointment, Matt Hasselbeck a sixth-round find.

Now, they belong to a small football fraternity that started with Don Majkowski and continued to Aaron Rodgers: the Brett Favre Backup Club.

Majkowski watches games now in retirement, and he sees pieces of Favre all over the league. The same ball fakes. The same hop after firing a pass. The way so many of them undo their chinstraps after each play.

“His idiosyncrasies are everywhere,” Majkowski said. “If you closed your eyes and just listened to a Packers game, you can hear the cadence. Aaron Rodgers sounds exactly like Brett. He’s not alone. Those dudes are doing everything that Brett did.”

Eleven of the 18 members later started for other teams. But first, each apprenticed under Favre, a job that was part stagehand and part understudy. Looking back, it was part of history, too.

Beyond the tics they carried with them, enduring images of Favre remain. They are snapshots frozen in time that, when taken together, present the picture of a quarterback from the vantage point of those who spent the most time around him.

They remember Favre as a young man, “a knucklehead,” Majkowski said. Favre would show up at meetings wearing shorts but no shoes. He would lean back in a chair and place his bare feet on the table. Coach Mike Holmgren, ever the perfectionist, would point at Favre and look at Majkowski.

“Like, can you believe this hick?” Majkowski said.

Those were the wild times. The parties after games at Majkowski’s house. The college atmosphere. The plays that broke down, only to end with touchdown passes. “No-no-no-no-no-yes!” plays is what Holmgren called them.

“But you could see all the signs when I was with him of how great he could be,” said Kurt Warner, a nonmember of the Backup Club who spent training camp with the Packers in 1994.

They remember Favre the practical joker, the veteran who asked them to fetch orange juice and then dumped hot sauce in their cereal, who put fake rats in their lockers or who blew air horns in their ears. One time, Favre even soaked the jersey of his successor, Aaron Rodgers, with doe urine. The smell lasted for months.

Detmer and Favre once had a running contest with the kickers, who put Favre’s helmet in the ice tub for revenge. It was the first year with coach-to-quarterback communication devices in players’ helmets, and Favre’s short-circuited, leading Holmgren to blow his own fuse.

The only backup who confessed to returning fire was Hasselbeck, who once put live worms in Favre’s chewing tobacco.

Favre laughed at that incident, typical of the everyman the backups all remember. When Hasselbeck arrived in 1998, he passed a billboard with Favre’s face every day on the way to practice. At their first meeting, Favre turned to Hasselbeck and said, “Hi, I’m Brett.”

“He introduced himself as if I didn’t know who he was,” Hasselbeck said. “I had this image, from the quarterbacks I had been around, of this QB attitude. Brett was normal. His best friend was the strength coach.”

Favre’s current backup, Jets quarterback Kellen Clemens, said, “He does a good job of not being Brett Favre, if that makes any sense.”

To the backups, it makes perfect sense. Hasselbeck often found Favre alone in the weight room, squatting 315 pounds. Another backup, Saints quarterback Mark Brunell (member, 1993-4), witnessed Favre’s well-documented wildness translating onto the golf course.

Then there was the time when Favre, Brunell and Detmer went hunting in Wisconsin. Favre showed up in blue sweat pants and an orange hunting jacket. When Brunell noticed the shotgun in Favre’s hands, it made him nervous. While walking through the woods, they spotted a deer, and Detmer remembers Favre asking, “Is that a dog?”

Asked if they killed anything, Brunell said, “Just time.”

Over the years, as the backups changed and Favre matured, their stories reveal how he improved in golf and in hunting and, of course, in football. Everything changed, they said, except Favre, who has made 279 consecutive starts, including the postseason.

“He’s the same guy behind the facemask,” said Ingle Martin, a backup in 2006. “The same mannerisms, the same everything.”

None of the backups recommend following Favre’s fundamentals — not the hop backward after throws, not the underhand passes. But when they look at competitiveness and pain tolerance and old-fashioned luck, they find all those attributes in the quarterback who kept them off the field.

Majkowski saw the X-rays after Favre broke the thumb on his throwing hand in 2003. Normally, Majkowski said, that injury would require surgery with screws inserted. Favre never missed a practice.

“It’s the greatest single consecutive starting streak in the history of sports,” Majkowski said. “Unless you played quarterback in the N.F.L., you can’t fully appreciate how difficult it is to go through one season without missing a game, let alone 17.”

Mostly, though, they remember Favre the human being. They remember the stories he told, the John Elway impression he perfected.

He is very much grateful to those people who stuck with him,” Hasselbeck said, noting that coaches in Atlanta gave up on Favre and that coaches in Green Bay almost did. “He has this larger-than-life persona, or image, but at the end of the day, he’s still a human being. Mike Holmgren believed in Brett when a lot of people didn’t. Maybe something similar is happening right now.”

The backups watched Favre’s tearful retirement news conference last spring — “Which press conference?” Brunell joked. “I remember five or six of those” — and all the memories came flooding back. Only Majkowski, who has covered the Packers as an analyst in recent years, believed that Favre would stay retired. He had approached Favre on the field before games. Sometimes, when he asked if Favre was hanging in there, the answer came back, “barely.”

“I knew he wouldn’t,” Hasselbeck said. “I’m not saying he knew, but if you know him, he loves football. There are guys in the N.F.L. who love being in the N.F.L., and there are guys who just love to play football. It’s totally different.”

They listened as analysts criticized Favre for his indecision. They, too, heard stories about the way Favre distanced himself from teammates as he grew older. What struck Steve Bono, a backup in 1997, was when Favre said it was “hard to be Brett.”

“That was the weight that he felt and carried,” Bono said.

Majkowski said: “There is no comparison to the guy at that press conference compared to when I first met him. It’s hard for me to comprehend now that maturity, that he’s old enough to be called Mr. Favre now.”

Favre turns 39 on Friday. Now settled with the Jets, he leads the league in passer rating through five weeks. The backups watch him wearing green and white, and it feels strange — like seeing their collective history, the same old Brett, but all mixed up.

“Honestly, I don’t like it,” Brunell said. “To me, Brett Favre is a Packer. I would have loved if he had finished a Packer. To me, and shoot, to millions of others, he’s going to be considered a Packer.”

The Backup Club will induct three new members at the end of this season, but so far, only Rodgers holds the distinction of replacing the man who always seemed as if he would play forever.

“It’s an honor,” Rodgers said, “to play behind one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time, take the reins of a good football team, and try and pick up where he left off.”

Great post 007! I still love Favre. Kinda weird watching him as a Jet, but I try to watch those games the same as Packer games, just hoping he doesn't break a leg and wins games (plus gets boytoucher TT a better draft pick if he does well). :lol: :lol:

no jet/pack game-watchn conflict today (PRAISE GOD!)...

jets early, pack late (sundays are twice as nice - thanks for coming back "BEST EVER")

10-12-2008, 10:15 AM
Gotta say: I liked what a radio guy said yesterday, and this is not intended as a shot at AR.

"I don't care what anyone says, the packers kicked Favre to curb. Not only can you just not to that to a legend to begin with, you definitely can't do that to a legend that was, and is, playing some pretty good football. Rodgers looks like a good QB, but you can't tell me overall the team doesn't play better with #4 at the helm this season. It's not like Rodgers can be back next year, and you would of been a sure fire Super Bowl contendor this season, instead of a possible .500 team. Say what you want, but 13-3 wont be happening, and while it's unfair to blame Rodgers for anything, as he has had no say and really just put on the spot, Favre should of been the starter this season in GB, and I doubt he would of had better numebrs then rodgers, but possible more wins at this point. I know it's hindsight, but the packers were wrong, and everyone is starting to realize it. Kicking aside a guy who just turned 39 who has been the face of the franchise, showed up every week to work, never missing a day in 16 years and is still a top performer at what he does? Explain to me what buisness looks good doing that."

10-12-2008, 10:23 AM
Gotta say: I liked what a radio guy said yesterday, and this is not intended as a shot at AR.

"I don't care what anyone says, the packers kicked Favre to curb. Not only can you just not to that to a legend to begin with, you definitely can't do that to a legend that was, and is, playing some pretty good football. Rodgers looks like a good QB, but you can't tell me overall the team doesn't play better with #4 at the helm this season. It's not like Rodgers can be back next year, and you would of been a sure fire Super Bowl contendor this season, instead of a possible .500 team. Say what you want, but 13-3 wont be happening, and while it's unfair to blame Rodgers for anything, as he has had no say and really just put on the spot, Favre should of been the starter this season in GB, and I doubt he would of had better numebrs then rodgers, but possible more wins at this point. I know it's hindsight, but the packers were wrong, and everyone is starting to realize it. Kicking aside a guy who just turned 39 who has been the face of the franchise, showed up every week to work, never missing a day in 16 years and is still a top performer at what he does? Explain to me what buisness looks good doing that."Then show me a business that gives somebody their job back after retiring, saying he wants to comeback, changes his mind and says he's still retired, then demands his job back again. MY guess is if you tried to pull that with your boss, you still be unemployed.

Scott Campbell
10-12-2008, 10:37 AM
Gotta say: I liked what a radio guy said yesterday, and this is not intended as a shot at AR.

"I don't care what anyone says, the packers kicked Favre to curb. Not only can you just not to that to a legend to begin with, you definitely can't do that to a legend that was, and is, playing some pretty good football. Rodgers looks like a good QB, but you can't tell me overall the team doesn't play better with #4 at the helm this season. It's not like Rodgers can be back next year, and you would of been a sure fire Super Bowl contendor this season, instead of a possible .500 team. Say what you want, but 13-3 wont be happening, and while it's unfair to blame Rodgers for anything, as he has had no say and really just put on the spot, Favre should of been the starter this season in GB, and I doubt he would of had better numebrs then rodgers, but possible more wins at this point. I know it's hindsight, but the packers were wrong, and everyone is starting to realize it. Kicking aside a guy who just turned 39 who has been the face of the franchise, showed up every week to work, never missing a day in 16 years and is still a top performer at what he does? Explain to me what buisness looks good doing that."

That's odd. Your radio guy buddy seems to have left out a few parts to the story.

10-12-2008, 11:02 AM
Gotta say: I liked what a radio guy said yesterday, and this is not intended as a shot at AR.

"I don't care what anyone says, the packers kicked Favre to curb. Not only can you just not to that to a legend to begin with, you definitely can't do that to a legend that was, and is, playing some pretty good football. Rodgers looks like a good QB, but you can't tell me overall the team doesn't play better with #4 at the helm this season. It's not like Rodgers can be back next year, and you would of been a sure fire Super Bowl contendor this season, instead of a possible .500 team. Say what you want, but 13-3 wont be happening, and while it's unfair to blame Rodgers for anything, as he has had no say and really just put on the spot, Favre should of been the starter this season in GB, and I doubt he would of had better numebrs then rodgers, but possible more wins at this point. I know it's hindsight, but the packers were wrong, and everyone is starting to realize it. Kicking aside a guy who just turned 39 who has been the face of the franchise, showed up every week to work, never missing a day in 16 years and is still a top performer at what he does? Explain to me what buisness looks good doing that."

That's odd. Your radio guy buddy seems to have left out a few parts to the story.

the rest of it is irrelevant scott...you know that :shock:

10-12-2008, 11:48 AM
Gotta say: I liked what a radio guy said yesterday, and this is not intended as a shot at AR.

"I don't care what anyone says, the packers kicked Favre to curb. Not only can you just not to that to a legend to begin with, you definitely can't do that to a legend that was, and is, playing some pretty good football. Rodgers looks like a good QB, but you can't tell me overall the team doesn't play better with #4 at the helm this season. It's not like Rodgers can be back next year, and you would of been a sure fire Super Bowl contendor this season, instead of a possible .500 team. Say what you want, but 13-3 wont be happening, and while it's unfair to blame Rodgers for anything, as he has had no say and really just put on the spot, Favre should of been the starter this season in GB, and I doubt he would of had better numebrs then rodgers, but possible more wins at this point. I know it's hindsight, but the packers were wrong, and everyone is starting to realize it. Kicking aside a guy who just turned 39 who has been the face of the franchise, showed up every week to work, never missing a day in 16 years and is still a top performer at what he does? Explain to me what buisness looks good doing that."Then show me a business that gives somebody their job back after retiring, saying he wants to comeback, changes his mind and says he's still retired, then demands his job back again. MY guess is if you tried to pull that with your boss, you still be unemployed.

you think a CEO of a business wouldnt let a 16 year vet who never misses a day of work and is the best at what he does come back to his job that he did better than anyone else over the time period that he held the job and is coming off one of his best years?.... ur fuckin crazy man

10-12-2008, 11:49 AM
J-E-T-S.... BRETT!!! BRETT!!! BRETT!!!!

go get em Brett!

how many TD's today fellas? ... I'm thinkin 3

Scott Campbell
10-12-2008, 11:50 AM
you think a CEO of a business wouldnt let a 16 year vet who never misses a day of work and is the best at what he does come back to his job that he did better than anyone else over the time period that he held the job and is coming off one of his best years?.... ur fuckin crazy man

Yeah, you little college punks know all about best practices for CEO's. :bs:

10-12-2008, 11:53 AM
you think a CEO of a business wouldnt let a 16 year vet who never misses a day of work and is the best at what he does come back to his job that he did better than anyone else over the time period that he held the job and is coming off one of his best years?.... ur fuckin crazy man

Yeah, you little college punks know all about best practices for CEO's. :bs:

sorry I dont have old balls like u... but u cannot give me a situation that if u were a CEO and that situation came to u that u wouldnt allow that person to do his job again

Scott Campbell
10-12-2008, 11:55 AM
... but u cannot give me a situation that if u were a CEO and that situation came to u that u wouldnt allow that person to do his job again

Sure I can. There's a reason for the old sayings about "burning bridges".

10-12-2008, 11:56 AM
... but u cannot give me a situation that if u were a CEO and that situation came to u that u wouldnt allow that person to do his job again

Sure I can. There's a reason for the old sayings about "burning bridges".

didnt burn the bridge til they told him he couldnt come back... if they had been smart they woulda said yes the minute he said he was thinking about coming back.. no matter the timetable and we might be talking about how favre is carrying this 4-1 team and if he keeps playing well until we get healthy we'll have a shot at a good run again

10-12-2008, 11:57 AM
how many TD's today fellas? :roll:

10-12-2008, 12:00 PM
how many TD's today fellas? :roll:

sorry... :oops:

Scott Campbell
10-12-2008, 12:04 PM
... but u cannot give me a situation that if u were a CEO and that situation came to u that u wouldnt allow that person to do his job again

Sure I can. There's a reason for the old sayings about "burning bridges".

didnt burn the bridge til they told him he couldnt come back.

You're entitled to your own opinion - but it doesn't matter. That is what happened. Brett burned bridges by playing "should I or shouldn't I" one too many times. And at his age, the Packers had to find his successor sooner or later anyway.

Lots of CEO's would make the same decision. Not all. But plenty enough.

10-12-2008, 12:05 PM
... but u cannot give me a situation that if u were a CEO and that situation came to u that u wouldnt allow that person to do his job again

Sure I can. There's a reason for the old sayings about "burning bridges".

didnt burn the bridge til they told him he couldnt come back.

You're entitled to your own opinion - but it doesn't matter. That is what happened. Brett burned bridges by playing "should I or shouldn't I" one too many times. And at his age, the Packers had to find his successor sooner or later anyway.

Lots of CEO's would make the same decision. Not all. But plenty enough.

just proves CPK is a wrong and thats all one can ask for :lol:

Scott Campbell
10-12-2008, 12:06 PM
how many TD's today fellas? ... I'm thinkin 3

I'm thinking that any number less than 6 would be a major letdown. I'm expecting 8 or 9. He's worth 4 just by trotting out onto the field.

10-12-2008, 12:07 PM
He's worth 4 just by trotting out onto the field.

You've finally seen the light!!!!!!! :P :P

10-12-2008, 12:08 PM
i luv that throwback jersey...

Scott Campbell
10-12-2008, 12:08 PM
just proves CPK is a wrong and thats all one can ask for :lol:

If that's what you think my statement "proves", then you've got far bigger problems than CPK.

10-12-2008, 12:09 PM
i sure don't miss favre spotting the other team 7 points right off the bat

of course, ryan grant has sort of filled that role anyway =P

Scott Campbell
10-12-2008, 12:11 PM
He's worth 4 just by trotting out onto the field.

You've finally seen the light!!!!!!! :P :P

So you're ok with just 4? :lol:

10-12-2008, 12:11 PM
How did Favre spot them 7 ?

Are you watching it? Can't see it here.

10-12-2008, 12:12 PM
[quote="GrnBay007"]How did Favre spot them 7 ?

Are you watching it? Can't see it here.[/quote

sacked, fumbled, and Cincy ran it back

10-12-2008, 12:14 PM
He's worth 4 just by trotting out onto the field.

You've finally seen the light!!!!!!! :P :P

So you're ok with just 4? :lol:

Sure if 4 wins the game. :D

10-12-2008, 12:24 PM
my god, how many times does favre have to throw a SWEET td on one possession.....?

10-12-2008, 12:38 PM
favre 8-9

10-12-2008, 02:53 PM
jets should be in first place after next two W's vs oak and kc

10-12-2008, 02:54 PM
Pretty easy schedule the next couple. Should have some good momentum heading to the Bills game.

10-12-2008, 02:55 PM
any given sunday

10-12-2008, 03:22 PM
any given sunday

Good movie.

10-12-2008, 03:30 PM
Chances that we get a 2nd round draft pick are improving

10-12-2008, 04:30 PM
Chances that we get a 2nd round draft pick are improving

...and it's nice to see the Packers previous QB doing well. :D

10-12-2008, 04:56 PM
Chances that we get a 2nd round draft pick are improving

...and it's nice to see the Packers previous QB doing well. :D

He looks a lot more comfortable than when we last rapped and I commented how he's not bringing his A game. He seems to be ready to lead that team

10-12-2008, 05:08 PM
my god, how many times does favre have to throw a SWEET td on one possession.....?

Only once today. How many times does he have to throw a pick on two possessions?

10-12-2008, 05:09 PM
J-E-T-S.... BRETT!!! BRETT!!! BRETT!!!!

go get em Brett!

how many TD's today fellas? ... I'm thinkin 3

I'm thinking more INT's than TD's

10-12-2008, 05:18 PM
J-E-T-S.... BRETT!!! BRETT!!! BRETT!!!!

go get em Brett!

how many TD's today fellas? ... I'm thinkin 3

I'm thinking more INT's than TD's

He made two bad throws but overall still played a decent game; be happy he's succeeding as it should bring us a 2nd round draft pick

Scott Campbell
10-12-2008, 05:44 PM
J-E-T-S.... BRETT!!! BRETT!!! BRETT!!!!

go get em Brett!

how many TD's today fellas? ... I'm thinkin 3

I'm thinking more INT's than TD's

He made two bad throws but overall still played a decent game; be happy he's succeeding as it should bring us a 2nd round draft pick

Didn't he cough up a fumble for a TD too?

10-12-2008, 06:04 PM
J-E-T-S.... BRETT!!! BRETT!!! BRETT!!!!

go get em Brett!

how many TD's today fellas? ... I'm thinkin 3

I'm thinking more INT's than TD's

He made two bad throws but overall still played a decent game; be happy he's succeeding as it should bring us a 2nd round draft pick

Didn't he cough up a fumble for a TD too?

Yes he did. Games like the Packer game today make me even more pleased with the decision to trade Favre. Rodgers is a stud, and he's only going to get better. Cheers to you TT!

10-12-2008, 06:17 PM
my god, how many times does favre have to throw a SWEET td on one possession.....?

Only once today.

Obviously you didn't watch the game. Mobb was referring to a possession where he had to throw 3 TD's because penalties kept having them called back.

Overall, Favre played very well today. Like B said, I see our 2nd round pick getting closer!!

10-12-2008, 06:18 PM
my god, how many times does favre have to throw a SWEET td on one possession.....?

Only once today.

Obviously you didn't watch the game. Mobb was referring to a possession where he had to throw 3 TD's because penalties kept having them called back.

Overall, Favre played very well today. Like B said, I see our 2nd round pick getting closer!!

DannoMac is going by stat line... thats all... he's a Favre hater and if he's a packers fan, its disgusting... that being said..

looks like NYJ could go 5-2 into the bills game if they just take care of business.. then that game will tell us a little more about playoffs or not

10-12-2008, 06:19 PM
J-E-T-S.... BRETT!!! BRETT!!! BRETT!!!!

go get em Brett!

how many TD's today fellas? ... I'm thinkin 3

I'm thinking more INT's than TD's

He made two bad throws but overall still played a decent game; be happy he's succeeding as it should bring us a 2nd round draft pick

Didn't he cough up a fumble for a TD too?

Yes he did. Games like the Packer game today make me even more pleased with the decision to trade Favre. Rodgers is a stud, and he's only going to get better. Cheers to you TT!

curious if you watched the Jets game; Favre played fine

10-12-2008, 06:20 PM
my god, how many times does favre have to throw a SWEET td on one possession.....?

Only once today. How many times does he have to throw a pick on two possessions?

You apparently didn't watch the game

10-12-2008, 06:20 PM
i thought Favre played real well but made one real horshit throw and one that could be considered bad luck... otherwise he looks to be fitting in real well with that team and he has as many, if not more weapons with a better line that he did here in GB.. hopefully they get on a roll and get us a 2nd

10-12-2008, 06:22 PM
Rodgers: 3 total touchdowns

Favre: 3 total turnovers

10-12-2008, 06:23 PM
Not sure who I love more, the Bear trolls are the idiot stat junkies.

10-12-2008, 06:23 PM
Just curious. If the people that enjoy following Favre's career are forced to put all the Favre news in one thread, shouldn't the Favre bashers create their own dysfunctional thread and quit infesting this one? ....just wondering.

10-12-2008, 06:24 PM
Rodgers: 3 total touchdowns

Favre: 3 total turnovers

Favre 13 TD's

Rodgers 7 TD's

Favre winning % > Rodgers winning %

Favre at 39 > Rodgers any year

10-12-2008, 06:24 PM
Just curious. If the people that enjoy following Favre's career are forced to put all the Favre news in one thread, shouldn't the Favre bashers create their own dysfunctional thread and quit infesting this one? ....just wondering.

it would be nice, wouldn't it?

people think if they come on here it will mask their own insecurities of Rodgers as our QB

10-12-2008, 06:26 PM
Not sure who I love more, the Bear trolls are the idiot stat junkies.


10-12-2008, 06:26 PM
Just curious. If the people that enjoy following Favre's career are forced to put all the Favre news in one thread, shouldn't the Favre bashers create their own dysfunctional thread and quit infesting this one? ....just wondering.


i'm all for that

Scott Campbell
10-12-2008, 06:27 PM
QB Rating

111.5 - Rodgers
73.9 - Favre

They both got their W's today though.

10-12-2008, 06:27 PM
Rodgers: 3 total touchdowns

Favre: 3 total turnovers

Favre 13 TD's

Rodgers 7 TD's

Favre winning % > Rodgers winning %

Favre at 39 > Rodgers any year

WOW! Didn't know we had our own "That's So Raven" on this messege board!

10-12-2008, 06:27 PM
QB Rating

111.5 - Rodgers
73.9 - Favre

They both got their W's today though.

just curious to how u would rate favre today?

10-12-2008, 06:28 PM
people think if they come on here it will mask their own insecurities of Rodgers as our QB

Who in their right mind would have insecurities about Rodgers?

10-12-2008, 06:28 PM
QB Rating

111.5 - Rodgers
73.9 - Favre

They both got their W's today though.

Wins at Qwest Field:

Rodgers - 1
Favre - 0

10-12-2008, 06:28 PM
Rodgers: 3 total touchdowns

Favre: 3 total turnovers

Favre 13 TD's

Rodgers 7 TD's

Favre winning % > Rodgers winning %

Favre at 39 > Rodgers any year

WOW! Didn't know we had our own "That's So Raven" on this messege board!

haha, now that was hilarious... please tell me u watch that show? hahaha

10-12-2008, 06:29 PM
my god, how many times does favre have to throw a SWEET td on one possession.....?

Only once today. How many times does he have to throw a pick on two possessions?

You apparently didn't watch the game

You apparently didn't see what was on my TV today.

10-12-2008, 06:29 PM
people think if they come on here it will mask their own insecurities of Rodgers as our QB

Who in their right mind would have insecurities about Rodgers?

CPK, Chevelle, DonMac... just for starters

10-12-2008, 06:29 PM
my god, how many times does favre have to throw a SWEET td on one possession.....?

Only once today. How many times does he have to throw a pick on two possessions?

You apparently didn't watch the game

You apparently didn't see what was on my TV today.

so you watched the Jets game and thought Favre played bad.. am I getting that right?

10-12-2008, 06:29 PM
people think if they come on here it will mask their own insecurities of Rodgers as our QB

Who in their right mind would have insecurities about Rodgers?

CPK, Chevelle, DonMac... just for starters

DonMac? I'm half Godfather half Mac now? Awesome.

10-12-2008, 06:30 PM
people think if they come on here it will mask their own insecurities of Rodgers as our QB

Who in their right mind would have insecurities about Rodgers?Nobody. Pete just says that to mask his butthurt feelings over Favre not being in GB.

10-12-2008, 06:30 PM
my god, how many times does favre have to throw a SWEET td on one possession.....?

Only once today. How many times does he have to throw a pick on two possessions?

You apparently didn't watch the game

You apparently didn't see what was on my TV today.

so you watched the Jets game and thought Favre played bad.. am I getting that right?

Can you quote me where I said "Favre played bad"? Rodgers unquestionably played better, and that's all I'm happy about.

10-12-2008, 06:31 PM
people think if they come on here it will mask their own insecurities of Rodgers as our QB

Who in their right mind would have insecurities about Rodgers?Nobody. Pete just says that to mask his butthurt feelings over Favre not being in GB.

I'm ok with Brett in NY... I'm also ok with Rodgers as our QB.. you don't know me very well cpk, I'm tellin ya...

10-12-2008, 06:31 PM
people think if they come on here it will mask their own insecurities of Rodgers as our QB

Who in their right mind would have insecurities about Rodgers?

CPK, Chevelle, DonMac... just for startersI have no insecurites. You fail again.

10-12-2008, 06:31 PM
people think if they come on here it will mask their own insecurities of Rodgers as our QB

Who in their right mind would have insecurities about Rodgers?Nobody. Pete just says that to mask his butthurt feelings over Favre not being in GB.

If Paco gets any more love for Favre, Favre might need to be the one thinking about masking something, if you know what I'm saying.

10-12-2008, 06:31 PM
Just curious. If the people that enjoy following Favre's career are forced to put all the Favre news in one thread, shouldn't the Favre bashers create their own dysfunctional thread and quit infesting this one? ....just wondering.


i'm all for that

:knll: :knll:

10-12-2008, 06:31 PM
my god, how many times does favre have to throw a SWEET td on one possession.....?

Only once today. How many times does he have to throw a pick on two possessions?

You apparently didn't watch the game

You apparently didn't see what was on my TV today.

so you watched the Jets game and thought Favre played bad.. am I getting that right?

Can you quote me where I said "Favre played bad"? Rodgers unquestionably played better, and that's all I'm happy about.

so every week, both playing different teams, you will come on here and start this shit if Rodgers plays better in your eyes?... am I getting that right?

10-12-2008, 06:32 PM
people think if they come on here it will mask their own insecurities of Rodgers as our QB

Who in their right mind would have insecurities about Rodgers?Nobody. Pete just says that to mask his butthurt feelings over Favre not being in GB.

I'm ok with Brett in NY... I'm also ok with Rodgers as our QB.. you don't know me very well cpk, I'm tellin ya...

Just like you don't know me, CPK, or Chevelle. So don't tell us that we don't know you when you're doing the exact same shit bud.

10-12-2008, 06:32 PM
people think if they come on here it will mask their own insecurities of Rodgers as our QB

Who in their right mind would have insecurities about Rodgers?Nobody. Pete just says that to mask his butthurt feelings over Favre not being in GB.

I'm ok with Brett in NY... I'm also ok with Rodgers as our QB.. you don't know me very well cpk, I'm tellin ya...Your cheap shots against Rodgers and constantly noting Favres better stats say otherwise.

10-12-2008, 06:33 PM
my god, how many times does favre have to throw a SWEET td on one possession.....?

Only once today. How many times does he have to throw a pick on two possessions?

You apparently didn't watch the game

You apparently didn't see what was on my TV today.

so you watched the Jets game and thought Favre played bad.. am I getting that right?

Can you quote me where I said "Favre played bad"? Rodgers unquestionably played better, and that's all I'm happy about.

so every week, both playing different teams, you will come on here and start this shit if Rodgers plays better in your eyes?... am I getting that right?

No, Paco, you're getting nothing right. Just stop. You're making yourself look like a damn fool.

10-12-2008, 06:33 PM
people think if they come on here it will mask their own insecurities of Rodgers as our QB

Who in their right mind would have insecurities about Rodgers?Nobody. Pete just says that to mask his butthurt feelings over Favre not being in GB.

I'm ok with Brett in NY... I'm also ok with Rodgers as our QB.. you don't know me very well cpk, I'm tellin ya...Your cheap shots against Rodgers and constantly noting Favres better stats say otherwise.

I only fire back when u clowns come on A FAVRE THREAD and talk about Rodgers

10-12-2008, 06:33 PM
my god, how many times does favre have to throw a SWEET td on one possession.....?

Only once today. How many times does he have to throw a pick on two possessions?

You apparently didn't watch the game

You apparently didn't see what was on my TV today.

so you watched the Jets game and thought Favre played bad.. am I getting that right?

Can you quote me where I said "Favre played bad"? Rodgers unquestionably played better, and that's all I'm happy about.

so every week, both playing different teams, you will come on here and start this shit if Rodgers plays better in your eyes?... am I getting that right?Kind of how you start shit when Favre plays better than Rodgers?

Scott Campbell
10-12-2008, 06:33 PM
QB Rating

111.5 - Rodgers
73.9 - Favre

They both got their W's today though.

just curious to how u would rate favre today?

I guess I'd rate him 2 TD's under your pre-game prediction. :lol:

But he played good enough - they won.

10-12-2008, 06:33 PM
my god, how many times does favre have to throw a SWEET td on one possession.....?

Only once today. How many times does he have to throw a pick on two possessions?

You apparently didn't watch the game

You apparently didn't see what was on my TV today.

so you watched the Jets game and thought Favre played bad.. am I getting that right?

its exactly what ur doing... whats ur purpose in the Favre thread?... to point out that Rodgers played better today?

Can you quote me where I said "Favre played bad"? Rodgers unquestionably played better, and that's all I'm happy about.

so every week, both playing different teams, you will come on here and start this shit if Rodgers plays better in your eyes?... am I getting that right?

No, Paco, you're getting nothing right. Just stop. You're making yourself look like a damn fool.

10-12-2008, 06:34 PM
people think if they come on here it will mask their own insecurities of Rodgers as our QB

Who in their right mind would have insecurities about Rodgers?Nobody. Pete just says that to mask his butthurt feelings over Favre not being in GB.

I'm ok with Brett in NY... I'm also ok with Rodgers as our QB.. you don't know me very well cpk, I'm tellin ya...Your cheap shots against Rodgers and constantly noting Favres better stats say otherwise.

I only fire back when u clowns come on A FAVRE THREAD and talk about RodgersExcept you do it in RODGERS' threads as well. You are a fucking hypocrite.

10-12-2008, 06:35 PM
my god, how many times does favre have to throw a SWEET td on one possession.....?

Only once today. How many times does he have to throw a pick on two possessions?

You apparently didn't watch the game

You apparently didn't see what was on my TV today.

so you watched the Jets game and thought Favre played bad.. am I getting that right?

ur in a FAVRE THREAD CPK.... A FAAAAAVRE THREAD.... do u understand?

you guys asked for a Favre thread so you don't hear about him.. yet u still come in it and talk shit... doesnt make sense

Can you quote me where I said "Favre played bad"? Rodgers unquestionably played better, and that's all I'm happy about.

so every week, both playing different teams, you will come on here and start this shit if Rodgers plays better in your eyes?... am I getting that right?Kind of how you start shit when Favre plays better than Rodgers?

10-12-2008, 06:35 PM
people think if they come on here it will mask their own insecurities of Rodgers as our QB

Who in their right mind would have insecurities about Rodgers?Nobody. Pete just says that to mask his butthurt feelings over Favre not being in GB.

I'm ok with Brett in NY... I'm also ok with Rodgers as our QB.. you don't know me very well cpk, I'm tellin ya...Your cheap shots against Rodgers and constantly noting Favres better stats say otherwise.

I only fire back when u clowns come on A FAVRE THREAD and talk about RodgersExcept you do it in RODGERS' threads as well. You are a fucking hypocrite.

where?.... point out an Aaron Rodgers thread to me... and then give me a post where I rip him and say Brett is better... please

10-12-2008, 06:35 PM
OMFG, would you guys grow up?

10-12-2008, 06:36 PM
QB Rating

111.5 - Rodgers
73.9 - Favre

They both got their W's today though.

just curious to how u would rate favre today?

I guess I'd rate him 2 TD's under your pre-game prediction. :lol:

But he played good enough - they won.

well he threw 3 on the first possession... does that count? haha

10-12-2008, 06:36 PM
people think if they come on here it will mask their own insecurities of Rodgers as our QB

Who in their right mind would have insecurities about Rodgers?Nobody. Pete just says that to mask his butthurt feelings over Favre not being in GB.

I'm ok with Brett in NY... I'm also ok with Rodgers as our QB.. you don't know me very well cpk, I'm tellin ya...Your cheap shots against Rodgers and constantly noting Favres better stats say otherwise.

I only fire back when u clowns come on A FAVRE THREAD and talk about RodgersExcept you do it in RODGERS' threads as well. You are a fucking hypocrite.

It's like having a classroom of all good students, and then you have that one disruptive lunatic.

10-12-2008, 06:37 PM
people think if they come on here it will mask their own insecurities of Rodgers as our QB

Who in their right mind would have insecurities about Rodgers?Nobody. Pete just says that to mask his butthurt feelings over Favre not being in GB.

I'm ok with Brett in NY... I'm also ok with Rodgers as our QB.. you don't know me very well cpk, I'm tellin ya...Your cheap shots against Rodgers and constantly noting Favres better stats say otherwise.

I only fire back when u clowns come on A FAVRE THREAD and talk about RodgersExcept you do it in RODGERS' threads as well. You are a fucking hypocrite.

It's like having a classroom of all good students, and then you have that one disruptive lunatic.

ur the one who disrupted a FAVRE THREAD! haha

10-12-2008, 06:38 PM
No, Paco, you're getting nothing right. Just stop. You're making yourself look like a damn fool.

You are all making yourselves look like fools. Take your stupid little arguments to PM. Seriously, I think everyone on this entire site is SICK of hearing a select 3-4 people argue about this.

10-12-2008, 06:40 PM
well I guess the experiment for Favre supporters to post in this thread has blown up; it was bound to occur

I thought the people who were really pushing for this to occur would allow for a smooth transition for this.

Seeing it failed, if and when the multiple Favre threads pop up please don't come back pissing and whining about what occured.

This was never a rule; it was a courtesy that seemed to be agreed upon.

I'm not going to push for it anymore.

10-12-2008, 06:42 PM
people think if they come on here it will mask their own insecurities of Rodgers as our QB

Who in their right mind would have insecurities about Rodgers?Nobody. Pete just says that to mask his butthurt feelings over Favre not being in GB.

I'm ok with Brett in NY... I'm also ok with Rodgers as our QB.. you don't know me very well cpk, I'm tellin ya...Your cheap shots against Rodgers and constantly noting Favres better stats say otherwise.

I only fire back when u clowns come on A FAVRE THREAD and talk about RodgersExcept you do it in RODGERS' threads as well. You are a fucking hypocrite.

It's like having a classroom of all good students, and then you have that one disruptive lunatic.

ur the one who disrupted a FAVRE THREAD! haha

Pete: No, you did. Danno simply gave his opinion of Favre's performance and you couldn't take it like a man/woman then started touting stats to pump up Favre.

Danno: Keep fighting the good fight. :)

10-12-2008, 06:44 PM
people think if they come on here it will mask their own insecurities of Rodgers as our QB

Who in their right mind would have insecurities about Rodgers?Nobody. Pete just says that to mask his butthurt feelings over Favre not being in GB.

I'm ok with Brett in NY... I'm also ok with Rodgers as our QB.. you don't know me very well cpk, I'm tellin ya...Your cheap shots against Rodgers and constantly noting Favres better stats say otherwise.

I only fire back when u clowns come on A FAVRE THREAD and talk about RodgersExcept you do it in RODGERS' threads as well. You are a fucking hypocrite.

It's like having a classroom of all good students, and then you have that one disruptive lunatic.

ur the one who disrupted a FAVRE THREAD! haha

Pete: No, you did. Danno simply gave his opinion of Favre's performance and you couldn't take it like a man/woman then started touting stats to pump up Favre.

Danno: Keep fighting the good fight. :)

WRONG! haha.. I posted stats back to Chevelle's post... take a looksy for urself buuuuuudaaaaaaay

10-12-2008, 06:44 PM
well I guess the experiment for Favre supporters to post in this thread has blown up; it was bound to occur

I thought the people who were really pushing for this to occur would allow for a smooth transition for this.

Seeing it failed, if and when the multiple Favre threads pop up please don't come back pissing and whining about what occured.

This was never a rule; it was a courtesy that seemed to be agreed upon.

I'm not going to push for it anymore.

yep... its game over now about Favre stuff...

10-12-2008, 06:55 PM
WRONG! haha.. I posted stats back to Chevelle's post... take a looksy for urself buuuuuudaaaaaaayI looked back, and you took a personal shot at Danno. Unprovoked I might add. Packer fans can hate Favre, becuase they are fans of the TEAM, and did not care for the Divas childish unprofessional behavior. I could say that you are not a Packer Fan becuase you put a PLAYER over the TEAM.

10-12-2008, 06:57 PM

10-12-2008, 06:57 PM
WRONG! haha.. I posted stats back to Chevelle's post... take a looksy for urself buuuuuudaaaaaaayI looked back, and you took a personal shot at Danno. Unprovoked I might add. Packer fans can hate Favre, becuase they are fans of the TEAM, and did not care for the Divas childish unprofessional behavior. I could say that you are not a Packer Fan becuase you put a PLAYER over the TEAM.

I think that player would make this TEAM better.... there is nothing wrong with that... its only the situation that it falls under that u see it differently

10-12-2008, 07:02 PM
WRONG! haha.. I posted stats back to Chevelle's post... take a looksy for urself buuuuuudaaaaaaayI looked back, and you took a personal shot at Danno. Unprovoked I might add. Packer fans can hate Favre, becuase they are fans of the TEAM, and did not care for the Divas childish unprofessional behavior. I could say that you are not a Packer Fan becuase you put a PLAYER over the TEAM.

I think that player would make this TEAM better.... there is nothing wrong with that... its only the situation that it falls under that u see it differentlyDoesn't matter. A real fan NEVER puts a PLAYER over the TEAM. They can disagree with the teams handling of a player, but at the end of the day they accept the TEAM's decision. You clearly cannot.

10-12-2008, 07:04 PM
WRONG! haha.. I posted stats back to Chevelle's post... take a looksy for urself buuuuuudaaaaaaayI looked back, and you took a personal shot at Danno. Unprovoked I might add. Packer fans can hate Favre, becuase they are fans of the TEAM, and did not care for the Divas childish unprofessional behavior. I could say that you are not a Packer Fan becuase you put a PLAYER over the TEAM.

I think that player would make this TEAM better.... there is nothing wrong with that... its only the situation that it falls under that u see it differentlyDoesn't matter. A real fan NEVER puts a PLAYER over the TEAM. They can disagree with the teams handling of a player, but at the end of the day they accept the TEAM's decision. You clearly cannot.

I can't? haha.. just because I don't like it and say something about it doesnt mean that every sunday I'm not pulling on my packers jersey as usual fired up for the game supporting my team.... god ur just... uh! just shut up please...

10-12-2008, 07:06 PM
WRONG! haha.. I posted stats back to Chevelle's post... take a looksy for urself buuuuuudaaaaaaayI looked back, and you took a personal shot at Danno. Unprovoked I might add. Packer fans can hate Favre, becuase they are fans of the TEAM, and did not care for the Divas childish unprofessional behavior. I could say that you are not a Packer Fan becuase you put a PLAYER over the TEAM.

I think that player would make this TEAM better.... there is nothing wrong with that... its only the situation that it falls under that u see it differentlyDoesn't matter. A real fan NEVER puts a PLAYER over the TEAM. They can disagree with the teams handling of a player, but at the end of the day they accept the TEAM's decision. You clearly cannot.

Don't mean to interject in your dumbass fight, but this above comment is the dumbest thing I have read here to date. My god. Who are you to say what makes and doesn't make a fan?

10-12-2008, 07:10 PM
Rodgers: 3 total touchdowns

Favre: 3 total turnovers

Favre 13 TD's

Rodgers 7 TD's

Favre winning % > Rodgers winning %

Favre at 39 > Rodgers any year

Rushing Touchdowns dont count?

Rodgers first year starting >>>> Favre's first year starting.

10-12-2008, 07:12 PM
Rodgers: 3 total touchdowns

Favre: 3 total turnovers

Favre 13 TD's

Rodgers 7 TD's

Favre winning % > Rodgers winning %

Favre at 39 > Rodgers any year

Rushing Touchdowns dont count?

Rodgers first year starting >>>> Favre's first year starting.

Really? They went 9-7. Get back to me when that happens.

Scott Campbell
10-12-2008, 07:13 PM
Favre is playing well - no doubt. But Rodgers is also playing very well, and has kept pace enough that Ted must be pretty secure in his decision at this point.

10-12-2008, 07:19 PM
Favre is playing well - no doubt. But Rodgers is also playing very well, and has kept pace enough that Ted must be pretty secure in his decision at this point.

Well see, but anything short of a playoff appearance could make TT not be so happy about it. Hard to go from 13-3 and possibly watching favre on anothe team not in the playoffs last year get in, and watch the packers not.

Still a lot of football to go, but that will ultimately show if he made a good move. It's not as if rodgers wouldn't be just as good next year.

10-12-2008, 07:20 PM
Favre is playing well - no doubt. But Rodgers is also playing very well, and has kept pace enough that Ted must be pretty secure in his decision at this point.I don't think Ted is insecure with any decision he makes. Just like Col Jessup from "A Few Good Man", he made a command decision and thats the end of it.

10-12-2008, 07:20 PM
Rodgers: 3 total touchdowns

Favre: 3 total turnovers

Favre 13 TD's

Rodgers 7 TD's

Favre winning % > Rodgers winning %

Favre at 39 > Rodgers any year

Rushing Touchdowns dont count?

Rodgers first year starting >>>> Favre's first year starting.

Really? They went 9-7. Get back to me when that happens.

They went 9-7. You're right. THEY. THE TEAM.

Favre? He threw 13, interceptions. 24 a year later.

Dumb fuck.

10-12-2008, 07:21 PM
Favre is playing well - no doubt. But Rodgers is also playing very well, and has kept pace enough that Ted must be pretty secure in his decision at this point.I don't think Ted is insecure with any decision he makes. Just like Col Jessup from "A Few Good Man", he made a command decision and thats the end of it.

so your telling me theres a chance we can get rid of TT then? awesome! haha dont take it too hard, it was merely a joke

Scott Campbell
10-12-2008, 07:23 PM
It's not as if rodgers wouldn't be just as good next year.

Huh? Rodgers getting game experience is good for his progression. Just as it would be for any young QB.

Right now I don't see this team being any better with Brett on it. That surprises me.

10-12-2008, 07:24 PM
Rodgers: 3 total touchdowns

Favre: 3 total turnovers

Favre 13 TD's

Rodgers 7 TD's

Favre winning % > Rodgers winning %

Favre at 39 > Rodgers any year

Rushing Touchdowns dont count?

Rodgers first year starting >>>> Favre's first year starting.

Really? They went 9-7. Get back to me when that happens.

They went 9-7. You're right. THEY. THE TEAM.

Favre? He threw 13, interceptions. 24 a year later.

Dumb fuck.

Whats the montra? Just win baby. Rodgers isn't favre. Favre is not Rodgers. You can't compare how they play, as they play the position completely differently, especially young in their careers. Favre didn't even know what the heck a nickle defense was at that age.

Yet, Favre kept winning. Leading comeback win after comeback win, and bringing excitement to watching GB football again. It is about the W's, not the stats.

10-12-2008, 07:29 PM
Rodgers: 3 total touchdowns

Favre: 3 total turnovers

Favre 13 TD's

Rodgers 7 TD's

Favre winning % > Rodgers winning %

Favre at 39 > Rodgers any year

Rushing Touchdowns dont count?

Rodgers first year starting >>>> Favre's first year starting.

Really? They went 9-7. Get back to me when that happens.

They went 9-7. You're right. THEY. THE TEAM.

Favre? He threw 13, interceptions. 24 a year later.

Dumb fuck.

Whats the montra? Just win baby. Rodgers isn't favre. Favre is not Rodgers. You can't compare how they play, as they play the position completely differently, especially young in their careers. Favre didn't even know what the heck a nickle defense was at that age.

Yet, Favre kept winning. Leading comeback win after comeback win, and bringing excitement to watching GB football again. It is about the W's, not the stats.

They are both 3-3 thru their first 6 games of their career.

So, thats tied.

Tie breaker = Stats.

Which goes to Rodgers.

Time for bed.

10-12-2008, 07:32 PM
Favre is playing well - no doubt. But Rodgers is also playing very well, and has kept pace enough that Ted must be pretty secure in his decision at this point.I don't think Ted is insecure with any decision he makes. Just like Col Jessup from "A Few Good Man", he made a command decision and thats the end of it.

so your telling me theres a chance we can get rid of TT then? awesome! haha dont take it too hard, it was merely a jokeWell, TT wil die one day so he won't be the Packers GM forever. Nice try, you fail(again).

10-12-2008, 07:32 PM
Rodgers: 3 total touchdowns

Favre: 3 total turnovers

Favre 13 TD's

Rodgers 7 TD's

Favre winning % > Rodgers winning %

Favre at 39 > Rodgers any year

Rushing Touchdowns dont count?

Rodgers first year starting >>>> Favre's first year starting.

Really? They went 9-7. Get back to me when that happens.

They went 9-7. You're right. THEY. THE TEAM.

Favre? He threw 13, interceptions. 24 a year later.

Dumb fuck.

Whats the montra? Just win baby. Rodgers isn't favre. Favre is not Rodgers. You can't compare how they play, as they play the position completely differently, especially young in their careers. Favre didn't even know what the heck a nickle defense was at that age.

Yet, Favre kept winning. Leading comeback win after comeback win, and bringing excitement to watching GB football again. It is about the W's, not the stats.

They are both 3-3 thru their first 6 games of their career.

So, thats tied.

Tie breaker = Stats.

Which goes to Rodgers.

Time for bed.

Haha. You realize they started their careers also in two completely different eras. Favre was in the era when hitting the QB late, or really hitting the QB at all (such as nailing him as hard you can, helemt, arm, etc.) was allowed. ANd boy, did BRett get hit.

AR started in the era where hitting QB's draws penalties. Lots of them. Usually considered the Peyton Manning rule, because manning only really excelled after that rule was put into play.

10-12-2008, 07:35 PM
Haha. You realize they started their careers also in two completely different eras. Favre was in the era when hitting the QB late, or really hitting the QB at all (such as nailing him as hard you can, helemt, arm, etc.) was allowed. ANd boy, did BRett get hit.

AR started in the era where hitting QB's draws penalties. Lots of them. Usually considered the Peyton Manning rule, because manning only really excelled after that rule was put into play.


10-12-2008, 07:43 PM
Haha. You realize they started their careers also in two completely different eras. Favre was in the era when hitting the QB late, or really hitting the QB at all (such as nailing him as hard you can, helemt, arm, etc.) was allowed. ANd boy, did BRett get hit.

AR started in the era where hitting QB's draws penalties. Lots of them. Usually considered the Peyton Manning rule, because manning only really excelled after that rule was put into play.


Well, it's true. Favre and Rodgers started in two completely different eras in football history. A lot of today's QB's might not be able to make it back then. Could rodgers? Don't know.

Their records are the same through the first 6 games of their first season starting true, but favre also plays what was it, 3/4 a season prior to his first season as a starter?

10-12-2008, 07:44 PM
Haha. You realize they started their careers also in two completely different eras. Favre was in the era when hitting the QB late, or really hitting the QB at all (such as nailing him as hard you can, helemt, arm, etc.) was allowed. ANd boy, did BRett get hit.

AR started in the era where hitting QB's draws penalties. Lots of them. Usually considered the Peyton Manning rule, because manning only really excelled after that rule was put into play.


Well, it's true. Favre and Rodgers started in two completely different eras in football history. A lot of today's QB's might not be able to make it back then. Could rodgers? Don't know.

Their records are the same through the first 6 games of their first season starting true, but favre also plays what was it, 3/4 a season prior to his first season as a starter?

theres no use in comparing the two.. theres a very slim chance Rodgers could even come close to what Brett has accomplished in his career and still is doing... but that doesnt mean Rodgers cant be one hell of a QB too...

10-12-2008, 07:46 PM
Honestly, Favre has had a HOF career. He's one of the all time greats. It's not fair to Rodgers to compare him to Brett and at this point it's insulting to Brett to compare him to any QB with less than 3 probowls and a SB win and even that would be a stretch.

To Rodgers credit, he's playing great. To Favre's credit, so is he. This team has a very bright future that looks brighter with every drop back from our 24 year old quarterback. We have some work to do on the DL and OL. We have to continue locking up or core before their UFA years. Things should only get better for thsi team and for Rodgers as he gains experience. Life is good as a Packer fan. The fighting and comparisons are getting very old. Favre fans are pissed off abotu how it went down. TT fans are pissed off at how it went down. Really though, it's over. It's worked out pretty well for the Packers and pretty well for Brett too. I think that jet team is pretty good (defense, offense and ST's). In the down AFC, he has a chance to win a SB (and fetch us a 1st round pick). Life is good for everyone here.

10-12-2008, 07:48 PM
Honestly, Favre has had a HOF career. He's one of the all time greats. It's not fair to Rodgers to compare him to Brett and at this point it's insulting to Brett to compare him to any QB with less than 3 probowls and a SB win and even that would be a stretch.

To Rodgers credit, he's playing great. To Favre's credit, so is he. This team has a very bright future that looks brighter with every drop back from our 24 year old quarterback. We have some work to do on the DL and OL. We have to continue locking up or core before their UFA years. Things should only get better for thsi team and for Rodgers as he gains experience. Life is good as a Packer fan. The fighting and comparisons are getting very old.

Yes, they do get old. My main concern for the packers if if a new deal doesn't get struck between the NFL and the players association, there will no longer be a cap. That being the case, it's going to be hard to keep players in GB.

10-12-2008, 07:49 PM
Honestly, Favre has had a HOF career. He's one of the all time greats. It's not fair to Rodgers to compare him to Brett and at this point it's insulting to Brett to compare him to any QB with less than 3 probowls and a SB win and even that would be a stretch.

To Rodgers credit, he's playing great. To Favre's credit, so is he. This team has a very bright future that looks brighter with every drop back from our 24 year old quarterback. We have some work to do on the DL and OL. We have to continue locking up or core before their UFA years. Things should only get better for thsi team and for Rodgers as he gains experience. Life is good as a Packer fan. The fighting and comparisons are getting very old.

Yes, they do get old. My main concern for the packers if if a new deal doesn't get struck between the NFL and the players association, there will no longer be a cap. That being the case, it's going to be hard to keep players in GB.

a guy like Jerry Jones will ruin the NFL and make it real hard for the packers

10-12-2008, 07:53 PM
Honestly, Favre has had a HOF career. He's one of the all time greats. It's not fair to Rodgers to compare him to Brett and at this point it's insulting to Brett to compare him to any QB with less than 3 probowls and a SB win and even that would be a stretch.

To Rodgers credit, he's playing great. To Favre's credit, so is he. This team has a very bright future that looks brighter with every drop back from our 24 year old quarterback. We have some work to do on the DL and OL. We have to continue locking up or core before their UFA years. Things should only get better for thsi team and for Rodgers as he gains experience. Life is good as a Packer fan. The fighting and comparisons are getting very old.

Yes, they do get old. My main concern for the packers if if a new deal doesn't get struck between the NFL and the players association, there will no longer be a cap. That being the case, it's going to be hard to keep players in GB.

a guy like Jerry Jones will ruin the NFL and make it real hard for the packers

A team in ANY big market area is going to ruin it for the packers. NY teams, NE, etc. Just look at baseball to get the picture of what areas for football teams are going to start drawing in the most money to pay people.

It's not just jerry jones. Cap has kept teams like the packers able to compete year in and year out in the NFL. It puts everyone on a nice even playing field.

The problem is that the players association wants the players to get payed as much as possible, while the nfl wants it to stay the norm.

I don't forsee an agreement being reached. Either the NFL continues with no Cap, or the nfl forces Cap and normal standards WITHOUT a deal with the players union, and the players union goes on strike.

Wow, just think, something like the movie "the replacements" could actually take place in today's NFL.

"So, what ended Favre's career again? What? A 2 years strike after leading the jets to the playoffs? Greedy bastards."

10-12-2008, 07:54 PM
Honestly, Favre has had a HOF career. He's one of the all time greats. It's not fair to Rodgers to compare him to Brett and at this point it's insulting to Brett to compare him to any QB with less than 3 probowls and a SB win and even that would be a stretch.

To Rodgers credit, he's playing great. To Favre's credit, so is he. This team has a very bright future that looks brighter with every drop back from our 24 year old quarterback. We have some work to do on the DL and OL. We have to continue locking up or core before their UFA years. Things should only get better for thsi team and for Rodgers as he gains experience. Life is good as a Packer fan. The fighting and comparisons are getting very old.

Yes, they do get old. My main concern for the packers if if a new deal doesn't get struck between the NFL and the players association, there will no longer be a cap. That being the case, it's going to be hard to keep players in GB.

a guy like Jerry Jones will ruin the NFL and make it real hard for the packers

A team in ANY big market area is going to ruin it for the packers. NY teams, NE, etc. Just look at baseball to get the picture of what areas for football teams are going to start drawing in the most money to pay people.

It's not just jerry jones. Cap has kept teams like the packers able to compete year in and year out in the NFL. It puts everyone on a nice even playing field.

The problem is that the players association wants the players to get payed as much as possible, while the nfl wants it to stay the norm.

I don't forsee an agreement being reached. Either the NFL continues with no Cap, or the nfl forces Cap and normal standards WITHOUT a deal with the players union, and the players union goes on strike.

Wow, just think, something like the movie "the replacements" could actually take place in today's NFL.

I better get working out then :lol:

10-13-2008, 11:11 AM
...so we can post favre stuff ANYWHERE now...??? yippee..

Deputy Nutz
10-13-2008, 11:33 AM
Honestly, Favre has had a HOF career. He's one of the all time greats. It's not fair to Rodgers to compare him to Brett and at this point it's insulting to Brett to compare him to any QB with less than 3 probowls and a SB win and even that would be a stretch.

To Rodgers credit, he's playing great. To Favre's credit, so is he. This team has a very bright future that looks brighter with every drop back from our 24 year old quarterback. We have some work to do on the DL and OL. We have to continue locking up or core before their UFA years. Things should only get better for thsi team and for Rodgers as he gains experience. Life is good as a Packer fan. The fighting and comparisons are getting very old.

Yes, they do get old. My main concern for the packers if if a new deal doesn't get struck between the NFL and the players association, there will no longer be a cap. That being the case, it's going to be hard to keep players in GB.

a guy like Jerry Jones will ruin the NFL and make it real hard for the packers

A team in ANY big market area is going to ruin it for the packers. NY teams, NE, etc. Just look at baseball to get the picture of what areas for football teams are going to start drawing in the most money to pay people.

It's not just jerry jones. Cap has kept teams like the packers able to compete year in and year out in the NFL. It puts everyone on a nice even playing field.

The problem is that the players association wants the players to get payed as much as possible, while the nfl wants it to stay the norm.

I don't forsee an agreement being reached. Either the NFL continues with no Cap, or the nfl forces Cap and normal standards WITHOUT a deal with the players union, and the players union goes on strike.

Wow, just think, something like the movie "the replacements" could actually take place in today's NFL.

"So, what ended Favre's career again? What? A 2 years strike after leading the jets to the playoffs? Greedy bastards."

The TV money coming in will provide a better balance to all NFL franchises compared to the situation in MLB where teams search and locate there own contract or like the Yankees and Boston own there networks. The Packers for the last 15 years have always been in the top 10 in merchandise sales, which might just happen to be the same years Favre was in Green Bay, gee I don't know, but hopefully the trend continues and the Packers can stay ahead in the uncapped market.

The Packers simply don't have the deep pockets of an individual owner like Jones or that Scmuck in Washington in Daniel Snyder, but the Packers should be alright I suppose, players will want the best contract available but they also like going to play for a winner and for franchises that take care of them in other ways. They will also be all right because they have been sound fianacially for a long time.

This is going to affect teams like Jacksonville, Buffalo, and possibly Minnesota before the Packers ever feel the real impact of it.

10-13-2008, 07:33 PM
Honestly, Favre has had a HOF career. He's one of the all time greats. It's not fair to Rodgers to compare him to Brett and at this point it's insulting to Brett to compare him to any QB with less than 3 probowls and a SB win and even that would be a stretch.

To Rodgers credit, he's playing great. To Favre's credit, so is he. This team has a very bright future that looks brighter with every drop back from our 24 year old quarterback. We have some work to do on the DL and OL. We have to continue locking up or core before their UFA years. Things should only get better for thsi team and for Rodgers as he gains experience. Life is good as a Packer fan. The fighting and comparisons are getting very old.

Yes, they do get old. My main concern for the packers if if a new deal doesn't get struck between the NFL and the players association, there will no longer be a cap. That being the case, it's going to be hard to keep players in GB.

a guy like Jerry Jones will ruin the NFL and make it real hard for the packers

A team in ANY big market area is going to ruin it for the packers. NY teams, NE, etc. Just look at baseball to get the picture of what areas for football teams are going to start drawing in the most money to pay people.

It's not just jerry jones. Cap has kept teams like the packers able to compete year in and year out in the NFL. It puts everyone on a nice even playing field.

The problem is that the players association wants the players to get payed as much as possible, while the nfl wants it to stay the norm.

I don't forsee an agreement being reached. Either the NFL continues with no Cap, or the nfl forces Cap and normal standards WITHOUT a deal with the players union, and the players union goes on strike.

Wow, just think, something like the movie "the replacements" could actually take place in today's NFL.

"So, what ended Favre's career again? What? A 2 years strike after leading the jets to the playoffs? Greedy bastards."

The TV money coming in will provide a better balance to all NFL franchises compared to the situation in MLB where teams search and locate there own contract or like the Yankees and Boston own there networks. The Packers for the last 15 years have always been in the top 10 in merchandise sales, which might just happen to be the same years Favre was in Green Bay, gee I don't know, but hopefully the trend continues and the Packers can stay ahead in the uncapped market.

The Packers simply don't have the deep pockets of an individual owner like Jones or that Scmuck in Washington in Daniel Snyder, but the Packers should be alright I suppose, players will want the best contract available but they also like going to play for a winner and for franchises that take care of them in other ways. They will also be all right because they have been sound fianacially for a long time.

This is going to affect teams like Jacksonville, Buffalo, and possibly Minnesota before the Packers ever feel the real impact of it.

Packers are technically owned by the people.

Anyways, the packers will feel the effect. TV contracts only go so far - as even the teams in the bigger markets with big pockets have the exact same sort of tv contracts as we would.

Minnesota will feel it too, of course, and we will try to alleviate the pain somehow because we love the packers too much to let greedy teams ruin our hopes... but it will be a vastly different NFL then it is today.

Hopefully, everyone can come to an agreement on a new deal. Cap is one of the best things that has happened to the NFL.

Deputy Nutz
10-13-2008, 07:48 PM
I more than understand that the Packers are owned by the "people" but the people don't exactly run the franchise or considered the CEO of the franchise. The people pony up 200 bucks for a certificate that say that they now own a share in the team, but they can't profit from the share, nor do I believe can they sell it. It was a very brilliant way of making money for the Packers, hell they should do it again and soon.

Anyways, the Market really has nothing to do with it, again that is baseball not football. The Packers have rebuilt Lambeau Field and they absolutely rake it in from that place and from the sponsorships of business in the great state of Wisconsin.

Packers in a very odd position, they are the smallest professional sports city but yet they don't have the problems, they are run like a big market town. Of course that has a lot to do with the fact that they are winning football games, this has been a very successful two decades, strongest of any franchise in the NFL and it has paid off in a big way. Just look at this forum and count how many fans of the Packers show up here that have no connection to the Packers, hell the guy that runs this place just came to Wisconsin last year.

10-14-2008, 06:50 PM
favre reached out to romo. he called him to offer encouragement and said that if he can put up with the pain and cumbersome splint, he should try his best to play. favre said it "hurt like hell playn with that broken thumb but told myself it was worth tryn to play if i can deal with the pain"


10-14-2008, 07:00 PM
favre reached out to romo. he called him to offer encouragement and said that if he can put up with the pain and cumbersome splint, he should try his best to play. favre said it "hurt like hell playn with that broken thumb but told myself it was worth tryn to play if i can deal with the pain"


I agree up to a point. If Romo can deal with the pain and the splint, then he should go out and try to play - unless his playing is costing his team games. Favre didn't cost the Packers any games by playing with that broken thumb, so nobody questioned him or the team. Imagine if he'd have lost 7 of his last 9 games rather than won 7 of his last 9 games. People probably wouldn't have been so supportive of the decision. If Romo goes out and starts stinking up the place - even if he can deal with the pain - Brad Johnson should be the starter until Romo's finger is healed.

10-14-2008, 11:50 PM
Honestly, Favre has had a HOF career. He's one of the all time greats. It's not fair to Rodgers to compare him to Brett and at this point it's insulting to Brett to compare him to any QB with less than 3 probowls and a SB win and even that would be a stretch.

To Rodgers credit, he's playing great. To Favre's credit, so is he. This team has a very bright future that looks brighter with every drop back from our 24 year old quarterback. We have some work to do on the DL and OL. We have to continue locking up or core before their UFA years. Things should only get better for thsi team and for Rodgers as he gains experience. Life is good as a Packer fan. The fighting and comparisons are getting very old.

Yes, they do get old. My main concern for the packers if if a new deal doesn't get struck between the NFL and the players association, there will no longer be a cap. That being the case, it's going to be hard to keep players in GB.

a guy like Jerry Jones will ruin the NFL and make it real hard for the packers

A team in ANY big market area is going to ruin it for the packers. NY teams, NE, etc. Just look at baseball to get the picture of what areas for football teams are going to start drawing in the most money to pay people.

It's not just jerry jones. Cap has kept teams like the packers able to compete year in and year out in the NFL. It puts everyone on a nice even playing field.

The problem is that the players association wants the players to get payed as much as possible, while the nfl wants it to stay the norm.

I don't forsee an agreement being reached. Either the NFL continues with no Cap, or the nfl forces Cap and normal standards WITHOUT a deal with the players union, and the players union goes on strike.

Wow, just think, something like the movie "the replacements" could actually take place in today's NFL.

"So, what ended Favre's career again? What? A 2 years strike after leading the jets to the playoffs? Greedy bastards."

The TV money coming in will provide a better balance to all NFL franchises compared to the situation in MLB where teams search and locate there own contract or like the Yankees and Boston own there networks. The Packers for the last 15 years have always been in the top 10 in merchandise sales, which might just happen to be the same years Favre was in Green Bay, gee I don't know, but hopefully the trend continues and the Packers can stay ahead in the uncapped market.

The Packers simply don't have the deep pockets of an individual owner like Jones or that Scmuck in Washington in Daniel Snyder, but the Packers should be alright I suppose, players will want the best contract available but they also like going to play for a winner and for franchises that take care of them in other ways. They will also be all right because they have been sound fianacially for a long time.

This is going to affect teams like Jacksonville, Buffalo, and possibly Minnesota before the Packers ever feel the real impact of it.

Far from it...the millions we have tied up in emergency excess could easily be dropped by a hotshot like Jerry Jones on 1 player. He's just dying to toss out some massive deals to change the financial landscape of the NFL like the Yankees have done for the last 10 years. We'd be toast in 5 years.

10-16-2008, 04:50 AM
favre reached out to romo. he called him to offer encouragement and said that if he can put up with the pain and cumbersome splint, he should try his best to play. favre said it "hurt like hell playn with that broken thumb but told myself it was worth tryn to play if i can deal with the pain"


And Rodgers says he hasn't talked to him since he retired. Hmm...

10-16-2008, 08:06 AM
favre reached out to romo. he called him to offer encouragement and said that if he can put up with the pain and cumbersome splint, he should try his best to play. favre said it "hurt like hell playn with that broken thumb but told myself it was worth tryn to play if i can deal with the pain"


And Rodgers says he hasn't talked to him since he retired. Hmm...Boo-who! I bet Rodgers is soooooo torn up about it. No way Brett is going to the prom with him now.

10-16-2008, 08:32 AM


10-16-2008, 09:06 AM



10-16-2008, 09:05 PM
the fun starts now for the Jets will he or wont he :http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/rumors/post/Favre-said-he-is-undecided-about-playing-in-2009;_ylt=AnPMPPId7yi0dTVHQAeumtgH8sMF?urn=nfl,115 434

The Shadow
10-16-2008, 09:10 PM
This is a thread that really needs to go away.

10-16-2008, 10:36 PM
This is a thread that really needs to go away.

actually you and others who are not fans of Favre should be very happy that there is just one thread that you can choose to ignore.

10-16-2008, 11:14 PM
This is a thread that really needs to go away.

actually you and others who are not fans of Favre should be very happy that there is just one thread that you can choose to ignore.

Who are you kidding?


This forum could easily be re-named FavreRats.com; thankfully there are strong management within Packers to avoid a disaster similar to post-Lombardi era. Living in the past is for suckers; being momentarily nostalgic is not the thing in Wiz-gone-zin! With that said; 3 decades of dumb slumber won't happen again. Favre was kicked in the butt on his way out. :P But thanks for memories & warm nostalgia from time to time!

10-16-2008, 11:30 PM
This is a thread that really needs to go away.

actually you and others who are not fans of Favre should be very happy that there is just one thread that you can choose to ignore.

Who are you kidding?


This forum could easily be re-named FavreRats.com; thankfully there are strong management within Packers to avoid a disaster similar to post-Lombardi era. Living in the past is for suckers; being momentarily nostalgic is not the thing in Wiz-gone-zin! With that said; 3 decades of dumb slumber won't happen again. Favre was kicked in the butt on his way out. :P But thanks for memories & warm nostalgia from time to time!

It's a simple concept; if you don't want to read about Favre or you want to bash him this should be one easy thread to skip. After all having one thread was a request of those who didn't want multiple Favre threads in teh first place.

I think the Favre fans are being respectful by keeping nearly all of the stuff in here

I'd hope the non Favre fans would be respectful by not bashing in here

If they can't then I won't blame anybody for the mutliple threads

Hopefully it never comes to that

10-16-2008, 11:55 PM


Hey, who edited out all my Kirks?

I shall leave you as you left me, stuck for all eternity as the QB of a doomed team. Never MVP. Never MVP....


10-17-2008, 12:22 AM
This will be Brett Favre's first trip to Oakland since his stunning Monday night performance in 2003 the day after his father, Irv, passed away. It will be tough to duplicate, but Favre will give it a try against Oakland's 25th-ranked pass defense.

I bet playing there for the first time since that game will produce a bit of a chill. Hope he has a great game.

10-17-2008, 12:25 AM
This is a thread that really needs to go away.

actually you and others who are not fans of Favre should be very happy that there is just one thread that you can choose to ignore.

Who are you kidding?


This forum could easily be re-named FavreRats.com; thankfully there are strong management within Packers to avoid a disaster similar to post-Lombardi era. Living in the past is for suckers; being momentarily nostalgic is not the thing in Wiz-gone-zin! With that said; 3 decades of dumb slumber won't happen again. Favre was kicked in the butt on his way out. :P But thanks for memories & warm nostalgia from time to time!

It's a simple concept; if you don't want to read about Favre or you want to bash him this should be one easy thread to skip. After all having one thread was a request of those who didn't want multiple Favre threads in teh first place.

I think the Favre fans are being respectful by keeping nearly all of the stuff in here

I'd hope the non Favre fans would be respectful by not bashing in here

If they can't then I won't blame anybody for the mutliple threads

Hopefully it never comes to that

Very well put.

What the hell is mmmdk talking about.

10-17-2008, 01:38 AM
It's a simple concept; if you don't want to read about Favre or you want to bash him this should be one easy thread to skip. After all having one thread was a request of those who didn't want multiple Favre threads in teh first place.

I think the Favre fans are being respectful by keeping nearly all of the stuff in here

I'd hope the non Favre fans would be respectful by not bashing in here

If they can't then I won't blame anybody for the mutliple threads

Hopefully it never comes to that

So criticism is not allowed in here, and praise is not allowed elsewhere? Seems like it will make for boring discussion about Favre because no thread allows opposing views. :)

Probably best, since neither the pro-Favre nor the anti-Favre factions seem to be able to be civil with the other anyway.

Will we be able to debate about Favre after he retires again?

10-17-2008, 02:27 AM
It's a simple concept; if you don't want to read about Favre or you want to bash him this should be one easy thread to skip. After all having one thread was a request of those who didn't want multiple Favre threads in teh first place.

I think the Favre fans are being respectful by keeping nearly all of the stuff in here

I'd hope the non Favre fans would be respectful by not bashing in here

If they can't then I won't blame anybody for the mutliple threads

Hopefully it never comes to that

So criticism is not allowed in here, and praise is not allowed elsewhere? Seems like it will make for boring discussion about Favre because no thread allows opposing views. :)

Probably best, since neither the pro-Favre nor the anti-Favre factions seem to be able to be civil with the other anyway.

Will we be able to debate about Favre after he retires again?

I doubt it, yet this seems like a concentration camp as of late. "Like Favre..eat sawdust like it's oatmeal and don't complain!!"

What...?, it's blasphemous to talk about Favre-related NFL stuff in another thread, less someone incurs the wrath of some haters?

Ridiculous...Personally, I try to keep the Favre shit toned down in other threads but if it's related to NFL stuff, off it goes, damn the rest. Personally, I love Favre, even now, as he's entertaining as hell...it's almost as if some look at him as cancer. Lighten the fuck up to those who can't see the whole picture...

Patler, dude, you are ALWAYS even keil and cool as all hell, but some take it to extremes to segregate the EVIL FAVRE FACTION to this thread vs. TT......THEY ALL FUCKED UP. GET OVER IT!!!

Personally, I don't try to flame the issue but will issue the Lord's name if need be. Ridiculous if one can't express an opinion on a forum. Is that not contradictory in nature?

10-17-2008, 04:55 AM
33 pages and counting. I appreciate everyone keeping it in one thread, by and large.

Thank you, Favre diehards. I appreciate what you've been doing.

10-17-2008, 06:45 AM
It's a simple concept; if you don't want to read about Favre or you want to bash him this should be one easy thread to skip. After all having one thread was a request of those who didn't want multiple Favre threads in teh first place.

I think the Favre fans are being respectful by keeping nearly all of the stuff in here

I'd hope the non Favre fans would be respectful by not bashing in here

If they can't then I won't blame anybody for the mutliple threads

Hopefully it never comes to that

So criticism is not allowed in here, and praise is not allowed elsewhere? Seems like it will make for boring discussion about Favre because no thread allows opposing views. :)

Probably best, since neither the pro-Favre nor the anti-Favre factions seem to be able to be civil with the other anyway.

Will we be able to debate about Favre after he retires again?

I'd say there is a distinct difference between bashing and constructive criticism, and you are right in that most is not civil

10-17-2008, 07:20 AM
The guy is fun to watch, say what you will (and I said plenty) about how he handled his "retirement."

With Oakland being the disaster it is, it's hard to imagine Favre not throwing for three td's and 250 yards.

10-17-2008, 10:25 AM
the fun starts now for the Jets will he or wont he :http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/rumors/post/Favre-said-he-is-undecided-about-playing-in-2009;_ylt=AnPMPPId7yi0dTVHQAeumtgH8sMF?urn=nfl,115 434

wow, ALREADY???

10-17-2008, 10:32 AM
Will we be able to debate about Favre after he retires again?

No. Check out the DNC platform. One of their planks is to outlaw any discussion of Favre by Packer fans.

P.S. This is bi-partisan. Republicans are sick of Favre discussion too.

10-17-2008, 10:34 AM
The guy is fun to watch, say what you will (and I said plenty) about how he handled his "retirement."

With Oakland being the disaster it is, it's hard to imagine Favre not throwing for three td's and 250 yards.

and with there being a good chance that SD wins @ bills, there should be a three-way tie atop the WIDE OPEN nfc east

LETS GOOOOOOOOO...............

Scott Campbell
10-17-2008, 04:32 PM
The guy is fun to watch, say what you will (and I said plenty) about how he handled his "retirement."

With Oakland being the disaster it is, it's hard to imagine Favre not throwing for three td's and 250 yards.

and with there being a good chance that SD wins @ bills, there should be a three-way tie atop the WIDE OPEN nfc east

Maybe you mean AFC?

10-17-2008, 10:15 PM
da da da GO Brett GO!!! :D

10-17-2008, 10:17 PM
I have loved watching Brett since the first time he took over from magic I didn't know if he was going to be the starter at first but wow what a ride all of us fans had :) I hope he plays for a few more years for the jets they really need him and its still fun hearing what he is doing there,I will not miss the drama that he has started already over there of is this his last yr or not I don't think they will be as patient as us but who knows?
I am still a Packer fan first but Brett will be right below them no matter what team he plays for lets just hope they can just work out their problems so Brett can work for us in the future.

10-18-2008, 02:07 PM
The guy is fun to watch, say what you will (and I said plenty) about how he handled his "retirement."

With Oakland being the disaster it is, it's hard to imagine Favre not throwing for three td's and 250 yards.

and with there being a good chance that SD wins @ bills, there should be a three-way tie atop the WIDE OPEN nfc east

Maybe you mean AFC?

maybe freudian; i woulda LOVED brett being here with the skins...

The Shadow
10-18-2008, 02:44 PM
This thread continues to blow.
The Favre jock-sniffer Cult needs to form their support group elsewhere.
I'm far more interested in the fortunes of the Grren Bay Packers.

10-18-2008, 04:44 PM
This thread continues to blow.
The Favre jock-sniffer Cult needs to form their support group elsewhere.
I'm far more interested in the fortunes of the Grren Bay Packers.


10-18-2008, 10:00 PM
This thread continues to blow.
The Favre jock-sniffer Cult needs to form their support group elsewhere.
I'm far more interested in the fortunes of the Grren Bay Packers.

If it blows then feel free to stay out


10-18-2008, 10:08 PM
This thread continues to blow.
The Favre jock-sniffer Cult needs to form their support group elsewhere.
I'm far more interested in the fortunes of the Grren Bay Packers.

If it blows then feel free to stay out


:bclap: :bclap: :bclap: :bclap: :bclap: :bclap: :bclap: :bclap: :bclap:

10-19-2008, 11:08 AM

Jay Glazer of the fox pregame just said Brett Favre spent over an hour on the phone with Lions coaches telling them all the secrets of the PAckers offense.

10-19-2008, 11:08 AM
What the F**K! Glazer just reported on FOX pregame that Favre called up the Detroit coaches to give them the low down on the Packers Offense!!!


I can understand trying to find a place to play, but this is getting frick'n traitorous.

Edit: Here's the PFT summary:
Posted by Mike Florio on October 19, 2008, 12:14 p.m. EDT




To the extent that any doubt remained regarding the status of the relationship between the Packers and former quarterback Brett Favre, it’s now completely gone.

Per Jay Glazer of FOX, Favre spent 60-to-90 minutes before the Week Two game between the Lions and the Packers educating the Detroit coaching staff regarding the Packers’ offensive strategies.

Did we say wow?

Glazer says that Favre initially called former CEO Matt Millen, who then put Favre in touch with the coaches.

In our view, Brett’s legacy with the Packers has officially been forever stained, if not completely destroyed – unless Favre immediately denies the report, and unless people believe it.


The next question is whether and to what extent Favre shared similar information with the Vikings (where his former position coach is the offensive coordinator) before Week One, or with the Seahawks (where his former head coach is the head coach) before Week Six.

If so, Brett’s advice didn’t work. The Packers won all three games. http://www.profootballtalk.com/2008/10/19/favre-helped-lions-prepare-for-packers/

I agree with Florio, the big question is who else Favre talked to. The Lions are in such disrepair as a team right now that this was going to leak, but what about the Bucs or Cowboys? No wonder we haven't seen the wishbone formation since week 2.

10-19-2008, 11:30 AM
I don't really have a problem with it. You've got to lie in the bed you made. The Packers chose their destiny knowing things like this would happen.

10-19-2008, 11:45 AM
There is no reason to believe that a grown man would be so petty as to call every other team his preceding team plays to give away their secrets. If you got fired from your company, would you call every other company in that field to tell them everything you know. You'd get a serious rep doing that. It's a low thing to do and not just something to be expected.

10-19-2008, 11:46 AM
I've somewhat defended the guy but this is pretty lame if true. Very very lame. So lame it can't be true, can it? I'd be PISSED if it were true and I was a Packer fan.

10-19-2008, 11:54 AM
Wow. After reading this, everything has changed. Fuck Favre. Fuck Favre supporters. I don't know after reading this HOW you can support the guy? This is on the same level as Spygate if not worse. Fuck you, Favre.

10-19-2008, 11:57 AM
Wow. After reading this, everything has changed. Fuck Favre. Fuck Favre supporters. I don't know after reading this HOW you can support the guy? This is on the same level as Spygate if not worse. Fuck you, Favre.

Everything has changed? Because you were such a proud supporter of him prior to this? :roll:

10-19-2008, 11:57 AM
Wow. After reading this, everything has changed. Fuck Favre. Fuck Favre supporters. I don't know after reading this HOW you can support the guy? This is on the same level as Spygate if not worse. Fuck you, Favre.

LOL, a little anger issue?

10-19-2008, 01:01 PM
Wow. After reading this, everything has changed. Fuck Favre. Fuck Favre supporters. I don't know after reading this HOW you can support the guy? This is on the same level as Spygate if not worse. Fuck you, Favre.

Everything has changed? Because you were such a proud supporter of him prior to this? :roll:

yeah, im REALLY going to restrict my favre threads now.....

10-19-2008, 01:38 PM
Wow. After reading this, everything has changed. Fuck Favre. Fuck Favre supporters. I don't know after reading this HOW you can support the guy? This is on the same level as Spygate if not worse. Fuck you, Favre.

Everything has changed? Because you were such a proud supporter of him prior to this? :roll:

LMAO at that one :bclap: :bclap: :bclap:

10-19-2008, 01:44 PM
Wow. After reading this, everything has changed. Fuck Favre. Fuck Favre supporters. I don't know after reading this HOW you can support the guy? This is on the same level as Spygate if not worse. Fuck you, Favre.

Everything has changed? Because you were such a proud supporter of him prior to this? :roll:

LMAO at that one :bclap: :bclap: :bclap:

I like how he hates not only the guy who may have done something but everyone who likes him.....LOL

Fred's Slacks
10-19-2008, 01:51 PM
I don't really have a problem with it. You've got to lie in the bed you made. The Packers chose their destiny knowing things like this would happen.

I think they assumed Favre had some integrity. They were wrong.

Fred's Slacks
10-19-2008, 01:54 PM
I guess the packers can never cut or trade a player again. That's apparently an excuse to have your system leaked to every other team.

Scott Campbell
10-19-2008, 02:00 PM
I don't really have a problem with it. You've got to lie in the bed you made. The Packers chose their destiny knowing things like this would happen.

I think they assumed Favre had some integrity. They were wrong.

I'm really not surprised to read this about him.

10-19-2008, 02:03 PM
Wow. After reading this, everything has changed. Fuck Favre. Fuck Favre supporters. I don't know after reading this HOW you can support the guy? This is on the same level as Spygate if not worse. Fuck you, Favre.

Everything has changed? Because you were such a proud supporter of him prior to this? :roll:

LMAO at that one :bclap: :bclap: :bclap:

I only get three claps? Zool will not be happy :wink:

Scott Campbell
10-19-2008, 02:05 PM
The Packers chose their destiny knowing things like this would happen.

Wow - a whole new level of sorry excuse making. If I were the Jets, I wouldn't let Brett take his playbook home. I wonder if Bellechick slipped him $20, would he sell out his new team at the next Jets/Patriots game?

10-19-2008, 02:21 PM
The Packers chose their destiny knowing things like this would happen.

Wow - a whole new level of sorry excuse making. If I were the Jets, I wouldn't let Brett take his playbook home. I wonder if Bellechick slipped him $20, would he sell out his new team at the next Jets/Patriots game?

turn coat

10-19-2008, 02:27 PM
I don't really have a problem with it. You've got to lie in the bed you made. The Packers chose their destiny knowing things like this would happen.

The Packers traded Favre expecting him to call up their rivals and give them their offensive info?

Yeah, just another day in the NFL. :roll:

Scott Campbell
10-19-2008, 02:35 PM
If true, I think Brett deserves the Pete Rose treatment from the Packers - for life.

10-19-2008, 02:43 PM
darn bills...SD is soft

10-19-2008, 03:22 PM
Favre 5-6 39 yds

10-19-2008, 03:24 PM
drive stalls Jets take fg up by 3

10-19-2008, 04:07 PM
Favre td................ no wait int .......wait Safety :D

10-19-2008, 06:08 PM

Harlan Huckleby
10-19-2008, 09:50 PM
I don't really have a problem with it. You've got to lie in the bed you made. The Packers chose their destiny knowing things like this would happen.


I like that you are honest.

Harlan Huckleby
10-19-2008, 10:03 PM

The swings in the Favre drama are more jarring than the stock market.

It seems like only yesterday that the Ultimate Favre Fans were riding high, posting taunting pictures, flapping their gums.

Now this week - crash! Lions gate. A loss to the Raiders. Rodgers looking swell.

10-19-2008, 10:37 PM
Brett needs his estrogen levels checked and........football fans need to remember that their favorite players can be just as cool or just as annoying as anyone else they know.

It's a business and other players do the same thing. Farve will still be the biggest draw and best salesman for the Packers after he retires for good. He'll definitely be connected to the Packers organization in some official capacity in the future.

Deputy Nutz
10-19-2008, 10:39 PM

The swings in the Favre drama are more jarring than the stock market.

It seems like only yesterday that the Ultimate Favre Fans were riding high, posting taunting pictures, flapping their gums.

Now this week - crash! Lions gate. A loss to the Raiders. Rodgers looking swell.

Thanks for pointing it out. I forget how many weeks is the season?

Harlan Huckleby
10-19-2008, 10:45 PM
it'll all be over soon, hang in there, sport.

Scott Campbell
10-19-2008, 10:55 PM
I wonder if Chad Pennington briefed the Raiders.

10-20-2008, 07:50 AM
I wonder if Chad Pennington briefed the Raiders.

I thought the Raiders all went commando?

10-20-2008, 08:05 AM
Where you at MOBB DEPP and Partial?

10-20-2008, 08:38 AM
Favre's rating has dropped to 13th among starting QB's...I think Arod is 5th and yesterday. As the weather gets worst Favre's stats will get worst. We will see that TT and M3 made the right choice.

10-21-2008, 12:50 AM
Do you Favre ball lickers (just kidding) remember the stories from Detmer, Hasselbeck, Brunell, Pederson, etc. that talked about how much of a hermit Brett was? They said they'd call him, agree to go hunting or something, and then they'd never hear back from him. They said he was one of those guys that would do that, but when they'd meet up again, it was like they were best of buds again. Kind of funny that in his later years, Brett seems like he'll dial up (or text message) a friend (or anybody, I guess) and shoot the sh!t with them for hours. Just a strange observation I'm making, but it's something that has caught my eye.

10-21-2008, 12:53 AM
Do you Favre ball lickers (just kidding) remember the stories from Detmer, Hasselbeck, Brunell, Pederson, etc. that talked about how much of a hermit Brett was? They said they'd call him, agree to go hunting or something, and then they'd never hear back from him. They said he was one of those guys that would do that, but when they'd meet up again, it was like they were best of buds again. Kind of funny that in his later years, Brett seems like he'll dial up (or text message) a friend (or anybody, I guess) and shoot the sh!t with them for hours. Just a strange observation I'm making, but it's something that has caught my eye.

damn technology!

10-21-2008, 01:09 AM
damn technology!

I know you're too young to know this, but cell phones have been around for a long time now.

No, I think that had little to do with it. It probably had more to do with Brett's Dad and Deanna's grandfather (I think it was her grandfather) passing away. Maybe he has a tough time sitting at home with just the women now.

10-21-2008, 01:17 AM
ya, I think theres something to it Harv. I mean people do change with age, I think everyone does to some point, its just that Favre has done it while everyone is watching and documenting.

haha and yes, I realize cell phones have been around... I remember watching Zack Morris when I was in elementary school with his cell phone on saved by the bell...

http://www.oaktreeent.com/web_photos/Telephones/SouthWestern_Bell_Motorola_Brick_Cell_phone_web.jp g

Scott Campbell
10-21-2008, 05:44 AM
ya, I think theres something to it Harv. I mean people do change with age, ...........

Agreed - he's just not the same player he was when he was 38. :lol:

But fear not. He's got the Chefs coming up this week, and the Lambs in 3 weeks. He should have ample opportunity to pad those stats.

10-21-2008, 06:02 AM
ya, I think theres something to it Harv. I mean people do change with age, ...........

Agreed - he's just not the same player he was when he was 38. :lol:

But fear not. He's got the Chefs coming up this week, and the Lambs in 3 weeks. He should have ample opportunity to pad those stats.

That's great, but who are the Chefs?

Points to anyone who gets that reference. :)

10-21-2008, 06:18 AM
ya, I think theres something to it Harv. I mean people do change with age, ...........

Agreed - he's just not the same player he was when he was 38. :lol:

But fear not. He's got the Chefs coming up this week, and the Lambs in 3 weeks. He should have ample opportunity to pad those stats.

That's great, but who are the Chefs?

Points to anyone who gets that reference. :)

Great googly moogly.

Some great commercials those were.


10-21-2008, 06:20 AM
So that's why the end zones weren't painted this week... :lol:

Is it wrong to have candy for breakfast?

10-21-2008, 07:11 AM
I don't really have a problem with it. You've got to lie in the bed you made. The Packers chose their destiny knowing things like this would happen.


I like that you are honest.

Favre could be in on 9/11 & the fanatism for Favre wouldn't even stop there. What´s honest about being blind and fanatic about a Mickey Mouse sports star? NUFFIN!

10-21-2008, 03:24 PM
Favre's rating has dropped to 13th among starting QB's...I think Arod is 5th and yesterday. As the weather gets worst Favre's stats will get worst. We will see that TT and M3 made the right choice.

one year does not a 3XMVP/HOF career make buddy....

"call me in 16 years then we can talk" LOL

10-21-2008, 03:32 PM
Favre's rating has dropped to 13th among starting QB's...I think Arod is 5th and yesterday. As the weather gets worst Favre's stats will get worst. We will see that TT and M3 made the right choice.

one year does not a 3XMVP/HOF career make buddy....

"call me in 16 years then we can talk" LOL

And what Favre did 10 years ago has nothing to do with either this year or TT/MM's choice so why did you just open your mouth? Go back to suckin Favre's knob - knob deep.

:) just playin' man. I just like the heated Favre debate because I think the majority of us realists are right on this one and you guys are so crazily commited to that guy.

10-21-2008, 04:00 PM
Favre's rating has dropped to 13th among starting QB's...I think Arod is 5th and yesterday. As the weather gets worst Favre's stats will get worst. We will see that TT and M3 made the right choice.

one year does not a 3XMVP/HOF career make buddy....

"call me in 16 years then we can talk" LOL

And what Favre did 10 years ago has nothing to do with either this year or TT/MM's choice so why did you just open your mouth? Go back to suckin Favre's knob - knob deep.

:) just playin' man. I just like the heated Favre debate because I think the majority of us realists are right on this one and you guys are so crazily commited to that guy.

lol knob deep

i actually am a reaiist; read my sermon/last post on "favre denies report" thread...

my response here was to the gloating about arod's rating in comparison to lord's and how favre will get worse as the year goes on


10-21-2008, 04:36 PM
Favre's rating has dropped to 13th among starting QB's...I think Arod is 5th and yesterday. As the weather gets worst Favre's stats will get worst. We will see that TT and M3 made the right choice.

one year does not a 3XMVP/HOF career make buddy....

"call me in 16 years then we can talk" LOL

And what Favre did 10 years ago has nothing to do with either this year or TT/MM's choice so why did you just open your mouth? Go back to suckin Favre's knob - knob deep.

:) just playin' man. I just like the heated Favre debate because I think the majority of us realists are right on this one and you guys are so crazily commited to that guy.

lol knob deep

i actually am a reaiist; read my sermon/last post on "favre denies report" thread...

my response here was to the gloating about arod's rating in comparison to lord's and how favre will get worse as the year goes on


Including the interception record.

Look, I'm a huge Favre fan too, but the realist in me prevails. I know he won so many come from behind games, I relished seeing every one. The fact is I remember so many crushing defeats because of the interceptions. Having watched almost every one of his games this year his play can be summed up in one sentence.

Flashes of brilliance tainted by poor decision-making and a weakening arm.

Tony Oday
10-21-2008, 04:48 PM
Favre's rating has dropped to 13th among starting QB's...I think Arod is 5th and yesterday. As the weather gets worst Favre's stats will get worst. We will see that TT and M3 made the right choice.

one year does not a 3XMVP/HOF career make buddy....

"call me in 16 years then we can talk" LOL

And what Favre did 10 years ago has nothing to do with either this year or TT/MM's choice so why did you just open your mouth? Go back to suckin Favre's knob - knob deep.

:) just playin' man. I just like the heated Favre debate because I think the majority of us realists are right on this one and you guys are so crazily commited to that guy.

lol knob deep

i actually am a reaiist; read my sermon/last post on "favre denies report" thread...

my response here was to the gloating about arod's rating in comparison to lord's and how favre will get worse as the year goes on


Including the interception record.

Look, I'm a huge Favre fan too, but the realist in me prevails. I know he won so many come from behind games, I relished seeing every one. The fact is I remember so many crushing defeats because of the interceptions. Having watched almost every one of his games this year his play can be summed up in one sentence.

Flashes of brilliance tainted by poor decision-making and a weakening arm.

And judgment...vindictive old bastad! I mean he is like the old guy next door that gets mad when a ball goes in his yard! :)

Scott Campbell
10-22-2008, 08:54 PM
Dang, it sure got quiet in here in a hurry.

10-22-2008, 09:01 PM
Dang, it sure got quiet in here in a hurry.

:P That's because there's 24 new Favre threads since this one.

10-22-2008, 09:20 PM
Dang, it sure got quiet in here in a hurry.

:P That's because there's 24 new Favre threads since this one.

Im Sorry. :oops: :)

Scott Campbell
10-22-2008, 11:02 PM
Imagine for a moment that Brett could go back in time to July - a mulligan if you will. Think he'd take the $20M "bribe" to stay retired?

I think in retrospect it looks incredibly generous. And they got skewered for trying to protect Brett from Brett. Maybe its one of those cases of no good deed going unpunished.

10-22-2008, 11:13 PM
Imagine for a moment that Brett could go back in time to July - a mulligan if you will. Think he'd take the $20M "bribe" to stay retired?

I think in retrospect it looks incredibly generous. And they got skewered for trying to protect Brett from Brett. Maybe its one of those cases of no good deed going unpunished.

He just might; the Jets offense is not nearly as talented as Green Bays. And I think he figured GB would take him back.

As is I still hope he gets us a 2nd round draft pick

10-23-2008, 03:51 AM
As is I still hope he gets us a 2nd round draft pick

Personally, I'm hoping the Jets go 3-13 so we get a really early third round pick. The Jets are going to finish behind the Bills and the Patriots, they're just not anywhere near as talented or cohesive as those two teams (not to mention their QB's late season woes) and the only way the Jets could make the playoffs is for both wildcards to come out of the AFC East. But if we're really handicapping it, I'd say the Colts, Patriots, Jaguars, Chargers, and Ravens of the non-division leading AFC teams have a better shot at making the playoffs than the Jets.

Plus, looking at their upcoming schedule you can pretty much pencil in four more losses for the Jets, and 9-7 doesn't usually make the playoffs in the AFC. More losses are possible considering that the Jets have to travel West for both the 49ers and the Seahawks, and teams traveling through three time zones East to West for games are 3-6 this year.

So in terms of "what's best for the Packers" realistically, we should be cheering for the Jets to lose every game possible, and Favre to play all the snaps.

10-23-2008, 08:15 AM
As is I still hope he gets us a 2nd round draft pick

Personally, I'm hoping the Jets go 3-13 so we get a really early third round pick. The Jets are going to finish behind the Bills and the Patriots, they're just not anywhere near as talented or cohesive as those two teams (not to mention their QB's late season woes) and the only way the Jets could make the playoffs is for both wildcards to come out of the AFC East. But if we're really handicapping it, I'd say the Colts, Patriots, Jaguars, Chargers, and Ravens of the non-division leading AFC teams have a better shot at making the playoffs than the Jets.

Plus, looking at their upcoming schedule you can pretty much pencil in four more losses for the Jets, and 9-7 doesn't usually make the playoffs in the AFC. More losses are possible considering that the Jets have to travel West for both the 49ers and the Seahawks, and teams traveling through three time zones East to West for games are 3-6 this year.

So in terms of "what's best for the Packers" realistically, we should be cheering for the Jets to lose every game possible, and Favre to play all the snaps.


10-23-2008, 08:22 AM
So in terms of "what's best for the Packers" realistically, we should be cheering for the Jets to lose every game possible, and Favre to play all the snaps.

agreed ... i would enjoy watching that

Harlan Huckleby
10-23-2008, 09:04 AM
Personally, I'm hoping the Jets go 3-13 so we get a really early third round pick. The Jets are going to finish behind the Bills and the Patriots, they're just not anywhere near as talented or cohesive as those two teams (not to mention their QB's late season woes) and the only way the Jets could make the playoffs is for both wildcards to come out of the AFC East. But if we're really handicapping it, I'd say the Colts, Patriots, Jaguars, Chargers, and Ravens of the non-division leading AFC teams have a better shot at making the playoffs than the Jets.

Plus, looking at their upcoming schedule you can pretty much pencil in four more losses for the Jets, and 9-7 doesn't usually make the playoffs in the AFC. More losses are possible considering that the Jets have to travel West for both the 49ers and the Seahawks, and teams traveling through three time zones East to West for games are 3-6 this year.

So in terms of "what's best for the Packers" realistically, we should be cheering for the Jets to lose every game possible, and Favre to play all the snaps.

This analysis makes some sense to me, but I suppose that makes me a hater.

I didn't realize that the PAckers moved from a 4th to a 3rd just by Favre playing snaps.

I think we better give it a few more games before jumping on the, "just lose, baby" bandwagon, but I'm ready in standy-by mode. The Jets play a fish this weekend, they still have a reasonable playoff shot.

10-23-2008, 09:11 AM
Hello, Harlan. Fancy meeting you here!

Harlan Huckleby
10-23-2008, 09:19 AM
oh ya, I'm a Brett the Jet guy.

10-23-2008, 10:16 AM
In case anyone cares, the transcript of Favre's Presser is here. It's good to get his side of the story. The very last question intrigues me. I want to know the answer - who released the info and why. What did Favre know and when did he know it?


10-23-2008, 05:24 PM
In case anyone cares, the transcript of Favre's Presser is here. It's good to get his side of the story. The very last question intrigues me. I want to know the answer - who released the info and why. What did Favre know and when did he know it?


Justin Harrell has provided the best analysis of this question. The Packers hired a media savvy politician to help them. Politicians are wonderful twisters and understand how to get people on your side. He thought the Packers found out and they are the source. Makes as much sense as anything else. :idea:

10-23-2008, 05:28 PM
He thought the Packers found out and they are the source. Makes as much sense as anything else.

I'd think that Glazer would comment that he couldn't reveal his source if this were the case (rather than potentially get caught in a lie) when he said the source was not from within the Packers organization. I knew somebody would blame Ted Thompson for this latest incident, but I didn't think it would be Bretsky.

10-23-2008, 05:31 PM
He thought the Packers found out and they are the source. Makes as much sense as anything else.

I'd think that Glazer would comment that he couldn't reveal his source if this were the case (rather than potentially get caught in a lie) when he said the source was not from within the Packers organization. I knew somebody would blame Ted Thompson for this latest incident, but I didn't think it would be Bretsky.

I didn't know Glazer noted that; and that was JH's theory. I said it makes as much sense as anybody else.

TT just gets blamed for picking Harrell :lol:

10-23-2008, 05:32 PM
I didn't know Glazer noted that; and that was JH's theory.

I heard him say it on a radio interview with Dan Patrick on my way into work.

Scott Campbell
10-23-2008, 05:33 PM
In case anyone cares, the transcript of Favre's Presser is here. It's good to get his side of the story. The very last question intrigues me. I want to know the answer - who released the info and why. What did Favre know and when did he know it?


Justin Harrell has provided the best analysis of this question. The Packers hired a media savvy politician to help them. Politicians are wonderful twisters and understand how to get people on your side. He thought the Packers found out and they are the source. Makes as much sense as anything else. :idea:

I wonder what Favre is paying ESPN to be his mouthpiece.

10-23-2008, 05:33 PM
In case anyone cares, the transcript of Favre's Presser is here. It's good to get his side of the story. The very last question intrigues me. I want to know the answer - who released the info and why. What did Favre know and when did he know it?


Justin Harrell has provided the best analysis of this question. The Packers hired a media savvy politician to help them. Politicians are wonderful twisters and understand how to get people on your side. He thought the Packers found out and they are the source. Makes as much sense as anything else. :idea:

I wonder what Favre is paying ESPN to be his mouthpiece.

most likely nothing..

Scott Campbell
10-23-2008, 05:35 PM
In case anyone cares, the transcript of Favre's Presser is here. It's good to get his side of the story. The very last question intrigues me. I want to know the answer - who released the info and why. What did Favre know and when did he know it?


Justin Harrell has provided the best analysis of this question. The Packers hired a media savvy politician to help them. Politicians are wonderful twisters and understand how to get people on your side. He thought the Packers found out and they are the source. Makes as much sense as anything else. :idea:

I wonder what Favre is paying ESPN to be his mouthpiece.

most likely nothing..

I dunno......a steady diet of juicy text messages at least.

10-23-2008, 05:35 PM
I didn't know Glazer noted that; and that was JH's theory.

I heard him say it on a radio interview with Dan Patrick on my way into work.

Did you listen to Billick today ?

It almost deserves it's own thread but after noting how multiple threads were started about Favre after all of this I can't bring myself to originating another one.

Billick had an interesting take. Noted every Monday or Tuesday, phones are ringing off the hook. Coaches calling former players, players calling players...Gm's calling players they know...anything to get any edge they can.

His take was BFD if Millen called Favre and they spoke; if Favre called Millen he thought that was in poor taste.

I'm not sure I completely agree with his take, but from Billick's view something is being made out of nothing here about something that happend every week of the season.

Was interesting to listen to; still not happy Favre spoke to Millen though.

10-23-2008, 05:36 PM
In case anyone cares, the transcript of Favre's Presser is here. It's good to get his side of the story. The very last question intrigues me. I want to know the answer - who released the info and why. What did Favre know and when did he know it?


Justin Harrell has provided the best analysis of this question. The Packers hired a media savvy politician to help them. Politicians are wonderful twisters and understand how to get people on your side. He thought the Packers found out and they are the source. Makes as much sense as anything else. :idea:

I wonder what Favre is paying ESPN to be his mouthpiece.

most likely nothing..

I dunno......a steady diet of juicy text messages at least.

they probably have the unlimited texting plan

10-23-2008, 05:37 PM
I didn't know Glazer noted that; and that was JH's theory.

I heard him say it on a radio interview with Dan Patrick on my way into work.

Did you listen to Billick today ?

It almost deserves it's own thread but after noting how multiple threads were started about Favre after all of this I can't bring myself to originating another one.

Billick had an interesting take. Noted every Monday or Tuesday, phones are ringing off the hook. Coaches calling former players, players calling players...Gm's calling players they know...anything to get any edge they can.

His take was BFD if Millen called Favre and they spoke; if Favre called Millen he thought that was in poor taste.

I'm not sure I completely agree with his take, but from Billick's view something is being made out of nothing here about something that happend every week of the season.

Was interesting to listen to; still not happy Favre spoke to Millen though.

only cuz ur a packer fan.. if you were any other teams fan you wouldnt give two shits about this story...

Favre is no longer a Packer so whatever he decides to do against us is his right..

10-23-2008, 05:44 PM
Did you listen to Billick today?

I heard part of it, but he never answered the important question (at least, when I was listening). Patrick asked him if he would spill the beans on the Ravens. Billick went off on a tangent. He came across as not wanting to rip Brett. We're talking about spilling secrets about a team you played with for 16 years... with supposedly close friends on the team. It's different than the examples he cited. Sure, there are friends in the league that will advise other friends about what other teams are doing. I think that's different than this situation. Just my read on the situation.

My take on this situation is that I think it was true, blown out of proportion, and Brett should have left out the "total B.S." text message. I'm not that worked up about it. The two biggest issues I've had in this whole saga are: 1) Brett throwing Campen under the bus, and 2) Brett wanting to play for the Vikings to stick it to Ted Thompson. I think the first thing was inexcusable--while I think the second thing shows an utter lack of compassion for the fans that supported him for 16 years.

10-23-2008, 05:47 PM
Did you listen to Billick today?

I heard part of it, but he never answered the important question (at least, when I was listening). Patrick asked him if he would spill the beans on the Ravens. Billick went off on a tangent. He came across as not wanting to rip Brett. We're talking about spilling secrets about a team you played with for 16 years... with supposedly close friends on the team. It's different than the examples he cited. Sure, there are friends in the league that will advise other friends about what other teams are doing. I think that's different than this situation. Just my read on the situation.

My take on this situation is that I think it was true, blown out of proportion, and Brett should have left out the "total B.S." text message. I'm not that worked up about it. The two biggest issues I've had in this whole saga are: 1) Brett throwing Campen under the bus, and 2) Brett wanting to play for the Vikings to stick it to Ted Thompson. I think the first thing was inexcusable--while I think the second thing shows an utter lack of compassion for the fans that supported him for 16 years.

Harv I respect what you just wrote... but how would you feel if you were in Brett's shoes? I mean really.. put urself there. Don't think about the Packers or fans... think about yourself.

YOU put in the hard work, YOU busted your ass to be where you are, YOU accomplished everything and more and now YOU have this situation.

I know its a team game, but its individuals that play the game.. I'm just curious into what you think, or how you would've felt and handled urself.

10-23-2008, 05:53 PM
In case anyone cares, the transcript of Favre's Presser is here. It's good to get his side of the story. The very last question intrigues me. I want to know the answer - who released the info and why. What did Favre know and when did he know it?


Justin Harrell has provided the best analysis of this question. The Packers hired a media savvy politician to help them. Politicians are wonderful twisters and understand how to get people on your side. He thought the Packers found out and they are the source. Makes as much sense as anything else. :idea:

I wonder what Favre is paying ESPN to be his mouthpiece.

most likely nothing..Of course not. ESPN loves to suck up. carry water and kiss Favre's ass. The guy could commit murder and ESPN would be railing at injustice, calling Favre the victim. ESPN is total garbage.

10-23-2008, 05:54 PM
In case anyone cares, the transcript of Favre's Presser is here. It's good to get his side of the story. The very last question intrigues me. I want to know the answer - who released the info and why. What did Favre know and when did he know it?


Justin Harrell has provided the best analysis of this question. The Packers hired a media savvy politician to help them. Politicians are wonderful twisters and understand how to get people on your side. He thought the Packers found out and they are the source. Makes as much sense as anything else. :idea:

I wonder what Favre is paying ESPN to be his mouthpiece.

most likely nothing..Of course not. ESPN loves to suck up. carry water and kiss Favre's ass. The guy could commit murder and ESPN would be railing at injustice, calling Favre the victim. ESPN is total garbage.

ESPN = Disney

Brett Favre = Disney Movie

Dennis Quad = Brett Favre

All this = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$

10-23-2008, 05:55 PM
Did you listen to Billick today?

I heard part of it, but he never answered the important question (at least, when I was listening). Patrick asked him if he would spill the beans on the Ravens. Billick went off on a tangent. He came across as not wanting to rip Brett. We're talking about spilling secrets about a team you played with for 16 years... with supposedly close friends on the team. It's different than the examples he cited. Sure, there are friends in the league that will advise other friends about what other teams are doing. I think that's different than this situation. Just my read on the situation.

My take on this situation is that I think it was true, blown out of proportion, and Brett should have left out the "total B.S." text message. I'm not that worked up about it. The two biggest issues I've had in this whole saga are: 1) Brett throwing Campen under the bus, and 2) Brett wanting to play for the Vikings to stick it to Ted Thompson. I think the first thing was inexcusable--while I think the second thing shows an utter lack of compassion for the fans that supported him for 16 years.

Harv I respect what you just wrote... but how would you feel if you were in Brett's shoes? I mean really.. put urself there. Don't think about the Packers or fans... think about yourself.

YOU put in the hard work, YOU busted your ass to be where you are, YOU accomplished everything and more and now YOU have this situation.

I know its a team game, but its individuals that play the game.. I'm just curious into what you think, or how you would've felt and handled urself.Don't forget you RETIRED. THen wanted to comeback then said you wanted to stay RETIRED. He has nobody to blame but himself.

Scott Campbell
10-23-2008, 05:55 PM
I'm just curious into what you think, or how you would've felt and handled urself.

I'd have called my mom and told her to go have a press conference to whine about how my team was treating me bad in retirement.

10-23-2008, 05:56 PM
Did you listen to Billick today?

I heard part of it, but he never answered the important question (at least, when I was listening). Patrick asked him if he would spill the beans on the Ravens. Billick went off on a tangent. He came across as not wanting to rip Brett. We're talking about spilling secrets about a team you played with for 16 years... with supposedly close friends on the team. It's different than the examples he cited. Sure, there are friends in the league that will advise other friends about what other teams are doing. I think that's different than this situation. Just my read on the situation.

My take on this situation is that I think it was true, blown out of proportion, and Brett should have left out the "total B.S." text message. I'm not that worked up about it. The two biggest issues I've had in this whole saga are: 1) Brett throwing Campen under the bus, and 2) Brett wanting to play for the Vikings to stick it to Ted Thompson. I think the first thing was inexcusable--while I think the second thing shows an utter lack of compassion for the fans that supported him for 16 years.

Harv I respect what you just wrote... but how would you feel if you were in Brett's shoes? I mean really.. put urself there. Don't think about the Packers or fans... think about yourself.

YOU put in the hard work, YOU busted your ass to be where you are, YOU accomplished everything and more and now YOU have this situation.

I know its a team game, but its individuals that play the game.. I'm just curious into what you think, or how you would've felt and handled urself.Don't forget you RETIRED. THen wanted to comeback then said you wanted to stay RETIRED.

I asked Harv.. a responsible poster, but yes Harv please take alllllll the facts into consideration

Freak Out
10-23-2008, 05:58 PM
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ...........

I could really care less who he talks to anymore about anything. He's no longer a Packer and nothing he says or does really has any effect on the success of the team....at least this year. The draft pick could really help out though. :lol: Go Jets!

Scott Campbell
10-23-2008, 05:58 PM
I asked Harv.. a responsible poster, but yes Harv please take alllllll the facts into consideration

Hey junior, the forum has a PM feature for when you're afraid of other people answering your questions. Not that you really care how they're answered.

Scott Campbell
10-23-2008, 06:00 PM
Dennis Quad = Brett Favre

Dianna Ross = Brett Favre

10-23-2008, 06:01 PM
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ...........

I could really care less who he talks to anymore about anything. He's no longer a Packer and nothing he says or does really has any effect on the success of the team....at least this year. The draft pick could really help out though. :lol: Go Jets!

exactly Freak... hes not a packer so he can do whatever he wants.. once we let him go, thats his right... its a non issue to me

Scott Campbell
10-23-2008, 06:05 PM
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ...........

I could really care less who he talks to anymore about anything. He's no longer a Packer and nothing he says or does really has any effect on the success of the team....at least this year. The draft pick could really help out though. :lol: Go Jets!

exactly Freak... hes not a packer so he can do whatever he wants.. once we let him go, thats his right... its a non issue to me

I told everybody you would do this. :lol:

10-23-2008, 06:07 PM
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ...........

I could really care less who he talks to anymore about anything. He's no longer a Packer and nothing he says or does really has any effect on the success of the team....at least this year. The draft pick could really help out though. :lol: Go Jets!

exactly Freak... hes not a packer so he can do whatever he wants.. once we let him go, thats his right... its a non issue to me

I told everybody you would do this. :lol:

do what? isn't it the truth? He's not a packer anymore.. he doesnt have to answer to anyone but the jets..

Would I like it if he told all the teams we play our secrets? absolutely not.. but thats not the point.. Favres not a Packer anymore, he doesnt have to care what we think

Scott Campbell
10-23-2008, 06:10 PM
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ...........

I could really care less who he talks to anymore about anything. He's no longer a Packer and nothing he says or does really has any effect on the success of the team....at least this year. The draft pick could really help out though. :lol: Go Jets!

exactly Freak... hes not a packer so he can do whatever he wants.. once we let him go, thats his right... its a non issue to me

I told everybody you would do this. :lol:

do what?

First you said he didn't do it, and you wouldn't believe it until Glazer produced his sources, and they admitted it. I said if that happened, it wouldn't matter anyway, because then you would just start making excuses for Brett.

Brett confirmed Glazer's report. You immediately started making excuses. :lol:

10-23-2008, 06:15 PM
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ...........

I could really care less who he talks to anymore about anything. He's no longer a Packer and nothing he says or does really has any effect on the success of the team....at least this year. The draft pick could really help out though. :lol: Go Jets!

exactly Freak... hes not a packer so he can do whatever he wants.. once we let him go, thats his right... its a non issue to me

I told everybody you would do this. :lol:

do what?

First you said he didn't do it, and you wouldn't believe it until Glazer produced his sources, and they admitted it. I said if that happened, it wouldn't matter anyway, because then you would just start making excuses for Brett.

Brett confirmed Glazer's report. You immediately started making excuses. :lol:

what excuse did I make for him? Him not being a Packer is not an excuse its reality... as a Packer fan of course I'm pissed at him for doing it but when all the facts laid out, he really didnt do shit.. like i said, none story

Scott Campbell
10-23-2008, 06:18 PM
what excuse did I make for him?

I consider everyone of your posts to be sorry excuses, on par with:

My dog ate my paper.
The sun got in my eyes.
I didn't know it was plugged in.
I'm just a stupid college kid.

Etc, etc, etc.....

10-23-2008, 06:19 PM
what excuse did I make for him?

I consider everyone of your posts to be sorry excuses, on par with:

My dog ate my paper.
The sun got in my eyes.
I didn't know it was plugged in.
I'm just a stupid college kid.

Etc, etc, etc.....

I consider everyone of yours completely against Brett Favre and really in general, you never really post anything but something against other people...

Scott Campbell
10-23-2008, 06:24 PM
what excuse did I make for him?

I consider everyone of your posts to be sorry excuses, on par with:

My dog ate my paper.
The sun got in my eyes.
I didn't know it was plugged in.
I'm just a stupid college kid.

Etc, etc, etc.....

I consider everyone of yours completely against Brett Favre and really in general, you never really post anything but something against other people...

My eyes........they're welling up......... :lol:

10-23-2008, 06:30 PM
what excuse did I make for him?

I consider everyone of your posts to be sorry excuses, on par with:

My dog ate my paper.
The sun got in my eyes.
I didn't know it was plugged in.
I'm just a stupid college kid.

Etc, etc, etc.....

I consider everyone of yours completely against Brett Favre and really in general, you never really post anything but something against other people...

My eyes........they're welling up......... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: