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01-13-2011, 08:38 AM
Someone could lose an eye!!

Scott Campbell
01-13-2011, 08:55 AM
A new time low. Diss the family.


It's MS. He has no family. It's kinfolk, or clan.

Scott Campbell
01-13-2011, 09:02 AM


34-year-old Brandi Favre was busted after cops broke up a meth lab hidden in a condo in an upscale neighborhood.

Cops told WLOX, "We discovered the full lab in the bathroom; it was still cooking. I think we collected pretty close to ten grams of finished product, which, that's a lot of meth."

Brandi -- and 4 others -- have all been charged with manufacturing meth, possession of a controlled substance, transferring a controlled substance and generation of hazardous waste

01-13-2011, 10:00 AM


34-year-old Brandi Favre was busted after cops broke up a meth lab hidden in a condo in an upscale neighborhood.

Cops told WLOX, "We discovered the full lab in the bathroom; it was still cooking. I think we collected pretty close to ten grams of finished product, which, that's a lot of meth."

Brandi -- and 4 others -- have all been charged with manufacturing meth, possession of a controlled substance, transferring a controlled substance and generation of hazardous waste

That last deal is a crime? They could arrest me every day, about 10AM, give or take an hour, depending on what fruit I eat.

01-13-2011, 10:17 AM
I don't understand the Brad Childress connection here


01-13-2011, 10:21 AM
:lol: Chilly's got to make a buck too these days.

01-13-2011, 11:08 AM
A new time low. Diss the family.

No dis. I like John Matuszak.

01-13-2011, 11:11 AM
Blinds will not hold the posse of Bretsky away :)

Speaking of which, your new wireless web cams are ready to be picked up. Just let me know where.

Or should I PM this?

01-13-2011, 11:33 AM
No dis. I like John Matuszak.

<---went to high school with the tooz

01-13-2011, 11:57 AM
<---went to high school with the tooz

Did he ever steal your lunch money or give you an atomic wedgie?

How about a swirlie?

01-13-2011, 11:58 AM


34-year-old Brandi Favre was busted after cops broke up a meth lab hidden in a condo in an upscale neighborhood.

Cops told WLOX, "We discovered the full lab in the bathroom; it was still cooking. I think we collected pretty close to ten grams of finished product, which, that's a lot of meth."

Brandi -- and 4 others -- have all been charged with manufacturing meth, possession of a controlled substance, transferring a controlled substance and generation of hazardous waste

(Okay, I'm being cruel)

"Generation of hazardous waste" - Is that talking about the continuation of the Farve genome or just rednecks in general?

01-13-2011, 12:05 PM
Did he ever steal your lunch money or give you an atomic wedgie?

How about a swirlie?

01-13-2011, 01:19 PM
Why would people throw stones inside a house anyways regardless if it's made of glass or not? If I did that growing up, my dad would have cut me in 2 with a bread knife.

Ah, but he would use a bread knife and not a glass cutter so as not to eff up your glass house. A smart dad!

Scott Campbell
01-13-2011, 06:24 PM
Brandi Favre: The Favre Family is Having a Classy Year (http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/44466/brandi-favre-the-favre-family-is-having-a-classy-year/)

By Matt Kiebus (http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/author/matt-kiebus/) Thursday, January 13, 2011
It’s nice to see the Favre family is starting 2011 on the right foot.
http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Favre.jpg (http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/44466/brandi-favre-the-favre-family-is-having-a-classy-year/favre/)
Hindsight is twenty-twenty, but if 2010 taught the 41-year-old Brett Favre anything, it’s that he finally should have stayed retired. The last season of the Favre’s legendary career will forever be remembered as one long, painful and embarrassing mistake.
Now it seems Brett isn’t the only Favre with questionable judgment.
Brandi Favre (http://www.thisisbrandx.com/2011/01/brandi-favre-arrested-zodiac-signs-change.html), Bret Favre’s sister (http://www.businessreviewusa.com/industry-focus/people-skills/brett-favre-sister-busted-cooking-meth), was arrested and charged yesterday for allegedly being a part of a crystal meth ring in Diamondhead, MS. Her charges include the manufacturing of meth, possession of a controlled substance, transferring a controlled substance and generation of hazardous waste.
This should be no surprise considering she spells Brandi with an “i” instead of a “y,” which scientifically proves she’s bad news (http://www.aolnews.com/2011/01/13/brandi-favre-brett-s-sister-arrested-after-meth-raid-5-fa/).
The 34-year-old is also no stranger to handcuffs and men in police uniforms — not in the stripper sense. Brandi has two previous arrests on her record, for shoplifting and for a drive-by shooting. Which is enlightening, considering the film industry had me to believe 100% of drive-by shootings occurred in Compton, not Mississippi.
The good ol’ southern charm that Favre has been famous for his entire career has all but vanished in what has been a bizarre, head-scratching past 12 months (http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/23858/brett-favre-cockteases-jenn-sterger-espn-and-deadspin/).
Brett Favre became famous for his fearless style of play and the pure joy and passion that seemed to fuel his success. He had an legendarily strong arm that led him to make courageous and questionable decisions on the field. Favre was nicknamed “the gunslinger” for his intrepid attitude on the gridiron. It was this gunslinger mentality that made him great, and it probably cost him a couple Super Bowl championships as well.
Now we’re beginning see how his cavalier attitude hurt him off the field as well.
As legend has it, in Favre’s younger days he was known as a legendary partier. He entered college as the seventh string quarterback at Southern Mississippi, the only school that offered him a scholarship. Before he entered his first game at quarterback he was puking, not from nerves, but from a nasty hangover.
And when he was drafted by the Atlanta Falcons in 1991 his drinking and partying continued, so Falcon’s coach Jerry Glanville (http://nfl.fanhouse.com/2010/03/18/jerry-glanville-i-traded-brett-favre-for-drinking-too-much/) traded Favre after his rookie season.

“I had to get him out of Atlanta. . . . I could not sober him up,” Glanville said. “I sent him to a city where at 9:00 at night the only thing that’s open is Chili Joes. You can get it two ways, with or without onions. And that’s what made Brett Favre make a comeback was going to a town that closed down. If I would have traded him to New York, nobody to this day would have known who Brett Favre ever was.”
And it wasn’t merely booze that Favre struggled with, like his sister Brandi, Brett had a drug problem during his time with the Green Bay Packers, and his abuse of prescription painkillers resulted with a trip to rehab.
He might have curbed his addictions, but the attitude always remained.
For the majority of Favre’s illustrious career he was adored by the media for his childish grin and kindly southern drawl. His mistakes were always met with light criticism. It was Brett being Brett, and as stupid as it might sound it was the truth.
Without being a fearless hick (no offense, but he is) with only three loves: Budwiser, Football, and Wrangler jeans. He would have never become Brett Favre.
However over the course of the past three NFL seasons Favre has been depicted as a selfish, money hungry adulterer. His fan base decreased with every exhausting tear-filled press conference, and each premature Sportscenter retirement special.
Then karma decided to intervene and take things a step further, in the form of Favre’s infamous dick pics and his injury-filled final season. Both age and immature stupidity caught up with Favre. The same immature stupidity that has his sister in cuffs at a Mississippi prison. It’s been a year that quite frankly has made the Mississippi family seem a tad on the trashy side.
Favre was never perfect, he never tried to be, and it was precisely the reason most people liked him. He’s not the perfect southern boy from the perfect southern family — that would be Peyton Manning.
But we were willing to ignore his flaws until this season. The year we watched the legend die.
Come to think of it Favre was legendary at everything: his failures, successes, virtues and vices. And for some reason I can’t help but admire that, while simultaneously being pissed at myself for the same undue admiration.
Welcome to the Brett Favre paradox. Thank God he’s retired.

01-13-2011, 06:46 PM
And when he was drafted by the Atlanta Falcons in 1991 his drinking and partying continued, so Falcon’s coach Jerry Glanville traded Favre after his rookie season.
“I had to get him out of Atlanta. . . . I could not sober him up,” Glanville said. “I sent him to a city where at 9:00 at night the only thing that’s open is Chili Joes. You can get it two ways, with or without onions. And that’s what made Brett Favre make a comeback was going to a town that closed down. If I would have traded him to New York, nobody to this day would have known who Brett Favre ever was.”

One of the dumbest things I've ever heard. I'm pretty sure the bars in Green Bay don't close at 9:00. He sent Favre to Green Bay because Ron Wolf was willing to give up a 1st round pick.

01-13-2011, 07:00 PM
One of the dumbest things I've ever heard. I'm pretty sure the bars in Green Bay don't close at 9:00. He sent Favre to Green Bay because Ron Wolf was willing to give up a 1st round pick.

Yeah, there's a real shortage of liquor in northern Wisconsin.

01-13-2011, 07:57 PM
And from what most posters familiar with GB in that time have said, Brent managed to find lots of fun - booze and babes.

BTW, let's leave the sister out of this.

There's plenty of material on Brent.

01-13-2011, 09:33 PM
<---went to high school with the toozYou're old. He came to my grade school and visited my second grade class.

01-14-2011, 09:34 AM
Yeah, there's a real shortage of liquor in northern Wisconsin.

There was when Favre was drinking.

01-14-2011, 10:32 AM
I saw this on another forum:

JIM SOUHAN, Star Tribune

Brett Favre will stand on the Vikings' sideline for the last time today.
Thus will end one of the most volatile episodes in Minnesota sports
history, an 18-month window in which Favre sequentially proved right
anyone who ever praised or doubted him.
Favre will end his career as a limping contradiction. In a society that
revels in either-or debates, Favre has proved that "all of the above"
can be the correct assessment of a polarizing individual.
You can take either side in a debate about Favre and be right.
He is at once the most prolific passer in NFL history and the most
great quarterback to ever play the game.
He is renowned for his fourth-quarter comebacks and clutch play, and yet
has thrown more season-destroying interceptions than any quarterback in
He is the toughest man in the annals of a brutal sport -- having started
297 consecutive games at a position that is the equivalent of a clay
pigeon at a shotgun range -- and the most emotionally needy player ever
don a helmet.
He is a charismatic leader who can unite a locker room and inspire a
huddle, and he is a divisive figure who was known in New York for
his teammates.

He wouldn't tutor Aaron Rodgers, his chosen successor in Green Bay , yet
he volunteers his time coaching high school kids in Hattiesburg , Miss.
He launched or improved the careers of a dozen coaches -- including Andy
Reid, Jon Gruden and Mike Holmgren -- and ended the head coaching career
of the man who brought him to Minnesota and helped him make $28 million
18 months.
He craves the spotlight but won't dress for it, favoring old jeans,
golf hats and perpetual stubble even during news conferences watched
He shuns the media five days a week -- a writer from Washington , D.C. ,
once told me it was easier to land a one-on-one interview with the
President than with Favre -- yet manipulates national reporters every
to disseminate dubious messages.
He will forever be remembered as an iconic Packer, yet he began his
with Atlanta , visited New York and chose to finish his career with
Packers' arch-rival, intent on beating the franchise that made him
He is a Hall of Fame quarterback who became a symbol of longevity, and
each of the four teams that employed him was glad to see him go.
He prides himself, as he once told me, in "playing like a kid," even
teammates put a rocking chair in front of his locker.
He "loves the game" yet can't bring himself to show up for offseason
workouts or the opening day of training camp.
He is a Southern good ol' boy who made his reputation on the Frozen
He reveres the record book and NFL history but once flopped on the
to help New York Giants defensive end Michael Strahan break a sack
All of which makes you wonder: When Brett Favre looks in the mirror,
his reflection appear in 3-D?
Because Favre is so internally conflicted, so relentlessly
offering a final assessment of him isn't easy.
Remember, it was a year ago that Favre was preparing to help the Vikings
whip the Dallas Cowboys in the Metrodome, in one of the most impressive
victories in franchise history.
It was less than a year ago that Favre was preparing to run the Vikings'
offense up and down the field against the eventual Super Bowl champion
Saints in the deafening Superdome.
At the age of 40, in his first season in purple, Favre came within one
pass of taking the Vikings to a Super Bowl they might well have won.
Therein lies the Favre conundrum: He was the reason the Vikings were
to come within one of Favre's startlingly amateurish interceptions of
doing what had never been done before in 50 years of Vikings history,
and he was the reason the Vikings followed that thrilling season by
an implosion so spectacular it could probably be seen from space.
Favre giveth, and Favre throweth away.
Even at the end of a season in which he showed up late, extorted team
owners for a raise, got his coach fired, destroyed his team's Super
aspirations, became the subject of a sexting scandal and groveled for
sympathy every time he stubbed his toe, Favre set a record for
perseverance that may never be matched and conducted a dozen of the most
compelling, funny, insightful news conferences we'll ever witness.
It is typical of Favre that as his performance and machinations
this season, destroyed what might be the last chance for many of his
teammates to qualify for a Super Bowl, he remained a popular figure in
the locker room, a source of humor and a subject of admiration.
You can hate Favre or love him.
But why choose?

01-14-2011, 10:57 AM
I saw this on another forum:

JIM SOUHAN, Star Tribune


That may be the most accurate, most complete description of Favre that I have ever read. Souhan wrote many great, great statements pointing out the contradictions that make up Brett Favre, but this is perhaps the one that sums it up the best:

He is the toughest man in the annals of a brutal sport -- ... -- and the most emotionally needy player ever to don a helmet.

01-14-2011, 11:03 AM
Favre giveth, and Favre throweth away.

This should be his NFL epitaph

01-14-2011, 12:35 PM
Thanks for posting that Pugger. The walking dichotomy that is Brett Favre demonstrates what is bothersome about him. On the field, yeah he's made a lot of great and bonehead plays. More great than bonehead overall and his longevity alone is nothing short of amazing. His undeniable on-the-field contributions are forever embedded in Packer lore and noone can take that history away. That's not bothersome.

But the duplicitousness by which he's lived his personal life demonstrates his insincerity, which I can't respect. His inconsistency as a person means to me that in the end, Brett Favre cares only about Brett Favre.

Scott Campbell
01-14-2011, 01:06 PM
Favre giveth, and Favre throweth away.

This should be his NFL epitaph

Because it never gets old.


01-14-2011, 06:22 PM
I didn't understand this, however: "He was the reason the Vikings were
to come within one of Favre's startlingly amateurish interceptions of
doing what had never been done before in 50 years of Vikings history..."

Doesn't this writer know that the Vikes have gone to the Super Bowl and lost already? Nothing new there!

01-14-2011, 06:28 PM
I didn't understand this, however: "He was the reason the Vikings were
to come within one of Favre's startlingly amateurish interceptions of
doing what had never been done before in 50 years of Vikings history..."

Doesn't this writer know that the Vikes have gone to the Super Bowl and lost already? Nothing new there!

He stated earlier in the piece that he believed that had the Vikings made the SB, they'd have won.

01-15-2011, 09:45 AM
He stated earlier in the piece that he believed that had the Vikings made the SB, they'd have won.

I've heard that story before.

01-15-2011, 09:46 AM
Because it never gets old.


This is like giving a case of wild turkey as a parting gift for a someone coming out of rehab. I watched this video so many times last year, my family almost had to do an intervention.

01-15-2011, 10:07 AM
I notice Brett's not playing today. Just an observation that I rather enjoy so thought I'd share.

01-15-2011, 10:12 AM
I notice Brett's not playing today. Just an observation that I rather enjoy so thought I'd share.

Brett who?

01-15-2011, 10:17 AM
And the Packers just set an NFL viewership record for a wild card playoff game. Yeah, we sure dropped off the face of the NFL like the Favre crank lickers said we would.

Scott Campbell
01-15-2011, 10:20 AM
This is like giving a case of wild turkey as a parting gift for a someone coming out of rehab. I watched this video so many times last year, my family almost had to do an intervention.

This one has been edited not to be addictive. Trust me.

Iron Mike
01-15-2011, 11:11 AM
Brett who?


get louder at lambeau
01-15-2011, 11:23 AM
I notice Brett's not playing today. Just an observation that I rather enjoy so thought I'd share.

Brett Swain is inactive? Damn. I wanted to see some 5 wide sets today.

01-15-2011, 12:40 PM
Oh Brett, you just died in my arms tonight
It must've been something you said
Brett just died in my arms tonight

Oh Brett, you just died in my arms tonight
It must been some kind of kiss
you should`ve walked away, you should've walked away

get louder at lambeau
01-15-2011, 12:45 PM
Oh Brett, you just died in my arms tonight
It must've been something you said
Brett just died in my arms tonight

Oh Brett, you just died in my arms tonight
It must been some kind of kiss
you should`ve walked away, you should've walked away

Wow, busting out the Cutting Crew. Nice.

01-15-2011, 12:45 PM
Wow, busting out the Cutting Crew. Nice.

You won ! :smile:

Scott Campbell
01-17-2011, 11:18 AM
Bert filed his retirement papers today. Better 3 years late than never.

01-17-2011, 11:29 AM
Bert filed his retirement papers today. Better 3 years late than never.

I chuckled at the lead sentence in one paragraph of the article at nfl.com http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d81dbde98/article/favre-files-retirement-papers-with-nfl-after-20-seasons?module=breaking_news:

He also retired in 2008 with the Packers and 2009 with the Jets, .....

01-17-2011, 11:38 AM
"I know it's time, and that's OK. It is," Favre said after the defeat.

Ya think?

01-17-2011, 11:40 AM
It's indicative of how badly Favre handled things that his actual retirement is either a punch line, ignored, or draws feelings of "good riddance". I suppose there will be some talk about what a great player he once was, but not much.

01-17-2011, 11:41 AM
Bert filed his retirement papers today. Better 3 years late than never.

Don't wake me up [Bert] before you go go!

Scott Campbell
01-17-2011, 11:52 AM
Going out with a whimper.

This would have caused a 3 day ESPN Favreapalooza before he ruined his legacy.

01-17-2011, 11:57 AM
Bert filed his retirement papers today. Better 3 years late than never.
Based on performance I would say a year too late but either way this is good news. Hopefully this forum can get back to what it was before all that shit. Hopefully posters can get back to being united as Packers fans. Hopefully BOTH sides can let it go and move forward.

This coming weekend couldn't have come at a better time. SB trip is sure to cure all ills.

01-17-2011, 12:02 PM
Former Favre teammate and current NFP columnist Matt Bowen wrote an article today:


In conclusion, he stated:

As a fan—and former teammate—of Favre, I couldn’t stand watching him break down this season. It was painful. I wanted to see him win and have success—because every player wants that at the end. However, this entire journey that Favre took since he left the Packers has been odd in a sense. And I am just glad that is over from the perspective of someone who studies the league and as an overall fan. It went too far.
Time for all of us to move on from Favre. What he did on the football field was magical—but this is a bit overdue.

01-17-2011, 12:18 PM

01-17-2011, 01:56 PM
Bert filed his retirement papers today. Better 3 years late than never.

Does this mean this thread will retire too? ;-)

01-17-2011, 01:59 PM
Does this mean this thread will retire too? ;-)

:rs: Goddamn, you out "funned" me! :lol:

01-17-2011, 02:01 PM
Does this mean this thread will retire too? ;-)

Sure. In 3 years.

01-17-2011, 02:05 PM
Does this mean this thread will retire too? ;-)

Five Clap Post

01-17-2011, 02:19 PM
Does this mean this thread will retire too? ;-)



01-17-2011, 02:31 PM


I don't think it will be as easy as a "[/thread}".

BTW, great pic. Looks like he's asking for forgiveness. But from whom?

01-17-2011, 02:44 PM
It's been 3 loooooong freakin' years but it's FINALLY here. Maybe. We'll see around August.

At this point in time I really don't give a shit if the Pack retires his number or not. I've been a Packer fan since the mid 60's and I can't recall any player or coach who went to another team just to stick it up the Pack's ass. Sure Lombardi went to Washington but the main reason was he wouldn't dare demand Phil Bengston resign just so he could have his old coaching job back. I recall Herb Adderly going to Dallas and being on one of their Super Bowl teams. Herb refuses to wear the Dallas ring. His heart is still with Green Bay.

About the only way I see this ending on a positive is if Favre would get on any of his TV outlets and apologize for being the dick he's bee the past 3 years. I know both sides are at fault for the way it went down but I need to hear from his own mouth that he realizes what an ass he's been. That has to happen before the healing with the true Packer fans can begin.

Starr, Hornung, Taylor, Kramer, Thurston, Majik, KGB, Henderson and so on are all considered Great EX-Packers. Brent......not so much.

01-17-2011, 03:11 PM
I know both sides are at fault for the way it went down

I still don't see how the Packers were at fault.

01-17-2011, 03:11 PM
Maybe this is just an urban legend, but wasn't there a story about Herb Adderly that went like this:
Adderly thanked the Packers for "trading me to a playoff team" during the 1970 (?) season. After the Cowboys lost on Monday Night Football 38 to 0 to The Cardinals, someone from the Packers front office sent a reply: "You're welcome."

get louder at lambeau
01-17-2011, 03:14 PM
Maybe this is just an urban legend, but wasn't there a story about Herb Adderly that went like this:
Adderly thanked the Packers for "trading me to a playoff team" during the 1970 (?) season. After the Cowboys lost on Monday Night Football 38 to 0 to The Cardinals, someone from the Packers front office sent a reply: "You're welcome."

So someone should send a copy of that pic with Deanna and the douche with the purple "THANKSTED" jersey to Mrs. Faver along with a "You're welcome" card.

01-17-2011, 03:14 PM
If indeed Favre sent in his retirement papers he's done. He didn't do this the last 2 times he "retired". :wink:

01-17-2011, 03:16 PM
If Favre's retirement papers were on the floor in front of me, I would wet on them.

01-17-2011, 03:17 PM
I still don't see how the Packers were at fault.

Agreed. TT bent over backwards for Favre. TT could have pulled that trigger a year earlier. TT and MM were nothing but cordial and respectful almost to a fault.

01-17-2011, 03:24 PM
If indeed Favre sent in his retirement papers he's done. He didn't do this the last 2 times he "retired". :wink:

Probably trying to get some headlines away from those who are good enough to still have their season going.

01-17-2011, 03:38 PM
It's indicative of how badly Favre handled things that his actual retirement is either a punch line, ignored, or draws feelings of "good riddance". I suppose there will be some talk about what a great player he once was, but not much.

And from the guy who continually talked about not wanting to stay too long, who insisted he would retire before the team no longer wanted or needed him. He said a lot of the right things, then did mostly wrong things.

But heck, he got close to another $40 miilion for playing the last 3 years, so I guess he's no fool.

01-17-2011, 03:50 PM
And from the guy who continually talked about not wanting to stay too long, who insisted he would retire before the team no longer wanted or needed him. He said a lot of the right things, then did mostly wrong things.

But heck, he got close to another $40 miilion for playing the last 3 years, so I guess he's no fool.

Depends what it cost to make Jenn Sterger go away...

Scott Campbell
01-17-2011, 04:04 PM
I bet Bert's not feeling so smart right now. Just relieved. He no longer has to be that phony persona he cultivated all those years.

get louder at lambeau
01-17-2011, 04:17 PM
Depends what it cost to make Jenn Sterger go away...

and two or three massage therapists who are suing him.

01-17-2011, 07:07 PM
I bet Bert's not feeling so smart right now. Just relieved. He no longer has to be that phony persona he cultivated all those years.

that won't stop him. there are chicks to call/sext, reporters to charm, network execs (who want him to be on during their games/shows/pr-spots/etc.) to string along.

01-17-2011, 07:15 PM
If indeed Favre sent in his retirement papers he's done. He didn't do this the last 2 times he "retired". :wink:

Yes, he did this in 2008. That's how Goodell got involved. He had to formally approve his reinstatement.

01-17-2011, 07:53 PM

Brett Favre may have left Green Bay three years ago, but he's still got the Packers in his heart.

In an e-mail response to ESPN's Ed Werder, Favre said Monday that the Packers are "by far" the best team left in the NFL playoffs.

"[Packers QB] Aaron [Rodgers] is the best QB and the receiving corps is the best ever, maybe," Favre said in the e-mail. "But [defensive coordinator] Dom [Capers] and the defense gets the MVP award at this stage."

Rodgers, who's emergence made Favre expendable in Green Bay before the 2008 season, led the Packers to a dominant 48-21 win over the top-seeded Falcons on Saturday.

Favre officially filed retirement papers with the league Monday after two seasons with the Minnesota Vikings and one year with the New York Jets. The 41-year old Mississippi native originally retired in 2008 after the Packers decided to go with Rodgers as their starting quarterback.

However, Favre decided he wanted to return later in the year and was eventually traded to the Jets.

But Favre insisted he holds no grudges against the organization he was with for 16 seasons.

"There is no bitterness. I'm happy for them and very happy and content with my legacy," Favre told Werder.

Favre again chose to retire after the 2008 season, but signed with the rival Vikings in August 2009. Favre's decision alienated many of those Packers fans who once cheered his Lambeau Field heroics.

Still, Favre thinks this is the year for Green Bay to win its first Super Bowl since Favre and the Packers beat the New England Patriots in 1997 in Super Bowl XXXI.

"I think they will win it all! I hope they do, if you are wondering," Favre said in the e-mail.

get louder at lambeau
01-17-2011, 08:00 PM
Rodgers, who's emergence made Favre expendable in Green Bay before the 2008 season...

The 41-year old Mississippi native originally retired in 2008 after the Packers decided to go with Rodgers as their starting quarterback.

Wait, what? Rewriting history a little there? Faver retired AFTER the Packers decided to go with Rodgers? No wonder they don't put the author's name on this bullshit.

01-17-2011, 08:02 PM
I still don't see how the Packers were at fault.

And it begins again.... <sigh>

01-17-2011, 08:02 PM
Why do I get the feeling that he actually means this retirement and he's suddenly realized how badly he's screwed up his legacy--methinks he wants his old fans back and thinks he can make it happen by saying lots of nice things about the Packers when the microphones are on...

01-17-2011, 08:11 PM
Why do I get the feeling that he actually means this retirement and he's suddenly realized how badly he's screwed up his legacy--methinks he wants his old fans back and thinks he can make it happen by saying lots of nice things about the Packers when the microphones are on...

Well, I hope so. I think it would be unfortunate if he were to remain bitter towards the Packers for the rest if his life. What happened the last 3 years should not define the relationship between Favre and the Packers.

01-17-2011, 08:25 PM

.... Rodgers, who's emergence made Favre expendable in Green Bay before the 2008 season, led the Packers to a dominant 48-21 win over the top-seeded Falcons on Saturday.

...The 41-year old Mississippi native originally retired in 2008 after the Packers decided to go with Rodgers as their starting quarterback.

However, Favre decided he wanted to return later in the year and was eventually traded to the Jets.

He retired AFTER the Packers decided to go with Rodgers? Is ESPN rewriting history?

01-17-2011, 08:39 PM
He retired AFTER the Packers decided to go with Rodgers? Is ESPN rewriting history?

Bus Cook, Editor

01-17-2011, 09:00 PM

Brett Favre may have left Green Bay three years ago, but he's still got the Packers in his heart.

In an e-mail response to ESPN's Ed Werder, Favre said Monday that the Packers are "by far" the best team left in the NFL playoffs.

"[Packers QB] Aaron [Rodgers] is the best QB and the receiving corps is the best ever, maybe," Favre said in the e-mail. "But [defensive coordinator] Dom [Capers] and the defense gets the MVP award at this stage."

Rodgers, who's emergence made Favre expendable in Green Bay before the 2008 season, led the Packers to a dominant 48-21 win over the top-seeded Falcons on Saturday.

Favre officially filed retirement papers with the league Monday after two seasons with the Minnesota Vikings and one year with the New York Jets. The 41-year old Mississippi native originally retired in 2008 after the Packers decided to go with Rodgers as their starting quarterback.

However, Favre decided he wanted to return later in the year and was eventually traded to the Jets.

But Favre insisted he holds no grudges against the organization he was with for 16 seasons.

"There is no bitterness. I'm happy for them and very happy and content with my legacy," Favre told Werder.

Favre again chose to retire after the 2008 season, but signed with the rival Vikings in August 2009. Favre's decision alienated many of those Packers fans who once cheered his Lambeau Field heroics.

Still, Favre thinks this is the year for Green Bay to win its first Super Bowl since Favre and the Packers beat the New England Patriots in 1997 in Super Bowl XXXI.

"I think they will win it all! I hope they do, if you are wondering," Favre said in the e-mail.

That's it, if the Packers lose on Sunday, I'm blaming Favre. It'll be just like old times.

Scott Campbell
01-17-2011, 09:15 PM
Why do I get the feeling that he actually means this retirement and he's suddenly realized how badly he's screwed up his legacy--methinks he wants his old fans back and thinks he can make it happen by saying lots of nice things about the Packers when the microphones are on...

That, or he hired Ari Fleisher to write his emails.

01-17-2011, 09:15 PM
Brett says the Packers are the best team. Bretsky has to find reasons why the Packers will lose. This should be a classic. :drma:

01-17-2011, 11:17 PM

Brett Favre may have left Green Bay three years ago, but he's still got the Packers in his heart.

In an e-mail response to ESPN's Ed Werder, Favre said Monday that the Packers are "by far" the best team left in the NFL playoffs.

"[Packers QB] Aaron [Rodgers] is the best QB and the receiving corps is the best ever, maybe," Favre said in the e-mail. "But [defensive coordinator] Dom [Capers] and the defense gets the MVP award at this stage."

Rodgers, who's emergence made Favre expendable in Green Bay before the 2008 season, led the Packers to a dominant 48-21 win over the top-seeded Falcons on Saturday.

Favre officially filed retirement papers with the league Monday after two seasons with the Minnesota Vikings and one year with the New York Jets. The 41-year old Mississippi native originally retired in 2008 after the Packers decided to go with Rodgers as their starting quarterback.

However, Favre decided he wanted to return later in the year and was eventually traded to the Jets.

But Favre insisted he holds no grudges against the organization he was with for 16 seasons.

"There is no bitterness. I'm happy for them and very happy and content with my legacy," Favre told Werder.

Favre again chose to retire after the 2008 season, but signed with the rival Vikings in August 2009. Favre's decision alienated many of those Packers fans who once cheered his Lambeau Field heroics.

Still, Favre thinks this is the year for Green Bay to win its first Super Bowl since Favre and the Packers beat the New England Patriots in 1997 in Super Bowl XXXI.

"I think they will win it all! I hope they do, if you are wondering," Favre said in the e-mail.

Fence Mending 101. They teach this tactic on the first day of class.

01-18-2011, 12:01 AM
Wait, what? Rewriting history a little there? Faver retired AFTER the Packers decided to go with Rodgers? No wonder they don't put the author's name on this bullshit.


Check the facts first you friggin' amateurs at BSPN!! It's crap like that which makes me trust forums of fans more than "The Loser In Sports Television"

Why do I get the feeling that he actually means this retirement and he's suddenly realized how badly he's screwed up his legacy--methinks he wants his old fans back and thinks he can make it happen by saying lots of nice things about the Packers when the microphones are on...

Because I think it's in your nature to want everything to turn out OK Zig. This is quality I can admire.

BUT - I have a much different feeling:

I posted something similar elsewhere, but I think it's yet another classless, selfish move by Burnt Favre to get the spotlight. The spotlight IS his drug. If the dude had an ounce of respect for any of the players or the organization, he'd just shut his big 'ol southern addict pie-hole and allow this current Green Bay Packers TEAM to have their moment thus far in the playoffs. Instead, he's gotta butt in with his opinion:

"I think they will win it all! I hope they do, if you are wondering," Favre saidThe originator of the email never asked his opinion about the packers as evidenced by the qualifying post-statement "if you are wondering".

If you're out there BF - shut the hell up and disappear until AFTER the Superbowl is over. You had your time, now butt out, stop stealing other players thunder intentionally or otherwise, and let THEM have the spotlight. It's THEIR time pal. Your time is over.

But I'm not bitter

01-18-2011, 01:28 AM
He retired AFTER the Packers decided to go with Rodgers? Is ESPN rewriting history?

I'm beginning to believe Favre "retired" because he wasn't all that certain he could beat out Rodgers for the starting job in 2008.

01-18-2011, 07:33 AM
I'm beginning to believe Favre "retired" because he wasn't all that certain he could beat out Rodgers for the starting job in 2008.

The Dagger ! :razz:

01-18-2011, 07:37 AM
I'm beginning to believe Favre "retired" because he wasn't all that certain he could beat out Rodgers for the starting job in 2008.

It's interesting because several writers wrote in 2007 that Rodgers clearly had the best camp performance in 2007, and that if you went strictly by what they did in camp, Rodgers would start. Of course all agreed that Favre deserved to start, and that he would turn it on when the season started, as he did that year. That was when I first started to have confidence in Rodgers.

You could be on to something. Favre clearly wanted no part of an open competition for the job when it was offered in 2008.

01-18-2011, 09:01 AM
Fence Mending 101. They teach this tactic on the first day of class.

yup. backtracking brett.

01-18-2011, 09:09 AM
It's interesting because several writers wrote in 2007 that Rodgers clearly had the best camp performance in 2007, and that if you went strictly by what they did in camp, Rodgers would start. Of course all agreed that Favre deserved to start, and that he would turn it on when the season started, as he did that year. That was when I first started to have confidence in Rodgers.

You could be on to something. Favre clearly wanted no part of an open competition for the job when it was offered in 2008.

I got to see Rodgers come out with Jennings very early for practice at Detroit before the thnxgivng game 2007. Guy was very sharp, completing everything. Deep outs to the sideline, comebacks, posts, sluggos, etc. etc. I was really impressed and was starting to think about Manning-Harrison connection stuff (since it was always well-publicized they threw 100 passes or so in warm up). I was a little shocked at how much they practiced together. Where was Favre? (He came out later for that typical team warmup they do). So in the back of my mind, I'm thinking the Rodgers has as big a gun as Favre and may be more accurate - and may be more connected with the receivers - at least Jennings. Then Favre comes out and throws a franchise record of consecutive completions! It was a great time because I knew that once Favre was out, they had this really solid guy ready to go - and the very next week they needed him against Dallas. That was really the beginning of the realization that Favre's time was limited to maybe one more year.

01-18-2011, 09:21 AM
I got to see Rodgers come out with Jennings very early for practice at Detroit before the thnxgivng game 2007. Guy was very sharp, completing everything. Deep outs to the sideline, comebacks, posts, sluggos, etc. etc. I was really impressed and was starting to think about Manning-Harrison connection stuff (since it was always well-publicized they threw 100 passes or so in warm up). I was a little shocked at how much they practiced together. Where was Favre? (He came out later for that typical team warmup they do). So in the back of my mind, I'm thinking the Rodgers has as big a gun as Favre and may be more accurate - and may be more connected with the receivers - at least Jennings. Then Favre comes out and throws a franchise record of consecutive completions! It was a great time because I knew that once Favre was out, they had this really solid guy ready to go - and the very next week they needed him against Dallas. That was really the beginning of the realization that Favre's time was limited to maybe one more year.


01-18-2011, 09:28 AM

slant and gos

01-18-2011, 09:43 AM
slant and gos

cool, thx.

Freak Out
01-18-2011, 09:53 AM

01-18-2011, 12:15 PM
I bet Bert's not feeling so smart right now. Just relieved. He no longer has to be that phony persona he cultivated all those years.

that won't stop him. there are chicks to call/sext, reporters to charm, network execs (who want him to be on during their games/shows/pr-spots/etc.) to string along.

it's already started with his ed werder text. geesh. go away already.

01-18-2011, 12:18 PM
it's already started with his ed werder text. geesh. go away already.

In fairness, it was Werder who initiated the contact. But we know what Werder was up to....

01-18-2011, 12:27 PM
In fairness, it was Werder who initiated the contact. But we know what Werder was up to....


01-18-2011, 05:24 PM
Another massage therapist has surfaced this time in MN, but Brett is a new man. He's found God. (http://deadspin.com/5736768/masseuse-claims-she-received-lewd-texts-from-vikings-players-including-brett-favre-nsfw?skyline=true&s=i)

01-18-2011, 05:25 PM
Another massage therapist has surfaced this time in MN, but Brett is a new man. He's found God. (http://deadspin.com/5736768/masseuse-claims-she-received-lewd-texts-from-vikings-players-including-brett-favre-nsfw?skyline=true&s=i)

I didn't know God was lost

01-18-2011, 11:58 PM
.....I think it would be unfortunate if he were to remain bitter towards the Packers for the rest if his life. What happened the last 3 years should not define the relationship between Favre and the Packers.

Ah, but it will, at least in my Packer fan eyes. I could have forgiven him, I did forgive him for all the bonehead plays that had me chewing through saftey belts and tearing phone books in half. I still adored him. I got over the trade demands and actually rooted for him as a Jet, despite my initial ill feelings.

But when he went to our arch rival, that defined him for me. And this after what IMO were huge gestures of respect by the Packers front office: Sending him his locker as a retirement present, offering him a 20 million PR contract and scheduling his number retirement in absolute record time (the first home game after retirement?!!?).

I hope this Packer regime does not retire his number. In fact, I hope I don't live to actually see it in my lifetime. Even legends should be put in their place. Let Murphy's successor shake his hand on the 50 yard line someday. By that time, there should be less boobirds in the crowd.

But, I'm not bitter.

01-19-2011, 01:06 AM
Technically the #4 has already been retired. There was no ceremony, no fanfare, no addition to the Ring of Honor. But nobody will wear the #4 in a Green Bay uniform ever again.

01-19-2011, 07:36 AM
Ah, but it will, at least in my Packer fan eyes. I could have forgiven him, I did forgive him for all the bonehead plays that had me chewing through saftey belts and tearing phone books in half. I still adored him. I got over the trade demands and actually rooted for him as a Jet, despite my initial ill feelings.

But when he went to our arch rival, that defined him for me. And this after what IMO were huge gestures of respect by the Packers front office: Sending him his locker as a retirement present, offering him a 20 million PR contract and scheduling his number retirement in absolute record time (the first home game after retirement?!!?).

I hope this Packer regime does not retire his number. In fact, I hope I don't live to actually see it in my lifetime. Even legends should be put in their place. Let Murphy's successor shake his hand on the 50 yard line someday. By that time, there should be less boobirds in the crowd.

But, I'm not bitter.

Good stuff, Tar.

Many months ago I posted that the first unretirement of Favre and his trade to the Jets was--to me--like reading a great, great novel that had you laughing and crying and cheering and totally involved as you turned every page and then you got to the last chapter and realized that the author had totally screwed up the ending. Totally.

01-19-2011, 08:56 AM
What does grnbay007 think of these lying broads coming out with this crap against the great Bert? Bert is the lady's hero not an abusive womanizer. Duh. You can't prove any of this. Can't prove teh Packers were telling the truth. Can't prove these lying women are telling the truth. Can't prove anything against good ol' Bert, even when common sense tells the whole story. Pfft. . . .Child please

01-19-2011, 09:13 AM
Ah, but it will, at least in my Packer fan eyes. I could have forgiven him, I did forgive him for all the bonehead plays that had me chewing through saftey belts and tearing phone books in half. I still adored him. I got over the trade demands and actually rooted for him as a Jet, despite my initial ill feelings.

But when he went to our arch rival, that defined him for me. And this after what IMO were huge gestures of respect by the Packers front office: Sending him his locker as a retirement present, offering him a 20 million PR contract and scheduling his number retirement in absolute record time (the first home game after retirement?!!?).

I hope this Packer regime does not retire his number. In fact, I hope I don't live to actually see it in my lifetime. Even legends should be put in their place. Let Murphy's successor shake his hand on the 50 yard line someday. By that time, there should be less boobirds in the crowd.

But, I'm not bitter.

same here. when he made it his mission to crap on the Packers, by orchestrating the move to minn, that cut it for me.

Freak Out
01-19-2011, 09:39 AM
I don't care what happens to him.

01-19-2011, 01:20 PM
What does grnbay007 think of these lying broads coming out with this crap against the great Bert? Bert is the lady's hero not an abusive womanizer. Duh. You can't prove any of this. Can't prove teh Packers were telling the truth. Can't prove these lying women are telling the truth. Can't prove anything against good ol' Bert, even when common sense tells the whole story. Pfft. . . .Child please

pretty douchebagish to call out posters like this; obviously you two detest each other so why the pile on unless you are trying to stir another pot ?

Everybody accuses Favre of being a drama queen; he is one. There are also plenty of them in here as well IMO

01-19-2011, 04:05 PM
What does grnbay007 think of these lying broads coming out with this crap against the great Bert? Bert is the lady's hero not an abusive womanizer. Duh. You can't prove any of this. Can't prove teh Packers were telling the truth. Can't prove these lying women are telling the truth. Can't prove anything against good ol' Bert, even when common sense tells the whole story. Pfft. . . .Child please
From the guy who will fist fight women and children for a t-shirt at Family night...Really

01-19-2011, 04:14 PM
Read it and weep, Gex. Pack playing for the Super Bowl!

Go Pack Go

01-19-2011, 04:19 PM
Hey, Gex... 2007 just called. It wants its avatar back.

01-19-2011, 04:22 PM
Hey, Gex... 2007 just called. It wants its avatar back.

Ahh never mind...1949 just called. It wants my avatar back.:oops:

Little Whiskey
01-19-2011, 04:27 PM
pretty douchebagish to call out posters like this; obviously you two detest each other so why the pile on unless you are trying to stir another pot ?

Everybody accuses Favre of being a drama queen; he is one. There are also plenty of them in here as well IMO


01-19-2011, 04:31 PM
Bad move on my part. Sorry.

01-19-2011, 05:14 PM

01-19-2011, 05:31 PM

01-19-2011, 05:34 PM
Take it to FYI Roark!

Why Peter, you are my greatest achievement!

01-19-2011, 05:39 PM

01-19-2011, 08:25 PM
Keanu Reeves wants his avatar back, even though he doesn't know what an avatar is.

01-19-2011, 09:59 PM

Check the facts first you friggin' amateurs at BSPN!! It's crap like that which makes me trust forums of fans more than "The Loser In Sports Television"

Because I think it's in your nature to want everything to turn out OK Zig. This is quality I can admire.

BUT - I have a much different feeling:

I posted something similar elsewhere, but I think it's yet another classless, selfish move by Burnt Favre to get the spotlight. The spotlight IS his drug. If the dude had an ounce of respect for any of the players or the organization, he'd just shut his big 'ol southern addict pie-hole and allow this current Green Bay Packers TEAM to have their moment thus far in the playoffs. Instead, he's gotta butt in with his opinion:

The originator of the email never asked his opinion about the packers as evidenced by the qualifying post-statement "if you are wondering".

If you're out there BF - shut the hell up and disappear until AFTER the Superbowl is over. You had your time, now butt out, stop stealing other players thunder intentionally or otherwise, and let THEM have the spotlight. It's THEIR time pal. Your time is over.

But I'm not bitter

While I do like to think I have the quality you describe, I think folks have read my post not as I had intended. Put the emphasis on the last phrase of the post..."when the microphones are on."

Freak Out
01-19-2011, 11:09 PM

Freak Out
01-19-2011, 11:12 PM
WTF? Total fail.

01-19-2011, 11:19 PM

01-19-2011, 11:23 PM

01-19-2011, 11:24 PM

01-19-2011, 11:26 PM

01-19-2011, 11:28 PM

01-19-2011, 11:29 PM

01-19-2011, 11:31 PM

01-19-2011, 11:57 PM
Who does this remind you of?


01-20-2011, 12:01 AM
But, I'm not bitter.

I am joining this right now!


Technically the #4 has already been retired. There was no ceremony, no fanfare, no addition to the Ring of Honor. But nobody will wear the #4 in a Green Bay uniform ever again.


like reading a great, great novel that had you laughing and crying and cheering and totally involved as you turned every page and then you got to the last chapter and realized that the author had totally screwed up the ending. Totally.


same here. when he made it his mission to crap on the Packers, by orchestrating the move to minn, that cut it for me.


Hey, Gex... 2007 just called. It wants its avatar back.


Ahh never mind...1949 just called. It wants my avatar back.:oops:


Keanu Reeves wants his avatar back, even though he doesn't know what an avatar is.


While I do like to think I have the quality you describe, I think folks have read my post not as I had intended. Put the emphasis on the last phrase of the post..."when the microphones are on."

Captain Context strikes again!


01-20-2011, 12:47 PM

01-20-2011, 02:22 PM
That last Vid from GBP says it all, don't it? If I didn't detest him so much I'd pity the prick. Imagine, going from a Demi-God to a demon and screwing up your legacy that way. It's bound to become urbanized. "You Bert!" or, "You really favred up this time, you berty idiot!".

I'm still not bitter.

01-20-2011, 04:38 PM

that is freakin awesome

"completions are way more awesome when you force em into triple coverage"

"should i show my dick to people"? i'm gonna start using that

wanna see my penis?

01-20-2011, 04:47 PM
Seattle masseuses be warned: bar the doors!!!


01-20-2011, 08:54 PM

Oh.....my......gawd.......can't.....stop.....laugh ing!

01-21-2011, 06:23 AM

hahahaha Best clip ever.

01-22-2011, 11:42 PM
Bad move on my part. Sorry.

The only thing you are sorry about is that nobody piled on.

Hope you enjoy the game tomorrow JH.

01-23-2011, 08:27 AM
You too!!

01-23-2011, 08:35 AM
Hope you enjoy the game tomorrow JH.

You too!!

Love is in the air!!!

Scott Campbell
01-23-2011, 09:15 AM
It's even more enjoyable knowing that Bert and his tainted legacy are home watching on TV.

01-23-2011, 05:43 PM
the favre jinx is over

01-23-2011, 06:05 PM
It's even more enjoyable knowing that Bert and his tainted legacy are home watching on TV.

Y'know, I've been thinking we should be grateful that Bert was such a c______t when he left; all the fanfare just welded the rest of the team together to rally behing Rodgers. Imagine if Bert had left with grace and become an elder statesman for the Pack. The pressure would have been threefold and maybe too much for the kid.

The shit storm probably helped shape this team.


01-23-2011, 06:07 PM
Whether he left with grace or as douchebag, he still helped put one Lombardi trophy under glass. The rest I could care less.

Time to turn the page.

01-23-2011, 06:08 PM
Y'know, I've been thinking we should be grateful that Bert was such a c______t when he left; all the fanfare just welded the rest of the team together to rally behing Rodgers. Imagine if Bert had left with grace and become an elder statesman for the Pack. The pressure would have been threefold and maybe too much for the kid.

The shit storm probably helped shape this team.


I have thought this for a long time and agree 100%.

01-23-2011, 06:09 PM
Y'know, I've been thinking we should be grateful that Bert was such a c______t when he left; all the fanfare just welded the rest of the team together to rally behing Rodgers. Imagine if Bert had left with grace and become an elder statesman for the Pack. The pressure would have been threefold and maybe too much for the kid.

The shit storm probably helped shape this team.


you know, that's very true. this team really came together and rallied around rodgers after all the drama unfolded

01-23-2011, 06:09 PM
Whether he left with grace or as douchebag, he still helped put one Lombardi trophy under glass. The rest I could care less.

Time to turn the page.

That's very gracious of you. I piss on his Green Bay legacy. But, I'm not bitter.

01-23-2011, 06:10 PM
Y'know, I've been thinking we should be grateful that Bert was such a c______t when he left; all the fanfare just welded the rest of the team together to rally behing Rodgers. Imagine if Bert had left with grace and become an elder statesman for the Pack. The pressure would have been threefold and maybe too much for the kid.

The shit storm probably helped shape this team.


Not bad, Tar! I can follow that pretty easily.

01-23-2011, 06:13 PM
Could you imagine if he was a Packer Marketing person or whatever.....and they lost (or even won for that matter) today? I can.


01-23-2011, 06:15 PM
That's very gracious of you. I piss on his Green Bay legacy. But, I'm not bitter.

Could care less about his legacy, I care about trophies. He helped add to one.

easy cheesy
01-23-2011, 06:17 PM
That's very gracious of you. I piss on his Green Bay legacy. But, I'm not bitter.

Joining you in a nice long piss.... ahhhhhh......

01-23-2011, 06:17 PM
I care about trophies. He helped add to one.

Maybe two if they win their next game..... Still, the one that he left behind for us to behold pales in comparison to the other two.

01-23-2011, 06:24 PM
Whether he left with grace or as douchebag, he still helped put one Lombardi trophy under glass. The rest I could care less.

Time to turn the page.


01-23-2011, 06:27 PM

I fart in your general apologist homer direction!

01-23-2011, 06:31 PM

Page turned. It says: 'Favre still sucks ass'! Favre curse lifted but Favre still gotta repent. Then we talk, then we forgive!

01-23-2011, 06:34 PM
Page turned. It says: 'Favre still sucks ass'! Favre curse lifted but Favre still gotta repent. Then we talk, then we forgive!

Move on already. He's part of Packers lore and it's in the history books. What's done is done.

I'm looking through the windshield, enough of the rear view mirror.

01-23-2011, 06:34 PM
Favre curse lifted but Favre still gotta repent. Then we talk, then we forgive!

You're a bigger man than I am. IMO, "sorry for shitting on you after you made my career and saved me from certain oblivion" just sounds so hollow.

Freak Out
01-23-2011, 06:35 PM
What a bunch of crap....the Favre years were fantastic until the end. I don't care that he was a womanizer or a drunk...he brought fight and excitement back to the Packers. Was he a fuck at the end...? Absolutely...but I will never forget that great stretch of football in the 90s.

01-23-2011, 06:36 PM
All your talk of sin earlier and now repenting and forgiveness? Geez, you’re like a theologian or something.

01-23-2011, 06:39 PM
What a bunch of crap....the Favre years were fantastic until the end. I don't care that he was a womanizer or a drunk...he brought fight and excitement back to the Packers. Was he a fuck at the end...? Absolutely...but I will never forget that great stretch of football in the 90s.

I get what you're saying, but I'll throw an analogy at you; If my wife fucked my worst enemy, made it public and insinuated it was my behaviour that led her to do it, the last thing on my mind is reminiscing about how great her BJs were. How 'bout you?

01-23-2011, 06:41 PM
You're a bigger man than I am. IMO, "sorry for shitting on you after you made my career and saved me from certain oblivion" just sounds so hollow.

You're fine, Tar! I think it's important to leave the door open, forgiving should always be an option. I still don't forgive my dad (this is private) but the door is open to him but he gotta walk through it. Same goes for Brett. Lastly, always forgive yourself (no subject here) 'cos you gotta live with yourself - every day. This ain't religion I preach.

01-23-2011, 06:44 PM
Y'know, I've been thinking we should be grateful that Bert was such a c______t when he left; all the fanfare just welded the rest of the team together to rally behing Rodgers. Imagine if Bert had left with grace and become an elder statesman for the Pack. The pressure would have been threefold and maybe too much for the kid.

The shit storm probably helped shape this team.


I have thought this for a long time and agree 100%.

you know, that's very true. this team really came together and rallied around rodgers after all the drama unfolded

good call there!

Deputy Nutz
01-23-2011, 06:45 PM
Tarlam, the Packers just got into the Super Bowl, and all you can do is run your pie hole about Favre, it is a bit pathetic. Favre earned his reputation as a great QB and one of the greatest Packers of all time. He deserves everything he has gotten both good and bad, but I have come to the realization that Favre's run is over. He finally ran out of gas. It is over.

The Packers made it back to the Super Bowl it is a exciting time to be a Packer fan. I realize I have a bit of egg on my face, I ain't running from it, but I am not at all dissappointed or angry about the Packers success this year.

Ted Thompson looks like an Albino Goat

01-23-2011, 06:49 PM
The Packers made it back to the Super Bowl it is a exciting time to be a Packer fan. I realize I have a bit of egg on my face, I ain't running from it, but I am not at all dissappointed or angry about the Packers success this year.

There's no egg, man. I thought you were a stand up guy to say what you felt and walk off for a good long cool down. Even Terry Bradshaw brought up BF immediately after the game, so Packerrats aren't the only ones who can't leave it alone. I can. I just want to celebrate this sweet, sweet victory.

Deputy Nutz
01-23-2011, 06:49 PM
The destruction of the relationship between Brett Favre and the Packers did pave the way for Aaron Rodgers. Rodgers would have been scrutinized and picked apart for not being Brett Favre if Favre left in a favorable light. Hell, if Favre never went to the Vikings it would have been a tougher road for Rodgers. Rodgers handled himself with so much dignity and respect through the whole thing, it really showed his character. Talk about handling pressure.

It is damn near impossible to hear a negative word about Aaron Rodgers in the state of Wisconsin, he is fucking Luke Skywalker in this state

Freak Out
01-23-2011, 06:50 PM
:) but were not talking about wives and blow jobs Tarlam...were talking football....that's all.

Was I pissed at some point during the FUBAR years...yes but it's done and the Packers are winning.

01-23-2011, 06:51 PM
Nutz, you're just as bitter towards TT as I am towards Bert. When the Pack made the NFCCG instead of celebtating it, you focussed on your ode to Bert.

01-23-2011, 06:52 PM
The destruction of the relationship between Brett Favre and the Packers did pave the way for Aaron Rodgers. Rodgers would have been scrutinized and picked apart for not being Brett Favre if Favre left in a favorable light. Hell, if Favre never went to the Vikings it would have been a tougher road for Rodgers. Rodgers handled himself with so much dignity and respect through the whole thing, it really showed his character. Talk about handling pressure.

It is damn near impossible to hear a negative word about Aaron Rodgers in the state of Wisconsin, he is fucking Luke Skywalker in this state

I fucking knew it; Rodgers is a Jedi.

Deputy Nutz
01-23-2011, 06:52 PM
Exactly, Fave was the most exciting QB in the NFL league for 18 years and if you can't find a bit in joy of watching the Gunslinger than you take this shit way too seriously.

Deputy Nutz
01-23-2011, 06:55 PM
Nutz, you're just as bitter towards TT as I am towards Bert. When the Pack made the NFCCG instead of celebtating it, you focussed on your ode to Bert.

Bullshit Tarlam. Simple you came to this thread way before I posted on it. Thompson is a hell of a cut throat GM. I don't like him but at least I can say I respect his talent as a GM. I didn't think he was organizing his franchise for a run at the Super Bowl in 2010, but he did a hell of a job, youngest team in the league, which I complained about at the beginning of the year, but he had the pieces all along.

01-23-2011, 06:59 PM
Exactly, Fave was the most exciting QB in the NFL league for 18 years and if you can't find a bit in joy of watching the Gunslinger than you take this shit way too seriously.

I purchased a garment (which I haven't forgotten belongs to a 5 year old) with another man's name on it. I adored the guy. I wanted to cherish his memory and pilger to Lambeau, even Canton and pay homage to his bust That why my bitterness runs so deep.

On a personal level, his antics cost us a number of posters at PR.

01-23-2011, 07:00 PM
I don't think I've ever posted in this thread before today. I'm trying to broker peace. Like Jimmy Carter with Sadat from Egypt & Begin from Isarel.

Alas, this may be a tougher negotiation. I will be here as a peace broker to find common ground if the parties will agree.

01-23-2011, 07:01 PM
I hate that I have to see this stupid fucking thread on top of my favorite forum with the Packers on the way to the Super Bowl...

Must be missing where nutz is contributing elsewhere in the forum. Could do without (or an ignore / hide thread) feature.

01-23-2011, 07:02 PM
Bullshit Tarlam. Simple you came to this thread way before I posted on it. Thompson is a hell of a cut throat GM. I don't like him but at least I can say I respect his talent as a GM. I didn't think he was organizing his franchise for a run at the Super Bowl in 2010, but he did a hell of a job, youngest team in the league, which I complained about at the beginning of the year, but he had the pieces all along.

It's not bullshit; you started a thread called I don't care who wins, remember?

Takes a big man to admit mistakes and you have and, as always, you have my respect. And I never saw any egg on you either.

01-23-2011, 07:02 PM
I don't think I've ever posted in this thread before today. I'm trying to broker peace. Like Jimmy Carter with Sadat from Egypt & Begin from Isarel.

Alas, this may be a tougher negotiation. I will be here as a peace broker to find common ground if the parties will agree.

^^ Thank you voice of reason. Packers are going to the Super Bowl, gents. Can we focus on that tonight?

Deputy Nutz
01-23-2011, 07:06 PM
It's not bullshit; you started a thread called I don't care who wins, remember?

Takes a big man to admit mistakes and you have and, as always, you have my respect. And I never saw any egg on you either.

Shit, I didn't start that fucking thread, I posted in it positively about McCarthy

01-23-2011, 07:06 PM
Kum ba yah, Thanksted, Kum ba yah!

01-23-2011, 07:07 PM
^^ Thank you voice of reason. Packers are going to the Super Bowl, gents. Can we focus on that tonight?

Well, actually, I made an ironic statement, a backhanded compliment if you will, that caused a few Bert fans to try and convert me. So, if I choose to focus on that, then I think it's my perogative, isn't it?

01-23-2011, 07:09 PM
I get what you're saying, but I'll throw an analogy at you; If my wife fucked my worst enemy, made it public and insinuated it was my behaviour that led her to do it, the last thing on my mind is reminiscing about how great her BJs were. How 'bout you?

A wife gives a bj? I thought that’s why we need masseuses.

Deputy Nutz
01-23-2011, 07:09 PM
I hate that I have to see this stupid fucking thread on top of my favorite forum with the Packers on the way to the Super Bowl...

Must be missing where nutz is contributing elsewhere in the forum. Could do without (or an ignore / hide thread) feature.

I very rarely post in this piece of shit thread. I think it is a joke and I have about 6640 posts in other threads in this forum. You need to get the fuck off my ass

01-23-2011, 07:11 PM
I get what you're saying, but I'll throw an analogy at you; If my wife fucked my worst enemy, made it public and insinuated it was my behaviour that led her to do it, the last thing on my mind is reminiscing about how great her BJs were. How 'bout you?

Honestly, I don't get this analogy. You have a relationship with your wife and obviously know your worst enemy. That would be emotional trauma one would live with forever because you know them all closely and on a personal level.

We are fans. They are sports figures.
We don't know the players, we don't know Ted, and we don't know the executives of the Green Bay Packers.

I agree with Esoxx; the dude helped me witness my first title so as an athlete I cherished watching him and that team and I cherish Ron Wolf for putting it together. Now they are gone. Brett Favre could take a shit in the parking lot of Lambeau field and I really would not care. Brett Favre could come back squrming to TT and MM with endless apologies and I really would not care either. Is he a douche...jerk...drama queen. Probably. But in the broad scheme of things all of this means very little to me and I've moved on long ago. As a fan it's behind me and I'm just enjoying what we have now.

01-23-2011, 07:49 PM
What am I doing in this thread? Nevermind.

get louder at lambeau
01-23-2011, 07:57 PM
The only reason the Packers made it to the Super Bowl this year is because Faver makes everyone around him better, and he used to be around the GB players. He saved the entire franchise single-handedly!! He's like a kid out there! He has intangibles!

01-23-2011, 08:00 PM
The only reason the Packers made it to the Super Bowl this year is because Faver makes everyone around him better, and he used to be around the GB players. He saved the entire franchise single-handedly!! He's like a kid out there! He has intangibles!

Never mind.

Where's that ignore feature anyhow?

01-23-2011, 08:02 PM
I see a dead thread !

01-23-2011, 08:04 PM
I see a dead thread !

not if people keeping bumping it. wait...

01-23-2011, 11:00 PM
Whether he left with grace or as douchebag, he still helped put one Lombardi trophy under glass. The rest I could care less.

Time to turn the page.
The Man...The Myth...The Living Legend
I was 20 when he was the starting QB on a team that won us a SUPER BOWL and brought back OUR Lombardi trophy after decades of losing and being the butt of any NFL joke...for that he has earned his lore in Packer legacy....no matter his personal pitfalls...I don't see anyone here bringing up any of the old timers personal faults off the field...THANKSBRETT

Scott Campbell
01-23-2011, 11:09 PM
I don't remember any penis shots from Bart Starr.

Oh, and thanks Ted!!!!!!!!!

Deputy Nutz
01-23-2011, 11:12 PM
Scott Check out the garbage can I think Skin just found a pic of Willie Davis's coal sausage.

easy cheesy
01-23-2011, 11:16 PM
I don't remember any penis shots from Bart Starr.

Oh, and thanks Ted!!!!!!!!!


Scott Campbell
01-23-2011, 11:16 PM
Scott Check out the garbage can I think Skin just found a pic of Willie Davis's coal sausage.

You make it sound so appealing.

01-24-2011, 06:44 AM
Well, after Brett going on Gretta and trying to take down the Packers leadership for not really trying. Let's face it, that was either a last ditch effort to hurt Thompson or a last ditch effort to get him fired so Brett could still stay on board with the Pack. He did hurt Thompson. People were calling him the worst names in the book and lynch mobs formed to call for his firing. Some people, me included, saw this as a complete horse shit act. So here we are. Thompson has brought this team to a point that Brett couldn't do in his last 10 years here and his last 13 years in the league (age 28 and beyond). I'd say he's vindicated and I'd say Brett owes him an appology because Ted was just doing his job to the best of his ability after all. And people who think Favre took the Packers out of the depths are confused. The Packers hiring football people to do football work and stikcing to it is what took them from the dephts and will keep htem there. Brett was a part of it, but that's it. Bob Harlan, to me, deserves the real credit.

01-24-2011, 07:02 AM
Time to retire this thread. Say "bye" everyone.

01-24-2011, 10:41 AM
bye everyone!

It's all good. The best thing to me is we had a great QB in BF, that brought winning back to GB. It all ended pretty sour, but these things usually do! BFD-I'll always remember his play fondly, but alas we have the good fortune of having another HOF caliber player in the QB position! How awsome is that? Nobody knows what the future brings, So AR needs to cement his legacy in 2 weeks. I for one will remember BF's era with great satisfaction, but have moved on to rooting for the next Packer great and barring injury this guy will be right up there with the best in the game as well! So farewell oldman---Now AR lets go make some more memories, its been a long time again!

01-24-2011, 11:01 AM
What a bunch of crap....the Favre years were fantastic until the end. I don't care that he was a womanizer or a drunk...he brought fight and excitement back to the Packers. Was he a fuck at the end...? Absolutely...but I will never forget that great stretch of football in the 90s.

Most folks that have no love for #4 NOW appreciate all he did for the Pack during the 90's. But since he quit? Not so much.

02-15-2011, 10:49 AM
Favre sucks, Rodgers is better. :lol:

02-15-2011, 11:01 AM
I'll always remember his play fondly, ....
I for one will remember BF's era with great satisfaction, ...

I will remember his play for tremendous ups and tremendous downs.
I, for another, will remember BF's era as one of extreme frustration, certainly not great satisfaction, save for one brief instant.

02-15-2011, 11:12 AM
I will remember his play for tremendous ups and tremendous downs.
I, for another, will remember BF's era as one of extreme frustration, certainly not great satisfaction, save for one brief instant.

i think during bretts time here most of us had this giant packer colored dome dropped over us and filled with favre kool aide until we were drunk with favre love and saw him as a god and looked past his many, many negative attributes

he went to the jets and the dome stayed full. then the packer bashing from him began and the dome cracked, then he went to the vikings and wanted the packers to lose at all costs and the dome drained and most of us sobered up

now we can look back and see the guy did a lot of good, but he did just as much, if not more, stupid things that cost this team. things like his texting adventures would have been overlooked in the old days, just like when him and chewy use to bar hop all over northern wisconsin sexually harassing every female bar tender they could find and just making complete asses out of themselves. even after he got "sober" this attitude continued, but we always turned a blind eye because we were so in love with him

well the love affair is long over after a very ugly break up, now most of us can look back and truly see all the bad that came with the good

02-15-2011, 03:36 PM
If you want a half-way decent horse-laugh, read the very first page of this thread.

With the new trophy in hand, it's hard to think about giving a shit about BLF or some of the things people used to care about.

02-15-2011, 04:18 PM
Man, can't we just let this die? It was fun talking about the Haters and Ball Washers, but after three years I was happy to see this thread drop to page 7.

Scott Campbell
02-15-2011, 04:27 PM
Not my fault. This time.

02-15-2011, 07:19 PM
Man, can't we just let this die? It was fun talking about the Haters and Ball Washers, but after three years I was happy to see this thread drop to page 7.

ditto; ridiculous

02-15-2011, 08:14 PM
Ridiculous? Why? Posting in it 2-3 weeks ago was fine, but now its ridiculous????

Favre will be a controversial figure for a long, long time. Might as well accept that.

02-15-2011, 08:28 PM
No shit, threads been going for over three years and THIS time it is ridiculous. Just ignore the thread. That was the answer before and that is the answer now. It's not hard.

02-15-2011, 10:46 PM
Why are we all shouting?

02-15-2011, 10:53 PM
No shit, threads been going for over three years and THIS time it is ridiculous. Just ignore the thread. That was the answer before and that is the answer now. It's not hard.

Just wait chann. I am going to have Bigguns drive over and cut the internet off from your house. He'll then ask for some cash, for gas and a rock. Don't give it to him. :)

02-15-2011, 11:03 PM
But it's about BRETT FARVE!!......I mean THE Brett Farve!!.....The one and only BRETT FARVE!!

#4......Brett Farve!! Brett Farve, John Madden's mancrush...yes, THAT Brett Farve!

This thread must NEVER DIE because it's about BRETT FARVE!!!!

02-15-2011, 11:25 PM

02-16-2011, 10:34 PM
Just wait chann. I am going to have Bigguns drive over and cut the internet off from your house. He'll then ask for some cash, for gas and a rock. Don't give it to him. :)

Why don't we let Tyrone back in? Admin Joe?

But it's about BRETT FARVE!!......I mean THE Brett Farve!!.....The one and only BRETT FARVE!!

#4......Brett Farve!! Brett Farve, John Madden's mancrush...yes, THAT Brett Farve!

This thread must NEVER DIE because it's about BRETT FARVE!!!!

Come on man, maybe you did it on purpose, but even if I have strong dislike for the man at the moment, it still annoys me to see his name spelled wrong. It's Favre. What's really hilarious actually is the morons you see on youtube or foxsports who act like they are in love with him and yet they don't even know how to spell it.

Oh and sorry for bumping the thread. I just want to see a FOUR hundred page thread. Get it? The legend lives on. DAYUM!

02-17-2011, 08:50 AM
Come on man, maybe you did it on purpose, but even if I have strong dislike for the man at the moment, it still annoys me to see his name spelled wrong. It's Favre. What's really hilarious actually is the morons you see on youtube or foxsports who act like they are in love with him and yet they don't even know how to spell it.

Oh and sorry for bumping the thread. I just want to see a FOUR hundred page thread. Get it? The legend lives on. DAYUM!

FARVE or FAVRE......it doesn't matter. It's the guy who wears WRANGLER JEANS!!!!

I LOVE my Wranglers!!!

Nah, I'm cool with Brett. I've got a 4-inch figurine of him somewhere around here. :-)

02-17-2011, 09:09 AM
Nah, I'm cool with Brett. I've got a 4-inch figurine of him somewhere around here. :-)

That's a 'bobblehead' of another color

02-17-2011, 09:25 AM
" But it's about BRETT FARVE!!......I mean THE Brett Farve!!.....The one and only BRETT FARVE!!

#4......Brett Farve!! Brett Farve, John Madden's mancrush...yes, THAT Brett Farve!

This thread must NEVER DIE because it's about BRETT FARVE!!!! "

Who is dat fella Brett Farve? Never heard of him? Anyone!?? Is he a distant cousin of former Packer great QB...Brett Favre? Just wondering. (-:

On this thread.

It should not die till Brett Favre dies. Let's simply deal with it as sensable men and women. Even have some fun with it at noones expense. If the thread cause anyone undue strain,stress or anxiety ignore the thread. Too simple. Place a total focus on this picture.


02-17-2011, 07:33 PM
" But it's about BRETT FARVE!!......I mean THE Brett Farve!!.....The one and only BRETT FARVE!!

#4......Brett Farve!! Brett Farve, John Madden's mancrush...yes, THAT Brett Farve!

This thread must NEVER DIE because it's about BRETT FARVE!!!! "

Who is dat fella Brett Farve? Never heard of him? Anyone!?? Is he a distant cousin of former Packer great QB...Brett Favre? Just wondering. (-:

On this thread.

It should not die till Brett Favre dies. Let's simply deal with it as sensable men and women. Even have some fun with it at noones expense. If the thread cause anyone undue strain,stress or anxiety ignore the thread. Too simple. Place a total focus on this picture.


This thread will die long before Brett unless he does something stupid (I'm not discounting that possibility, now). Favre retired and it appears this time it might just stick (because if it doesn't no one will hire him anyway). His relevance will diminish except among those who only want to troll and dig up the past (you can already see it happening). I just make fun of the laughingstock he's made of himself and get on with rooting for my team. The one he tried so hard to hurt because of a stupid grudge.

02-17-2011, 07:53 PM
my turn...to get the post count to 8000. come on...we can do it.

easy cheesy
02-17-2011, 07:56 PM
my turn...to get the post count to 8000. come on...we can do it.

I'll do my part...

02-17-2011, 09:38 PM
Here is a scary thought and a topic that I have been thinkin making a thread on but I wanted to do some research on.

3 years ago at this time Favre was mulling his (first) retirement. After the loss to the Giants, he announced his retirement on March 8. Imagine if he had simply said "yes I will be back." What would the Packers have done? Would Rodgers have pushed for a trade? I have been meaning to go back and look at the QB situations at that time. Would MM have announced an open QB competition? It would have been difficult for even the most ardent MM supporters to support that move after Favre's 2007 season.

The idea has been mentioned before, but in some ways Favre's waffling ways were a gift to MM and TT. Favre gave them an excuse to move forward with Rodgers while not coming across as total idiots. Ya, it created a huge rift and the effects are still being felt but can you imagine Rodgers in another uniform right now??


02-17-2011, 10:05 PM
Yep, Favre's retirement got TT out of a real bind. Hard to say what he would have done with Rodgers, because it would have been incredibly difficult not to bring Favre back. One thing is for sure. TT will never talk about it, so all we can do is speculate.

02-17-2011, 10:25 PM
I'll do my part...

A worthwhile fucking cause if I've ever seen one.

02-17-2011, 10:49 PM
This thread will die long before Brett unless he does something stupid (I'm not discounting that possibility, now). Favre retired and it appears this time it might just stick (because if it doesn't no one will hire him anyway). His relevance will diminish except among those who only want to troll and dig up the past (you can already see it happening). I just make fun of the laughingstock he's made of himself and get on with rooting for my team. The one he tried so hard to hurt because of a stupid grudge.

Why should any thread die unless it becomes so maligning or sick for this forum that to continue it would be obviouly detrimentlle to the overall good health and moral of PackerRats?

It certainly shouldn't die because posters, like you MJ, feel as you do about Brett Favre and for whatever reason (s) you choose to judge him. He's a human being he made errors. On that note he let many of us down. That doesn't mean he needs to be banished forever at PackerRats and this thread serves the purpose to post any info. on Favre and not populate the other threads with whatever news comes out on him.

On the flip side' of those character issues and the rest of the speculations RE: his departure fr. Green Bay:

Brett Favre was once one of the greatest Packer QB's. He'll be in the HOF. His resume as an NFL QB is outstanding. The positives can be listed on and on. I see no 'real' problem with this thread living on.

Here's a clear solution for you MJ and those that are like you and annoyed by this thread:

** Ignore this thread MJ. Would you have a difficult time doing that? That hard for you? if so then maybe PM your friends and make a pact to go there **. Sort of a mutual support group. to boycott this thread and never post too or respond to any post in it. Ignore this thread don't whine about it's existance.

Allow those of us who see no issue with this thread some PEACE about it's existance and standing here.

My suggestions are too logical MJ. (-: Everyone ' wins '.


easy cheesy
02-17-2011, 11:00 PM
A worthwhile fucking cause if I've ever seen one.

Nothing like fucking when it's worthwhile....

02-17-2011, 11:03 PM
This SB victory brings new perspective to the Favre debate. Clearly since Bob Harlan hired Ron Wolf and changed the way football is operated in Green Bay, the Packers were going to be strong with our without Favre. This proves the without part of that sentence.

He had a long, accomplished career, but the idol worship seems to be rightfully tossed out after this Packer win and Favre loss.

I'd summarize Favre this way. He played a really long time, so long that it's legendary. He was a gunslinger who made a lot of tight risky throws. His interceptions cost him and his team a lot of big games. His arrogance and attitude separated himself from the team for several years. He was a really good QB for a long time and over time he put up outrageous career numbers. However, for all that he accumulated over time, he was always one of about 10 really good QB's in the league and he always could have been replaced by another really good QB. He was never irreplacable. Thompson replaced him in one try and had he not gotten Rodgers he would have replaced him anyway. He was never irreplacable or special in that regard. He was always overrated and replaceable in Green Bay.

And that's not even a knock. I feel that way about any QB. Put Palmer in NE and Brady in Cinci. I don't know if Palmer gets 3 rings, but I guarantee you Brady doesn't. Brady won with great defenses and damn good ST's. Palmer never had either.

02-17-2011, 11:07 PM

Unbelievable. This thread at almost '400' pages. An outstanding example of the interest that Brett Favre draws.

He was once arguably 'the Icon' of the NFL. He'll always get attention.

02-17-2011, 11:15 PM
I enjoy the Favre debate. As time goes by, I'll eventually be one of hte old timers that talks about how overrated he was. I was big fan of a lot of those teams and the credit Favre took from his teammates over the years with his dramatic, "me me" personality is always something I will remind people of when we look back on those great teams that always seemed to fall short with a bone headed interception.

easy cheesy
02-17-2011, 11:15 PM
I am SICK, SICK, SICK of listening to the FAVRE crap!!!! SICK OF IT!!!! He brought us ONE RING.... he has multiple SELF CENTRIC STATS... but ONE RING to the team... You know... I don't care who flames me.... I can be schooled by many of the intelligent, Packer educated folks on this board... but this guy NEEDS TO GO AWAY already! It's a new day... it's a new team... it's a new era... Brett Favre doesn't bring "dynasty" to my mind... how could he with one fucking ring... anywhoo.... he seems like a now annointed irrelevent individual who is trying desparately to cling to his "relevancy".... just sayin'... blechhhh....

Iron Mike
02-17-2011, 11:24 PM

easy cheesy
02-17-2011, 11:29 PM

I don't know Cheryl... I need a mop... and a wheelchair....and some kind of respirtory disorder that I talk with strangers about when I'm out smoking cigarettes..... by the way... can you take Mama back home? I think I can circumnavigate the rigor....lol CAN I GET A HALF?

Iron Mike
02-17-2011, 11:41 PM

easy cheesy
02-18-2011, 12:02 AM

Isn't that old ICJB that we saw with the dirty Coach Bag in the OR where Shasta Rules and you get none in your R&C?

02-18-2011, 12:06 AM
Isn't that old ICJB that we saw with the dirty Coach Bag in the OR where Shasta Rules and you get none in your R&C?


easy cheesy
02-18-2011, 12:08 AM

Long Story....

02-18-2011, 12:10 AM
Long Story....

I just had no clue what all the abbreviations meant.

02-18-2011, 12:53 AM
I enjoy the Favre debate. As time goes by, I'll eventually be one of hte old timers that talks about how overrated he was. I was big fan of a lot of those teams and the credit Favre took from his teammates over the years with his dramatic, "me me" personality is always something I will remind people of when we look back on those great teams that always seemed to fall short with a bone headed interception.

Yea right JH! hahaaha...

Right on JH. Favre is so overrated because ....?

Last time I checked. He owns just about every significant NFL passing record 'at this time', in his retiring /unretiring career.

If he was such real bum as an NFL QB? If he sucked terribly? How could this thread last nearly 400 pages now on such a bum? I just shake my head. It's unbelievable.

It's so amazing. (-;

Freak Out
02-18-2011, 12:53 AM
Fuck yea baby!

02-18-2011, 12:54 AM
Life was better when this thread was on page 7. Someone said they wanted to see it at 400 pages...I can only hope it drifts away after that.

02-18-2011, 12:59 AM
Moving towords 400 pages. 7975 posts with this one.

An amazing thread that certainly contains all the emotions of PackerRat members. An analysis of the personalty's of people at PackerRats could be focused on this thread alone, by anyone so inclined to waste their time.


02-18-2011, 01:02 AM
Life was better when this thread was on page 7. Someone said they wanted to see it at 400 pages...I can only hope it drifts away after that.

Guiness this thread has been nothing but..trippy at times.

Frrreeeeaaaaak Ooouuutttt !! (-:

02-18-2011, 01:05 AM
add this bit of statistical trivia Re this thread:

Replies: 7,976 and Views: 160,908

Maybe it should be retired before the weight of it on the starboard side casts the ship ashore. (-;

02-18-2011, 06:31 AM
Life was better when this thread was on page 7. Someone said they wanted to see it at 400 pages...I can only hope it drifts away after that.

Why does it have to go away for life to be better? Anyone who does not want to deal with the emotions and rhetoric of the thread should simply not open it. By opening it, and replying, you simply reinforce why it will remain, at least for a while yet.

It really is not hard to ignore a thread that you have tired of.

02-18-2011, 07:28 AM
This thread is a historical document. Years from now when people study the effect that the Favre Saga had on Packer fans, they will find this thread a goldmine of information.

02-18-2011, 07:43 AM
In memory of Brett Favre and in appreciation for all the thrills and heartaches he gave me as a Green Bay fan, I want to do my part and help honor him with the 1st four hundred page thread here at PackerRats.com.

02-18-2011, 07:52 AM
This thread is exhibit A for how overrated he was. He has people believing he's special while he threw seasons away with bone headed play after boneheaded play. GB was starved for a winner and when Wolf built one, the fans latched onto the most dramatic personality on the team. I give Favre credit for having a strong body. As far wanting a QB who does the things necessary to win games, Favre is and has always been replaceable (not special in that way).

Durability = Special
Longevity(records) = Special
Actual play as it relates to winning = Not special

That's Favre's legacy. The dramatic regular season gunslinger who was easily replaced by a QB who does the things necessary to win.

When you think of Montana you think of amazing last moment throws to win games. When you think of Brady you think of him sliding in the pocket just enough to throw game clincher in SBs. Bradshaw, you picture SB bombs to Lynn Swann. Starr you remember doing everything right. Favre you picture Tracy Porter and dozens of other boneheaded, game losing picks. He's a different kind of legend. Records and all, there are a lot of QBs you'd rather have to win a big game. We have one now. Longevity and durability give Favre a forever place in history. It's his only great accomplishment.

I enjoy the debate. He played here for 16 years. How good he actually was will be debated for a long time.

Scott Campbell
02-18-2011, 08:11 AM
Any meth lab updates for the Favre family?

02-18-2011, 08:49 AM
That's a 'bobblehead' of another color


02-18-2011, 08:54 AM
I don't know Cheryl... I need a mop... and a wheelchair....and some kind of respirtory disorder that I talk with strangers about when I'm out smoking cigarettes..... by the way... can you take Mama back home? I think I can circumnavigate the rigor....lol CAN I GET A HALF?


02-18-2011, 08:59 AM
This thread is exhibit A for how overrated he was. He has people believing he's special while he threw seasons away with bone headed play after boneheaded play. GB was starved for a winner and when Wolf built one, the fans latched onto the most dramatic personality on the team. I give Favre credit for having a strong body. As far wanting a QB who does the things necessary to win games, Favre is and has always been replaceable (not special in that way).

Durability = Special
Longevity(records) = Special
Actual play as it relates to winning = Not special

That's Favre's legacy. The dramatic regular season gunslinger who was easily replaced by a QB who does the things necessary to win.

When you think of Montana you think of amazing last moment throws to win games. When you think of Brady you think of him sliding in the pocket just enough to throw game clincher in SBs. Bradshaw, you picture SB bombs to Lynn Swann. Starr you remember doing everything right. Favre you picture Tracy Porter and dozens of other boneheaded, game losing picks. He's a different kind of legend. Records and all, there are a lot of QBs you'd rather have to win a big game. We have one now. Longevity and durability give Favre a forever place in history. It's his only great accomplishment.

I enjoy the debate. He played here for 16 years. How good he actually was will be debated for a long time.

I think he'll go down as one of the better QBs to have played but his knack for crashing and burning in big games will prevent him from being in the same group as Baugh, Unitas, Starr, Bradshaw, Brady, etc. All of his records are there because he played for so many years without interruption.

02-18-2011, 09:03 AM
Unbelievable. This thread at almost '400' pages. An outstanding example of the interest that Brett Favre draws.

He was once arguably 'the Icon' of the NFL. He'll always get attention.

it's 200 pages on my computer. he'll aways be a viking icon.

13 to go to get 8000. come on...WE CAN DO IT.

Scott Campbell
02-18-2011, 09:09 AM
Favre is scum who got what he deserved this year, and at the end of last year. I've enjoyed every bit of pain he's inflicted upon himself.

Scott Campbell
02-18-2011, 09:10 AM
I also think it fitting that Deadspin and this young lass will have their prominent place in Bert's legacy.


02-18-2011, 11:25 AM
I also think it fitting that Deadspin and this young lass will have their prominent place in Bert's legacy.


Do those things deploy in case of a front end collision?

02-18-2011, 12:06 PM
Do those things deploy in case of a front end collision?

Don't they pretty much look deployed already? Bleah.

02-18-2011, 01:41 PM
This thread is a historical document. Years from now when people study the effect that the Favre Saga had on Packer fans, they will find this thread a goldmine of information.

This is truly a historic thread.

Scott Campbell
02-18-2011, 02:59 PM
This is truly a historic thread.

This thread is why Al Gore invented the internets.

02-18-2011, 03:11 PM
This thread is the grand compromise that saved a rat nation and allowed us to find out how much used Brett Favre jersies are demanding.

$9.99 opening bid for a swatch.

Really? Where does one proudly display an authentic swatch?

http://cgi.ebay.com/Brett-Favre-GAME-USED-WORN-JERSEY-Packers-Jets-Vikings_W0QQitemZ320658663227QQcategoryZ215QQcmdZV iewItem

Scott Campbell
02-18-2011, 03:17 PM
I'm getting more than that for my #4 purple urinal pucks.

02-18-2011, 03:36 PM
I'm getting more than that for my #4 purple urinal pucks.

Dang...all the good ideas are taken!

02-18-2011, 03:38 PM
Only a legend such as Favre could retire this many times.




02-18-2011, 04:15 PM
come on...two more for 8000. make # 8000 special!!!

Scott Campbell
02-18-2011, 04:43 PM
I think I've got the perfect post for #8000.

Scott Campbell
02-18-2011, 04:44 PM