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03-29-2011, 05:09 AM
If Favre was going to return to the NFL he's smart enough to know he needs a solid OL. That was his greatest problem in Minny last season. His OL certainly didn't provide him the protection he required to make his reads. That plus his lack of weapons at WR went a long way towords his dramatical decline from the previous season in Minny.

...or, Favre just got old and isn't very good anymore. It isn't always someone else's fault.

03-29-2011, 06:29 AM
I would have expected Favre to say nothing at all about the Packer/Bear game. Why should he? They spoke only briefly. I wouldn't have expected the subject to even come up. Comments like: "Good luck in the playoffs." "Good luck the rest of the year." would have made sense, but imploring him to beat the Packers specifically showed an importance to Favre that is inconsistent with his personal protestations of holding no animosity toward the Packers.

It was hardly a personal and private conversation when it was conducted in a mass of reporters in the middle of a football field. It was certainly not as private of a conversation as those between Packer officials and Favre that were conducted behind closed doors, and which Favre had no qualms about relaying to the press even when he was asked not to.

I could swear there was a video of the Peppers/Favre encounter in which you could barely make out what Favre said (especially after Peppers explained), but I have been unable to find it now. Anyone else remember seeing it back then?

I didn't find a video of this exchange but enough media outlets outside of WI reported it.




03-29-2011, 07:56 AM
Woodbuck, you're making conversation but not making sense. Don't confuse the two.

Favre's comments to Peppers should be discarded because Peppers is trying to throw him under the bus. His chosen comments to the media should be taken as fact with no questioning of sincerity. Haha. Go rub Favre's back and suck his toes. That's about all you're good for when it relates to Brett Favre.

Scott Campbell
03-29-2011, 08:02 AM
I hold that Favre has gone on the record as well as saying he had no ill feelings RE: the Green Bay Packers and it's management.

You mean the Favre that went on the record as saying he didn't talk to Matt Millen?

You mean the Favre that later went on the record as saying he did talk to Millen, but it was about "hunting"?


03-29-2011, 12:24 PM
It isn't always someone else's fault.

It is if Berts involved.

03-29-2011, 01:44 PM
...or, Favre just got old and isn't very good anymore. It isn't always someone else's fault.

Now that response leaves me wondering about your 'objective' analytical skills.

The point I'm trying to make in this discussion with you Patler, and noone else here at PackerRats. Is that IMO many here including you. may be clouded in your analysis by a certain prejudice against Brett Favre. Many here hate the man. I do not place you in that category. You may be prejudiced and I hope not. Why? Because that would slant your view of Brett Favre.

I can re-call the exact moment I was sure that Fvare was guilty of the accusations against him that I was shocked at. I posted pbmax as to his view on that matter. He informed me that in his most definite view. That video was of Brett Favre.

I got that from pbmax. That was good enough for me.

Now back to this debate with you Patler:

Fair analysis of Brett Favre and last season must consider the failure to protect him. With a well functioning OL I believe he would have not gotten as banged up. He would have had better timing and some better option to role out of the pocket 'only' when necessary. Not retreat as often as he ws forced to.

I also stand on the fact that the Vikings were weak at WR and that hurt Favre. The drops early in last season were over the top. He can never be criticized for his courage Patler. He can never be criticized for the strength of his arm. His mental game is competent. He needed time for reads and WR's to go to and catch the throws that so often were right on the money and the catch blown.

I maintain that he very well could play at a high level in the NFL yet can only guess if he will. I hope he stays away from the game but he may feel a need to vindicate himself.

Favre also has a big ego. That gets him in some trouble. (-:


03-29-2011, 02:59 PM
Funny, per your expression anyone who criticizes Favre's abilities is prejudiced and not objective. However, if you ignore the rather obvious signs of decline you think of yourself as objective. It makes no sense.

If you think Favre is anything near the thrower he was 10 years ago, pull up some old highlights of him. Watch the way he played 10 years ago or so, then came back and tell me he hasn't declined significantly.

Where I disagree Woodbuck is that I am not willing to blame the line for all of the protection problems. Favre's quickness has declined noticeably the last two seasons, much more in 2010 than in 2009. In all likelihood, that will get only worse. That leads to more pressure, more throws under duress even if he does get the throw off. His famed fastball and quick release have also declined, in my opinion. That leads to fewer completions unless he enlarges the windows he will throw into. Last year he did not, and it lead to lots of interceptions.

With Favre's ankle and hip problems, his legs will only get worse. With his thumb, elbow and shoulder problems he will not be able to deliver the ball into situations he did in the past.

This happens with all the great throwers. They get old and decline. They have a bad year, and fans think its an aberration or the fault of others. Given a chance, their hero will certainly show he can still do it. Mostly, they don't.

03-29-2011, 03:08 PM
I know you like a good debate Patler, but you're not going to find it here.

Scott Campbell
03-29-2011, 03:35 PM
The big hits have seemed to take a much bigger toll on old Bert. I guess that's to be expected.

03-29-2011, 03:39 PM
The big hits have seemed to take a much bigger toll on old Bert. I guess that's to be expected.

His ankle is done.

get louder at lambeau
03-29-2011, 03:40 PM
a) After the Packers won the NFC Championship he clearly came out predicting a Packer win in the Super Bowl. Rumor or not that has to weigh in for Favre not feeling animosity for the Green Bay Packers.

b) That plus the statements made in the NY Jets interview may count as two if we're being fair. I'll give you one for the J. Peppers remarks in the media even thoug that may be characterized as 'throwing Favre under a bus'.

(-: That's a 2-1 for Favre and 'no animosity for the Green Bay Packers'.

I predicted that the 2007 Patriots would win the Super Bowl. I had plenty of animosity for their cheating asses, but I predicted that they would win because they were a strong team. They were most people's pick, but many people still hated them for Spygate or whatever other reason. Most Jets fans would have picked them, despite intense animosity for them.

The Packers looked like a team of destiny and were the most common pick for Super Bowl champs at the time. when your infallible hero said that, Woodbuck. It doesn't mean he had no animosity. It just means he picked them as most likely to win because they were the most likely to win at that point. It means nothing with regard to animosity or lack thereof.

As far as other comments he made publicly about not being mad at the Packers, those could be seen as self serving, as they make him seem like less of a selfish, childish dickhead, which he ended up being perceived as by many, many people after how he handled that whole situation- not just by Packer fans either. Poll results this year called him "the most hated player in the NFL" over convicted dog killer Michael Vick and accused rapist Ben Roethlisberger recently. People are sick of his shit all over the country. The Packers offered him to stay retired. The Jets dumped him. The Vikings don't want him back, by all indications, despite their desperation for a QB. Women claim that he tried to sexually harass them, and call him a "creepy douche".

Coming off as not having animosity towards the Packers would be beneficial to Faver. He has has failed to do so more often than not for years now.

03-29-2011, 04:53 PM
Strong post, get-louder-at-lambeau

03-29-2011, 06:03 PM
Okay, that link was just a link to some far-fetched speculation, right? Right?

Let's hope Brent doesn't read this stuff. It might get him thinking.

03-29-2011, 06:52 PM
Poll results this year called him "the most hated player in the NFL" over convicted dog killer Michael Vick and accused rapist Ben Roethlisberger...

Okay, but keep a little perspective. He won the "Most Hated" title with the help of the same fans who have won the "Click for Cans" trophy for like twenty years in a row. Packer fans know how to GOTV for a good cause.

Scott Campbell
03-29-2011, 07:43 PM
I think hatred of ole Bert has spread far and wide throughout this country.

03-29-2011, 08:26 PM
I didn't find a video of this exchange but enough media outlets outside of WI reported it.




Thank You.

03-29-2011, 08:33 PM
I know you like a good debate Patler, but you're not going to find it here.

Ignoring you Zool.

03-29-2011, 09:09 PM
...or, Favre just got old and isn't very good anymore. It isn't always someone else's fault.

"or, Favre just got old and isn't very good anymore." Patler

That's a mere opinion. Yes a player can dramatically decline in a single season once he hits a certain advanced age.

Yet you chose to ignore the facts I presented. His OL was remarkably inferior in terms of performance fr. 2009 last season.

Favre lost a serious weapon at WR in Sydney Rice and other WR's didn't step up. He also lost his #1 TE. early in last season and a go to guy. Bernard Berrian never played well. The replacement for Chester Taylor never replaced Taylors production. Favre was working with an inferior offense last season than he had in 2009.

If I am correct and you are the man with the Stat's. I deserve more than some allusion to it was all an age factor or the ridiculous inference that I am blaming anyone else for Favre's poor season last.


03-29-2011, 09:29 PM
Woodbuck, you're making conversation but not making sense. Don't confuse the two.

Favre's comments to Peppers should be discarded because Peppers is trying to throw him under the bus. His chosen comments to the media should be taken as fact with no questioning of sincerity. Haha. Go rub Favre's back and suck his toes. That's about all you're good for when it relates to Brett Favre.

I will respond to you JH:

I made a clear point that gamesmanship should not be held against a Pro athlete if that is in terms of mere words. Favre might have been just being Brett Favre. Saying something that was best left unsaid. Peppers should have accounted for Favre's personality and cut him a fricken' break. Not run to the damn media with it. Now I need to try to determine what this terrible thing Favre did according to Pappers and some here actually is.

Give me some time. I need to read through the stuff Pugger posted. Please. As long as it has little to do with phone calls, after hours invites, sexy text messages and and perversions of the anatomy. I guess it cannot be so bad I couldn't handle it. (-:

easy cheesy
03-29-2011, 09:32 PM

In summary:

I can't quite hate on Ted the way I used to.
I can't quite love on Bert the way I used to.
If you forget everything I've been saying the last 5 years - I was right all along.

That's what I'm reading anyway.

Oh come on Woodbuck! Who's gonna read this whole post?

No one... unless you're out of Ambien and need to get to sleep.... thank God for Cliffs Notes... Thanks Howard and Scott! :)

easy cheesy
03-29-2011, 09:32 PM
Ignoring you Zool.


03-29-2011, 09:41 PM
I predicted that the 2007 Patriots would win the Super Bowl. I had plenty of animosity for their cheating asses, but I predicted that they would win because they were a strong team. They were most people's pick, but many people still hated them for Spygate or whatever other reason. Most Jets fans would have picked them, despite intense animosity for them.

The Packers looked like a team of destiny and were the most common pick for Super Bowl champs at the time. when your infallible hero said that, Woodbuck. It doesn't mean he had no animosity. It just means he picked them as most likely to win because they were the most likely to win at that point. It means nothing with regard to animosity or lack thereof.

As far as other comments he made publicly about not being mad at the Packers, those could be seen as self serving, as they make him seem like less of a selfish, childish dickhead, which he ended up being perceived as by many, many people after how he handled that whole situation- not just by Packer fans either. Poll results this year called him "the most hated player in the NFL" over convicted dog killer Michael Vick and accused rapist Ben Roethlisberger recently. People are sick of his shit all over the country. The Packers offered him to stay retired. The Jets dumped him. The Vikings don't want him back, by all indications, despite their desperation for a QB. Women claim that he tried to sexually harass them, and call him a "creepy douche".

Coming off as not having animosity towards the Packers would be beneficial to Faver. He has has failed to do so more often than not for years now.

You did great in the first two paragraphs:

I predicted that the 2007 Patriots would win the Super Bowl. I had plenty of animosity for their cheating asses, but I predicted that they would win because they were a strong team. They were most people's pick, but many people still hated them for Spygate or whatever other reason. Most Jets fans would have picked them, despite intense animosity for them.

The Packers looked like a team of destiny and were the most common pick for Super Bowl champs at the time. when your infallible hero said that, Woodbuck. It doesn't mean he had no animosity. It just means he picked them as most likely to win because they were the most likely to win at that point. It means nothing with regard to animosity or lack thereof. get louder at lambeau

WOW. Impressive hard hitting post to that point and I can even buy it. Glad I'm not debating with you with the weapons I felt were at my disposal here. Manners and decency and an overall deportment of decency and let's really examine this without angst.

I would first have to ask for ' the same use of language rights ' and the forum could see which of us can outcurse the other. Toss the most shit at the other. Why does Brett Favre make you so angry?

No PLEASE. Do not respond to that. Just somehow examine it within yourself. Just a suggestion. Good luck with that.

I'm beginning to believe this question cannot be solved by mere members here. It might be better understood by some team of assigned psychologists that could examine the inherant psyche of the Packer forum community in terms of why in the name of all that's sane can anyone get so bloody well pissed off about a Pro atlelete that only gave his his best while wearing Packer colors.


Iron Mike
03-29-2011, 09:46 PM
"or, Favre just got old and isn't very good anymore." Patler

That's a mere opinion. Yes a player can dramatically decline in a single season once he hits a certain advanced age.

Yet you chose to ignore the facts I presented. His OL was remarkably inferior in terms of performance fr. 2009 last season.

Favre lost a serious weapon at WR in Sydney Rice and other WR's didn't step up. He also lost his #1 TE. early in last season and a go to guy. Bernard Berrian never played well. The replacement for Chester Taylor never replaced Taylors production. Favre was working with an inferior offense last season than he had in 2009.

I guess about the only thing you could do in this case is to compare apples to apples.......different QBs in the same offense.

To whit:

Joe Webb in 5 games, 2010.................Comp/54 Att/89 % Comp/60.7 Yds/477 Avg/5.4 TD/0 Int/3 Sck/8 SckY/48 Rate/60.9

Brett Favre last 4 games, 2010............Comp/37 Att/69 % Comp/53.6 Yds/443 Avg/6.4 TD/1 Int/3 Sck/4 SckY/23 Rate/60.2

IOW, operating behind the same OL, with the same skill players, Brett Favre is ALMOST as good as Joe Webb. Awesome possum.

03-29-2011, 09:47 PM
"or, Favre just got old and isn't very good anymore." Patler

That's a mere opinion. Yes a player can dramatically decline in a single season once he hits a certain advanced age.

Yet you chose to ignore the facts I presented. His OL was remarkably inferior in terms of performance fr. 2009 last season.

Favre lost a serious weapon at WR in Sydney Rice and other WR's didn't step up. He also lost his #1 TE. early in last season and a go to guy. Bernard Berrian never played well. The replacement for Chester Taylor never replaced Taylors production. Favre was working with an inferior offense last season than he had in 2009.

If I am correct and you are the man with the Stat's. I deserve more than some allusion to it was all an age factor or the ridiculous inference that I am blaming anyone else for Favre's poor season last.


WOODBUCK!!!!Brett Favre is 41 years old and has ankle spurs that require surgery--like often. Look up how many times he's made news in the offseason for having surgery to remove bone spurs. Face it, people age. Did his line let him down or did he let the line down? Brett Favre is not perfect. He is fallible. There's a reason he's retired, what is it, seven years running? If you're willing to believe everything he says to the media as fact, then he was done when he left the Packers. Not so much. You have to take off the Favre filters and really look. Play a game with yourself. Watch or read his interviews and figure out what he's saying that's true and what's not. You can do it. But wake up, dude. It's not the line, it's not the girl, it's not anyone else. It's Favre. He's not the 28-year-old kid anymore and he is responsible for his own play and his own behavior.

03-29-2011, 09:50 PM
Strong post, get-louder-at-lambeau

Really? (-:

03-29-2011, 09:52 PM
Okay, that link was just a link to some far-fetched speculation, right? Right?

Let's hope Brent doesn't read this stuff. It might get him thinking.

I want to read those LINKS Fritz. Then I'll comment.


easy cheesy
03-29-2011, 09:52 PM
WOODBUCK!!!!Brett Favre is 41 years old and has ankle spurs that require surgery--like often. Look up how many times he's made news in the offseason for having surgery to remove bone spurs. Face it, people age. Did his line let him down or did he let the line down? Brett Favre is not perfect. He is fallible. There's a reason he's retired, what is it, seven years running? If you're willing to believe everything he says to the media as fact, then he was done when he left the Packers. Not so much. You have to take off the Favre filters and really look. Play a game with yourself. Watch or read his interviews and figure out what he's saying that's true and what's not. You can do it. But wake up, dude. It's not the line, it's not the girl, it's not anyone else. It's Favre. He's not the 28-year-old kid anymore and he is responsible for his own play and his own behavior.

Well said Sistah... I particularly like the "Favre Filter" phraseology.. that's going into my vernacular....

easy cheesy
03-29-2011, 09:53 PM
Really? (-:


03-29-2011, 09:53 PM
Well said Sistah... I particularly like the "Favre Filter" phraseology.. that's going into my vernacular....
Careful with that. I hear that filter ain't so big...

easy cheesy
03-29-2011, 09:54 PM
I want to read those LINKS Fritz. Then I'll comment.


We await with baited breath... Howard... got the Cliffs Notes handy?

03-29-2011, 09:57 PM
"or, Favre just got old and isn't very good anymore." Patler

That's a mere opinion. Yes a player can dramatically decline in a single season once he hits a certain advanced age.

Yet you chose to ignore the facts I presented. His OL was remarkably inferior in terms of performance fr. 2009 last season.

Favre lost a serious weapon at WR in Sydney Rice and other WR's didn't step up. He also lost his #1 TE. early in last season and a go to guy. Bernard Berrian never played well. The replacement for Chester Taylor never replaced Taylors production. Favre was working with an inferior offense last season than he had in 2009.

If I am correct and you are the man with the Stat's. I deserve more than some allusion to it was all an age factor or the ridiculous inference that I am blaming anyone else for Favre's poor season last.


This got me thinking so I looked up Favre's stats. Funny thing, when you search for Favre on the NFL website under both active and historical players he can't be found. I had to go into a game log that I knew he played in to link to his personal page.

If you look at Favre in 4 year chunks this is what you get for QB rating:
91-94: 0, 85.3, 72.2, 90.7 ave (throwing out the zero): 82.73
95-98: 99.5, 95.8, 92.6, 87.8 ave: 93.9
99-02: 74.7, 78.0, 94.1, 85.6 ave: 83.1
03-06: 90.4, 92.4, 70.9, 72.7 ave: 81.6
07-10: 95.7, 81.0, 107.2, 69.9 ave: 88.4

Looking at totals, BF has had 2 of his best 4 years in the last 4 years. He has also had 3 of his worst 4 years in the last 6 years.

easy cheesy
03-29-2011, 09:59 PM
Careful with that. I hear that filter ain't so big...

Yeah... I hear 4 inches... I won't buck the video evidence I've seen... back to "forgettable"...

03-30-2011, 07:25 AM
This got me thinking so I looked up Favre's stats. Funny thing, when you search for Favre on the NFL website under both active and historical players he can't be found. I had to go into a game log that I knew he played in to link to his personal page.

If you look at Favre in 4 year chunks this is what you get for QB rating:
91-94: 0, 85.3, 72.2, 90.7 ave (throwing out the zero): 82.73
95-98: 99.5, 95.8, 92.6, 87.8 ave: 93.9
99-02: 74.7, 78.0, 94.1, 85.6 ave: 83.1
03-06: 90.4, 92.4, 70.9, 72.7 ave: 81.6
07-10: 95.7, 81.0, 107.2, 69.9 ave: 88.4

Looking at totals, BF has had 2 of his best 4 years in the last 4 years. He has also had 3 of his worst 4 years in the last 6 years.

Nice post. A lot of work there. Thanks.


03-30-2011, 07:50 AM

Peppers was one of the Bears defenders who found Favre after the game, to shake his hand and wish him well, and more actually. "I was happy Brett suited up," Peppers said. "I figured it might be the last time I got to see him across the field from me on the opposing sideline. Yeah, I talked to him after the game. I told him it was an honor to play against him. He said, 'Likewise. … Go beat the Packers in a couple of weeks.'"

Wouldn't the Chicago Bears love to honor that last wish? " fr. Article

Pure gamesmanship?

The Bears and Minny are Packer rivals. Peppers paid respect to Favre after the game and with the above statement it merely seems to me that Brett Favre offered Julius Peppers a mutual respect with some support for the Bears to continue their season by winning the NFCN. The Packers were certainly in a dubious position at that stage in the schedule.

Was it support and gamesmanship? I can certainly see why some Packer fans may be annoid at this report but holy smokes. If anyone else made a similiar statement it wouldn't have even reached the media.

Because it was Brett Favre need their be an outcry of foul? Come on Packer fans please give the Brett Favre bashing a break. Let's all movbe on. Especially now that we enjoyed outr team marvelous accomplishement last season

We overcame all adversity to be Super Bowl Champs. Brett Favre can only tarnish that if we are silly enough to allow any of Favre's former actions to detract from our celebration of a Packer victory in concert as Packer fans. Arn't we bigger than rehashing stuff that 'is just old'?


03-30-2011, 08:35 AM
The Bears and Minny are Packer rivals. Peppers paid respect to Favre after the game and with the above statement it merely seems to me that Brett Favre offered Julius Peppers a mutual respect with some support for the Bears to continue their season by winning the NFCN. The Packers were certainly in a dubious position at that stage in the schedule.

The Bears locked up the NFCN title by beating the Vikings. The Bear/Packer game was meaningless in the NFCN standings. That was known before the game with the Vikings.

Face it, Favre was hoping to see the Packers knocked out of the playoffs. The Packer/Bear game had no other meaning.

Cheesehead Craig
03-30-2011, 08:39 AM
The Vikes OL gave up 34 sacks in 2009 and 36 sacks in 2010. Not really all that different.

Shiancoe is the #1 TE in MN, he didn't miss a game last year.

Some "facts" being thrown around here about these 2 items are not accurate.

Scott Campbell
03-30-2011, 08:48 AM
We overcame all adversity to be Super Bowl Champs. Brett Favre can only tarnish that if we are silly enough to allow any of Favre's former actions to detract from our celebration of a Packer victory in concert as Packer fans. Arn't we bigger than rehashing stuff that 'is just old'?


Brett Favre is the worst ex Packer in the history of the franchise. We will continue to celebrate his career and personal collapse, and Ted and the Packers ascension as we see fit. Because it is glorious!!!!!!!!!

get louder at lambeau
03-30-2011, 10:10 AM
You did great in the first two paragraphs:

I predicted that the 2007 Patriots would win the Super Bowl. I had plenty of animosity for their cheating asses, but I predicted that they would win because they were a strong team. They were most people's pick, but many people still hated them for Spygate or whatever other reason. Most Jets fans would have picked them, despite intense animosity for them.

The Packers looked like a team of destiny and were the most common pick for Super Bowl champs at the time. when your infallible hero said that, Woodbuck. It doesn't mean he had no animosity. It just means he picked them as most likely to win because they were the most likely to win at that point. It means nothing with regard to animosity or lack thereof. get louder at lambeau

WOW. Impressive hard hitting post to that point and I can even buy it. Glad I'm not debating with you with the weapons I felt were at my disposal here. Manners and decency and an overall deportment of decency and let's really examine this without angst.

I would first have to ask for ' the same use of language rights ' and the forum could see which of us can outcurse the other. Toss the most shit at the other. Why does Brett Favre make you so angry?

No PLEASE. Do not respond to that. Just somehow examine it within yourself. Just a suggestion. Good luck with that.

I'm beginning to believe this question cannot be solved by mere members here. It might be better understood by some team of assigned psychologists that could examine the inherant psyche of the Packer forum community in terms of why in the name of all that's sane can anyone get so bloody well pissed off about a Pro atlelete that only gave his his best while wearing Packer colors.


Uh, looks like you totally missed the point, Woodbuck. Maybe intentionally, as part of your undying defense of your hero?

The point was that Faver saying positive things about the Packers is beneficial to him. Therefor it could create a self-serving motive- to make himself look like a better person.

Saying petty, vindictive things about the Packers, on the other hand, has no value to anyone, yet he has done so repeatedly over the last few years. That shows animosity pretty clearly, IMO. It's his emotions taking control of his mouth. Nothing is gained by it, yet he does it anyway. Animosity.

When there is a possible motive for lying about one group of comments, and no clear motive for the opposite-intentioned group other than emotional realease, the group of comments without a possible eslf-serving motive is more credible. That's what I was saying with regard to your attempted defense of Faver's comments.

Do you have a different possible explanation? I mean a valid one, not just an attempted deflection of the issue to your own little critique of how you think I feel about ol' Brett?

get louder at lambeau
03-30-2011, 10:16 AM
I guess about the only thing you could do in this case is to compare apples to apples.......different QBs in the same offense.

To whit:

Joe Webb in 5 games, 2010.................Comp/54 Att/89 % Comp/60.7 Yds/477 Avg/5.4 TD/0 Int/3 Sck/8 SckY/48 Rate/60.9

Brett Favre last 4 games, 2010............Comp/37 Att/69 % Comp/53.6 Yds/443 Avg/6.4 TD/1 Int/3 Sck/4 SckY/23 Rate/60.2

IOW, operating behind the same OL, with the same skill players, Brett Favre is ALMOST as good as Joe Webb. Awesome possum.

Woodbuck? Anything? Looks like he brought some significant evidence that discredits your theory here. You could at least reply.

03-30-2011, 02:59 PM
The Vikes OL gave up 34 sacks in 2009 and 36 sacks in 2010. Not really all that different.

Shiancoe is the #1 TE in MN, he didn't miss a game last year.

Some "facts" being thrown around here about these 2 items are not accurate.

The Vikes OL gave up 34 sacks in 2009 and 36 sacks in 2010 Cheesehead Craig

Your trying to make a point that the Vikings had or didn't have a serious OL problems in 2010? I can inform you confidently that one of greatest areas of concern on the Minnesota Vikings is and has been the performance of it's OL gointg back to the late 2009 season. THat that concern ( the Viking OL) as analyzed by NFL experts is something the Vikings need to address.

"Shiancoe is the #1 TE in MN, he didn't miss a game last year." Cheesehead Craig

Minnesota Viking #1 TE Visanthe Shiancoe suffering a hamstring injury prior to the start of the Vikings 5th game of the season
in week 5.

In 2009 Visanthe Shiancoe led the Vikings with 11 Red Zone TD pass's. In 2010 Shiancoe had only 2 TD pass's. Why was that? This is a physically gifted TE that uses his speed and power to be a prime target. In 2010 Visanthe Shiancoe was hampersed with a hamstring injury and as a result he was used moreso in blocking assignments.

Hamstring injuries take a long time to fully heal and allow an athlete to get back up to full speed. This injury goes a long ways to explaining Visanthe Shiancoe' role with the Viking offense in 2010 over that in the 2009 season.

Stats for Visanthe Shiancoe for the 2009 Vs the 2010 Seasons

Season Team Receiving Rushing Fumbles
...........................................G ...GS.... Rec.... Yds..... Avg.... Lng
2010 Minnesota Vikings .. 16... 9.... 47..... 530.... 11.3... 33 2
2009 Minnesota Vikings .. 16.. 13... 56..... 566.... 10.1....27 11

Minnesota Viking Injury Report for the 2010 season

Week 5

Name Position Injury Thu. Fri. Sat. Game Status

Cook, Chris CB Knee DNP DNP DNP Out
Favre, Brett QB Ankle / Right Elbow FP LP LP probable
McKinnie, Bryant T Finger FP FP FP probable
Shiancoe, Visanthe TE Hamstring LP LP LP probable
Sullivan, John C Calf LP LP LP questionable

Week 6

Cook, Chris CB Knee LP LP LP questionable
DeGeare, Chris OL Ankle DNP DNP DNP Out
Favre, Brett QB Ankle / Elbow DNP LP LP questionable
Robison, Brian DE Ankle LP LP FP probable
Sanford, Jamarca S Back DNP LP LP probable
Shiancoe, Visanthe TE Hamstring LP LP FP probable
Sullivan, John C Calf DNP LP LP questionable
Williams, Madieu S Shoulder LP LP FP probable


Scott Campbell
03-30-2011, 03:14 PM

03-30-2011, 03:25 PM
lol...there has got to be one for Ryan Longwell also.

03-30-2011, 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by Iron Mike
I guess about the only thing you could do in this case is to compare apples to apples.......different QBs in the same offense.

To whit:

Joe Webb in 5 games, 2010.................Comp/54 Att/89 % Comp/60.7 Yds/477 Avg/5.4 TD/0 Int/3 Sck/8 SckY/48 Rate/60.9

Brett Favre last 4 games, 2010............Comp/37 Att/69 % Comp/53.6 Yds/443 Avg/6.4 TD/1 Int/3 Sck/4 SckY/23 Rate/60.2

IOW, operating behind the same OL, with the same skill players, Brett Favre is ALMOST as good as Joe Webb. Awesome possum.

Woodbuck? Anything? Looks like he brought some significant evidence that discredits your theory here. You could at least reply.

And...your point would be? (-:

Look at the flip side of that argument. Maybe your just getting started as an NFL fan? It's a complicated game in some senses but certainly not as concerns a teams offensive line.

Your Stat analysis clearly says that:

The Minny OL was as sucky in the games that the Favre backups started in as when Favre was forced to suffer playing behind center.

Does an NFL teams team's QB make the teams OL look good generally. I don't believe that's the case. It's the other way around boys. Any team that has a poor OL will see it's QB placed under extreme pressure. You get QB's with QB Ratings like we saw with Favre and also with his backups because the OL was not up to par all of last season.

Also. Joe Webb wasn't the Vikings starter for 5 games. Tarvaris Jacksson was lost to the Vikings with Turf Toe in Week 14 Vs the NY Giants. His replacement was 3rd stringer Joe Webb and Joe Webb played as the Viking Starting QB in 3 games last season. Weeks 15 thru 17.


get louder at lambeau
03-30-2011, 04:00 PM
Stats for Visanthe Shiancoe for the 2009 Vs the 2010 Seasons

Season Team Receiving Rushing Fumbles
...........................................G ...GS.... Rec.... Yds..... Avg.... Lng
2010 Minnesota Vikings .. 16... 9.... 47..... 530.... 11.3... 33 2
2009 Minnesota Vikings .. 16.. 13... 56..... 566.... 10.1....27 11

Those numbers look pretty similar to me. 36 less yards and a higher ypc don't back up your theory. Rodgers lost Finley and Grant for the year and did fine. Faver's gigantic decline was due to Rice and a slightly gimpy Shiancoe? Two more sacks did him in?

All the great ones dropped off somewhere near their 40th birthday or before. Why are you so unwilling to accept that Faver is human?

get louder at lambeau
03-30-2011, 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by Iron Mike
I guess about the only thing you could do in this case is to compare apples to apples.......different QBs in the same offense.

To whit:

Joe Webb in 5 games, 2010.................Comp/54 Att/89 % Comp/60.7 Yds/477 Avg/5.4 TD/0 Int/3 Sck/8 SckY/48 Rate/60.9

Brett Favre last 4 games, 2010............Comp/37 Att/69 % Comp/53.6 Yds/443 Avg/6.4 TD/1 Int/3 Sck/4 SckY/23 Rate/60.2

IOW, operating behind the same OL, with the same skill players, Brett Favre is ALMOST as good as Joe Webb. Awesome possum.

And...your point would be? (-:

Look at the flip side of that argument. Maybe your just getting started as an NFL fan? It's a complicated game in some senses but certainly not as concerns a teams offensive line.

Your Stat analysis clearly says that:

The Minny OL was as sucky in the games that the Favre backups started in as when Favre was forced to suffer playing behind center.

Does an NFL teams team's QB make the teams OL look good generally. I don't believe that's the case. It's the other way around boys. Any team that has a poor OL will see it's QB placed under extreme pressure. You get QB's with QB Ratings like we saw with Favre and also with his backups because the OL was not up to par all of last season.

Also. Joe Webb wasn't the Vikings starter for 5 games. Tarvaris Jacksson was lost to the Vikings with Turf Toe in Week 14 Vs the NY Giants. His replacement was 3rd stringer Joe Webb and Joe Webb played as the Viking Starting QB in 3 games last season. Weeks 15 thru 17.


My point? My stats? I just thought Iron Mike deserved a response, but you gave none. The rest is his. Wow, Woody. Pay attention.

03-30-2011, 04:17 PM
WB you are confused. Shiancoe had less td cause favre sucked. Favre didn't suck because sh
iancoe was inured. Can't believe you are trying to use a player being probable as an injury excuse, especially after all the legit injuries the packers had this year.

03-30-2011, 04:18 PM
Uh, looks like you totally missed the point, Woodbuck. Maybe intentionally, as part of your undying defense of your hero?

The point was that Faver saying positive things about the Packers is beneficial to him. Therefor it could create a self-serving motive- to make himself look like a better person.

Saying petty, vindictive things about the Packers, on the other hand, has no value to anyone, yet he has done so repeatedly over the last few years. That shows animosity pretty clearly, IMO. It's his emotions taking control of his mouth. Nothing is gained by it, yet he does it anyway. Animosity.

When there is a possible motive for lying about one group of comments, and no clear motive for the opposite-intentioned group other than emotional realease, the group of comments without a possible eslf-serving motive is more credible. That's what I was saying with regard to your attempted defense of Faver's comments.

Do you have a different possible explanation? I mean a valid one, not just an attempted deflection of the issue to your own little critique of how you think I feel about ol' Brett?

Now there is 'a pot calling the kettle black' post if I ever saw one.

I have clearly stated that what Favre said to Peppers is nothing more tham gamesmanship amd why you take him or why anyone takes him to task over that is a merely hypocriticle stance. WE've all gone there in playing sports and in life generally sometimes. Sometimes we get carried up in too much emotion and don't think before we speak.

I do not imagine that Favre ever imagined his statement to Peppers would ever reach the press. It did. Such is the tenbor of Favre's iconic status in the NFL for so long. Look at this issue over this matter being hashe out here.

We are NFL capion team fans . This is the topic that needs to be addressed?


See you miss my point Sir. You miss it because 'in fact' your all emotionally wrapped up in anything Brett Favre.You must deny his humanness for some personal emotional reason that hardly interests me in terms of it's impact on you.

03-30-2011, 04:23 PM
I do not imagine that Favre ever imagined his statement to Peppers would ever reach the press.

Which is all the more reason to view it as a truthful, uncensored statement of what Favre felt deep in his heart. Had he thought it would be made public, he would have sanitized it for image purposes.

03-30-2011, 05:03 PM
Those numbers look pretty similar to me. 36 less yards and a higher ypc don't back up your theory. Rodgers lost Finley and Grant for the year and did fine. Faver's gigantic decline was due to Rice and a slightly gimpy Shiancoe? Two more sacks did him in?

All the great ones dropped off somewhere near their 40th birthday or before. Why are you so unwilling to accept that Faver is human?

On this particular issue:

We are discussing the greatest Iron Man in the history of the NFL. We are discussing why he declined so much statistically in 2010 from 2009. My position is that even going back to the NFC Championship game Vs the Saints in the 2009 season. It was clear that Favre's OL wa killing him. Do you just read about 'the Packers'?


get louder at lambeau
03-30-2011, 05:33 PM
I still have my autographed Faver rookie hanging on my bedroom wall, Woodbuck. It's my most prized Packer possession, since I got it signed on the same day that he threw his first pass at Lambeau, just before he did it. I'm not the hater that you'd like to paint me to be. I'm a realist. I see both sides of the Faver coin- his greatness and his failings. I did even while he was in his prime and still playing for the Packers. I never considered him super human, so I'm not blinded by the sort of a hero worship relationship you seem to have with him.

You, on the other hand, just seem to ignore reality and focus only on things that you want to be true with regard to Brett, while ignoring any and all evidence to the contrary. That's why you are constantly arguing with some poster or another about him. It's always you vs. someone, and you always think it's the other person who doesn't see the truth, no matter who they are. You still can't see his warts, because you're too busy defending the guy. It's comical in a sad sort of way.

It's not all them, Woodbuck. It's you.

03-30-2011, 07:48 PM
Eh, Favre's offense was heavily reliable on 4 big contributers in 2009 in terms of passing: Shiancoe, Rice, Taylor, and Harvin. Of that group...

Shiancoe was gimpy all year with a hamstring. Hurt redzone production. Rice was pretty much gone all season. By the time he came back he never really got back to where he was. Harvin was in and out seemingly on a weekly basis due to migraines. Taylor was no longer on the roster.

Of that group, only Shiancoe was the one most active, and this is why many noted Favre seemed to be "forcing" it to him. He was, for most intesive purposes, they only reliable target left on the team for most the season, with Harvin being hurt and having migraines as well as not being allowed to play slot anymore.

For the packers they lost Grant (little effect on the passing game as he was subbed out on third downs) and Finely - which is as big of a blow as losing Rice for the vikings.

However, we still had Jennings, Driver, Jones, and Nelson. The vikings meanwhile lost

Rice: 83 receptions - 16 games
Taylor: 44 receptions - played all 16 games
In and out harvin: 60 receptions - 15 of 16 games played
Gimpy TE SHiancoe: 56 receptions - 16 games
Berrian: 55 receptions - 16 games

That was 2009 stats. For 2010...

Rice: 17 receptions - 6 games
Taylor - no longer on the roster, replacement: Gerhert - 21 receptions - 15 games
Harvin: 71 receptions - 14 games
Shiancoe: 47 receptions - 16 games
Berrian: 28 receptions - 14 games

Only one player of their top 5 WR options played every game in 2010.

Comparitvely, the packers had their TE out for the season (again, comparable to Rice who never truly returned to form) and, of the 4 remaining (5 if you count nelson since we had Jackson at RB, plus the 4 WR's) only one missed game between the rest - by driver.

So, before you go calling the kettle black that "OMG, THE PACKERS SURVIVED THE LOSS OF FINELY AND GRANT, SO OMG RODGERS!" you have to realize that Rodgers had 90% of his passing weapons available to him in every single game this season, where as Favre did not. In addition, we all knew that outside of maybe Harvin and Rice, our receiving options were already superior to that of what Minnesota had. So we had the better core of WR's to overcome a loss like Finley, and outside of one game by driver the rest of the top 5 stayed healthy all year. Not counting rice, they had 4 lost games between their other top 5 and you can hardly count Gerhert as even a "solid" replacement for taylor.

So if you want to compare losses: Packers lost grant and finely. Vikings lost Rice and Taylor (to FA). Packers did not lose a WR but once all year for one game. Packers did not lose their 3rd down back. So, packers lost one big passing weapon. Vikings lost two (still a mistake they let taylor get away) and had 4 games missed between the remaining.

Overall, the vikings had a worse situation injury wise for the passing game thant he packers. Most of our losses were on defense, where on offense the passing game was left alone pretty well outside of Finely. We had a nice year for WR health.

Now, that doesn't mean favre didn't play worse - he did. That doesn't mean the OL was almost as good as 2009 because there were almost equal sacks - anyone who WATCHED a vikings game saw favre getting hammered on almost eveyr throw - it was like the saints game but EVERY GAME in 2010. Favre may have avoided sacks with quick releases and/or throwing picks, but the guy just got hammered all year. It was the hits that weren't sacks that hur thte most, and those happened a lot more in 2010 than 2009. 2009 they held up fairly well until the saints. 2010 they were bad from the start.

So does some of the bad play fall of favre? Yes. He is the leader and must perform. But at his age he needs to the team around him to stay relatively healthy like in 2009, and that didn't happened, combined with poor OL play and AP getting stuffed at the goalline due to it as well. Bottom line - the players around Favre either got hurt or performed poorly in comparison to 2009, and conversly Favre also performed poorly with little support behind him.

So, it was bad all around for the vikings, and it wasn't JUST that favre;s play got worse. When people hit walls at the end it's not usually THAT dramatic without other factors playing in. If he had rice and taylor off the bat, they likely beat the saints instead of losing close, and who knows what goes from there. Favre had a bad season, but it wasn't just his fault he didn;t have the weapons he did in 2009.

03-30-2011, 08:03 PM
Say what you want, we won the Super Bowl. Somehow I just don't care about Favre or the Vikings enough to stick up for him or them.

Scott Campbell
03-30-2011, 08:43 PM
It's amazing the lengths people will go to make excuses for Bert's crappy season. He sucked. He got his coach fired. And he couldn't stay on the field.

Cheesehead Craig
03-30-2011, 09:27 PM
You stated that the Vikings OL was "remarkably inferior" from 2009. Stats do not reflect that. You stated that it had the same problems as 2009, but if that's the case, how was it "remarkably inferior" in 2010 with the same issues? Answer: it wasn't. It was the same line. While it may have been below average, it certainly wasn't 'remarkably inferior" from 2009 to 2010 as you presented as a major reason for Favre's declining stats. How could it not be a factor in his season of 2009, but yet be so responsible in 2010? Can't have it both ways.

You also stated that Favre lost his #1. He wasn't lost and appeared on the injury report only twice last season and played and started every game. He caught a similar number of passes for a similar number of yards. His 11 TD season was out of his norm for his career for 2009. Now Finley's injury is the definition of lost, and Shiancoe is far, far from that. He was put on more blocking assignments as the Vikes acquired Randy Moss and the offense was more geared toward him. Not because of Shiancoe's injury. Shiancoe's injury was minor given he wasn't even on the report 3 weeks after it happened. After all, official statements are what we must go by when judging players right?

You over-exaggerated what happened to his OL and TE situation, plain and simple. That is what I have proven.

03-30-2011, 11:45 PM
Woodbuck? Anything? Looks like he brought some significant evidence that discredits your theory here. You could at least reply.

Sorry I did respond to this but via Louder than Lambeau's post that followed yours and referred to it. I hope that was OK.


03-30-2011, 11:53 PM
WOODBUCK!!!!Brett Favre is 41 years old and has ankle spurs that require surgery--like often. Look up how many times he's made news in the offseason for having surgery to remove bone spurs. Face it, people age. Did his line let him down or did he let the line down? Brett Favre is not perfect. He is fallible. There's a reason he's retired, what is it, seven years running? If you're willing to believe everything he says to the media as fact, then he was done when he left the Packers. Not so much. You have to take off the Favre filters and really look. Play a game with yourself. Watch or read his interviews and figure out what he's saying that's true and what's not. You can do it. But wake up, dude. It's not the line, it's not the girl, it's not anyone else. It's Favre. He's not the 28-year-old kid anymore and he is responsible for his own play and his own behavior.

Read that MJ. Many of your points I certainly accept.

His OL let him down big time. He was a sitting duck behinf=d center this season. I admit that he wasn't as capable of escaping the rush when he was 35-years old but he needed time to make reads. He needed time for WR's to get open. He took way too much heat from an OL that may 'in fact' need a major overhaul.


03-30-2011, 11:57 PM
The Bears locked up the NFCN title by beating the Vikings. The Bear/Packer game was meaningless in the NFCN standings. That was known before the game with the Vikings.

Face it, Favre was hoping to see the Packers knocked out of the playoffs. The Packer/Bear game had no other meaning.

That is your opinion based on your analysis based on your assessment and slant on Brett Favre. Have you ever read that Brett Favre said:

I hope that the Green Bay Packers don't make the playoffs last yer.

If you find that quote. All you have is your opinion. Your opinion is understood on this forum.


03-31-2011, 12:12 AM
WB you are confused. Shiancoe had less td cause favre sucked. Favre didn't suck because sh
iancoe was inured. Can't believe you are trying to use a player being probable as an injury excuse, especially after all the legit injuries the packers had this year.

I have to break that down:

WB you are confused. ... Response ... I don't believe I'm confused.

Shiancoe had less td cause favre sucked. .... Response ... I don't believe that is accurate.

Favre didn't suck because shiancoe was inured. ...

Response ... Favre didn't suck. He was either to often rushed or pounded just after throws or was sacked a lot. Why? Because the Minny OL allowed an effective pass rush Vs the Vikings all season long. Why? Because the Minny OL was/is in decline and needs a major overhaul. Favre gets injured. Favre plays injured. Favre's effectiveness declines and he suffers more injuries to his body and it just snowballs.

Can't believe you are trying to use a player being probable as an injury excuse, especially after all the legit injuries the packers had this year ...

Response ... I'm not blaming Favre's performance exclusively on Minny player injuries. What has the adversity of the Green Bay Packers in this past season have to do with Favre's performance in Minny?

I''ll answer that. ... Answer. = ZERO ! You raise 'a moot point' when you bring Packer adversity into this discussion.

GO Packers !

03-31-2011, 12:20 AM
Those numbers look pretty similar to me. 36 less yards and a higher ypc don't back up your theory. Rodgers lost Finley and Grant for the year and did fine. Faver's gigantic decline was due to Rice and a slightly gimpy Shiancoe? Two more sacks did him in?

All the great ones dropped off somewhere near their 40th birthday or before. Why are you so unwilling to accept that Faver is human?

There 'you' go bringing up a moot point 'get louder at lambeau'.

Packer adversity had zero to do with anything Favre in Minny in 2010.

I've posted too often that Favre is human. I've also posted that he is retired and that I hope he stays retired. Yes it's time. It was time after the 2009 season. I did not want Brett Favre to come back in 2010. I am on record to that as a fact. I don't make Brett Favre's decisions.

Now are you and I done with this back and forth? If not then feel free to punch away all you care to. I'll handle it.


03-31-2011, 12:29 AM
Which is all the more reason to view it as a truthful, uncensored statement of what Favre felt deep in his heart. Had he thought it would be made public, he would have sanitized it for image purposes.

Not necessarily Patler. He was using a common thing among fellow Pro atletes. Gamesmanship. It's very common in sports and in life in general. Favre was being just another guy.

Just as human as you and I Patler.

Yes he could have said nothing about the Bears Vs Packers upcoming game. He was human. God forbid that Brett Favre act human.


03-31-2011, 12:51 AM
I still have my autographed Faver rookie hanging on my bedroom wall, Woodbuck. It's my most prized Packer possession, since I got it signed on the same day that he threw his first pass at Lambeau, just before he did it. I'm not the hater that you'd like to paint me to be. I'm a realist. I see both sides of the Faver coin- his greatness and his failings. I did even while he was in his prime and still playing for the Packers. I never considered him super human, so I'm not blinded by the sort of a hero worship relationship you seem to have with him.

You, on the other hand, just seem to ignore reality and focus only on things that you want to be true with regard to Brett, while ignoring any and all evidence to the contrary. That's why you are constantly arguing with some poster or another about him. It's always you vs. someone, and you always think it's the other person who doesn't see the truth, no matter who they are. You still can't see his warts, because you're too busy defending the guy. It's comical in a sad sort of way.

It's not all them, Woodbuck. It's you.

I still have my autographed Faver rookie hanging on my bedroom wall, Woodbuck. It's my most prized Packer possession, since I got it signed on the same day that he threw his first pass at Lambeau, just before he did it.

Nice ! (-:

I'm not the hater that you'd like to paint me to be.

My compliments. Find the post where I accuse you of hating Brett Favre please.

I'm a realist. I see both sides of the Faver coin - his greatness and his failings. I did even while he was in his prime and still playing for the Packers. I never considered him super human,

Then we are the same. I have lived through al of Favre exploits and his failings as well. He's just a human being .Not any super human. Find the post here where I state that Favre is a 'super human', please.

I'm not blinded by the sort of a hero worship relationship you seem to have with him.

Then we are the same here as well. I do NOT have a 'hero worship' of Brett Favre. He's no God man. Her's a mere human being with good and bad things about him. I don't place Brett Fvare above all or on some pedestal. I want to make all that very clear in this post.I have tried to do so numerous times in the past. other posts and that is ignored. I get baked into the same false pie.

The perception of some here of me is entirely false...their invention. I live with it.

You, on the other hand, just seem to ignore reality and focus only on things that you want to be true with regard to Brett, while ignoring any and all evidence to the contrary. That's why you are constantly arguing with some poster or another about him. It's always you vs. someone, and you always think it's the other person who doesn't see the truth, no matter who they are. You still can't see his warts, because you're too busy defending the guy. It's comical in a sad sort of way.

I do not care about your perception of me. I do not argue with posters. I post. It's a right to do so as long as I do that with proper deportment. With decent manners and some sense of style and not go all pissed off and over the top abrasive or sarcastic as some her choose as their style.We continue to live here and enjoy this forum

Relax and don't get all bent out of shape and into the ego drift over issues like this one. Learn to be cool calm and collected. It's a challenge here at times but you will manage. (-:


03-31-2011, 12:59 AM
Say what you want, we won the Super Bowl. Somehow I just don't care about Favre or the Vikings enough to stick up for him or them.

Now there is some real sense in your post. I would not expect any Packer fan to stick up for Brett Favre. I would hope that Packer fans could be objective and fair in how that man is observed/judged. Everyone has a body of work. We all do things very well and some not so well. Sometimes we do things that later we regret. We error,make mistakes,screw up.

It's all about being human. It's really all about life.

Anyone that gets bent all out of shape over any Brett Favre issue should not read and post in this thread. It's all about friendly discussion and keeping the emotions and the rudeness out of it, IMO.

03-31-2011, 01:02 AM
It's amazing the lengths people will go to make excuses for Bert's crappy season. He sucked. He got his coach fired. And he couldn't stay on the field.

That's easy to ignore.

03-31-2011, 01:08 AM
You stated that the Vikings OL was "remarkably inferior" from 2009. Stats do not reflect that. You stated that it had the same problems as 2009, but if that's the case, how was it "remarkably inferior" in 2010 with the same issues? Answer: it wasn't. It was the same line. While it may have been below average, it certainly wasn't 'remarkably inferior" from 2009 to 2010 as you presented as a major reason for Favre's declining stats. How could it not be a factor in his season of 2009, but yet be so responsible in 2010? Can't have it both ways.

You also stated that Favre lost his #1. He wasn't lost and appeared on the injury report only twice last season and played and started every game. He caught a similar number of passes for a similar number of yards. His 11 TD season was out of his norm for his career for 2009. Now Finley's injury is the definition of lost, and Shiancoe is far, far from that. He was put on more blocking assignments as the Vikes acquired Randy Moss and the offense was more geared toward him. Not because of Shiancoe's injury. Shiancoe's injury was minor given he wasn't even on the report 3 weeks after it happened. After all, official statements are what we must go by when judging players right?

You over-exaggerated what happened to his OL and TE situation, plain and simple. That is what I have proven.

You have proven what? with all respect. We're having a discussion here or so I thought. It's not some Alpha Male pissing contest.

I could take a rip at your post but I just havn't the time at the present. Have a lovely day.


03-31-2011, 07:25 AM
Not necessarily Patler. He was using a common thing among fellow Pro atletes. Gamesmanship. It's very common in sports and in life in general. Favre was being just another guy.

Just as human as you and I Patler.

Yes he could have said nothing about the Bears Vs Packers upcoming game. He was human. God forbid that Brett Favre act human.


If what you say here is true, and Favre has no ill will as he said in his presser, then why single out the Packers to Peppers? Why not be a "gamesman" and tell him to win the Super Bowl? or to have a great rest of the season? Why bring up the Packers, unless there really is some animosity there?

03-31-2011, 07:52 AM
Have you ever read that Brett Favre said:

I hope that the Green Bay Packers don't make the playoffs last yer.

Yes, because that would have been the result of the Bears beating the Packers, which Favre was in favor of.

03-31-2011, 08:13 AM
Question: After the living legend Brett Favre dies will this "OFFICIAL BRETT THE LIVING LEGEND THREAD" continue to exist?

Scott Campbell
03-31-2011, 08:23 AM
I do not argue with posters.



Good one Woody!!!

Cheesehead Craig
03-31-2011, 09:15 AM
You have proven what? with all respect. We're having a discussion here or so I thought. It's not some Alpha Male pissing contest.

I could take a rip at your post but I just havn't the time at the present. Have a lovely day.


I did discuss and I proved my original points were accurate and your assertations were over-exaggerated. That's all. It appears you are the one trying to have some pissing contest with all the posters here.

03-31-2011, 11:54 AM


Good one Woody!!!

Well, Scott, are you suggesting that Woody is abusive, condascending, violent, and, worst of all, inable of admitting he was ever incorrect based on facts presented here? Have you SCOTT CAMPBELL gone completely MAD?

get louder at lambeau
03-31-2011, 04:07 PM
I still have my autographed Faver rookie hanging on my bedroom wall, Woodbuck. It's my most prized Packer possession, since I got it signed on the same day that he threw his first pass at Lambeau, just before he did it.

Nice ! (-:

I'm not the hater that you'd like to paint me to be.

My compliments. Find the post where I accuse you of hating Brett Favre please.

You just accused me of being "so angry" with him on the last page. Let's not split hairs, please.

I'm a realist. I see both sides of the Faver coin - his greatness and his failings. I did even while he was in his prime and still playing for the Packers. I never considered him super human,

Then we are the same. I have lived through al of Favre exploits and his failings as well. He's just a human being .Not any super human. Find the post here where I state that Favre is a 'super human', please.

I'm not blinded by the sort of a hero worship relationship you seem to have with him.

Then we are the same here as well. I do NOT have a 'hero worship' of Brett Favre. He's no God man. Her's a mere human being with good and bad things about him. I don't place Brett Fvare above all or on some pedestal. I want to make all that very clear in this post.I have tried to do so numerous times in the past. other posts and that is ignored. I get baked into the same false pie.

The perception of some here of me is entirely false...their invention. I live with it.

That perception of you is based on how you defend him from any attackers on any issue. There are about 400 pages of it right here. You defend him endlessly and ignore or try to discredit any information that doesn't suit your point of view towards him, as I said below. You consistently take on all comers in defense of the Favre.

You, on the other hand, just seem to ignore reality and focus only on things that you want to be true with regard to Brett, while ignoring any and all evidence to the contrary. That's why you are constantly arguing with some poster or another about him. It's always you vs. someone, and you always think it's the other person who doesn't see the truth, no matter who they are. You still can't see his warts, because you're too busy defending the guy. It's comical in a sad sort of way.

I do not care about your perception of me. I do not argue with posters. I post. It's a right to do so as long as I do that with proper deportment. With decent manners and some sense of style and not go all pissed off and over the top abrasive or sarcastic as some her choose as their style.We continue to live here and enjoy this forum

Relax and don't get all bent out of shape and into the ego drift over issues like this one. Learn to be cool calm and collected. It's a challenge here at times but you will manage. (-:


I'm not too bent out of shape, just amazed by how you continue to believe and defend what I see as illogical beliefs while remaining willfully ignorant of anything that doesn't support your viewpoint.

03-31-2011, 04:14 PM
Well, Scott, are you suggesting that Woody is abusive, condascending, violent, and, worst of all, inable of admitting he was ever incorrect based on facts presented here? Have you SCOTT CAMPBELL gone completely MAD?

Please put more superfluous punctuation into your posts. It helps the flow of your ideas come across. For an example, please read any of the 10k posts from Woodrow.

03-31-2011, 04:27 PM
For an example, please read any of the 10k posts from Woodrow.

Who the fuck is Alice? Um, Woodrow? ;)

Scott Campbell
03-31-2011, 04:44 PM
That's easy to ignore.


Scott Campbell
03-31-2011, 04:49 PM
Yeah, he's not vengeful.


03-31-2011, 04:54 PM
You absolutely kill me, SC. In my humble opinion, you enrich this place like very few others. But don't get any stupid thoughts; I belong to Skin, and, when he's finished with me, he'll shove me over to Nutz. Now, it is entirely likely that I will not live through the Skin/Nutz deal. But, if I do, I'm yours.

Scott Campbell
03-31-2011, 05:06 PM
He led a Superbowl contender to a miserable 6-10 record.
He was instrumental in getting his coach fired.
He was instrumental in not reigning in Randy Moss.
He led the league in INT's up to the point where he couldn't stay healthy.
He created a freak show atmosphere that made the Vikings, his family and his tiny penis the laughingstock of the NFL.
He had one of the worst passer ratings in the league.

But other than that, I thought it went pretty well.

03-31-2011, 05:16 PM
I think "tiny penis" nees some validation.

03-31-2011, 06:08 PM
I think "tiny penis" nees some validation.

Dog gone it Bert, you old gunslinger; your penis is good enough, it really is this big!!


Freak Out
03-31-2011, 06:16 PM
What in the fuck is it going to take to get this thread nuked? Skin...please post the giant cock you and Tarlam were rapturously talking about and get the thing at least as far as the GC.....where it has belonged for months now.

03-31-2011, 08:22 PM
You absolutely kill me, SC. In my humble opinion, you enrich this place like very few others. But don't get any stupid thoughts; I belong to Skin, and, when he's finished with me, he'll shove me over to Nutz. Now, it is entirely likely that I will not live through the Skin/Nutz deal. But, if I do, I'm yours.

I'm jealous you bastard.

03-31-2011, 08:40 PM
I'm jealous you bastard.

Knowing Skin and Nutz, they can take care of both of us just fine, but you'll need to bring your bitchy side to the party; they like it rough. With SC, I dunno....

03-31-2011, 08:52 PM
What in the fuck is it going to take to get this thread nuked? Skin...please post the giant cock you and Tarlam were rapturously talking about and get the thing at least as far as the GC.....where it has belonged for months now.

Oh for the love heaven; you all crying out to "nuke" this thread agreed, just like we all did, to keep all Bert things in one thread. This is it. We come here to either defend him or complain about him. Sometimes we even try our hand at being witty. Now, if we want, we can go back and have 50 Bert threads clogging up the forum. Personally, I agree to this water closet that we've successfully built to deal with one huge piece of shit, but hey, that's just me.

03-31-2011, 09:31 PM
What in the fuck is it going to take to get this thread nuked? Skin...please post the giant cock you and Tarlam were rapturously talking about and get the thing at least as far as the GC.....where it has belonged for months now.


03-31-2011, 10:04 PM

OK, to what do you agree? The thread should be nuked? You, Freak, Nutz, Seven, Woody are all well outed defenders of the man I call a prick. It's you're given right to defend Bert. It's mine to demonstrate my intense disappointment with the way he dealt with his affairs regarding the team I've chosen to support. So, we nuke a thread that happens to piss you off, because it's a continual reminder of what a C..... Bert is? It's up to Joe, but I hope not.

Freak Out
03-31-2011, 10:10 PM
I'm not defending him at all......I just want to see some cock. Well no....not just that......but there really is nothing left to be said about the matter. He is a adulterous/traitorous prick who deserves everything he got.....but man....this thing is worse than FYI. :)

No...I am not an advocate of nuking threads.....just nudge them to a place we can really show our feelings for the guy.

03-31-2011, 10:19 PM
OK, to what do you agree? The thread should be nuked? You, Freak, Nutz, Seven, Woody are all well outed defenders of the man I call a prick. It's you're given right to defend Bert. It's mine to demonstrate my intense disappointment with the way he dealt with his affairs regarding the team I've chosen to support. So, we nuke a thread that happens to piss you off, because it's a continual reminder of what a C..... Bert is? It's up to Joe, but I hope not.

Freak says it much better than I do and I don't care enough to argue too much about this anymore; I stated about a thousand posts ago in here it would be good to nuke this thread because it constantly leads to posters slamming and disrespecting each other and about everything that can be said has been said many different ways. I'm not sure Freak was ever an outed defender but maybe I'm wrong about that. I don't need this thing to remind me Favre is a jackass. That's pretty apparent.

When I read in here it reminds me of how posters can be jerks to each other and plz don't take this as me pointing any specific fingers as I am not and plenty, including me, have been that person in here

Freak Out
03-31-2011, 10:29 PM
Wait.....you know what this thread really needs.......FAVRE FUPA!

03-31-2011, 10:47 PM
B, we slam eachother and disrespect eachother all the time! We're far better behaved than at JSO, but we're no angels.

Now, defend him (Bert), condemn him or stop complaining that people still post in this thread. There is no force on this planet, in fact, this universe that makes you come here. So, frig off!

Freak Out
03-31-2011, 10:54 PM

Scott Campbell
03-31-2011, 10:59 PM
I find this thread relaxing and therapeutic.

Freak Out
03-31-2011, 11:02 PM
I find this thread relaxing and therapeutic.

Especially when Woody is around. :)

04-01-2011, 12:07 AM
Especially when Woody is around. :)

His posts put me to sleep. Whenever I have trouble sleeping at night, I just come on here and start reading one of Woody's novels.

04-01-2011, 08:52 AM
If what you say here is true, and Favre has no ill will as he said in his presser, then why single out the Packers to Peppers? Why not be a "gamesman" and tell him to win the Super Bowl? or to have a great rest of the season? Why bring up the Packers, unless there really is some animosity there?

The absolute response to your query MJ is this based on my perception and true feelings about such a matter;

I really don't give a damn. It's the people like you and Patler and Scot Campbell and his admirers that get all bent out of shape about 'anything Brett Favre'. It's not even funnt to me anymore. It's really pathetic.

It's way too obvious to me that's certainly the TRUTH. I find that amazing in my personality and style of living life. I"m just somehow way different in how I view life and situations. Maybe it's a cultural thing? I have never really understood the mentality of some here at PackerRats. I've tried and tried to getr there but reqalize that's over the top masochistic.

You go on imagining and decipering and analyzing and judging and picking and criticizing as that fill your boots MJ.

I don't give a damn. That is where I'm trying to get the hoard of you fellas at PackerRats. Those of you...your Big Gang of supporters. The hoard here that don't have better things to do but jump all over a former Packer that brought us such glory. A former Packer that today with anyone worth their salt as an NFL fan has to admit he's the finest QB we have ever had the good fortune to watch playb and dedicate himself to for so long.
Your the disloyal. Your the perverts in your hypocrisy. None of you have never errored in life. If that's the case your all liers as well.

Your all pathetic no hopelessly so, and that's too sad for me. None of your group has ever let go of Brett Favre. You want to hang him. Revive and hang him over and over and over again. Smarten up. The bunch of you need some common decency and proper moral training.

Your none of you any better than I am and might learn a lot from my manners and style.

GO Packers!

04-01-2011, 09:01 AM
His posts put me to sleep. Whenever I have trouble sleeping at night, I just come on here and start reading one of Woody's novels.

I"m so glad I can help you out.


04-01-2011, 09:04 AM
You just accused me of being "so angry" with him on the last page. Let's not split hairs, please.

That perception of you is based on how you defend him from any attackers on any issue. There are about 400 pages of it right here. You defend him endlessly and ignore or try to discredit any information that doesn't suit your point of view towards him, as I said below. You consistently take on all comers in defense of the Favre.

I'm not too bent out of shape, just amazed by how you continue to believe and defend what I see as illogical beliefs while remaining willfully ignorant of anything that doesn't support your viewpoint.

Your a bloody bite in the arse mister. TRANSLATION ... a dificult personality type ... Just my opinion and I'll do my best to escape your wrath.

I gave you enough of my time and feel I was fair with you. Get some help with that anger. Lots out there for your life.

Bye bye.

04-01-2011, 09:08 AM
Please put more superfluous punctuation into your posts. It helps the flow of your ideas come across. For an example, please read any of the 10k posts from Woodrow.

What's it like Zool to go through life with such an ignorance in your personality. It has to be difficult. My sncere condolences to you.

Scott Campbell
04-01-2011, 09:16 AM
Better get some cold water on that reactor.

04-01-2011, 09:17 AM
This threads deserves to survive as it's just a part of the neighborhood. A nasty little core in a bigger city. One that the most sensable posters here at PackerRats can ignore after reading.

If this thread was a real life thing there would be bloodshed not just words into sentences. Claims and rebuttals. Debates or arguments. It's only on the Internet. If it was for real there could very well be blood. It can get that way at times.

Men will be men.

But this is not real. This is a place where we can arrive at some better place then we live in today. Why carry on and go beyond thinking something to actually admitting it by publishing it on a permanant (possible record). It can be like a tatoo that one day you'll regret.

Brett Favar is a guranteed HOFer boys and girl. Brett Favre is possibly one of the greatest Packers of all time. He's one of the greatest NFL QB all time. This is a footbal forum or this section of it is. It's not a thread where we should be passing on commentary that is rude to insulting and inciting deeper animosities.

If we go there we're all of us that do ... 'out to lunch' stupid.

So fire away kids. I'm done with any of you that needs to feed off of your anger or ignorance.


04-01-2011, 09:18 AM
What's it like Zool to go through life with such an ignorance in your personality. It has to be difficult. My sncere condolences to you.

In the words of the dearly departed, "Game. Set. Match motherfucker."

04-01-2011, 09:19 AM
What's it like Zool to go through life with such an ignorance in your personality. It has to be difficult. My sncere condolences to you.

Your ignoring skills are failing. You. This day.

04-01-2011, 09:30 AM
Better get some cold water on that reactor.

and ....... your going to moderate.? Give me a break SC. Take a rest please.

There has never been a more antagonistic silly acting poster on any forum than you man. Your a real piece of forgettable work man.

04-01-2011, 09:32 AM
Your ignoring skills are failing. You. This day.

Don't think so Zool. I'm not the first person on this planet that made you man. You love to antagonize. Your nowhere in sight until there is 'anything to do with me'. How is that Zool. It's like your on call. You and SC and Tarlam! the Terrible TRIO.

Your all just 'a joke'.

Have you asked SC to PM you whenever it's time to swing a little of your crap by me? It really is one of the sickest things I have ever experienced in my life. It's too obvious.

Just waiting for falco to appear. Then there are four. Poor me! How have I survived all of your attacks!?

Really falco?? Is he alive? You fellas put new mening on the word 'bully'.

Now I'm sorry to disappoint y'all.

Bye bye.

04-01-2011, 09:33 AM
Don't think so Zool. I'm not the first person on this planet that made you man.

Bye bye.

You made me a man? Dirty.

Cheesehead Craig
04-01-2011, 09:44 AM
I find this thread relaxing and therapeutic.
It certainly is entertaining.

04-01-2011, 09:46 AM
In the words of the dearly departed, "Game. Set. Match motherfucker."

Really and that's about it in my style. After six years of watching these fellas. You learn how to deal with their constant CRAP.

The problem with bullies is in their deepest psyche's they are such pathetic cowards.

04-01-2011, 09:52 AM
You made me a man? Dirty.

You know what I mean:

'Made you'. Figured out your style and manner of personality. You have a bully's attitude. Life must have been tough on you.

Whatever. I don't post you and 'YOU' don't post me ..., 'only' that really works. Nothing else ever has. Nothing else ever will. That's way too obvious.

Bye bye Zool.

Scott Campbell
04-01-2011, 10:12 AM
I do not argue with posters.



Good one Woody!!!

Funny yesterday. Hilarious today. :lol:

04-01-2011, 10:19 AM
You know what I mean:

'Made you'. Figured out your style and manner of personality. You have a bully's attitude. Life must have been tough on you.

Whatever. I don't post you and 'YOU' don't post me ..., 'only' that really works. Nothing else ever has. Nothing else ever will. That's way too obvious.

Bye bye Zool.

Actually I rarely try and influence people here. You on the other hand do quite frequently and without any regard for them in any way. You can attempt your armchair psychology on me when you grab hold of a mirror and dig for a while first.

Your ignoring skills are quite horrible BTW.

04-01-2011, 10:36 AM
Ohh I just wanted to post that I appreciate that over this issue that Tarlam hasn't posted me and that's really a good thing.

Thanks Tarlam. Just one of those ' Water and Oil ' things. Otherwise a damn mess like SC and I. Pathetic to even imagine Peace. It's like Damascus and Tel Aviv. Green and Orange.


04-01-2011, 10:38 AM
Disloyal pervert?

Yes, that would be Scott.

There, I posted in the Favor thread.

I try to make an appearance every 50 pages.

04-01-2011, 10:40 AM
Actually I rarely try and influence people here. You on the other hand do quite frequently and without any regard for them in any way. You can attempt your armchair psychology on me when you grab hold of a mirror and dig for a while first.

Your ignoring skills are quite horrible BTW.

OK ZOOL. Your 'the Man'. I'll bow to you. You get the final word. Your always right.

Sometimes we do anything to just make it go away. Some take Tylanol.

I'll take Tylanol.

04-01-2011, 10:42 AM
Disloyal pervert?

Yes, that would be Scott.

There, I posted in the Favor thread.

I try to make an appearance every 50 pages.

Where have you been? Respond to that in another 50 pages.

It's often like a soap opera. The same Ole Crappapoo.

04-01-2011, 10:44 AM
I'm done with this fellas. Smack it around among yourselves. Fill your boots.

Otherwise have a lovely weekend.

GO Packers !

get louder at lambeau
04-01-2011, 10:59 AM
Your a bloody bite in the arse mister. TRANSLATION ... a dificult personality type ... Just my opinion and I'll do my best to escape your wrath.

I gave you enough of my time and feel I was fair with you. Get some help with that anger. Lots out there for your life.

Bye bye.

I'm not the one arguing with about 10 people here, Woody. That would be you. Maybe you are a difficult personality type? No, that couldn't possibly be. ;)

Already told you I'm not angry at the Faver. I just don't approve of his recent behavior. Nothing worth getting angry over. He's just a football player. Not sure where you thought you sensed anger in that post, but it wasn't there.

No anger towards you either, Woody. No wrath, just an honest perspective on your strange, never-ending quest to defend Brent from anyone who might say something less than positive about him. I find it humorous, to be honest.

Scott Campbell
04-01-2011, 11:02 AM
Disloyal pervert?

Yes, that would be Scott.

Hey, I am not disloyal.

04-01-2011, 11:32 AM
The absolute response to your query MJ is this based on my perception and true feelings about such a matter;

I really don't give a damn. It's the people like you and Patler and Scot Campbell and his admirers that get all bent out of shape about 'anything Brett Favre'. It's not even funnt to me anymore. It's really pathetic.

It's way too obvious to me that's certainly the TRUTH. I find that amazing in my personality and style of living life. I"m just somehow way different in how I view life and situations. Maybe it's a cultural thing? I have never really understood the mentality of some here at PackerRats. I've tried and tried to getr there but reqalize that's over the top masochistic.

You go on imagining and decipering and analyzing and judging and picking and criticizing as that fill your boots MJ.

I don't give a damn. That is where I'm trying to get the hoard of you fellas at PackerRats. Those of you...your Big Gang of supporters. The hoard here that don't have better things to do but jump all over a former Packer that brought us such glory. A former Packer that today with anyone worth their salt as an NFL fan has to admit he's the finest QB we have ever had the good fortune to watch playb and dedicate himself to for so long.
Your the disloyal. Your the perverts in your hypocrisy. None of you have never errored in life. If that's the case your all liers as well.

Your all pathetic no hopelessly so, and that's too sad for me. None of your group has ever let go of Brett Favre. You want to hang him. Revive and hang him over and over and over again. Smarten up. The bunch of you need some common decency and proper moral training.

Your none of you any better than I am and might learn a lot from my manners and style.

GO Packers!

You go on and on about the truth. How is the truth working for BF and Jen Sterger? You didn't believe it. It was liable. How could PR stoop so low? Joe should ban this Stereger stuff on PR. And low and behold BF admits to it!

Your "truth" isn't always the real truth!

04-01-2011, 11:37 AM
OK ZOOL. Your 'the Man'. I'll bow to you. You get the final word. Your always right.

Sometimes we do anything to just make it go away. Some take Tylanol.

I'll take Tylanol.

I find your ability to project fascinating.

Cheesehead Craig
04-01-2011, 12:00 PM
Just one of those ' Water and Oil ' things. Otherwise a damn mess like SC and I. Pathetic to even imagine Peace. It's like Damascus and Tel Aviv. Green and Orange.

What do you have against the University of Miami's team colors?

Scott Campbell
04-01-2011, 12:24 PM
I'm done with this fellas. Smack it around among yourselves. Fill your boots.

Otherwise have a lovely weekend.

GO Packers !

Well, it's been a pleasure watching you not argue with everyone.

Scott Campbell
04-01-2011, 12:43 PM
If this thread was a real life thing there would be bloodshed not just words into sentences. Claims and rebuttals. Debates or arguments. It's only on the Internet. If it was for real there could very well be blood.

For all you Packer fans like Woody with blood lust:


04-01-2011, 01:15 PM
It's like Damascus and Tel Aviv.

Damascus Awrence!


Who but they Woody, who but they!?

Scott Campbell
04-01-2011, 03:09 PM

04-01-2011, 04:00 PM

Why does it bother you so much what people say or how they feel about Favre? As you have said, you've never met the man, yet you defend him like you are childhood friends.

For example, I could never in a million years imagine feeling the way you do about Favre. What you see as "reality" and "truth" I see as denial. Your ability to deflect blame from Favre is jaw-dropping to me. At the end of the day, who cares? You feel the way you do. Others will feel the way they do.

What are you hoping to gain?

04-01-2011, 04:32 PM
Wait for it.....

04-01-2011, 04:35 PM

Why does it bother you so much what people say or how they feel about Favre? As you have said, you've never met the man, yet you defend him like you are lovers.?


Freak Out
04-01-2011, 04:43 PM
Trav......you guys got a brewery in the Pentagon? Home brew?

04-01-2011, 04:49 PM
I wish we had one, only cubicles w/no windows and the only ventilation is from the respiratory systems of my fellow inmates.

Yes, homebrew. Been doing that for about 12 years now.

Freak Out
04-01-2011, 05:06 PM
Nice....a friend/business partner and I have been brewing some test batches the past few months prior to opening a small brewery here. This weekend it's a Milk Stout-coffee beer for a friends restaurant and coffee house business.
I've been brewing at home for 25 years or so and have wanted to do this for a long time. Start off small and keep it pretty small so we can focus on unique styles and high quality.

04-01-2011, 06:53 PM
The absolute response to your query MJ is this based on my perception and true feelings about such a matter;

I really don't give a damn. It's the people like you and Patler and Scot Campbell and his admirers that get all bent out of shape about 'anything Brett Favre'. It's not even funnt to me anymore. It's really pathetic.

It's way too obvious to me that's certainly the TRUTH. I find that amazing in my personality and style of living life. I"m just somehow way different in how I view life and situations. Maybe it's a cultural thing? I have never really understood the mentality of some here at PackerRats. I've tried and tried to getr there but reqalize that's over the top masochistic.

You go on imagining and decipering and analyzing and judging and picking and criticizing as that fill your boots MJ.

I don't give a damn. That is where I'm trying to get the hoard of you fellas at PackerRats. Those of you...your Big Gang of supporters. The hoard here that don't have better things to do but jump all over a former Packer that brought us such glory. A former Packer that today with anyone worth their salt as an NFL fan has to admit he's the finest QB we have ever had the good fortune to watch playb and dedicate himself to for so long.
Your the disloyal. Your the perverts in your hypocrisy. None of you have never errored in life. If that's the case your all liers as well.

Your all pathetic no hopelessly so, and that's too sad for me. None of your group has ever let go of Brett Favre. You want to hang him. Revive and hang him over and over and over again. Smarten up. The bunch of you need some common decency and proper moral training.

Your none of you any better than I am and might learn a lot from my manners and style.

GO Packers!

I'm not bent out of shape, nor am I analyzing, judging, picking and criticizing. I'm asking a question to understand your circular logic in defense of a very clear action by Favre. By the way, capitalizing the word truth, does not make what you're saying in fact true.

I would suggest to you, considering the state of this thread before and since your latest arrival in it, that it is not the rest of us who have not let go of Favre. I don't believe that it's the rest of us who need to smarten up or that we're lacking in common decency manners or style. I don't think any of us want to hang him. Not even Scott as he'd miss the comedic value too much. No one has said they are better than you, though many have suggested that they are better than someone who would do what Favre has done to his team, his fans and his wife. To many people playing well does not excuse his behavior. Apparently to you it does. You are rare that way. The part you're missing is that we're allowed to disagree with your logic and with your opinion.

04-01-2011, 07:30 PM
this thread blows.

04-01-2011, 08:05 PM
this thread blows.

You're just realizing this now?

04-01-2011, 08:32 PM
Blow, blows, blown, blew, blowing, blowing, bong.

04-02-2011, 07:53 AM

25 Sports Stars We'd Like to Sucker Punch
ByZack Pumerantz(Featured Columnist) on March 30, 2011

04-02-2011, 08:31 AM
I'm not bent out of shape, nor am I analyzing, judging, picking and criticizing. I'm asking a question to understand your circular logic in defense of a very clear action by Favre. By the way, capitalizing the word truth, does not make what you're saying in fact true.

I would suggest to you, considering the state of this thread before and since your latest arrival in it, that it is not the rest of us who have not let go of Favre. I don't believe that it's the rest of us who need to smarten up or that we're lacking in common decency manners or style. I don't think any of us want to hang him. Not even Scott as he'd miss the comedic value too much. No one has said they are better than you, though many have suggested that they are better than someone who would do what Favre has done to his team, his fans and his wife. To many people playing well does not excuse his behavior. Apparently to you it does. You are rare that way. The part you're missing is that we're allowed to disagree with your logic and with your opinion.
Bravo Madam! :bclap:

04-02-2011, 08:50 AM
this thread blows.

It's like the combat zone in Boston. Lots happening. A friendly corner.

One where you can express yourself and try to make a point. Often frustrating but such is life at times. hahaa.

How's things retailguy. Good I trust.


04-02-2011, 08:54 AM
Funny yesterday. Hilarious today. :lol:

Happy for you. That your entertained. This thread does get a wee but wide at times. I was trying to debate a point with Patler and all of a sudden ... a distraction moves in like a wild storm.

Have a nice weekend Scott.


04-02-2011, 08:58 AM
I find your ability to project fascinating.

Ohh 'fascinating' ! Thinking about your choice of words......mmmm ... This thread is often that.


04-02-2011, 09:00 AM
What do you have against the University of Miami's team colors?

If you like them. That's good for you.

04-02-2011, 09:02 AM
Damascus Awrence!


Who but they Woody, who but they!?

Jeeessshh your deep mraynrand.


Scott Campbell
04-02-2011, 09:03 AM
I'm not bent out of shape, nor am I analyzing, judging, picking and criticizing. I'm asking a question to understand your circular logic in defense of a very clear action by Favre. By the way, capitalizing the word truth, does not make what you're saying in fact true.

I would suggest to you, considering the state of this thread before and since your latest arrival in it, that it is not the rest of us who have not let go of Favre. I don't believe that it's the rest of us who need to smarten up or that we're lacking in common decency manners or style. I don't think any of us want to hang him. Not even Scott as he'd miss the comedic value too much. No one has said they are better than you, though many have suggested that they are better than someone who would do what Favre has done to his team, his fans and his wife. To many people playing well does not excuse his behavior. Apparently to you it does. You are rare that way. The part you're missing is that we're allowed to disagree with your logic and with your opinion.

That was a really good post.

04-02-2011, 09:05 AM
Well, it's been a pleasure watching you not argue with everyone.

Scott I do not argue. What's ever the point in doing that. You cannot ever hope to change people. Only try to make them think. That's difficult enough sometimes.


04-02-2011, 09:06 AM
this thread blows.


This thread blows goats.

But it's a 420 page wind.

04-02-2011, 09:08 AM
For all you Packer fans like Woody with blood lust:


I'd take your frame and bust it ! Do you really believe yourself?


04-02-2011, 09:11 AM

Good photo.

"The Agony". "Ohh dear God what am I doing here."

Maybe? Favre's thoughts at the time of this photo.

Scott Campbell
04-02-2011, 09:13 AM
Scott I do not argue.

I could bump your old posts here, but everybody already knows.

04-02-2011, 09:23 AM

Why does it bother you so much what people say or how they feel about Favre? As you have said, you've never met the man, yet you defend him like you are childhood friends.

For example, I could never in a million years imagine feeling the way you do about Favre. What you see as "reality" and "truth" I see as denial. Your ability to deflect blame from Favre is jaw-dropping to me. At the end of the day, who cares? You feel the way you do. Others will feel the way they do.

What are you hoping to gain?
Your really concerned for me. Thanks. but ....

I'm really quite alright in terms of anything Brett Favre.

He's retired. I was once a solid fan of his. He's retired Bossman641. Still somehow the media wants to get anything Favre out to us... the NFL fan. So here on this thread we discuss issues. Hopefully we do so with some control of our emotions.

We agree or agree to disagree. We don't have to get personal as some need to take it. So be it. Their problem. Not mine.

If there is anyone on this board that has the correct perspective on Brett Favre I'm one of them. The characterization of me and Favre that you and some other's here have of me is simply a figment of their own frustrations in terms related to their not being able to let that man go. How could Brett Fvar ever illicit such dire emotions from Packer fans after he gave us so much that was tryly positive.

In that 'only' I remain loyal to Brett Favre. I have seen much since his departure that had disappointed me; but deal with it because I recognize his humanity. I'm really OK Bossman641 but again THANKS A BUNCH for your sincere concerns. Your a fine person to be that way.


04-02-2011, 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by Bossman641


Why does it bother you so much what people say or how they feel about Favre? As you have said, you've never met the man, yet you defend him like you are lovers.?

Uhh ! Your 'over the TOP messed up' with that comment, Bossman641. I do NOT love ... Brett Favre as more than a human being. As a Christian I love my fellow man/woman.

I enjoyed Favre's style as an NFL QB with distinction. Period.

I trust your clearer on that.


04-02-2011, 09:34 AM
I'm not bent out of shape, nor am I analyzing, judging, picking and criticizing. I'm asking a question to understand your circular logic in defense of a very clear action by Favre. By the way, capitalizing the word truth, does not make what you're saying in fact true.

I would suggest to you, considering the state of this thread before and since your latest arrival in it, that it is not the rest of us who have not let go of Favre. I don't believe that it's the rest of us who need to smarten up or that we're lacking in common decency manners or style. I don't think any of us want to hang him. Not even Scott as he'd miss the comedic value too much. No one has said they are better than you, though many have suggested that they are better than someone who would do what Favre has done to his team, his fans and his wife. To many people playing well does not excuse his behavior. Apparently to you it does. You are rare that way. The part you're missing is that we're allowed to disagree with your logic and with your opinion.

Calm down please MJ. Jeeesshh.

I write down my truth. That's mine. Your write down yours. It's all good.

We are not entitled to agree MJ. That's our democratic right being proactive. This is a solid thread. It's longetivity translates just to that as a fact.


Scott Campbell
04-02-2011, 10:03 AM

This thread blows goats.

But it's a 420 page wind.

..........currently blowing out of the north.

Iron Mike
04-02-2011, 10:12 AM

This thread blows goats.

But it's a 420 page wind.



04-02-2011, 10:15 AM
..........currently blowing out of the north.

The weather is just generally fine up here now and finally.

Scott Campbell
04-02-2011, 11:01 AM
I was referring to the giant gasbag, not the weather.

04-02-2011, 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by Bossman641


Why does it bother you so much what people say or how they feel about Favre? As you have said, you've never met the man, yet you defend him like you are lovers.?

Uhh ! Your 'over the TOP messed up' with that comment, Bossman641. I do NOT love ... Brett Favre as more than a human being. As a Christian I love my fellow man/woman.

I enjoyed Favre's style as an NFL QB with distinction. Period.

I trust your clearer on that.


WB, why don't you try reading my post again. I didn't say that. He changed what he quoted from me.

I can do the same for you.

I hate Brett Favre. He is a washed up has been who doesn't deserve to step foot in GB.

04-03-2011, 07:20 AM
Scott I do not argue.

Woodbuck; I always suspected we spoke different languages!


verb (used without object)
1. to present reasons for or against a thing: He argued in favor of capital punishment.

2. to contend in oral disagreement; dispute: The Senator argued with the President about the new tax bill.

–verb (used with object)
3. to state the reasons for or against: The lawyers argued the case.

4. to maintain in reasoning: to argue that the news report must be wrong.

5. to persuade, drive, etc., by reasoning: to argue someone out of a plan.

6. to show prove; imply; indicate: His clothes argue poverty.

04-03-2011, 08:07 AM
Calm down please MJ. Jeeesshh.
I write down my truth. That's mine. Your write down yours. It's all good.

We are not entitled to agree MJ. That's our democratic right being proactive. This is a solid thread. It's longetivity translates just to that as a fact.


Good lord, what in Ziggy's post made you say this?? If her truth is all good in your eyes why did you make this comment?

Scott Campbell
04-03-2011, 11:59 AM
Your none of you any better than I am and might learn a lot from my manners and style.


GO Packers!

What exactly are we supposed to learn?

Scott Campbell
04-03-2011, 12:31 PM


Ole Bert is still making headlines - for all the wrong reasons.

04-03-2011, 12:39 PM
thx for posting the article link; lately the news has been pretty slim pickens and the lot doesn't seem to be into the draft as much as the past since GB has pick 32

04-03-2011, 01:15 PM
thx for posting the article link; lately the news has been pretty slim pickens and the lot doesn't seem to be into the draft as much as the past since GB has pick 32

I think the lockout has a lot to do with it too. Why worry about the draft if you don't even know whether we'll have a spring training or a season. We draft 'em, great, but we can't sign any of them until the NFL and its players get their heads out of their collective butts.

04-03-2011, 01:30 PM
I think the lockout has a lot to do with it too. Why worry about the draft if you don't even know whether we'll have a spring training or a season. We draft 'em, great, but we can't sign any of them until the NFL and its players get their heads out of their collective butts.

Things will probably heat up once we get to the court dates, which start next week. Whether that will get things moving in a positive direction or a negative one, it remains to be seen... but at least there will be news.

Scott Campbell
04-10-2011, 09:49 PM
Jenn Sterger will give a TV interview this week

Posted by Mike Florio on April 10, 2011, 12:12 PM EDT
http://nbcprofootballtalk.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/j-sterger-b-favre.jpg?w=250 APAnd just when we had almost completely forgotten the name “Jenn Sterger,” she’s back.
Specifically, the woman who allegedly was the subject of certain text-message advances from former Jets quarterback Brett Favre will be interviewed by my separated-at-birth twin brother, George Stephanopoulos, on Good Morning America.
Michael McCarthy of USA Today reports that the two-part interview (http://content.usatoday.com/communities/gameon/post/2011/04/jenn-sterger-to-all-about-brett-favre-sexting-scandal-on-abc/1) about Favre’s, um, part will air on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.
Sterger has not yet publicly spoken about the situation with Favre. She was privately interviewed by the NFL, and she has since filed suit (http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/03/16/jenn-sterger-sues-manager-over-brett-favre-texts-and-emails/) against her (presumably former) manager, Phil Reese, who supposedly wanted to use texts and e-mails that Favre sent to Sterger in a book Reese will be writing about the situation.
Sterger did not, and probably will not, file suit against Favre or the Jets, given that any two-year statutes of limitation regarding allegations of sexual harassment has expired. She possibly could have time to file a retaliation suit against the Jets, depending upon the specific date the Jets informed her that she would not return for the 2009 season as an in-house sideline reporter.
Favre ultimately was fined by the league for failing to cooperate with the investigation, but not for any specific wrongdoing as to Sterger. Favre and the Jets have since been sued by two massage therapists who claimed sexual harassment and retaliation.
It’s a great get for ABC. If the calendar still reads October, November, or December 2010. At this point, the story is more stale than a loaf of bread purchased in October, November, or December 2010.

04-11-2011, 07:03 AM
"At this point, the story is more stale than a loaf of bread purchased in October, November, or December 2010"

Kinda like this thread

04-11-2011, 05:03 PM
If Brent announced that he's thinking of coming out of retirement, at least there'd be something about which to speculate.

04-12-2011, 02:45 AM
Well Snake used to post daily...then weekly...then monthly....now semi-monthly....LMFAO that this thread is still going and nice to check back in with my Rat buddies but WTF Mobb? How's Brett's lawn doing? What kind of grass does he have going on?....and I hope he's smoking tons of it if he's really gonna retire this time and have to deal with Deanna for the rest of his life. No wonder he keeps playing....Snake would too. Damn.

Freak Out
04-12-2011, 06:53 PM
Sterger getting interviewed by George Stephanopoulos on Good Morning America? Freaking YAWN! Now if they were filming some porn.....different story.

get louder at lambeau
04-12-2011, 07:12 PM
Sterger getting interviewed by George Stephanopoulos on Good Morning America? Freaking YAWN! Now if they were filming some porn.....different story.

I saw some highlights. Only interesting part was that she said she's never even met Brent. Walked by him in the hall was the closest they ever got in real life. You'd think Brent would try to talk to her in person before getting all stalker-y on the phone.

04-13-2011, 04:46 AM
I saw some highlights. Only interesting part was that she said she's never even met Brent. Walked by him in the hall was the closest they ever got in real life. You'd think Brent would try to talk to her in person before getting all stalker-y on the phone.

Bert's legacy is damaged beyond repair, but he has trillions of dollars to help him get over it. Sterger can't even get a job these days and from the interview, she didn't even want this crap to come out in the fist place. She never intended on sueing. She just wants it all to go away.

Nice going Bert, you destroyed a life and caused your family, friends and fans immense pain and shame. Disgusting.

04-13-2011, 12:45 PM
She can't even get a job? Oh, come on. Looks and celebrity will get you a job somewhere. Maybe on The Apprentice. Or at Hooters.

Freak Out
04-13-2011, 01:35 PM
How much did ABC pay her?

04-13-2011, 04:53 PM
She can't even get a job? Oh, come on. Looks and celebrity will get you a job somewhere. Maybe on The Apprentice. Or at Hooters.

Do boob jobs count as jobs?

04-13-2011, 06:52 PM
Bert's legacy is damaged beyond repair, but he has trillions of dollars to help him get over it. Sterger can't even get a job these days and from the interview, she didn't even want this crap to come out in the fist place. She never intended on sueing. She just wants it all to go away.

Nice going Bert, you destroyed a life and caused your family, friends and fans immense pain and shame. Disgusting.

True. She didn't leak it. How many of you would hire her for a public position knowing the fuss that's been swirling around her? People are assuming she started this and if they hire her, she will bring trouble along with the big boobs.

Freak Out
04-13-2011, 07:16 PM
I don't know why she wouldn't be hired.....she kept a low profile during the whole fiasco IIRC....if she is good at what she does she'll get a job.

get louder at lambeau
04-13-2011, 07:18 PM
I don't know why she wouldn't be hired.....she kept a low profile during the whole fiasco IIRC....if she is good at what she does she'll get a job.

So you'd be OK with the Packers hiring her for a position similar to the one she had for the Jets?

Freak Out
04-13-2011, 07:35 PM
So you'd be OK with the Packers hiring her for a position similar to the one she had for the Jets?

Uhmm.....what does she do exactly..? :) Was she kind of a media/promotion person or a masseuse? :) Sure...why not hire her. She could organize the Favre retirement ceremony.

Freak Out
04-13-2011, 07:37 PM
Bottom line SHE was the one that was harassed.....I don't see why any professional organization wouldn't hire her if she was qualified.

04-13-2011, 08:37 PM
Bottom line SHE was the one that was harassed.....I don't see why any professional organization wouldn't hire her if she was qualified.

That's actually kinda the whole point. There isn't a reason why any professional organization shouldn't hire her. But it appears they see the young women that they do tend to hire as gold diggers or after money or trying to get at the players when that isn't necessarily the case, maybe with some, but certainly not all and they don't merit the generalization. I mean look at the reaction here when something goes awry between a woman and a football player. Vick's dogs got more respect.

04-13-2011, 08:43 PM
She will bring trouble along with the big boobs.

You should make that into a bumper sticker.

04-14-2011, 01:00 AM
Bottom line SHE was the one that was harassed.....I don't see why any professional organization wouldn't hire her if she was qualified.

The German's have a saying "People love betrayal, but they hate the traitor". Forgetting for a second how fans of the NFC North division feel about Bert, he is/was an American icon and Sterger was viewed by many as a traitor. That makes her a business risk in many jobs.

And let's look at her qualifications. Both of them. It's no secret she got her big break wearing a tight-fitting t-shirt at a college football game. It's not much, but it was enough for her to gain employment in her chosen industry, at least until this story broke. Did she make mistakes? Who wouldn't in her situation?? Indeed, if she'd have come to me for advice, I wouldn't have had a clue what to tell her. I mean, we're talking about Bert!

I hope she can jump start her career, but she's damaged goods. Thanks Bert. Disgusting.

04-14-2011, 07:59 AM
That's actually kinda the whole point. There isn't a reason why any professional organization shouldn't hire her. But it appears they see the young women that they do tend to hire as gold diggers or after money or trying to get at the players when that isn't necessarily the case, maybe with some, but certainly not all and they don't merit the generalization. I mean look at the reaction here when something goes awry between a woman and a football player. Vick's dogs got more respect.

No kidding...

04-14-2011, 08:01 AM
The German's have a saying "People love betrayal, but they hate the traitor". Forgetting for a second how fans of the NFC North division feel about Bert, he is/was an American icon and Sterger was viewed by many as a traitor. That makes her a business risk in many jobs.

And let's look at her qualifications. Both of them. It's no secret she got her big break wearing a tight-fitting t-shirt at a college football game. It's not much, but it was enough for her to gain employment in her chosen industry, at least until this story broke. Did she make mistakes? Who wouldn't in her situation?? Indeed, if she'd have come to me for advice, I wouldn't have had a clue what to tell her. I mean, we're talking about Bert!

I hope she can jump start her career, but she's damaged goods. Thanks Bert. Disgusting.

What mistakes did she make, besides showing someone the disgusting stuff Farp sent her?

04-14-2011, 08:38 AM
Bottom line SHE was the one that was harassed.....I don't see why any professional organization wouldn't hire her if she was qualified.

That's actually kinda the whole point. There isn't a reason why any professional organization shouldn't hire her. But it appears they see the young women that they do tend to hire as gold diggers or after money or trying to get at the players when that isn't necessarily the case, maybe with some, but certainly not all and they don't merit the generalization. I mean look at the reaction here when something goes awry between a woman and a football player. Vick's dogs got more respect.

What mistakes did she make, besides showing someone the disgusting stuff Farp sent her?

Ok, I guess I'm stupid enough to "wade into the deep end of the pool". Hopefully I can do it without sounding like I'm bashing her, which I'm not, but bashing some of the decisions she made through this which I am critical of.

The comments above seem to indicate that, without a doubt, she was harassed. The comments I listened to would indicate that TO ME, as well. From my vantage point, that's pretty clear. However, based on the way she acted after the fact, I'm not so sure that they initially indicated harassment TO HER. If they had, I believe she'd have taken a different path, other than, laughing about it with her friends and saving the photos, texts and vm's. I don't think that one can come back later and claim harassment, especially after using the photos to privately make fun of the "creepy perv". Making fun of harassment shouldn't be tolerated by anyone, it's impact devalues the damage that is done in cases of "true" harassment. I don't personally believe that any woman who was actually harassed would make jokes about it to their friends, nor show photos and texts related to it. The fact this happened indicates to me that she did not treat these events as harassment, even though by commonly accepted standards they probably were.

The "rap" shes getting in the business world, IF, there is one (I'm not convinced), comes from her actions after the fact, or better stated, the actions that her attorney's took on her behalf. SHE hired the attorney's, SHE had the right to give work direction, OR, stop work direction that she didn't agree with. If she didn't do that, that's on her! Ultimately, they were her attorney's and they worked for her, not the other way around.

Also, I find the "non answer" regarding her text messages and voicemails to be a cop out. Let me get this straight, you can remember everything that happened, three years later, EXCEPT what you said? Really? Bullshit. What is there that you don't want the court of public opinion to know?

Personally, I don't believe that she's being discriminated against. I think most high profile employers have realized that, while she is a "name" commodity, she has precious little experience to do what she wants to do, and they've decided to hire elsewhere. Plenty of places that she can work, but, they probably don't pay enough and don't give the level of "exposure" she wants. That's not discrimination, that is mis-placed expectations.

When her expectations get in line with her qualifications, she'll work - just like the rest of us.

Cheesehead Craig
04-14-2011, 10:25 AM
Personally, I don't believe that she's being discriminated against. I think most high profile employers have realized that, while she is a "name" commodity, she has precious little experience to do what she wants to do, and they've decided to hire elsewhere. Plenty of places that she can work, but, they probably don't pay enough and don't give the level of "exposure" she wants. That's not discrimination, that is mis-placed expectations.

When her expectations get in line with her qualifications, she'll work - just like the rest of us.

Exactly. Bolded the best line about her that I've read. As others have said, what other qualifications does she have other than her looks? From what I've read of hers and seen of her shows on TV, she really isn't all that talented when it comes to sports reporting, interviewing or well.. anything with that.

04-14-2011, 11:21 AM
Exactly. Bolded the best line about her that I've read. As others have said, what other qualifications does she have other than her looks? From what I've read of hers and seen of her shows on TV, she really isn't all that talented when it comes to sports reporting, interviewing or well.. anything with that.

Those were her qualifications to begin with and, clearly they sufficed for her to actually find work in her chosen field. Clearly, the publicity has impacted the perceptions of potential employers. Despite the mistakes in sharing the images, she is a victim. Her demise professionally is a direct result of Bert Farp's douchedness.

04-14-2011, 03:54 PM
Those were her qualifications to begin with and, clearly they sufficed for her to actually find work in her chosen field. Clearly, the publicity has impacted the perceptions of potential employers. Despite the mistakes in sharing the images, she is a victim. Her demise professionally is a direct result of Bert Farp's douchedness.

Maybe...but how much of a shelf life did she have anyways? Her 'type' of flame is fleeting, and you could argue that the episode lengthened her 15 minutes. What I've seen of her interviewing and writing skills (http://jennifersterger.blogspot.com/) they're no great shakes. She wasn't going to unseat Bonnie Bernstein anytime soon,

Plus, she's now had her implants removed. So that's it for her.

04-14-2011, 03:59 PM
Here's an article (well, barely. Closer to a blog post) that agrees a little more with you Tarlam. It does make a good point in the last line,
she still wants to work in sports, and no matter what you believe about right and wrong here, there's no question that her ability to do that has been crippled.

There's no doubt that all of this has caused her to lose some employment income. The question is, how much?

04-14-2011, 06:12 PM
Ok, I guess I'm stupid enough to "wade into the deep end of the pool". Hopefully I can do it without sounding like I'm bashing her, which I'm not, but bashing some of the decisions she made through this which I am critical of.

The comments above seem to indicate that, without a doubt, she was harassed. The comments I listened to would indicate that TO ME, as well. From my vantage point, that's pretty clear. However, based on the way she acted after the fact, I'm not so sure that they initially indicated harassment TO HER. If they had, I believe she'd have taken a different path, other than, laughing about it with her friends and saving the photos, texts and vm's. I don't think that one can come back later and claim harassment, especially after using the photos to privately make fun of the "creepy perv". Making fun of harassment shouldn't be tolerated by anyone, it's impact devalues the damage that is done in cases of "true" harassment. I don't personally believe that any woman who was actually harassed would make jokes about it to their friends, nor show photos and texts related to it. The fact this happened indicates to me that she did not treat these events as harassment, even though by commonly accepted standards they probably were.

The "rap" shes getting in the business world, IF, there is one (I'm not convinced), comes from her actions after the fact, or better stated, the actions that her attorney's took on her behalf. SHE hired the attorney's, SHE had the right to give work direction, OR, stop work direction that she didn't agree with. If she didn't do that, that's on her! Ultimately, they were her attorney's and they worked for her, not the other way around.

Also, I find the "non answer" regarding her text messages and voicemails to be a cop out. Let me get this straight, you can remember everything that happened, three years later, EXCEPT what you said? Really? Bullshit. What is there that you don't want the court of public opinion to know?

Personally, I don't believe that she's being discriminated against. I think most high profile employers have realized that, while she is a "name" commodity, she has precious little experience to do what she wants to do, and they've decided to hire elsewhere. Plenty of places that she can work, but, they probably don't pay enough and don't give the level of "exposure" she wants. That's not discrimination, that is mis-placed expectations.

When her expectations get in line with her qualifications, she'll work - just like the rest of us.

The part you're forgetting is that Jenn Sterger never filed a harassment suit nor any other kind of suit. She laughed about the photos thinking that was the end of it. She's not the one who leaked them and iirc she asked that they not be released. The NFL brought about a harassment investigation because of public pressure for which she initially declined to be interviewed.

I think what she's looking for is work similar to what she had until this whole mess broke. Since she is experienced in that type of work, I don't think that's an example of mis-placed expectations. If I were to lose my job, would it be overly optimistic to think I could get another one doing the same thing? Where are all these places she can work?

04-15-2011, 10:49 AM
The part you're forgetting is that Jenn Sterger never filed a harassment suit nor any other kind of suit. She laughed about the photos thinking that was the end of it. She's not the one who leaked them and iirc she asked that they not be released. The NFL brought about a harassment investigation because of public pressure for which she initially declined to be interviewed.

I think what she's looking for is work similar to what she had until this whole mess broke. Since she is experienced in that type of work, I don't think that's an example of mis-placed expectations. If I were to lose my job, would it be overly optimistic to think I could get another one doing the same thing? Where are all these places she can work?

I'm not forgetting about anything. Did she not file the suit because she didn't want a suit, or, because her attorney's couldn't find a way around the statute of limitations? That part has never been very clear. One choice suggests she is wholesome and truthful, and one suggests she isn't. There are also other things that suggest she is not as she is advertising herself.

It seems pretty clear to me that she did not view her interactions with Favre as harassment, after all, what harassed woman would save the communications, and show them off as some kind of funny trophy? If she was as repulsed as she said she was, (which most of us would have been had it been us receiving his crap), then what is funny about that? I conclude it she either wasn't honest about "it not being funny", or she wasn't honest about "why she kept the stuff".

Also, it's never been conclusively known how this got into the media. She has claimed that she did not release it, nor that she wanted it released, however, with as much detail as they had, it either had to come from her, or someone very close to her. Doesn't it seem strange that link is unknown? Doesn't it also seem strange that she has never clarified that link?

Combining that with her inconclusive statements regarding the content of her messages to him, which is the only part of this that she "forgot", gives me great doubt regarding her motives.

But that doubt has nothing to do with the salient point, and that is her career path, or lack thereof. She tried really hard to become a famous celebrity, and almost made it. How many get a second chance? That's the most unforgiving career path one can take. Successes are few, second chances are almost non existent.

How many NFL teams are still hiring "sideline hostesses" in this economy? That seems to be what she has the most experience at, yet the Jets did not renew her contract - before all this became public. Why not? Do they still hire "sideline hostesses" with 30% of their staff on furloughs? Honestly, her reporting/broadcasting career was mediocre at best, and that's probably being generous. What "mediocre" workers are finding job opportunities right now? Are they being discriminated against also?

I stand by what I said earlier - she's being unrealistic with her expectations. When she fixes that, and realizes that she is likely not the 2nd coming of Liz Taylor, she'll go to work. Just like you and me.

04-15-2011, 10:54 AM
Ok, I guess I'm stupid enough to "wade into the deep end of the pool". Hopefully I can do it without sounding like I'm bashing her, which I'm not, but bashing some of the decisions she made through this which I am critical of.

The comments above seem to indicate that, without a doubt, she was harassed. The comments I listened to would indicate that TO ME, as well. From my vantage point, that's pretty clear. However, based on the way she acted after the fact, I'm not so sure that they initially indicated harassment TO HER. If they had, I believe she'd have taken a different path, other than, laughing about it with her friends and saving the photos, texts and vm's. I don't think that one can come back later and claim harassment, especially after using the photos to privately make fun of the "creepy perv". Making fun of harassment shouldn't be tolerated by anyone, it's impact devalues the damage that is done in cases of "true" harassment. I don't personally believe that any woman who was actually harassed would make jokes about it to their friends, nor show photos and texts related to it. The fact this happened indicates to me that she did not treat these events as harassment, even though by commonly accepted standards they probably were.

I'm not a psychologist, but people often joke about things that bother them, it's often used as a defense mechanism. I think it's a bit naive to assume it did not bother her. I don't know her and how she handles things. Maybe it didn't bother her one bit, but its not difficult for me to believe that perhaps it did.

Either way, how she viewed it as is not the issue. The issue is how others viewed it and how it affects her now.

04-15-2011, 11:14 AM
Either way, how she viewed it as is not the issue. The issue is how others viewed it and how it affects her now.

I disagree wholeheartedly with this. How you and I viewed it is not relevant. How she viewed it? Entirely relevant towards understanding her motives and whether or not she is truthful.

04-15-2011, 01:33 PM
How many NFL teams are still hiring "sideline hostesses" in this economy?

MMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmm......Sideline Hostessss.........


04-15-2011, 01:38 PM
(...)understanding her motives and whether or not she is truthful.

I can't believe she was just grabbing for attention; she made no public statement until this interview. I find it interesting that a women, who has to suffer the x-rated advances of a football star, is now being viewed as anything but a victim. Kinda like saying "she was begging to be raped the way she was dressed" in other times.

04-15-2011, 06:22 PM
I'm not forgetting about anything. Did she not file the suit because she didn't want a suit, or, because her attorney's couldn't find a way around the statute of limitations? That part has never been very clear. One choice suggests she is wholesome and truthful, and one suggests she isn't. There are also other things that suggest she is not as she is advertising herself.

It seems pretty clear to me that she did not view her interactions with Favre as harassment, after all, what harassed woman would save the communications, and show them off as some kind of funny trophy? If she was as repulsed as she said she was, (which most of us would have been had it been us receiving his crap), then what is funny about that? I conclude it she either wasn't honest about "it not being funny", or she wasn't honest about "why she kept the stuff".

Also, it's never been conclusively known how this got into the media. She has claimed that she did not release it, nor that she wanted it released, however, with as much detail as they had, it either had to come from her, or someone very close to her. Doesn't it seem strange that link is unknown? Doesn't it also seem strange that she has never clarified that link?

Combining that with her inconclusive statements regarding the content of her messages to him, which is the only part of this that she "forgot", gives me great doubt regarding her motives.

But that doubt has nothing to do with the salient point, and that is her career path, or lack thereof. She tried really hard to become a famous celebrity, and almost made it. How many get a second chance? That's the most unforgiving career path one can take. Successes are few, second chances are almost non existent.

How many NFL teams are still hiring "sideline hostesses" in this economy? That seems to be what she has the most experience at, yet the Jets did not renew her contract - before all this became public. Why not? Do they still hire "sideline hostesses" with 30% of their staff on furloughs? Honestly, her reporting/broadcasting career was mediocre at best, and that's probably being generous. What "mediocre" workers are finding job opportunities right now? Are they being discriminated against also?

I stand by what I said earlier - she's being unrealistic with her expectations. When she fixes that, and realizes that she is likely not the 2nd coming of Liz Taylor, she'll go to work. Just like you and me.

Ok. You can use your second paragraph to answer the question in the first. She didn't think she was being harassed and didn't file suit. She didn't get the attorney until the NFL asked to speak with her.

From what I've read, it got into the media because the reporter who broke is (or maybe was) a friend that saw the images.

I don't know about her, but I often save messages that people send me if they're extraordinary. I don't necessarily save the ones I send, but if you listen to the voicemail, you get a pretty good understanding of what her message to him was.

As to her career path, the teams and owners are fighting over a 9 Billion dollar pot and what to do with it when it gets bigger. The Cowboys hire chicks to hang out on the mezzanine and dance. I'm sure that sideline hostesses still exist and sideline reporters most certainly do. The staff are furloughed because there's a lockout, not because the league is suffering to pay its bills. Have you watched local newcasts these days? Mediocre is being generous. There is plenty of employed mediocrity in the world. I don't think she views herself as the second coming of Liz. I think you're projecting that onto her. Like a lot of other folks are doing. And that's the whole point. She didn't start this. She didn't release the photos. She didn't comment on them. She didn't sue (that was the masseuses). Her only point was that she wants to be doing what she has been doing and she can't because of this whole mess. What expectations has she expressed that are out of line with what she's been doing?

04-15-2011, 06:23 PM
MMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmm......Sideline Hostessss.........


And now you can get them deep fried at the fair. I couldn't bring myself to try it.

04-15-2011, 06:27 PM
MMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmm......Sideline Hostessss.........


And now you can get them deep fried at the fair. I couldn't bring myself to try it.

Deep fried sideline hostesses??

get louder at lambeau
04-15-2011, 06:37 PM
Deep fried sideline hostesses??

I'll take a breast.

04-15-2011, 06:52 PM
Deep fried sideline hostesses??

Deep fried twinkies you perverts! I think you can get them chocolate covered too. Or maybe that was just the deep fried oreos...

04-15-2011, 06:59 PM
Ok. You can use your second paragraph to answer the question in the first. She didn't think she was being harassed and didn't file suit. She didn't get the attorney until the NFL asked to speak with her.

From what I've read, it got into the media because the reporter who broke is (or maybe was) a friend that saw the images.

I don't know about her, but I often save messages that people send me if they're extraordinary. I don't necessarily save the ones I send, but if you listen to the voicemail, you get a pretty good understanding of what her message to him was.

As to her career path, the teams and owners are fighting over a 9 Billion dollar pot and what to do with it when it gets bigger. The Cowboys hire chicks to hang out on the mezzanine and dance. I'm sure that sideline hostesses still exist and sideline reporters most certainly do. The staff are furloughed because there's a lockout, not because the league is suffering to pay its bills. Have you watched local newcasts these days? Mediocre is being generous. There is plenty of employed mediocrity in the world. I don't think she views herself as the second coming of Liz. I think you're projecting that onto her. Like a lot of other folks are doing. And that's the whole point. She didn't start this. She didn't release the photos. She didn't comment on them. She didn't sue (that was the masseuses). Her only point was that she wants to be doing what she has been doing and she can't because of this whole mess. What expectations has she expressed that are out of line with what she's been doing?

It's obvious that you believe her. It's also obvious that I don't. We won't change each others mind, so why bother?

I don't believe paragraph two answers one. You can hire an attorney to defend you without threatening or hinting about lawsuits...

04-15-2011, 07:05 PM
It's obvious that you believe her. It's also obvious that I don't. We won't change each others mind, so why bother?

I don't believe paragraph two answers one. You can hire an attorney to defend you without threatening or hinting about lawsuits...

When did Sterger threaten a lawsuit?

04-15-2011, 07:14 PM
i'm with zig and tar. to me everything that she's done is/was on the up and up...unlike what's his name.

04-15-2011, 08:25 PM
I often save messages that people send me if they're extraordinary.

Even if they're really short?

easy cheesy
04-15-2011, 08:34 PM
I was hoping this could morph into Brett "the living legend" Michaels thread... I mean, there ARE other LEGENDS named "Brett" dontcha know.... but then again, I'm the resident "outsider ", the "short bus" rider... the local nuisance... ***donning bandana, lip gloss, greasy hair extensions and spraying body with RAID*** ***ewwwww***

04-15-2011, 08:43 PM
Even if they're really short?

Nice one. :lol:

04-15-2011, 09:31 PM
Deep fried twinkies you perverts! I think you can get them chocolate covered too. Or maybe that was just the deep fried oreos...

Its been a long time since I was called a pervert! It makes me feel young again! :grin:

04-15-2011, 10:01 PM
When did Sterger threaten a lawsuit?

November 2nd, 2010


Sterger has not decided whether she will file a lawsuit against Favre, the Jets or the NFL, but she is "considering all her options," Reese said.

"She could file a lawsuit - that's one option. Another option is that she does nothing," Reese said.

Who is "Reese"? - Sterger's spokesman.

[url]http://articles.nydailynews.com/2010-11-02/sports/27079880_1_gang-green-jenn-sterger-brett-favre (http://articles.nydailynews.com/2010-11-02/sports/27079880_1_gang-green-jenn-sterger-brett-favre)

Next question?

04-15-2011, 10:11 PM
Can I hire her ??????

04-15-2011, 10:36 PM
Can I hire her ??????

Only in Nevada

04-16-2011, 02:07 AM
Can I hire her ??????

Why would you want to? Her "assets" have been reduced, from what I learned here.

04-16-2011, 02:17 AM
It's obvious that you believe her. It's also obvious that I don't. We won't change each others mind, so why bother?

Come on RG. We're all entitled to our opinions. We are all privvy to the same "facts" as divulged by media sources and we interpret those "facts" to form our opinions based on our experiences in life. We "bother", because that's what this forum is here for; to express our opinions and debate them. You've done a good job of presenting your case and why you interpret the scenario the way you do. I think Zig has, also. That's why we're here, isn't it?

04-16-2011, 07:08 AM
November 2nd, 2010


Who is "Reese"? - Sterger's spokesman.

[url]http://articles.nydailynews.com/2010-11-02/sports/27079880_1_gang-green-jenn-sterger-brett-favre (http://articles.nydailynews.com/2010-11-02/sports/27079880_1_gang-green-jenn-sterger-brett-favre)

Next question?

How is a spokesman saying she hasn't decided and is weighing her options a threat? Might she have been asked if she'll sue? He said she could. Or she could not. That's not a threat. It's the perfect answer from a spokesperson. And if I were in the middle of a mess like this one, I'd damn sure want someone else doing the commenting. Next question: did she sue?

04-16-2011, 08:02 AM
How is a spokesman saying she hasn't decided and is weighing her options a threat? Might she have been asked if she'll sue? He said she could. Or she could not. That's not a threat. It's the perfect answer from a spokesperson. And if I were in the middle of a mess like this one, I'd damn sure want someone else doing the commenting. Next question: did she sue?

Agreed. A threat is more like; "Jets, Mr. Favre; I want half-a-million or I'll sue."

04-16-2011, 09:51 AM
How is a spokesman saying she hasn't decided and is weighing her options a threat? Might she have been asked if she'll sue? He said she could. Or she could not. That's not a threat. It's the perfect answer from a spokesperson. And if I were in the middle of a mess like this one, I'd damn sure want someone else doing the commenting. Next question: did she sue?

Agreed. A threat is more like; "Jets, Mr. Favre; I want half-a-million or I'll sue."

really? We're arguing over my choice of a VERB? C'mon. Your point was "when did she say she'd sue?" in response to my point that you could hire an attorney to defend you without saying you'd sue.


04-16-2011, 09:54 AM
really? We're arguing over my choice of a VERB? C'mon. Your point was "when did she say she'd sue?" in response to my point that you could hire an attorney to defend you without saying you'd sue.



04-16-2011, 09:55 AM
Come on RG. We're all entitled to our opinions. We are all privvy to the same "facts" as divulged by media sources and we interpret those "facts" to form our opinions based on our experiences in life. We "bother", because that's what this forum is here for; to express our opinions and debate them. You've done a good job of presenting your case and why you interpret the scenario the way you do. I think Zig has, also. That's why we're here, isn't it?

I think that my tone didn't come off as intended. You're right, I've pretty much stated my case, it is what I believe, and so have you and ziggy. I think we're done debating, as proof, I offer the last 3 posts, where instead of saying "hell, you're right, she did say she could sue", we dissect the meaning of "threat".

That's when you know the discussion is over... No malice was intended, in either post.

04-16-2011, 11:18 AM
I think that my tone didn't come off as intended. You're right, I've pretty much stated my case, it is what I believe, and so have you and ziggy. I think we're done debating, as proof, I offer the last 3 posts, where instead of saying "hell, you're right, she did say she could sue", we dissect the meaning of "threat".

That's when you know the discussion is over... No malice was intended, in either post.

I'm just trying to work from your original point that this is her fault and she doesn't deserve to have a job (unless she's willing to settle for Mickey D's or something) to your suggestion that she intended to or tried to make herself into a victim and sue. I just don't see it. The article was about her wanting to know how Favre got her phone number which I think is a very valid question. My assumption is that if the press hadn't gotten hold of this story, nothing would ever have come of it. No investigation, fine, lawyers, spokespeople or any of it. Deadspin cost Favre $50K (not at all suggesting that he wasn't the root cause) and probably made it much more difficult for Ms. Sterger to find employment than it might have been. Still Favre's fault for having a teenie weenie that he just had to photograph.

04-16-2011, 11:25 AM
Well, if it's any consolation, I feel it was said in a threatening manner, too. But it was a spokesman, who maybe wanted to overstate his own importance during his 15 seconds of fame. None of us really know what Sterger was really thinking.

Once the story broke, she may have felt compelled to react a certain way. Or not. I still think she's the victim.

get louder at lambeau
04-16-2011, 11:34 AM
I think Jenn's career was already on the down slope before any of us ever heard of her, wasn't it? She was a flavor of the month college girl with fake boobs who got hired as eye candy. Now she's a little older, had the implants removed, and is known as the face of a scandal, even if she was on the innocent side of it. I'm not sure she'd have a career in sports broadcasting either way right now, scandal or not, but the scandal just makes it even harder to hire her for a role where she is supposed to be the interviewer and not the story.

04-16-2011, 11:58 AM
Why would you want to? Her "assets" have been reduced, from what I learned here.

I don't think that stock is overvalued and I'd be glad to own it as is for a while :)

Cheesehead Craig
04-16-2011, 12:00 PM
Given she's been released from every sports gig she's had (which have been several) after a very short term should speak volumnes about her ability. I don't believe she has any in the field that she's chosen. I agree with RG, she needs to temper her expectations of what she is able to get. I don't think he meant McDonalds at all, but I don't think she has a future at all in front of the camera for sports. Maybe she can use her college education of her degrees in psychology and criminology to use and get a job using that.

Her 15 minutes is done.

04-18-2011, 09:04 AM
I'm just trying to work from your original point that this is her fault and she doesn't deserve to have a job (unless she's willing to settle for Mickey D's or something) to your suggestion that she intended to or tried to make herself into a victim and sue. I just don't see it. The article was about her wanting to know how Favre got her phone number which I think is a very valid question. My assumption is that if the press hadn't gotten hold of this story, nothing would ever have come of it. No investigation, fine, lawyers, spokespeople or any of it. Deadspin cost Favre $50K (not at all suggesting that he wasn't the root cause) and probably made it much more difficult for Ms. Sterger to find employment than it might have been. Still Favre's fault for having a teenie weenie that he just had to photograph.

My original point that "it is her fault?" What? If you're referring to Favre, I don't believe that at all. Probably the only thing anyone could get her for is that she didn't shoot it down right away and allowed it to continue (and that's a stretch at best).

What is her fault is where her career is today. She's blundered a bunch of decisions along the way. But really, those things are really only supplementary to her ability to hold a job. She doesn't have a good track record.

I understand she has a degree and my opinion is she should pursue a career in those areas. My complaint with her is that she wants to be "famous". She tried desperately to hold on to that career, and as a result made stupid, seemingly desperate decisions to try to stay there. You could argue that she is paying a price for that, but shouldn't she be responsible for her decisions? I fail to see how that's unfair.

If she is trained in restaurant management, Micky D's might be a great career path, but I think she has some type of political science degree, and therefore might not manage a McDonalds any better than she can interview football players. I don't happen to think that McDonalds is a bad place to work. I started off my working career as a busboy and then shortly moved to a Dairy Queen. I managed one while in college.

My point is - she isn't a famous celebrity with a 7 figure income, though she has a "known name". Because she has a "known name" she thinks (or is trying to convince all of us), that career paths that should be open to her are now closed because of this scandal. I do not believe that those career paths are open to her, and if they ever were, are now closed, primarily because of her work performance, not this scandal.

04-30-2011, 10:57 PM
"After I got the Jets job in January, I had a conversation with Favre and told him I’d be happy to have him come back," Ryan says. "Part of me really wanted to coach Favre and I think we would have been great with him, even for the $15 million he was supposed to cost us if we kept him; but he said he was retiring, and I could just feel that he didn’t want to play here again. It was obvious he wanted to play for Minnesota so that he could try to get his revenge on Green Bay. . . . Favre wanted to stick it to Green Bay. I get it."

Rex Ryan from his book. No surprise, but at least he's candid. Many others prevaricate.

04-30-2011, 11:08 PM
Also from Ryan:

Ryan says if the Jets had not drafted Mark Sanchez, "I would have flown down to Mississippi just like Brad Childress did, and I would have brought Favre back to New York no matter what it took, but that wasn’t really our first choice. We didn’t want to wait for Favre and have our team held hostage by his off-season routine."

07-29-2011, 09:50 PM
Is he back yet?

07-29-2011, 10:09 PM
If we were at Camp Randall you might have some PR posters standing, and pointing at you with the asshole chant... :)

Freak Out
07-30-2011, 12:52 AM
Say it ain't so Joe! :)

Deputy Nutz
07-30-2011, 02:35 AM
Favre will be back by Thanksgiving. Now that the streak is broke, he can wait for an injury to happen and then slide right in and take over for a contending team.
He can still sling it!

Scott Campbell
07-30-2011, 01:08 PM
It's good to see he's still the butt of national ridicule.


07-30-2011, 02:19 PM
Can't believe this got bumped.. :lol:

08-04-2011, 02:24 PM
I feel bad for bumping this, but it's only on page two.

The Favre Watch is on in Miami (http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/08/04/the-favre-watch-is-on-in-miami/)


08-04-2011, 06:12 PM
Well, I just read an AP article about the Dolphins, in which Sparano was asked about bringing Favre in. Sparano gave a vague answer, basically saying the Fins would look everywhere and anywhere for help (they're looking at Tiki Barber and Jason Taylor). This is beginning to create a buzz nationally, of course. Nothing in the article said anything about Favre saying anything. He's been unusually quiet this training camp season. Maybe he really is retired. But then again, those Miami chicks...

08-04-2011, 06:31 PM
I don't know. If I'm Favre and I actually want to be retired this time, I immediately put out a statement that says so.

08-04-2011, 06:34 PM
I don't know. If I'm Favre and I actually want to be retired this time, I immediately put out a statement that says so.

We already got the Bus Cook "Brett Favre is retired" statement that is the first step towards a Favre-comeback. This could get messy.

08-04-2011, 06:36 PM
Perhaps, but he does not have an obligation to respond to every rumor or bit of speculation someone starts about him. Even if he did want to play, I don't see the Dolphins being a very attractive situation for him.

08-04-2011, 07:14 PM
If he completely quashes the the first one, there won't be others to respond to. Maybe he doesn't want to play, but still likes the attention.

08-04-2011, 07:30 PM
Favre IMO would try to come back if a very good team loses their starting QB sometime during the season. He's probably be texting a team like the Patriots or Steelers before that game was over

Scott Campbell
08-04-2011, 08:18 PM
Favre IMO would try to come back if a very good team loses their starting QB sometime during the season. He's probably be texting a team like the Patriots or Steelers before that game was over

Did Deana give him his cellphone back?

08-04-2011, 08:22 PM
If he is not signed by the bye week I say give him a one day contract and hold a celebation during the bye. The only question is do the players get half the revenue generated?

08-04-2011, 08:29 PM
Perhaps, but he does not have an obligation to respond to every rumor or bit of speculation someone starts about him. Even if he did want to play, I don't see the Dolphins being a very attractive situation for him.

Clearly, Joe, you have not seen the South Beach babes.

08-05-2011, 08:56 PM
If he completely quashes the the first one, there won't be others to respond to. Maybe he doesn't want to play, but still likes the attention.


“I haven’t heard anything, and I don’t have any interest,” Favre told Darlington. “No.”

In fact, Favre seemed incredulous a reporter would even make the journey.

“You’re from Miami?” Favre asked when introduced to Darlington. “Don’t you have anything better to do?”

08-05-2011, 10:50 PM
Did Deana give him his cellphone back?


Deputy Nutz
08-05-2011, 11:47 PM

“I haven’t heard anything, and I don’t have any interest,” Favre told Darlington. “No.”

In fact, Favre seemed incredulous a reporter would even make the journey.

“You’re from Miami?” Favre asked when introduced to Darlington. “Don’t you have anything better to do?”

Miami has poop. Reggie Bush and Marshall? he ain't coming back for that. At least not until week 8.

08-06-2011, 07:32 AM
Maybe he doesn't want to play, but still likes the attention.Another ten years and L'il Lorenzo may feel the same way.

08-19-2011, 11:03 PM
I suppose it had to come to this. Favre has an impersonator. http://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/article/20110819/GPG0101/110819081/Man-posing-former-Packers-quarterback-Brett-Favre-making-rounds-Green-Bay?odyssey=mod|mostview


08-19-2011, 11:26 PM
I suppose it had to come to this. Favre has an impersonator. http://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/article/20110819/GPG0101/110819081/Man-posing-former-Packers-quarterback-Brett-Favre-making-rounds-Green-Bay?odyssey=mod|mostview


I knew it wasn't him. He wasn't texting anyone.

08-19-2011, 11:58 PM
I knew it wasn't him. He wasn't texting anyone.

Favre doesn't text when he's wearing pants, so that doesn't break the illusion.

08-20-2011, 09:00 AM
Favre IMO would try to come back if a very good team loses their starting QB sometime during the season. He's probably be texting a team like the Patriots or Steelers before that game was over

I don't think getting out your cell phone and sending Bill Belichik or Mike Tomlin a picture of your penis is going to get you a job quarterbacking.

08-20-2011, 02:38 PM
I suppose it had to come to this. Favre has an impersonator. http://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/article/20110819/GPG0101/110819081/Man-posing-former-Packers-quarterback-Brett-Favre-making-rounds-Green-Bay?odyssey=mod|mostview


"I know that I can still play."

08-20-2011, 04:31 PM
I suppose it had to come to this. Favre has an impersonator. http://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/article/20110819/GPG0101/110819081/Man-posing-former-Packers-quarterback-Brett-Favre-making-rounds-Green-Bay?odyssey=mod|mostview


clearly an imposter. he's in the wrong colors.

08-22-2011, 05:12 AM
Colts | Jim Irsay interested in Brett Favre?
Sun, 21 Aug 2011 22:08:50 -0700

Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay posted on his official Twitter account that he was in the hometown of retired QB Brett Favre (Vikings) Sunday, Aug. 21. The agent for Favre said he has not heard of any interest from the Colts. Irsay's tweet said, "Brad, I'm in Hattiesburg ... is it right or left at the Firechief?"

08-22-2011, 08:40 AM
Colts | Jim Irsay interested in Brett Favre?
Sun, 21 Aug 2011 22:08:50 -0700

Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay posted on his official Twitter account that he was in the hometown of retired QB Brett Favre (Vikings) Sunday, Aug. 21. The agent for Favre said he has not heard of any interest from the Colts. Irsay's tweet said, "Brad, I'm in Hattiesburg ... is it right or left at the Firechief?"

Irsay was clearly just joking, but he should have known there would be media attention with a tweet like this.